shamanic artist - pleiadian gabrielian - michaelian - having faith in G-d above all else - sovereign - ethical - refuse RFID chipping / Uniting 144000, peaceful bodhisattva-buddha (nirmanakaya) mahatma- defender of freedom - following my highest calling (Shamballah), ASHTAR “We all shape the world together, be wise and virtuous in your life loyal immortal legions visionary mystic Gabriel Sadhu tintegral & bhakti, raja, siddha, maha yogi 6th dimension Christos / Archangels
Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
zondag 31 december 2023
Update: Reiner Füellmich Speaks Out. His Personal Statement & Press Release From The Defence.
One of Nicholas Roerich’s many mountain paintings … Capricorn, the mountaintop of initiation.
zaterdag 30 december 2023
Seminar 08 Selling Srimad Bhagavatam Set in Temple.
Jewish Elders for Palestine want a ceasefire.
Yesterday, we, as Jewish elders, led thousands of New Yorkers of all ages, faiths, and backgrounds united in grief and rage. Guided by the sound of drum beats and the power of our mourning, we marched silently through the streets of midtown Manhattan. Our procession stretched seven blocks; we walked two by two and carried 500 hundred effigies of children wrapped for burial symbolizing the more than 10,000 Palestinian children killed in Gaza — taking the street in one of the busiest neighborhoods in our city to mourn those murdered since October seventh.
As we marched yesterday, and for the past 83 days, we will march today and tomorrow. We will continue to take action every day, demanding that the Israeli government stop dropping bombs and that the U.S. government stop paying for them. As elders, we believe that everyone should have the chance to grow old, we have been fortunate to have. We need a permanent, immediate ceasefire in Gaza and an end to U.S. military aid to Israel NOW!
Vedic Wisdom of today.
In the present Age of Kali it is recommended by Lord Caitanya that simply by chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa one can attain all perfection.
Wisdom of today.
As human society is presently structured, there is sufficient production of grains all over the world. Therefore the opening of slaughterhouses cannot be supported. In some nations there is so much surplus grain that sometimes extra grain is thrown into the sea, and sometimes the government forbids further production of grain. The conclusion is that the earth produces sufficient grain to feed the entire population, but the distribution of this grain is restricted due to trade regulations and a desire for profit. Consequently in some places there is scarcity of grain and in others profuse production. If there were one government on the surface of the earth to handle the distribution of grain, there would be no question of scarcity, no necessity to open slaughterhouses, and no need to present false theories about overpopulation.
Ready for the new year.
It was worth the immense suffering. I spent years suffering alone in a silent room, but again, it was worth it. I am studying the Veda's at the moment and try to be a part of the solution in the world, not the problem.
10,000-year sub-period
“For 10,000 years of Kali such devotees of Mine will be present on earth. After the departure of My devotees there will be only one varna, Outcaste.”
“(Sri Krisna said:) Lord Hari will stay on this earth for the first ten-thousand years of Kali-yuga. Till then gods will be worshipped and the Puranas and scriptures will also be present.”
vrijdag 29 december 2023
Meditating on Vishnu.
donderdag 28 december 2023
Srila Prabhupada Japa Chanting 16 rounds (slow chant).
woensdag 27 december 2023
dinsdag 26 december 2023
maandag 25 december 2023
Wisdom of today.
According to Vedic injunctions there are six kinds of aggressors: (1) a poison giver, (2) one who sets fire to the house, (3) one who attacks with deadly weapons, (4) one who plunders riches, (5) one who occupies another’s land, and (6) one who kidnaps a wife.
Krishna told Arjuna to kill aggressors.
I follow the principle "Thou Shall Not Kill".
Kristo(f) Gabriel
“Indien Herman Brusselmans dit in 1933 had geschreven, was hij een Nazi in Humo”. (Dutch)
Het is Kerstmis voor iedereen. Ook voor Joodse mensen. Gelieve te stoppen met Islamofobie en / of Jodenhaat. Dank U, Kristo Gabriel
It's Christmas for everyone. Also for Jewish people. Please stop Islamophobia and/or Jew-hatred. Thank you, Kristo Gabriel
C'est Noël pour tout le monde. Aussi pour les Juifs. S’il vous plaît, arrêtez l’islamophobie et/ou la haine des Juifs. Merci, Kristo Gabriel
World Peace Meditation Replay Dec 24.
Click here to watch the replay.
Achintya bhedabheda tattva | HG Hari Krishna Dasa (Henk Keilman) (ACBSP) (Dutch lecture)
Ik gaf aan Kom Op Tegen Kanker een klein bedrag symbolisch geïnspireerd door de warmste week en een beetje Zakaat voor Palestina. (Dutch)
Ik geloof sterk in immunotherapie en zoveel mogelijk natuurlijke geneeswijzen.
Dat heeft mijn leven gered toen ik rond de twintig was.
zondag 24 december 2023
Author of Study Used to Vilify Unvaxed Had Ties to Pfizer — New Peer-Reviewed Research Shows Why the Study Was Flawed.
zaterdag 23 december 2023
Jahnavi Jivana - Day 2 - Radhadesh Mellows 2020.
