Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

zaterdag 1 maart 2014

Loneliness on the spiritual Path.

"It is one of the features of the fourth Initiation that the man shall be left entirely alone. First he has to stand alone on the physical plane ; all his friends turn against him through misunderstanding ; it all becomes right afterwards but for the time the man is left with the feeling that all the world is against him.
Perhaps that is not so great a trial, but there is another inner side to it ; for he has also to experience for a moment the condition called Avichi, which means "the waveless", that which is without vibration. The state of Avichi is not, as has been popularly supposed, some kind of hell, but it is a condition in which the man stands absolutely alone in space, and feels cut off from all life, even from that of the Logos, and is without doubt the ghastly experience that is possible for any human being to have. It is said to last only for a moment, but to those who have felt its supreme horror it seemed an eternity, for at that level time and space do not exist. [...]"
 - The Masters and the Path , Charles W. Leadbeater

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