According to the law of necessity, first of all human society must try to produce food grains and vegetables, but if they fail in this, they can indulge in flesh-eating. Otherwise not. As human society is presently structured, there is sufficient production of grains all over the world. Therefore the opening of slaughterhouses cannot be supported. In some nations there is so much surplus grain that sometimes extra grain is thrown into the sea, and sometimes the government forbids further production of grain. The conclusion is that the earth produces sufficient grain to feed the entire population, but the distribution of this grain is restricted due to trade regulations and a desire for profit. Consequently in some places there is scarcity of grain and in others profuse production. If there were one government on the surface of the earth to handle the distribution of grain, there would be no question of scarcity, no necessity to open slaughterhouses, and no need to present false theories about overpopulation.
shamanic artist - pleiadian gabrielian - michaelian - having faith in G-d above all else - sovereign - ethical - refuse RFID chipping / Uniting 144000, peaceful bodhisattva-buddha (nirmanakaya) mahatma- defender of freedom - following my highest calling (Shamballah), ASHTAR “We all shape the world together, be wise and virtuous in your life loyal immortal legions visionary mystic Gabriel Sadhu tintegral & bhakti, raja, siddha, maha yogi 6th dimension Christos / Archangels
Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
woensdag 31 januari 2024
Chanting for liberation.
This age (Kali-yuga) is the age of bluffing and quarrel. Actually there is no possibility of attaining yoga perfection by such paltry proposals. The Vedic literature, for emphasis, clearly states three times that in this Age of Kali — kalau nāsty eva nāsty eva nāsty eva — there is no other alternative, no other alternative, no other alternative than harer nāma, chanting the holy name of the Lord.
Source :
Slovakia: Prime Minister launches investigation into the “whole covid circus” and chooses an “anti-vaxxer” to lead it.
BREAKING NEWS Reiner Fuellmich Trial Scheduled to Begin Today, January 31, 2024.
How To Create Peace In This World - Dialogs With Dr. Cousens & Dr. Sacks 1/29/24.
Guru (Jupiter) Beej Mantra - 108 repetitions.
Belgische Joden in de knel. (Dutch)
Jonath Weinberger is vrijwilligster in een groep onder leiding van Michel Kotek die een balans wil brengen tussen de berichtgeving over het Palestijns-Israëlisch conflict enerzijds en bestrijding van het antisemitisme anderzijds. De groep bestaat uit zowel Joden als niet-Joden.
Volledig artikel :
Golden Light Sutra Chapters 1 to 7 English Spoken Audio Recording. (From the Teachings of Tsong Kha Pa).
An audio recording in English of one of my favorite Sutras. Read for the benefit of all beings.
King of Glorious Sutras, the Sublime Golden Light The Golden Light Sutra or Suvarṇaprabhāsa Sūtra is the King of the Sutras. It is extremely powerful and fulfills all one’s wishes, as well as bringing peace and happiness for all sentient beings, up to I enlightenment. It is also extremely powerful for world peace, for your own protection, and for the protection of the country and the world. The benefits of reading, hearing or reciting the Sutra of Golden Light are countless. "Those who hear this sutra, Those who cause others to hear it, Those who rejoice upon hearing it And make offerings to it, For tens of millions of eons Shall be venerated by gods and nagas, Humans and kinnaras, Asuras and yakshas."Wisdom of today.
In the Vedic scriptures it is recommended to chant the names of G-d. It doesn't matter what religion you follow: Islamic, Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist. Dr Gabriel Cousens agrees that we can chant down Babylon. I often stay awake at night for prayer and chanting and learn from all traditions. I am also reading parts of the Bible at the moment.
These are difficult times for many and I pray for everyone to keep the faith. May the innocent, the elderly, women and children, be protected. May our leaders be spiritually guided, as Sri Vasudeva wisely said as well.
Kristo(f) Gabriel
dinsdag 30 januari 2024
Inspiring words from the Noble Quran.