They purify the darkness in the age of Kali.
Dr.SHIVA™ - America's relation to China.
Wisdom of today. #Vaikhunta
Q: Why do religions speak of Gods, Heaven, Hell, Etc.
A : Only to make people realise that they are on a par with this world and that the Self alone is real. The religions are according to the viewpoint of the seeker.
Q: Do Vishnu, siva, etc., exist?
A: Individual human souls are not the only beings known.
Q: And their sacred regions Kailasa or Vaikhunta, are they real?
A: As real as you are in this body.
Q: Do they possess a phenomenal existence, like my body? Or are they fictions like the horn of a hare?
A: They do exist.
Q: If so, they must be somewhere. Where are they?
A: Persons who have seen them say that they exist somewhere. So we must accept their statement.
Q: Where do they exist?
A: In you.
Source: Be As You Are, The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi
vrijdag 22 december 2023
Wijsheid van de dag (Dutch).
De Hindoe-geschriften verklaren, dat wie steeds de waarheid spreken, de macht zullen ontwikkelen om hun woorden te verstoffelijken. De bevelen, die zij van harte uitspreken, komen in het leven tot verwerkelijking. Daar het universum op waarheid is gebouwd prijzen alle heilige schriften deze deugd in het bijzonder want hierdoor kan een ieder zijn leven in harmonie met het Oneindige brengen. Mahatma Gandhi zei dikwijls : “Waarheid is God”. Zijn hele leven streefde hij in gedachten, woorden en daden naar volkomen waarheid. Door de eeuwen heen is de Hindoese samenleving doordrongen geweest van het ideaal van satya (waarheid). Marco Polo bericht, dat de brahmins 'voor geen prijs een leugen zouden uitspreken.' Een Engelse rechter in India, William Sleeman, zegt in zijn boek Journey Through Oudh in 1849-1950: “Ik heb honderden gevallen meegemaakt, dat het bezit, de vrijheid of het leven van een man van een leugen afhing; en toch weigerde hij hem uit te spreken.”
Bron : Paramahansa Yogananda, Autobiografie van een yogi.
Governments and Media roles in War Propaganda | THE WAR YOU DON'T SEE | John Pilger Documentary.
Wisdom of today.
"Most of the power positions in the world, according to research, are occupied by the forces of darkness.
During my fast and chanting today I pray that the Light enters the hearts there as well, so that the forces of Light can work in the highest places of power in the world. Remember, the Light of G-d shines in the heart of everyone."
Kristo(f) Gabriel
donderdag 21 december 2023
Winter Solstice Peace 21 Meditation Replay December 21.
22 December 2023 : Mokshada Ekadashi Fasting.
Ekadashi Tithi Ends - 02:41 AM on Dec 23, 2023
Winter Solstice Peace 21 Meditation with Dr. Gabriel Cousens.
Create Peace By Being Peace
Peace 21 is a simple but tremendously effective concept. There is power in thought. The collective power of positive thought of the human race may well be the most powerful force in the world. The objective is to harness this power in the interest of world peace. Those who support this principle are invited to form a massive and united thought image of peace four times annually on each equinox and solstice.
Join Dr. Gabriel & Shanti Cousens and your online worldwide liberation community every Equinox and Solstice for a powerful opportunity to shift the collective consciousness and amplify the power of love and light on the planet.
Scientific Verification of Vedic Knowledge.
The King of Glorious Sutras, The Sublime Golden Light, Chapter 1 to 7.
Kristo Gabriel
Wisdom of today.
Wisdom is realising that karma always takes effect.
If we forgive others who wrong us,
and literally turn the other cheek,
we are living from a higher perspective.
Never take revenge and trust in the law of karma.
There is also wisdom in "Thou Shall Not Kill",
because killing is black magic and not divine (white) magic.
This wisdom is to be found in Biblical texts
and of high understanding of the laws of nature.
Kristo Gabriel
woensdag 20 december 2023
European Enlightenment Hour with Dr. Gabriel Replay Dec 20.
Click here to watch the replay.
Next session: January 17th
Manly P. Hall: The Law of Karma, Revisited.
Harvesting good karma is very pleasant.
Love and Merry Christmas to All.
Kristo(f) Gabriel
Srila Prabhupada Japa Chanting 16 rounds (slow chant).
BOOM: Judge Orders Dozens of Jeffrey Epstein’s High Profile Associates to Be Revealed in Next 14 Days.
Dozens of documents naming Jeffrey Epstein’s victims and associates to be made public in 2024.
Breaking Out Of The Occult - Dialogs With Dr. Cousens & Dr. Sacks 9/18/23.
Chris Busby exposes secret neutron bomb weapons programs, depleted uranium, genetic extermination and more.
Madonna VS Depeche Mode - Like Jesus or Not -.
Prabhupada Japa Chanting (Mahamantra Hare Krishna).
dinsdag 19 december 2023
Wisdom of today.
