Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

donderdag 28 april 2022


Meer info, zie ook :


Magdalena - Voices (Original Mix) [Official Audio]

Gabriel Gonsalves : The Ruby Ray in the Heart | Heartstream 27-04-2022.

Bezigheden (Dutch)

Terwijl één van mijn beste vrienden een moeilijke periode doormaakt tracht ik mijn leven op de rails te houden. Ik tracht zoveel als ik kan de online sessies met Dr Gabriel Cousens mee te doen, en ben terug in zijn boek aan het lezen over het genezen van diabetes. Ik zit al enige dagen op een dieet van fruit en neem veel magnesium en kurkuma, aangevuld met Gember-thee. Ik eet ook regelmatig rijst. Nu de derde dag zijnde, voel ik me al een pak beter. Ik rook nog, maar ga stilaan naar het derde jaar als clean persoon. Mijn ruige rock 'n roll leven van vroeger is wat tot bedaren gekomen en ik vind mijn draai erin stilaan. Ik bestudeer ondertussen nog wat technische weetjes over hoe te werken met een Behringer drumcomputer bijvoorbeeld, en plan volgende maand terug een song uit te brengen op Spotify, dit keer deftig opgenomen met de TASCAM-recorder. Ook broedt er terug een boek in mijn hoofd en hart. De songs van tien jaar geleden met Street Soul herrijzen als een fenix uit zijn as. Wereldwijd is Street Soul van Charles Jarvis (en enkele nummers van mezelf) een kleine 1000 keer gedraaid geweest wereldwijd op internetradio, dus dat gaat goed, van de Verenigde Staten, tot Israel en Rusland. Wat muziek betreft is het zeker vrede. Ik heb nog het supplement Resveratrol besteld als anti-diabetisch supplement. Zoals Dr Cousens het wijselijk zegt: met een verandering van de levensstijl, worden de genen die verantwoordelijk zijn voor diabetes, kanker en obesitas gewoon niet geactiveerd, dus ik volg dit pad. Ook heb ik een steeds toenemende interesse in Ayurveda. Ik wil er mij in de toekomst op toeleggen om mij erin te verdiepen. Na een B vitaminenkuur vorige week neem ik deze week vitamine D3. Ik ben vegetariër, dus heb nood aan regelmatig extra B12. De paradox in het Westen is dat velen overvoed zijn, zonder veel vitamines op te doen. De levensstijl van de 'Culture of Death' laat ik steeds meer achter mij.

Hou de moed erin, en denk eraan: voor elke ziekte is er een oplossing in de natuur te vinden.

"De dokter van de toekomst zal geen medicatie voorschrijven, maar zal zijn of haar patiënten interesseren in de zorg voor het eigen lichaam, gezonde voeding en de oorzaken en preventie van ziekte." 

- Thomas Edison


Kristof Gabriel

Voor meer info over Dr Cousens zijn werk, ziehier : & Tree of Life community :

woensdag 27 april 2022

Powerful Mantra for Health | Healing Prayer for the Sick | Vayu Gayatri Mantra | Gayatri Mantra.

Artikel 21 - Non-discriminatie. (Dutch)

1. Iedere discriminatie, met name op grond van geslacht, ras, kleur, etnische of sociale afkomst, genetische kenmerken, taal, godsdienst of overtuiging, politieke of andere denkbeelden, het behoren tot een nationale minderheid, vermogen, geboorte, een handicap, leeftijd of seksuele gerichtheid, is verboden.

2. Binnen de werkingssfeer van de Verdragen en onverminderd de bijzondere bepalingen ervan, is iedere discriminatie op grond van nationaliteit verboden.

Engel moet brug slaan tussen joodse en moslimjongeren. (Dutch)

De moslim Youssef Kobo (CD&V) en de jood Joseph Steimetz (Open VLD) strijden in Antwerpen samen tegen antisemitisme en anti-islamisme.

Lost Arts Radio Show #383 - Special Guest Bart Sibrel.

