Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

maandag 23 september 2024

Wisdom by Swami Rama. #compassion #spiritual practice #prayers

Do people commit crimes because they are sick, or do we compel them to commit crimes? Both these aspects should be carefully examined. Spiritual practices introduced to those who have committed crimes can help them to become aware of the existence and rights of others. If crime is seen as a disease, then we should also try to find a way to cure it. Thinking how free we are, my heart often goes out to those people who are in prison in all the countries of the world. What a tragedy it is! In my opinion a favorable atmosphere for self-improvement and reformation can be created to help these fellow men.

Swami Rama, Living with the Himalayan Masters


Sri Aurobindo saw crime also as a disease. So did Alice Bailey. Bailey refered to the traumatic childhood of many criminals and psychopaths. I don't agree with the Lucis "Lucis" Trust organisation behind the U.N. but Bailey is said to also have been a messenger of the Great White Lodge. Bailey adviced to bring criminals to a wise doctors for guidance. It's difficult. May G-d (not Satan) bring solutions and guide His Angels, guides and children. Anyway. As the eternal student of life, I am blessed to be able to serve. I will continue to do this, without selfishness.

Time for some rest. I am working on some music with Charles John Jarvis.


K. Gabriel

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