"Whoever is an enemy of Allah, His angels, His messengers, Gabriel, and Michael, then ˹let them know that˺ Allah is certainly the enemy of the disbelievers."
Sura Al-Baqarah 2:98
Michael Jackson - Give Thanks To Allah + Lyrics.
Wisdom of today - thanks to Maria Zeee for the inspiration.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.
And still they think he’s a ‘god’: Elon Musk reveals first human has had a BRAIN implant from Neuralink’s new ‘Telepathy’ product – allowing people to use technology ‘just by thinking’. They say it’s to help the severely injured, but they are just the excuse to make it happen.
maandag 29 januari 2024
Wisdom of today.
"Learning to be alone and slightly separate from one's social world is important for spiritual life.
A key understanding is "touch, but don't blend".
Initiate Your Initiation w/ Michael B. Beckwith.
Stop the war on humanity.
My dear friend Michael K. told me that Palestinians are Arab Jews.
May people realise that this must stop.
Please people wake up.
The Way Of Meditation with Michael B. Beckwith 1.21.24.
Wisdom of today.
According to Vedic teachings : nuclear weapons are demonic weapons.
I pray that spiritual wisdom guides our leaders in order to prevent a disaster.
I donated symbolically to this campaign to abolish nuclear weapons.
Mike (Michael) Adams (Natural News) : Take Our Border Back Convoy Begins, Evergrande ordered LIQUIDATED, as expanding Middle East WAR threatens world peace.
The "Take Our Border Back" convoy begins on Monday, January 29, starting from both the East and West Coasts of the United States. The two convoys are set to meet in Eagle Pass, Texas, this coming Saturday, February 3. This event aims to draw attention to the crisis at the US-Mexico border and support Texas's efforts to protect its southern border against the ongoing invasion by drug cartels, human traffickers, and other criminals.
Read article here :
Authority is the ‘moral high ground’? Wife of killer Kenneth Eugene Smith ‘cried out’ during his historic 22-minute-long nitrogen execution – which witness described as ‘horrific’ as he thrashed and ‘convulsed’ on gurney Since I was a small kid, when capital punishment was still legal in the UK, I have felt it was sick and ridiculous to say killing is wrong and so we are killing you for killing. It’s mentally deranged. But doing it this way means that those who sanctioned it should be certified.
May we continue our fight to END death penalty.
Don't give up.
Thank you David.
Kristo(f) Gabriel
WEF: Farming Industry Must Be Destroyed for ‘Net Zero’.
Please respect our farmers.
Without them there is no food on the table.
Kristo(f) Gabriel
A heartfelt prayer for our world | Sri Vasudeva.
A call to prayer for victims of war | Sri Vasudeva.
Daily Torah study.
There are so many false prophets out there using that term. These are people who really are not prepared to teach. People get a little hit of meditation or learn how to do an ayahuasca ceremony over a few years, and then, somehow, they are out there teaching and running ceremonies. It is a long process before one is ready to teach and take on that responsability. Part of that process is burning up the ego. An aspect of this may include being initiated by a spiritual teacher, who was initiated by his or her spiritual teacher. There is often a lineage involved in a legitimate spiritual path and that is one of the ways we are protected from charlatans.
Midah k'neged means "measure for measure," or "as you sow, so shall you reap." It's not about vengeance, as it has been often interpreted by those unfamiliar with the Torah. It is about the natural laws of Elohim, which have been a natural result that returns to the perpetrator. We call this return "judgment."
We have different metaphors of it (e.g. an eye for an eye). But again, it is not about vengeance; this is how it has been misunderstood by people who are more interested in vengeance and anger and wrath than in truth. Judgment is God's problem; it is not our job at a certain level. Yet, we have judges, and when judgment is done in a highly refined way, which is not really happening in our society. However, God will take care of a person's actions. When people have done something evil, it will come back at them as a part of natural cosmic Elohim law. It may happen ten or twenty years later, giving people time to change their ways. And if they do not change, the judgment manifests at the right time.