I can remember clearly back in 1969, when I was a university student, the excitement of the successful Apollo 11 moon mission. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on the surface of the moon for about two hours. This marked the United States taking the lead over the Soviet Union in the "space race," during the prolonged international conflict known as the Cold War. It also fulfilled a promise made by President John F. Kennedy before he was killed, that the United States was committed to landing a man on the moon before the end of the 1960's, and returning him safely to Earth. Fifty-three years ago, there was no public internet and a far more naïve and trusting population, tending to believe whatever the television and newspaper reporters said was true. Now the situation is different. The long track record of lies, elaborate deception, theft, and mass murder on the part of governments, often in partnership with global corporations, has made a large and increasing percentage of the public aware that media and those in positions of power cannot be trusted to tell the truth, especially about matters of great importance. They want us to forget that real science says "question everything." But not everyone has forgotten. Bart Sibrel ( is an award-winning filmmaker, writer, and investigative journalist, who has been producing television programs, documentaries, music videos, TV commercials, and stage plays for over thirty-five years, starting at the age of eighteen, hosting his own television talk show. Bart is one of those who has not forgotten. He noticed anomalies in the moon landing story, and applied his skills as an investigative journalist to find out the truth. The amazing story of what he uncovered is told in his book Moon Man. The conclusion he came to, that the moon landing never happened, is very convincing.

First Priority — Avoid US War With Russia - by Patrick J. Buchanan.

Om Kriya Babaji Namah Aum Chanting Mantra Yoga Mantra Dhyan Mantra.

Another Layer of Corruption in the Opioid Scandal Revealed. 

✨A Galactic Update on the transition from 3D to 5D - The Transfer of POWER has begun!!

Michael Beckwith : Unfolding Vs. Evolution.

dinsdag 26 april 2022

OM SHANTI OM Mantra with Tibetan Singing Bowls @432Hz || Peace Mantra || Buddhist Meditation Music

Meditation for peace between Russia, Ukraine and NATO - English guided audio.

Dr Gabriel Cousens live on Lost Arts Radio. 

Richard Sacks is a private consultant on “aging” and life transformation. He has been an independent health scientist since 1965, after working in his father’s medical research lab through high school. During the last 25 years, Richard has also been involved in a deep investigation of the global power structure, its infiltration into positions of government and corporate power worldwide, where its organization and direction is coming from, and what are its intentions for humanity in the years immediately ahead. His says that we are witnessing a systematic, ceremonial sacrifice of all life on our planet, including the perpetrators themselves, who are on a suicide mission, expecting their reward on a non-physical level of existence, once their mission is successfully completed. They are the high-level real Satanists, out of public view, giving orders to the so-called “elites” of the world. But that extinction plan has a weak spot they hope we don’t discover. Every human being, walking through a life of imagined limitations, has a forgotten true nature, powerful enough to end the nightmare that has been human history for many thousands of years. Like lucid dreamers carrying out a conscious plan for a renaissance of beauty in this fluid dreamscape called the “real world,” those willing to wake up within the dream will access this transformative power not from their own small egos, but by learning to get completely out of the way and let Spirit live and work through them. Not as a belief, but in real experience. This is the focus of Richard’s work as an awakening human being, consultant and teacher. Web sites are:

Diabetes & Magnesium.

Magnesium is an essential nutrient for the brain and body. It helps regulate blood sugar, among its many benefits. Yet a magnesium deficiency is often seen in people with diabetes.

A deficiency can occur with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, but appears to be more prevalentTrusted Source with type 2. This is because low levels of magnesium are associated with insulin resistance.

If you have type 2 diabetes, your body produces insulin, but your cells are unable to effectively respond to it. This is called insulin resistance.

People with insulin sensitivity or resistance also lose excess magnesium in their urine, contributing to lower levels of this nutrient.

Some people with type 1 diabetes also develop insulin resistance. This may put them at risk for a magnesium deficiency, too.

Taking a magnesium supplement, however, can increase your magnesium blood level and improve diabetes control. If you have pre-diabetes, supplementation may also improve blood sugar and possibly prevent type 2 diabetes.

