Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

vrijdag 20 september 2024

Learning lessons : ending karma.

One who is a terrible backbiter and faultfinder, critizing even brahmanas and the demigods, fall into the hell where he is pricked by needles. Then he is reborn as a scorpion or snake even for seven lives, and insect for seven lives and ultimately as a human being that suffers from terrible diseases. Our diseases are a result of karma. Therefore it's wise to chant Gayatri Mantra and Maha Mantra. People who gossip get skin disease and even lepra, and if they don't realize this they might even be asked to leave the community, otherwise the community cannot survive, according to the teachings of the Thora by Rabbi Gabriel Cousens.

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