The issue of false witnesses is something common in our society, and shows up often in the guise of gossip. When an issue comes up, try to go the source. This is a general feedback system - two or three witnesses is a good number. I take a position that if three people tell you that something is out of balance in your life, you are wise to heed this warning. So, a very nice message on the spiritual path is that if three people give you feedback that something is out of balance, or if your spiritual teacher gives you feedback, and you want to check with other people, doing it in an appropriate way, those witnesses who come from the community can help you understand wether you are on track or not. This is a very important principle for spiritual evolution. Often we make collective decisions, though not all the time, and it is based on those kinds of issues and those kinds of principles.
Source :
(Dr Cousens also wrote that all the people in the Sanhedrin knew everything about the occult, so that they could protect themselves against black magic. I personally never opposed divine or white magic, I only am against sorcery or the 'black arts'. It is self-destructive and destroyed ancient Atlantis).
Wisdom of today.
"Israel needs to hold the light also in relationship with the Palestinians, to the Arab world, and to the whole world. This is a time of severe testing for Israel."
Source, Torah as a Guide to Enlightenment, Dr Gabriel Cousens.
Donate here for help for Palestinians :
Gabriel Gonsalves : Forgiveness.
Kristo(f) Gabriel
zondag 28 januari 2024
Bedankt VRT om Peter Renkens (Confetti's) te herdenken. Ik draai zijn muziek nog wekelijks. (Dutch)
zaterdag 27 januari 2024
Recommended book for study by Gopi Krishna.
All great prophets, founders of great religions, true mystics, sages, and seers had this divine organ active from birth, or activated it with appropriate disciplines and a righteous life.
In schizophrenics and the manic-depressive we see a disturbed activity of the Serpent Power (Kundalini).
Source : The Awakening of the Kundalini by Gopi Krishna
vrijdag 26 januari 2024
Fight The Wars Of Politicians? Just Say No – David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast.
donderdag 25 januari 2024
Ier Michael O'Flaherty verkozen tot nieuwe mensenrechtencommissaris van de Raad van Europa. (Dutch)
Creating Peace by Being Peace The Essene Sevenfold Path, Author: Gabriel Cousens.
Representing a synthesis of the author’s decades of multidisciplinary work in meditation, psychiatry, psychotherapy, and spirituality, Creating Peace by Being Peace guides readers in creating peace on seven levels of engagement, from the body to the ecology to God. Author Gabriel Cousens addresses the increasingly urgent need to transform humankind with the ancient peace wisdom of the Essenes, a Judaic mystical group that flourished two millennia ago. He begins by explaining the Essenes and the lessons they can teach us as creators of peace. Individual chapters cover a wide range of possibility, from the personal (“Peace with the Mind”) to the political (“Peace with the Community”). The final chapter, "Integrating Peace on Every Level," presents a comprehensive plan for peace with the body, mind, family, community, culture, ecology, and God as a pervasive experience in life—moment to moment, day by day. Cousens blends documentary evidence with original interpretation to show that the Essenes actually did live this experience of peace. Most importantly, he transfers their gift to modern seekers as a breathing blueprint for realizing this reality as we walk in our lives; work according to our gifts, joys, and sacred design; and live the path of spiritual awakening—the sevenfold peace.
Source :
woensdag 24 januari 2024
The duty for Am Yisrael according to the Torah-teachings. #HugeResponsability
"We must realize that although we are talking about the kohan'im, we are also talking about Am Yisrael being a nation of priests, readied by the "offical" priesthood toward a state of holiness that must be developed in the process of becoming one with God and a light unto the nations."
Source : Dr Gabriel Cousens, Torah as a guide to Enlightenment.
Wisdom of today.
And you will be my kingdom of priests, my holy nation.’ This is the message you must give to the people of Israel.”
Please realize this, don't be a secular nation of warmongerers.
Source :
Stew Interviews Jewish Brother Nathanael Kapner On Jews, Zionism, & Who Really Controls Global Power.