Source :

Meditation for peace between Russia, Ukraine and NATO - English guided audio.

Wisdom of today by Michael Beckwith.

"With meditative practice, affirmative prayer, and life visioning, we create a solid foundation for our true self to emerge through us. By going into silence and deep insight, we can focus our attention on forgiving ourselves and release the emotions that are holding us back from doing so.

Sit down in a quiet and calm place, focus inward and into your heart and onto the words: “I take responsibility for my actions, and forgive myself for all that I have knowingly or unknowingly done to hurt myself and any other individuals. I release myself from the bondage of unforgiveness. I am free, free in the freedom that has always been mine. I claim it now. Guilt, shame, and blame are now neutralized by the unconditional love, compassion, and forgiveness which saturate my awareness, my heart, my entire being. Right here and right now, I am cleansed of the toxin of unforgiveness. I begin afresh and give thanks for this realization.”

With this, you cleanse and release yourself from any vibration that keeps you attached to not forgiving yourself, and from any negative or low vibrational attachments that no longer serve you."

Michael Beckwith

maandag 25 april 2022

Sri Vasudeva : Day 30 | Shiva Mahimnah | 40 Days 2022.

The 12 Virtues of the Heart: FORGIVENESS | Guided Meditation with Gabriel Gonsalves.

Phil Shoenfelt & Southern Cross ( Jazz Club Teplice ).

Manly P. Hall | Integrity, the Endangered Virtue.

Michael Holick - The D-Lightful Vitamin D for Good Health.

Wisdom of today.

 "Dr. Robert Heany of Creighton University, one of the top vitamin D researchers, has stated that as many as 75% of the women in the United States are vitamine D deficient."

"As our skin becomes less efficient at producing vitamin D, excessive fat layers are found to inhibit the production of vitamin D. The latter is a common concern for those who are healing obesity and diabetes. Therefore, from a holistic perspective, I advice 5000 to 10 000 IU daily".

Dr Gabriel Cousens.

Source :

Torah as a Guide to Enlightenment by Dr Gabriel Cousens.

Inspired by intense studies, meditation, and a variety of teachings from the great Torah sages, best-selling author Gabriel Cousens, MD, presents the fifty-two parashas of the Torah as a practical path to liberation. His interpretation, which focuses on enlightenment, what he feels is the original intention of the Torah, provides a multidimensional analysis and a perspective that is often missing from conventional teachings. Torah as a Guide to Enlightenment conveys liberation understandings not only to those with Jewish and Christian backgrounds, but to anyone seeking to reconnect with their spiritual roots.

Source :

Meditation for peace between Russia, Ukraine and NATO - English guided audio.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Mantra | Earth Store Bodhisattva.

VITAMIN K2 BENEFITS (Bone health and good for the heart).

Tania Gabrielle : [April 25 - May 1, 2022] Weekly Astrology-Numerology Forecast.

Jean : 'GUARDIANS' Release New "Urgent" Video - This One Is DIFFERENT!

Mike (Michael) Adams (Natural News) : SHOCK: Pfizer tried to hide data showing its COVID vax caused massive increase in miscarriages, stillborn babies.

vrijdag 22 april 2022

Dhanvantari Mantra 108 times With Meaning | Lyrical | Mantra For Good Health | धन्वंतरी मंत्र

Doreen Virtue : Are Deliverance Ministries Biblical? Jim Osman of “Truth or Territory”.

Archangel Michael Love|Music to Relax, Angelic Music|Feel Happiness And Abundance|Meditation Music.

Wisdom of today.

"In the ages to come, people will determine what part of the energy goes to the brain and what part they can utilize for procreative or for pleasurable purposes. There is no doubt that there is nothing in the world so enchanting, so alluring, so inspiring as love. It has inspired some of the greatest thinkers. It is the women whom they loved who inspired some of the greatest writers, thinkers, politicians, conquerors of the world. There is nothing comparable to love for the happiness, health and evolution of mankind." - Gopi Krishna

Quote used in my book Ethica Mystica

Meditation for peace between Russia, Ukraine and NATO - English guided audio.

