Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

maandag 9 september 2024

Moon & Sun in Sagittarius.

Sun in Sagittarius

Native will be lucky, good natured will have good family life and will always help others. The Sun in the 9th House indicates that in the course of the current lifetime consciousness is to be expanded by the experience of seeking to understand the connection between God and man. In the quest the biggest clues will come from mankind's spiritual, religious and legal traditions. A 9th House Sun is common in the charts of clergymen and lawyers. It confers a mind which is at home with broad principles, with synthesis rather than analysis, and which prefers direct experience to scholarship.

Moon in Sagittarius

People with the Moon in House 9th may be born to parents who consciously live in accordance with to spiritual values, or have connections with another country or religious tradition, which has a different (and usually stronger) set of spiritual values from that of the culture in which the child is being raised. The native will be highly religious, liberal and will have devotion to elders and preceptors. Such people long for distant places and the generally unobtainable.

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