Wisdom of today : Bhagavad Gita 2.40
The Power To Create Peace - Dialogs With Dr. Gabriel Cousens & Dr. Sacks 1/22/24.
John Whitehead : Watchlisted: You’re Probably Already on a Government Extremism List.
Who are the 144,000?
These 144,000 Jews are “sealed,” which means they have the special protection of God. They are kept safe from the divine judgments and from the wrath of the Antichrist. They can freely perform their mission during the tribulation. It had been previously prophesied that Israel would repent and turn back to God (Zechariah 12:10; Romans 11:25–27), and the 144,000 Jews seem to be a sort of “first fruits” (Revelation 14:4) of that redeemed Israel.
Chapter 14 "Protection called Refuge of the Yakshas".
dinsdag 23 januari 2024
Pt1: Apocalypse - 2024 Predictions & Solutions with Steve Quayle.
maandag 22 januari 2024
Peace 21 Meditation and Alive & Liberated with Dr. Gabriel Replay Sept 21.
Brutal Reality: Psychopaths Form Majority of Today’s World Leaders.
Be bold, good people, we know we are gifted with the powers necessary to fight for that day when the light finally penetrates the darkness and we who honour and treasure our unique inheritance – burst through, declaring a glorious victory for freedom, truth, love and justice!
Wijsheid van de dag. (Dutch / English)
De Wijze Mens
"Omdat dit leven niet lang duurt - zoals een dauwdruppel op een grasblaadje - houdt de wijze mens zich niet bezig met zonde, die als enige resultaat lijden heeft." - Atisa (982-1054), Tibet
The Wise Man “Because this life does not last long – like a dewdrop on a leaf of grass – the wise man does not concern himself with sin, the only result of which is suffering.” - Atisa (982-1054), Tibet
The House of Books, 1001 Boeddhistische wijsheden, Geselecteerd door de Buddhist Society
Learn from Atlantis.
In Ancient Atlantis the Kings conspired to enslave humanity, thus de Leading Spiritual Hierarchy saw that greed, selfishness and black magic had taken over society. Will We (The Spiritual Hierarchy) and the Leading Kings make the same mistake and be destroyed again, like in those days with Noah and the Flood, or will we chose wisdom and liberation, for all of humanity? Please work for liberation, not enslavement.
zondag 21 januari 2024
Today was the shaktipat initiation of Charles John Alexander Jarvis. #SayNoToDrugs "WhiteLodgeInfo
Today I gave shaktipat with the help of Dr Gabriel Cousens online work to Charles John Alexander Jarvis. My prayer to G-d is that He will receive the guidance necessary to start to walk the path of righteousness without being addicted to alcohol or other drugs. Helena Blavatsky was very severe on this subject. We are meant to be Gelukpas (white magicians) not dugpas (black sorcerers). Shaktipat gives shakti to the receiver and has an intelligence of its own, a kind of inner therapy. I trust the laws of the universe that His path will be made clear and the cleansing of the karma will take effect. Charles wants to make music with me in the future, but I can not do this if He doesn't stop with alcohol and / or other drugs. The brothers of darkness are often lost souls and can be called back to G-d. That's my job I guess, to give them a chance to return home, back to Godhead.
Red hats
Mme. Blavatsky wrote:
Dugpas (Tib.). Lit., “Red Caps,” a sect in Tibet. Before the advent of Tsong-ka-pa in the fourteenth century, the Tibetans, whose Buddhism had deteriorated and been dreadfully adulterated with the tenets of the old Bhon religion,—were all Dugpas. From that century, however, and after the rigid laws imposed upon the Gelukpas (yellow caps) and the general reform and purification of Buddhism (or Lamaism), the Dugpas have given themselves over more than ever to sorcery, immorality, and drunkenness. Since then the word Dugpas has become a synonym of “sorcerer”, “adept of black magic” and everything vile. There are few, if any, Dugpas in Eastern Tibet, but they congregate in Bhutan, Sikkim, and the borderlands generally.[3]
Of the four main sects of Tibetan Buddhism, three (the Nyigmapas, Kagyupas, and Sakyapas), did not follow the reforms proposed by Tsongkhapa’s in his new order, the Gelugpas, who wear yellow hats. The Nyigmapas wear red ceremonial hats. The Sakyapas' headdress is also red, although this sect is not generally referred to by colour. Among the Kagyupas, the Karmapas wear black hats while the Shamarpas wear red. In fact, in Tibet the term "red hat" (zhwa mar) tends to be used specifically for the Shamarpa (zhwa dmar pa) lineage of the somewhat controversial Shamar Rinpoche. Also connected to this term is one of the subschools of the Kagyü tradition and the dominant religious tradition in Bhutan, the Drukpa lineage.
