Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

maandag 23 september 2024

Teaching of Swami Rama.

Buddha said: "For a wise man, there is nothing to be called bad. Any adversity of life provides a step for his growth, provided he knows how to utilize it."

Swami Rama teaches about the importance of humility. Gabriel Gonsalves has wonderful humility meditations free online on You Tube. A Swami in training must survive ego-inflation and always remain humble. Beginning spiritual teachers are sometimes put on a high seat and get many followers what inflates the ego. Wisdom and growth is in humility. The same advice is there for leaders (politicians) and artists who become succesful.

Forgive mistakes of others often. People should also not be put in jails for a long time for a crime. A just and fair justice system realizes this, according to the Tao Te Ching.

I smoked symbollically to give so-called heretics a fair share not to be persecuted. Heretics in science and spirituality are often ahead of their time, according to the teachings of the Pleiadians by Barbara Marciniak. This is a wise lesson for the Catholic Church and the demonic Inquisition.

Dr Cousens agrees that 2 to 4 glasses of wine per week is good for health. Resveratrol is very good for health. I stopped smoking again and returned to prayer, meditation and chanting. Much better. My message was clear : stop the demonic Inquisition, another Holocaust. If things don't change, both the Catholic Church and psychiatry will be removed from the Earth plane, because of its abuses. They have a choice: change, or be removed. Thanks Dr. Cousens.

In the (small) Golden Age (within Kali Yuga), psychiatry will no longer be a tool from the power elite (for control). We look forward to that Light at the end of the tunnel. I will go to court then for financial compensation. We hope that Big Pharma in its current form will also be removed from the Earth plane by the Great White Lodge and the Spiritual Hierarchy. There is hope. Next year is the start of big changes, according to the Essenes. The financial compensation might make me a millionaire, but I guess I'll give the money away to other MK-Ultra / Satanic Ritual Abuse victims. Thank you David Icke and Cathy O'Brien for speaking out. They messed with the wrong guy.

The newest book by David Icke is inspiring. The links between the Wizard of Oz and MK-Ultra mind control ... Question Everything. Karma is said to be an invention by The Illuminati. All questions asked by David, critical thinkers, the cabal doesn't like them because they can't be controlled the way they want to. The more I see planet Earth, the less I want to return as a volunteer, only within a few hundred thousands of years with team Kalki. I ordered the Kalki Purana. I am not from this world. I came as a bodhisattvic voluteer I guess. But people abuse good people. I'm am leaving my naïvity behind. Being good makes people taking advantage of you, so trust your gut feeling and intuition. Keep your heart and eyes open. Blavatsky wrote that this material earth plane is the hell of hells, but that there is absolute justice in the cosmos. To be continued.

People within the police, law enforcement, the justice system, psychology etcetera who are awake should help to expose MK-Ultra everywhere and stop the perpetrators. With COVID, everyone became a victim of mass mind control mass formation psychosis, all by design.

Hoe psychiatrie en MK-Ultra (bijna) synoniemen werden Auteur: Kristof van Hooymissen

More info : Living with the Himalayan Masters

The Manufacture of Madness; A Comparative Study of the Inquisition and the Mental Health Movement Paperback by Thomas S. Szasz

Bringers of the Dawn Teachings from the Pleiadians By (Author) Barbara Marciniak

Contrary to David Icke and Gabriel Cousens, karma still happens.

Gabriel Cousens writes :

"No matter if one is liberated or not, karma still happens. The liberated one is just less susceptible to being affected by negative karmic effects.

From the book Into the no
ting, A spiritual autobiography

You are warned.
An Illuminati Card exposed the plan

Instead of drugging people who expose this with psychiatric drugs
Jail these cabal perpetrators and expose them.
The fall of the cabal is coming.
Don't worry about the dark side
They have a date with God's Army and it's not going too well with them.

My Street Soul album here was stolen.
Gaslighting happens here for years,
It's not insanity (they would love that I would blame it on myself) it is Satanic Abuse done by psychopaths.
The Madonna disc is back
As well as the book about the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Wake up people.
May the perpetrators be exposed.
The entire network of abuse.
Mainstream media,
You are also guilty by allowing this to happen and spreading fake news and lies and hiding the real truth from the public
The gaslighters will face justice soon.
Game over is coming.
2025 is coming.
We don't forgive
We don't forget
Expect us, says Anonymous

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