Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

vrijdag 8 september 2023

Grounding A Nation By We The People.

Addressing the corrupt character of our deranged ruling class and the instruments they use to divide the country and implement their pathological policies is the crux of our series focused on key areas of those out to destroy America. Case in point – the relentless war on half the electorate and the leader it has chosen twice and is prepared to elect in 2024.

Over the last eight years of the establishment’s incessant attacks on Donald Trump, first as a candidate, then as president, and now as the favorite to win the November 2024 election, we’ve become so accustomed to the broad conspiracies joining spy services and the media, to the one-party regime that runs our federal government, that staying balanced and informed is imperative. The election is just over one year away. It’s time to ground ourselves, clear the deck of all the noise, and pay close attention to the situation at hand because if we don’t, we’re likely to lose our country.

The plot against Trump began before Americans elected him president. His predecessor tasked U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies to spy on him while the media smeared him as an agent of a foreign power. He was impeached twice on absurd charges. He was accused of fomenting an insurrection, his home was raided, and he’s been charged criminally in two federal courts and two state courts.

We are right to marvel at a man who is not only still standing after these assaults but seems to grow stronger, more determined with each blow he absorbs. We are watching something historical, a heroic figure at the head of a movement to win back the Republic.

But look at the terrain we’re fighting on — it’s apocalyptic. The Biden administration’s anti-Trump campaign has ravaged the landscape. To stop Trump from being elected, they’ve abused our trust and destroyed all faith in our electoral system.

Evidence of fraud in the 2020 election continues to mount, most recently from Michigan, where state authorities discovered an operation to push fraudulent ballots into the system and referred the case to the FBI. Naturally, the same agency that interfered in the 2016 vote by spying on Trump, and in 2020 by censoring news of Biden family corruption, buried the Michigan evidence. We can assume the same is being prepared for the 2024 election and worse. Indeed, ruling-class activists are probing ways to circumvent the Constitution and get Trump’s name taken off the ballot in several states.

With more than a year before Americans choose their next president, the election has already been compromised by the faction Joe Biden leads. Should Trump win, Biden voters have been primed to regard his victory as illegitimate. After all, Biden and allies have spent the last eight years framing him as a spy and a criminal. If Trump loses, his supporters, having watched the most public campaign of election interference in U.S. history, will rightly refuse to accept it.

Where does that leave us if elections, the mechanism our Founding Fathers devised to keep our country whole and at peace with each other, are no longer regarded as legitimate? How do we settle our domestic disputes if we can no longer count on voting to change our circumstances? Without elections, how are executive authority, control of the army, and the purse, transferred?

We can be sure of one thing: the same ruling establishment that lost two wars in the Middle East, thrown billions of dollars at a corrupt regime in Ukraine to wage a proxy war against a nuclear power on its borders, crippled U.S. energy production, opened our borders to criminals, terrorists, and spies, has proven their worthlessness for peace and prosperity in America. They’re flying blind and leading the country into a hurricane destined to do untold damage.

It’s time for us to get our bearings. We need to assess the situation clearly and ready ourselves for the next year, and after. Use this time to build ourselves and our families, and get involved in our communities. Our fight for the Republic depends on us joining hands and standing as one. We didn’t choose this fight, but we’re blessed to be here for it.

Please participate in our Reader’s Survey. Your insights and thoughts are important as we learn what is on the minds and in the hearts of our fellow Americans. We read them all and share some of them Mondays at 9 a.m. during America’s Future live broadcasts with our Executive Director Mary O’Neill on America’s Mondays With Mary. Thank You!

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