Source :
vrijdag 19 januari 2024
Śrimad Bhagavatam 1.17.24.
अधर्मांशैस्त्रयो भग्ना: स्मयसङ्गमदैस्तव ॥ २४ ॥
iti pādāḥ kṛte kṛtāḥ
adharmāṁśais trayo bhagnāḥ
smaya-saṅga-madais tava
tapaḥ — austerity; śaucam — cleanliness; dayā — mercy; satyam — truthfulness; iti — thus; pādāḥ — legs; kṛte — in the age of Satya; kṛtāḥ — established; adharma — irreligiosity; aṁśaiḥ — by the parts; trayaḥ — three combined; bhagnāḥ — broken; smaya — pride; saṅga — too much association with women; madaiḥ — intoxication; tava — your.
In the age of Satya [truthfulness] your four legs were established by the four principles of austerity, cleanliness, mercy and truthfulness. But it appears that three of your legs are broken due to rampant irreligion in the form of pride, lust for women, and intoxication.
The deluding energy, or material nature, can act upon the living beings proportionately in terms of the living beings’ falling prey to the deluding attraction of māyā. Moths are captivated by the glaring brightness of light, and thus they become prey to the fire. Similarly, the deluding energy is always captivating the conditioned souls to become prey to the fire of delusion, and the Vedic scriptures warn the conditioned souls not to become prey to delusion but to get rid of it. The Vedas warn us to go not to the darkness of ignorance but to the progressive path of light. The Lord Himself also warns that the deluding power of material energy is too powerful to overcome, but one who completely surrenders unto the Lord can easily do so. But to surrender unto the lotus feet of the Lord is also not very easy. Such surrender is possible by persons of austerity, cleanliness, mercy and truthfulness. These four principles of advanced civilization were remarkable features in the age of Satya. In that age, every human being was practically a qualified brāhmaṇa of the highest order, and in the social orders of life they were all paramahaṁsas, or the topmost in the renounced order. By cultural standing, the human beings were not at all subjected to the deluding energy. Such strong men of character were competent enough to get away from the clutches of māyā. But gradually, as the basic principles of brahminical culture, namely austerity, cleanliness, mercy and truthfulness, became curtailed by proportionate development of pride, attachment for women and intoxication, the path of salvation or the path of transcendental bliss retreated far, far away from human society. With the progression of the Age of Kali, people are becoming very proud, and attached to women and intoxication. By the influence of the Age of Kali, even a pauper is proud of his penny, the women are always dressed in an overly attractive fashion to victimize the minds of men, and the man is addicted to drinking wine, smoking, drinking tea and chewing tobacco, etc. All these habits, or so-called advancement of civilization, are the root causes of all irreligiosities, and therefore it is not possible to check corruption, bribery and nepotism. Man cannot check all these evils simply by statutory acts and police vigilance, but he can cure the disease of the mind by the proper medicine, namely advocating the principles of brahminical culture or the principles of austerity, cleanliness, mercy and truthfulness. Modern civilization and economic development are creating a new situation of poverty and scarcity with the result of blackmailing the consumer’s commodities. If the leaders and the rich men of the society spend fifty percent of their accumulated wealth mercifully for the misled mass of people and educate them in God consciousness, the knowledge of Bhāgavatam, certainly the Age of Kali will be defeated in its attempt to entrap the conditioned souls. We must always remember that false pride, or too high an estimation of one’s own values of life, undue attachment to women or association with them, and intoxication will divert human civilization from the path of peace, however much the people clamor for peace in the world. The preaching of the Bhāgavatam principles will automatically render all men austere, clean both inside and outside, merciful to the suffering, and truthful in daily behavior. That is the way of correcting the flaws of human society, which are very prominently exhibited at the present moment.