Cancer & Healing.


Mike (Michael) Adams (Natural News) : USA targeting of Moskva ship is Russia’s “Pearl Harbor” … RETALIATION is Putin’s next move, and the USA just handed him all the domestic support he needs.

Powerful Healing Meditation with Archangel Raphael's Emerald Green Flames ✨💫💚🌟

Cancer is a fungus that can be eliminated with baking soda, claims Italian doctor. 

donderdag 21 april 2022

David Icke: Infinite LOVE is Your Only Truth.

Life Is a Rollercoaster – You Just Gotta Ride It – David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast. 

Study Shows That Fasting for 3 Days Can Reset The Immune System. 

Dhanvantari Mantra 108 times With Meaning | Lyrical | Mantra For Good Health | धन्वंतरी मंत्र

Gabriel Gonsalves : Befriending the Lamb of God | Heartstream 20-04-2022.

Lost Arts Radio Live - Conversations With Dr. Gabriel Cousens - 4/19/22.

Opinie - Dokters van de Wereld Brussel: honderden daklozen tussen nu en eind mei op straat. (Dutch) 

De cannabissector: tot nu toe een gemiste kans voor België. (Dutch) 

woensdag 20 april 2022

The Diamond Sutra - spoken in English.

Reverse The Curse With Your Sacred Verse w/ Michael B. Beckwith.

The King of Glorious Sutras, The Sublime Golden Light, Chapter 1 to 7.

UNHCR calls for cessation of hostilities amid rising needs for Ukrainian refugees.

Tania Gabrielle : Taurus SOLAR ECLIPSE [April 30] Astrology Numerology Forecast.

Meditation for peace between Russia, Ukraine and NATO - English guided audio.

4 Graden van Verlichting / 4 Stages of Enlightenment. (English / Dutch).

#165 | FIGHT for your FREEDOM | With David Icke | Rich In Success Podcast.

🎶 The Great Compassion Mantra | Mantra of Avalokitesvara | Karma Cleansing🎶.

The Great Bodhisattva Vow.


Spiritual People Need To Prepare | The New INSPIRED Mike Adams Interview.

dinsdag 19 april 2022

This Will Happen | Chief Oren Lyons (Faithkeeper Of The Wolf Clan).

Bob Marley - Could You Be Loved.

Wisdom of today.

The great sage Vyāsadeva could see this by his transcendental vision. As an astrologer can see the future fate of a man, or an astronomer can foretell the solar and lunar eclipses, those liberated souls who can see through the scriptures can foretell the future of all mankind. They can see this due to their sharp vision of spiritual attainment.

Source :

maandag 18 april 2022

Torah as a Guide to Enlightenment by Dr Gabriel Cousens.

Inspired by intense studies, meditation, and a variety of teachings from the great Torah sages, best-selling author Gabriel Cousens, MD, presents the fifty-two parashas of the Torah as a practical path to liberation. His interpretation, which focuses on enlightenment, what he feels is the original intention of the Torah, provides a multidimensional analysis and a perspective that is often missing from conventional teachings. Torah as a Guide to Enlightenment conveys liberation understandings not only to those with Jewish and Christian backgrounds, but to anyone seeking to reconnect with their spiritual roots.

Source :

Mike (Michael) Adams (Natural News) : Global INTOXICATION explains the FALL of humanity.

Here’s a short list of intoxication vectors affecting humanity right now:

  • Money (blinds people to rationality)
  • Medications (especially psychotropic drugs)
  • Social media (begging for likes)
  • Cult acceptance (LGBT cults, etc.)
  • Sex (addition, power, perversion)
  • Water supply (fluoride, other toxins)
  • Electropollution (5G, wifi, broadcast signals)
  • Air (aerosolized toxins, chemtrails)
  • Food (pesticides, GMOs)
  • Alcohol (addiction)
  • Recreational drugs (addiction, dumbing down)
  • Television (opiate of the masses)
  • Technology (blind worship of tech as your god)
  • Power over others (the power to control people)

Most of humanity is preoccupied with these intoxicating substances, dynamics and powers, rendering them unable to process the reality of the world around them. As a result, they are not preparing for the global food scarcity and debt bomb collapse that are both being engineered.

