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Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
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donderdag 4 augustus 2022

How Spiritual People Can Help Stop War by Kim Michaels and the Ascended Masters.

 Ascended Master Mother Mary through Kim Michaels, April 15, 2015.

I am the Ascended Master Mother Mary! For the purpose of this book, I will assume that you know what an ascended master is. You have a basic knowledge of who we are. You have a basic knowledge of the dynamic on earth, meaning the relationship between human beings and ascended masters. You understand the Law of Free Will and that we, the ascended masters, do have the power to change every condition on earth, to remove all imperfections, all darkness, all evil and all war. We have the power to do this, but we do not have the authority because free will reigns supreme. That means the free will of human beings in embodiment must be allowed to outplay itself until people have had enough and do indeed change.

The force that does not respect free will

I will also assume that you understand the basic dynamic that there is a force on this earth that does not respect free will, the free will of human beings. This force attempts to manipulate human beings in all ways possible, based on deceit, based on raw force, based on any scheme you can imagine. Because free will reigns supreme, we of the ascended masters cannot step in and override the efforts of these deceptive or dark forces. We are not allowed to do this, even though they are violating the free will of human beings. This is because even though the dark forces are manipulating and deceiving human beings, they are not truly violating the Law of Free Will. You cannot be manipulated or deceived, unless you make a choice to allow this to happen because you are not willing to take full responsibility for your own life or your own situation. It is, therefore, the lack of willingness to take full responsibility that has created the dark force and that allows it to remain on earth.

I know very well that, when I talk about the dark force, there are many spiritual people who will immediately reject this, or at least be very reluctant to look at it. This is, in fact, one of the main reasons why this dark force remains on earth.

Taking responsibility for yourself—and the whole

When you look at humankind, you can clearly see that there are many who are very far from the point where they are able and willing to take responsibility for their lives. These people will not change the earth. They will not change the basic dynamic that will allow the ascended masters to step in and remove major problems, such as war. Who can bring about a change on earth? Only those who have risen to a higher level of consciousness where they are beginning to take responsibility for themselves. There are, unfortunately, many of these people who have not yet reached the point where they are open to the teachings we give in books such as this one. They have started to take responsibility for themselves as individuals, but they have not come to the point where they are willing to look beyond themselves and their own situation. They have, sort of, isolated and insulated themselves from the world and from the things that are going on in the world. They do not really want to look at certain problems, such as the problem of war.

They want to believe that, as long as they sit there in their ashrams or their communities or even in their individual homes and focus on the positive, focus only on positive vibrations, then they are making a contribution to improving the world. My beloved, they are making a contribution. I am not disputing this, but they are not making the maximum contribution that they could be making if they would step up to a higher sense of responsibility.

You will not truly change the earth by only focusing on yourself and raising your own consciousness. This is because of the nature of free will and the nature of energy. We have given many teachings on the fact that humankind has created a downward energy spiral where people are feeding fear-based energy, such as anger and hatred, into a vortex that has become so strong that it can overpower individual people. This you cannot change by only changing your own consciousness.

Those who are the spiritual people on earth cannot change the basic dynamic on earth only by focusing on raising their own consciousness. It is necessary to look beyond yourself and to take responsibility for the planet as a whole, for humanity as a whole. If you will not do this, then you will continue to make a contribution by producing love-based vibrations, but this contribution will not reach a level where it will have a decisive impact on the future of this planet. It will not reach a level that will allow the ascended masters to step in and remove major problems, such as war.

How you can and cannot remove war

The energy vortexes that drive war are so powerful that even if all of the spiritual and religious people on earth raised their own consciousness, it would not be enough to consume these energy vortexes. If all of the people on earth shifted into sending out only positive vibrations, even this would not be enough to consume the vortexes of war. Only the power of the ascended masters can consume these vortexes. Human beings do not have the power to do this alone. That is why Jesus, 2,000 years ago, said: “With men this is impossible, but not with God, for with God all things are possible.”

Human beings alone cannot remove war from planet earth. Only by working with the ascended masters can war be removed. We need you to give us the authority to use the power that we have been given by God. How do you give us the authority? Not by sitting in your own ivory tower and focusing on yourself and raising your own consciousness. You give us the authority only by looking beyond yourself, taking an honest and open look at what is happening on this planet, understanding the dynamic of why war was created and how it can continue. Then you make the appropriate calls that will give us the authority and the energy to multiply so that we can step in and remove war and other major problems.

Looking at darkness without giving it power

There are so many wonderful people in spiritual, mystical and New Age movements. There are so many wonderful people in religious movements. They have the best of intentions, but they have come to believe that they do not need to look at

anything dark or evil. Some have even come to believe that if they look at darkness they reinforce it, they give it power. It is important that you understand why this is not the case, or rather, it is important that you understand how to look at darkness without giving it power.

As I said, there are many spiritual people who are focusing on raising their own consciousness while refusing to look at anything dark or evil, while refusing to look at any problems. There is also a certain segment of spiritual people who have passed this point. They have become willing to look at the darkness, but they have not yet transcended some of the matrices of their own egos.

As they look at the darkness, they go into a spiral of anger. They have what they themselves call “righteous indignation,” but it is not righteous in the sense that it is based on non-attachment. They are very much attached to producing a specific result, such as defeating the dark forces or removing them from the earth. Through this attachment, that leads to anger, you will give power to dark forces. It is very true, as many of the, shall we say, gentle spiritual people have realized, that if you engage in a fight against darkness that is based on anger, then you will give power to darkness. This is, of course, not the only way to look at darkness.

You can step up to a higher way where you have transcended anger, and therefore, you can look at the darkness with non-attachment. You can realize that you, as a human being, do not have to fight darkness. You allow the ascended masters to do the work, and you allow us to do it our way based on our higher vision. Your job is to have enough information so that you know how to make precise calls for specific situations. You make those calls, and then you allow us to decide how to do the actual work.

The rest of this dictation, along with an invocation based on the dictation, is found in the book: Help the Ascended Masters Stop War.

Copyright © 2015 Kim Michaels

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