Protecting Humanity - Dialogs With Dr. Cousens & Dr. Sacks 1/8/24.
Śrimad Bhagavatam 1.16.10.
यदा परीक्षित् कुरुजाङ्गलेऽवसत्
कलिं प्रविष्टं निजचक्रवर्तिते ।
निशम्य वार्तामनतिप्रियां तत:
शरासनं संयुगशौण्डिराददे ॥ १० ॥
yadā parīkṣit kuru-jāṅgale ’vasat
kaliṁ praviṣṭaṁ nija-cakravartite
niśamya vārtām anatipriyāṁ tataḥ
śarāsanaṁ saṁyuga-śauṇḍir ādade
sūtaḥ uvāca — Sūta Gosvāmī said; yadā — when; parīkṣit — Mahārāja Parīkṣit; kuru-jāṅgale — in the capital of Kuru’s empire; avasat — was residing; kalim — the symptoms of the Age of Kali; praviṣṭam — entered; nija-cakravartite — within his jurisdiction; niśamya — thus hearing; vārtām — news; anati-priyām — not very palatable; tataḥ — thereafter; śarāsanam — arrows and bow; saṁyuga — having gotten a chance for; śauṇḍiḥ — martial activities; ādade — took up.
Sūta Gosvāmī said: While Mahārāja Parīkṣit was residing in the capital of the Kuru empire, the symptoms of the Age of Kali began to infiltrate within the jurisdiction of his state. When he learned about this, he did not think the matter very palatable. This did, however, give him a chance to fight. He took up his bow and arrows and prepared himself for military activities.
The state administration of Mahārāja Parīkṣit was so perfect that he was sitting in his capital peacefully. But he got the news that the symptoms of the Age of Kali had already infiltrated into the jurisdiction of his state, and he did not like this news. What are the symptoms of the Age of Kali? They are (1) illicit connection with women, (2) indulgence in meat-eating, (3) intoxication and (4) taking pleasure in gambling. The Age of Kali literally means the age of quarrel, and the above-mentioned four symptoms in human society are the root causes for all kinds of quarrel. Mahārāja Parīkṣit heard that some of the people of the state had already taken to those symptoms, and he wanted to take immediate steps against such causes of unrest. This means that at least up to the regime of Mahārāja Parīkṣit, such symptoms of public life were practically unknown, and as soon as they were slightly detected, he wanted to root them out. The news was not palatable for him, but in a way it was, because Mahārāja Parīkṣit got a chance to fight. There was no need to fight with small states because everyone was peacefully under his subordination, but the Kali-yuga miscreants gave his fighting spirit a chance for exhibition. A perfect kṣatriya king is always jubilant as soon as he gets a chance to fight, just as a sportsman is eager when there is a chance for a sporting match. It is no argument that in the Age of Kali such symptoms are predestined. If so, then why was there preparation for fighting out such symptoms? Such arguments are offered by lazy and unfortunate men. In the rainy season, rain is predestined, and yet people take precautions to protect themselves. Similarly, in the Age of Kali the symptoms as above mentioned are sure to infiltrate into social life, but it is the duty of the state to save the citizens from the association of the agents of the Age of Kali. Mahārāja Parīkṣit wanted to punish the miscreants indulging in the symptoms of Kali, and thus save the innocent citizens who were pure in habit by culture of religion. It is the duty of the king to give such protection, and Mahārāja Parīkṣit was perfectly right when he prepared himself to fight.