The 12 Virtues of the Heart: HUMILITY | Guided Meditation with Gabriel Gonsalves.

The 12 Virtues of the Heart: COMPASSION | Guided Meditation with Gabriel Gonsalves.

A new synthetic drug is killing more than gun crime, homicide and car accidents combined. 100 times stronger than heroin, the deadly opioid fentanyl is cheap, potent and small enough to send in the post (from China via the dark web). These market forces have seen it replacing the heroin supply, spreading unprecedented death, destruction and misery. And, like all epidemics, it is spreading fast. The death toll has disproportionately affected the homeless and marginalised. And now, due to its strength and low cost, the drug is also starting to appear in party drugs, such as cocaine and cannabis – with fatal results. 

Meditation for peace between Russia, Ukraine and NATO - English guided audio.

David Icke : Mass Mind Control – David Icke & MK Ultra Whistleblower Cathy O’Brien On The Mel K Show. 

The Mantra of Bodhisattva Cundi.

Buddha Speaks the Sutra of Maha Cundi Dharani, The Heart of the Mother of Seven Koti Buddhas (Tripitaka No. 1077) Translated during Tang Dynasty by Tripitaka Master Divakara from India Once, the Buddha was dwelling near Shravasti, at the Anathapindada Garden in the Jeta Forest. At that time the World-Honoured One was contemplating and observing the sentient beings of the future. Out of great compassion for them, the Buddha decided to expound on the Dharani of Cundi, the heart of the mother of seven kotis of buddhas. Thus, the Buddha revealed the mantra: NAMO SAPTANAM SAMYAKSAMBUDDHA KOTINAM. TADYATHA: OM! CALE, CULE, CUNDI SVAHA! If any bhiksu(monk), bhisuni(nun), upasaka(layman), or upasika(laywoman) upholds and recites this dharani 800,000 times, all his or her deadly karmic transgressions created since beginningless time shall be eliminated. The individual shall earn the opportunity to meet all buddhas and bodhisattvas wherever he or she is born, and shall be endowed with all accumulations of merit as the individual wishes. The individual shall gain the opportunity to renounce worldly existence in every lifetime, maintaining all the precepts and vows of a bodhisattva. The individual will always be born in the human and heavenly realms and avoid encountering rebirth in the evil paths, and will always be protected by heavenly beings. If any layperson should uphold and recite this dharani or mantra, his or her household shall be free from affliction and harm of calamity and illness. Everything the person does shall be auspicious; his or her words shall gain the trust and acceptance of others. If one completes a recitation of this mantra 200,000 times, he will dream of the buddhas, bodhisattvas, pratyekabuddhas and sravakas, and see a black substance being vomited out of one's mouth. Should an individual commit a heavy karmic transgression, upon reciting the mantra 200,000 times he or she shall dream of the buddhas and bodhisattvas and will also, in his or her dreams, vomit a black substance. If the individual has committed one of the five deadly transgressions, and is unable to receive this auspicious dream, it is advisable that he or she recite the mantra 700,000 times. After this, the individual shall receive the auspicious dream and signs. When the individual dreams of vomiting a white substance such as a thick paste of rice, it clearly indicates that he or she has gained the pure sign of karmic purification. Please check for more details of the sutra

zaterdag 16 april 2022

Wisdom of today. #beyondidolworship

Don't worship the sun and the stars but worship G-d.

Thanks to Dr Gabriel Cousens.

Initiation, Death, Resurrection and Ascension | Heartstream 13-04-2022 by Gabriel Gonsalves.

Meditation for peace between Russia, Ukraine and NATO - English guided audio.

528Hz | Open Heart Chakra ➤ Love Frequency 528hz Music | 528hz Heart Chakra Activation - 528hz Love.

