Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

vrijdag 8 juli 2022

Cancer Truth

Cancer Conspiracy 

A cure for cancer was “discovered” several times during the 20th century. In each case the inventor was murdered and the formula burned. The Illuminati secretly own the medical/pharmaceutical establishment and bilk patients billions of dollars annually on cancer related treatments and cancer related pharmaceuticals. A “cure” for cancer would reduce Illuminati profits in this area dramatically and thus all genuine “cures” for cancer have been historically blocked, suppressed, squashed, debunked, burned, and secretly swept under the rug by the evil Illuminati and their henchmen.

Royal Rife Royal Rife (1888-1971) was a U.S. inventor who invented a “machine” that cured cancer in the 1930’s. When Rife’s cancer-curing machines began to gain some national exposure, henchmen of The Dark Lodge/Illuminati/Secret Government alliance broke into Rife’s workshop, destroyed all of Rife’s cancer-curing machines, and promised to murder Rife and his wife if Rife made any more cancer-curing “machines” (see Cancer Conspiracy). Thereafter, Rife abandoned his work entirely and lived out his life in complete anonymity. But Rife’s cancer-curing “machines” are destined for a glorious return. Several of Our members are now being “called” inwardly and outwardly to resurrect, build, mass produce, popularize, protect, and defend, the cancer-curing “machines” of Royal Rife. 

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