"Those who have taken to Kṛṣṇa consciousness seriously, even there are some faults, still, they are saintly persons. That is the recommendation of Kṛṣṇa. Because that fault may be due to his past habits, but that is being stopped. Just like you make the switch off, no more electric current will act, but the fan still gives some rounds due to the past force. Similarly, a Kṛṣṇa consciousness person, even if he's found in fault, Kṛṣṇa says, "No." Sādhur eva sa mantavyaḥ (BG 9.30). "He's saintly person, sādhu." Why? Now, the process he has taken up, that will cure him in due course of time. Śaṣvac-chāntiṁ nigacchati."691226 - Lecture Initiation - Boston
Read more:
Jahnavi Jivana - Day 2 - Radhadesh Mellows 2020.
To become immune from the effects of the Kali−yuga, one must chant the holy name of the Lord:
In this age, when everything is polluted by the contamination of Kali, it is instructed in the scriptures and preached by Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu that by chanting the holy name of the Lord, we can at once be free from contamination and gradually rise to the state of transcendence and go back to Godhead. The offenseless chanter of the holy name is as auspicious as the Lord Himself, and the movement of pure devotees of the Lord all over the world can at once change the troublesome face of the world. Only by the propagation of the chanting of the holy name of the Lord can we be immune from all effects of the age of Kali.
– Srimad Bhagavatam 1.16.32−33
[Sukadeva Gosvami to King Pariksit]: Lord Ramacandra became King during Treta−yuga, but because of His good government, the age was like Satya−yuga. Everyone was religious and completely happy.
Among the four yugas−Satya, Treta, Dvapara and Kali−the Kali−yuga is the worst, but if the process of varnasrama−dharma is introduced, even in this age of Kali, the situation of Satya−yuga can be invoked. The Hare Krsna movement, or Krsna consciousness movement, is meant for this purpose.
kaler dosa−nidhe rajann asti hy eko mahan gunah
kirtanad eva krsnasya mukta−sangah param vrajet
“My dear King, although Kali−yuga is full of faults, there is still one good quality about this age: simply by chanting the Hare Krsna maha−mantra, one can become free from material bondage and be promoted to the transcendental kingdom.” (S.B. 12.3.51)
If people take to this sankirtana movement of chanting Hare Krsna, Hare Rama, they will certainly be freed from the contamination of Kali−yuga, and the people of this age will be happy, as people were in Satya−yuga, the golden age.
– Srimad Bhagavatam 9.10.51
COLUMN. Links zwijgt als het over antisemitisme gaat. (Dutch / English)
We must not tolerate antisemitism or islamophobia.
May this understanding transcend left and right in politics.
Both are wrong.
Kristo Gabriel
Vedic Wisdom of today.
The Lord desires the conditioned souls hovering in the material creation to be reclaimed to go back home, back to Godhead, and thus He helps them by preparing the transcendental literatures like the Vedas, by sending missionaries of saints and sages and by deputing His representative, the spiritual master. Such transcendental literatures, missionaries and representatives of the Lord are spotlessly white because the contamination of the material qualities cannot even touch them. They are always protected by the Lord when they are threatened with annihilation.
Source :
The family in which a mahā-bhāgavata takes his birth is fortunate because due to the birth of a first-grade devotee the members of the family, past, present and future up to one hundred generations, become liberated by the grace of the Lord, out of respect for His beloved devotee. Therefore, the highest benefit is done to one’s family simply by becoming an unalloyed devotee of the Lord.
maandag 18 december 2023
The Guan Yin Mantra.
Om Tat Sat.
Om Shanti Shanti Om
Angèle - Bruxelles je t'aime [ CLIP OFFICIEL ].
Seminar 08 Selling Srimad Bhagavatam Set in Temple.
Lord Shiva is a pure devotee of Krsna the Vedas teach.
May all sentient beings be released from suffering.
Om Tat Sat.
Kristo(f) Gabriel
Dr.SHIVA™ – Zionists KILLED Jews WITH Nazi Germany.
I don't consider myself a Zionist however.
My friend Michael K. told me that the modern day Palestinians are Jewish Arabs.
Kristo Gabriel
A heartfelt prayer for our world | Sri Vasudeva.
Inspired by the Noble Quran, I donated 10 EUR Zakat for Palestine.
Verse 2.177 (Picktall translation) sums up the Quranic view of charity and almsgiving (another name for zakat is the poor due):
It is not righteousness that ye turn your faces to the East and the West; but righteous is he who believeth in Allah and the Last Day and the angels and the Scripture and the Prophets; and giveth his wealth, for love of Him, to kinsfolk and to orphans and the needy and the wayfarer and to those who ask, and to set slaves free; and observeth proper worship and payeth the poor due. And those who keep their treaty when they make one, and the patient in tribulation and adversity and time of stress. Such are they who are sincere. Such are the God fearing. – 2:177
Source :
May the innocent civilians be protected from danger and be given food to eat.
You can help here :
I also donated a few euros to Food for Life. You can help here :