The Earth Store Bodhisattva's (Ksitigarbha) Heart Mantra.

Street Soul - Have You Ever Seen My Soul?

Best Prabhupada Kirtan Hare Krishna.

☸A Lion-Faced Dakini Mantra|སེང་གདོང་མ།|Sengdongma|Simhamukha Mantra.

 -Senge Dongma-

The lion faced dakini is also known as Sengdongma in Tibetan is appropriate for clearing obstacles of the most pervasive and malignant kind and cutting through the "three poisons" of mind. This ancient practice has been important in Tibetan Buddhism since the time of Padmasambhava.  She is particularly focused on pacifying the destructive influence of the Mamos, the forces of disturbed “yin” or feminine demonic energies. The wanton destruction of the environment and degradation of human culture greatly stirs up and enrages these elemental forces. They retaliate with disease, epidemics, weather disturbances and calamaties on a major scale. This practice is one of the great antidotes for this critical time of the “five degenerations.” As a wrathful dakini, the Lion-Faced Dakini is also one of the Phramenma, a group of female deities from the Bardo Thodol, or ‘Tibetan Book of the Dead’.

Root Chakra Healing Music - Let Go Worries, Anxiety, Fear - Chakra Meditation Music.

Mike (Michael) Adams (Natural News) : PHARMA SNAKES: Thirteen irrefutable FACTS about snake venom, Big Pharma and biological weapons.

Source :

Note : 13 is a lucky number in Judaism, so it is not always bad.

Maha Cundi Dharani - (2-hours version) 準提佛母心咒 /準提咒 - Calm, Dispel disasters, remove confusion (梵).

If there are bhikṣus, bhikṣuṇīs, upāsakas, or upāsikās who memorize and recite this dhāraṇī 800,000 times, their deadly karma in every place, created over innumerable eons, will be completely annihilated. In every place where they are born or reside, they will always meet buddhas and bodhisattvas. They will always have adequate resources and abilities to do as they wish. In any birth, they will always be able to leave the home life, and will have the ability to maintain the pure precepts of a bodhisattva. They will be born in human or heavenly realms, they will not fall into evil destinies, and they will always be protected by all the heavenly guardians.

Can group meditation bring World Peace? Quantum Physicist, John Hagelin explains.

My.Dinner.With.Andre. ("pockets of light") 1981.


‘In the presence of one firmly established in non violence, all hostilities cease’ – Yoga sutra, Patanjali

20 min. Full Moon Meditation | Heart Energy and Vibration | Ideal for restoring Love.

Jean : UNAPOLOGETICALLY FREE 4 - Nothing Is Random, Everything Is Planned! 

David Wilcock tells Mike Adams the global cabal will be taken down BEFORE the mid-term elections.

Wisdom of today.

When music and courtesy are better understood and appreciated, there will be no war. 

Meditation for peace between Russia, Ukraine and NATO - English guided audio.

Healing (Be With You) - Street Soul.

I hope that one day we can really say the war is over.
Keeping Russia, Nato and Ukraine in my prayers for peace.

Kristo(f) Gabriel

P.S. Check out Charles Jarvis on Spotify.
You can also listen here for free :

Since the re-release of the Street Soul it has been on internet radio for 780 times in a few months.
I truly hope people enjoy the music and the message.
s to all involved.
Love one another.

It doesn't give us a lot of money.
We actually pay for it to get our music heard by the people, but at least we do what we love the most.

I am so grateful.

Special thanks to

vrijdag 15 april 2022

The 12 Virtues of the Heart: FORGIVENESS | Guided Meditation with Gabriel Gonsalves.

The Power of Gratitude. (English / Dutch)

Thank you to everyone who takes in refugees from Ukraine from the bottom of my heart.

Kristof Gabriel

Madeleine Peyroux - Heaven Help Us All

Kyle Meredith with... Moby.

Go - A Film About Moby.

The 12 Virtues of the Heart: COMPASSION | Guided Meditation with Gabriel Gonsalves.

