Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

zaterdag 4 januari 2025

Wisdom of today.

The temptation of evil speech, lashon hara, is very strong in most people. Even if we are speaking of others with good reason, it often turns to defamatory gossip. If it isn't changed it leads to leprosy (and/or skin disease). (Parafrase from Dr Gabriel Cousens)
Once the people settled in the Promised Land, such individuals were sometimes blessed with the plague of tzo'ra'at first appearing on the walls of their homes! This was a blessing in that it was a compassionate wake-up call from God. Then, if they did not change their ways, it would extend to their clothes. And finally, if there was still no shift in behavior, it would go on to their bodies. If they paid attention, however, the correct action was simply to disassemble their house, and then they would often discover a treasure where the people, who had abandoned the house before them, may have hidden a fortune.

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