A Message For Empaths Out There ~ 5 Things, But It's Powerful Enough to Be Grateful as an Empath.

Wisdom by Kim Michaels.

Projection du film "Z" de Costa-Gavras suivie d'un débat. - Grand Orient de France.

Projection du film "Z" de Costa-Gavras suivie d'un débat, mercredi 27 avril 2022 à 19h00 au siège du Grand Orient de France, à PARIS.

His Holiness The Dalai Lama : Meeting Participants in the 25th Sho-tön Opera Festival April 7, 2022.ön-opera-festival 

White Tara Mantra | Powerful Devi Mantra | Mantra for Health, Longevity and Compassion.

Sitatapatra Mantra - White Umbrella Deity - Om Mama Hum Ni Soha

Protection from Black Magic and Spirits.

Kriya Babaji Top Songs | Arathi | Peace Mantra | Om Kriya Babaji Stuti Manjari.

Bart De Wever brandt kaars voor overleden vader in ‘Viva la feta’: “Emotie laten zien is moeilijk”. (Dutch) (Veel sterkte)

Thumbs up, Bart
Dood is een illusie.

De ziel sterft nooit (cfr. Bhagavad Gita)

Mahavatar Babaji-Mantra Meditation- Babaji Mantra.

Buddha and Christ The Sphere of the Bodhisattvas By Rudolf Steiner.

Mike (Michael) Adams (Natural News) : Jeffrey Prather: Bucha massacre is a false flag – Brighteon.TV. 

Michael B. Beckwith : You Are Waking Up To The Real You.

The Sphere of the Bodhisattvas By Rudolf Steiner (33°).

Wisdom of today.

The aim of Buddhist practice is to transcend the six paths and develop a self-determined state of happiness that is not controlled by external circumstances. The awakened states of life a person can develop through Buddhist practice are known as the four noble worlds—the worlds of voice-hearers, cause-awakened ones, bodhisattvas, and buddhas.

Traditionally, the worlds of voice-hearers and cause-awakened ones were lifestates attained through practicing the so-called Hinayana teachings.

People in these two worlds, which are also known as the life states of learning and realization, are together referred to as the people of the two vehicles.

The world of voice-hearers is the life state attained by those who gain a partial awakening through hearing the Buddha’s teaching.

The world of cause-awakened ones refers to the life state attained by those who gain a partial awakening through their own observations and effort. It is also called the realm of self-awakened ones.

The partial awakening of the people of the two vehicles is an awakening to the impermanence of all phenomena—the reality that all things are constantly changing, coming into and going out of existence. Those in the worlds of voice-hearers and cause-awakened ones, by objectively observing themselves and the world around them, perceive the truth that all things arise in response to causes and conditions, change with the passage of time, and eventually cease to exist. And they strive to overcome their attachment to transient things and phenomena.

There are times in our daily lives when we have a strong perception of the impermanence of all things, including ourselves. The Daishonin notes, “The fact that all things in this world are transient is perfectly clear to us. Is this not because the worlds of the two vehicles are present in the human world?” (WND-1, 358). He is saying that the world of human beings also possesses these perceptive worlds of voice-hearers and cause-awakened ones.

Those who sought to attain the life states of the two vehicles identified the cause of suffering as attachment to impermanent, transient things and phenomena, and they endeavored to eradicate such attachment and other earthly desires. Because of that, however, they strayed into the mistaken path of seeking to extinguish their own bodies and minds entirely (the teaching of reducing the body to ashes and annihilating consciousness).*3

From the perspective of the enlightenment of the Buddha, the awakening gained by those in the worlds of voice-hearers and cause-awakened ones is imperfect and partial. But those in these worlds content themselves with this lesser degree of enlightenment and do not seek the full enlightenment of the Buddha. Though they acknowledge the superior enlightenment of the Buddha, their teacher, they do not think themselves able to attain it and remain at a lower level of enlightenment.

Source :,their%20own%20observations%20and%20effort.

donderdag 14 april 2022

Meditation for peace between Russia, Ukraine and NATO - English guided audio.

E.T. Message - ‘We Are Here To Help You, If You Allow Us'... Paul Hellyer (1923 - 2021).

Protests, Looting, Pets Destroyed and Mass Suicides in Shanghai China as People Starve During Lockdowns. 

De Andere Krant (Madeleine Klinkhamer) : Kans op virusramp Rotterdam reëel, toezicht ontbreekt. (Dutch) 

I am worried.

These days I am very worried about the war between Nato, Ukraïne and Russia. This can very quickly escalate from a cold war towards a great global conflict (world war three). I hope from the bottom of my heart that our leaders give the best they can and prevent another world war. Yes people, I am very worried and it makes me sad. I am not choosing sides because both sides are producing propaganda and actually I don't know who is really telling the truth because there is also an information war. It must be difficult for journalists not to bring fake news, anyway, I wish them the very best.

I believe we have help in the cosmos from higher angelic beings and possibly even aliens who in the worst case will disable nuclear weapons.

If we can make our voices being hurt, we can prevent this from becoming a nuclear war.

Never give up for our beautiful planet and for the human race.

Kristof Gabriel Carina van Hooymissen

Grit and Greatness: Moby on the pursuit of happiness.

Dolores Cannon: Volunteer Souls and DNA Upgrades.

Restoring Brain Function with Coconut & MCT Oil: Alzheimer's Case Study · Dr. Mary Newport · #112.

Wisdom of today.

 Verse 56. Fragrance Of Virtue Wafts To Heaven

Faint is this fragrance
of lavender and sandalwood,
but fragrance of the virtuous
soars sublime amongst the gods.

Explanation: The fragrance of lavender and sandalwood is quite slight. Why? Because it is limited in this world. Such a fragrance can spread only on earth. This way it is a very slight fragrance. But, the sweet smell of virtue is, in contrast, supreme, because it spreads not only throughout the earth, it rises even to the highest heavens.

Source :

Message by David Sorensen. 

Aldous Huxley interviewed by Mike Wallace : 1958 (Full).

Meditation for peace between Russia, Ukraine and NATO - English guided audio.

Manly P. Hall | Integrity, the Endangered Virtue.

The 12 Virtues of the Heart: FORGIVENESS | Guided Meditation with Gabriel Gonsalves.

De man achter Putin | Lezing door sociaal en politiek filosoof Evert van der Zweerde Maandag 6 juni 2016 | LUX, Nijmegen (Dutch) 

woensdag 13 april 2022

Michael Jackson - Give Thanks To Allah + Lyrics.

Your Good Is In Plain Sight, Not Hiding w/ Michael B. Beckwith 05.17.2017.

How Mindfulness Leads to Enlightenment BY MELVIN MCLEOD. 

Meditation for peace between Russia, Ukraine and NATO - English guided audio.

Jean and David : Are You One Of Them?

The Bodhisattva Vows By Robert Aitken. 

100 Quotes by Gautama Buddha.

Jizo Bosatsu | Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Mantra | Earth Store Bodhisattva | Eliminating Karma.

Noam Chomsky: VS verhinderen doelbewust de-escalatie oorlog in Oekraïne. (Dutch)

You're Gonna Be Okay 1 Hour ~ Lyrics - Brian & Jenn Johnson | After All These Years.

dinsdag 12 april 2022

Japa Meditation- Hare Krishna.

This is What Will Happen When Empaths No Longer Fear Narcissists!

When Empaths Decide To Face Narcissists Head On, Here's What Can Possibly Happen!

How to HEAL and Build TRUST After Narcissistic Abuse | Dr. Ramani on Women of Impact.

Dr Ramani : Narcissists use this to measure people.

The Delusion of Meritocracy and the Culture of Entitlement Entitlement. It’s really that simple. - Dr Ramani 

Manly P. Hall - A Second Look at the Law of Karma.

Natalia & Gabriel Rios - Hallelujah [HELP HAITI] *Official Videoclip*.

maandag 11 april 2022

Tania Gabrielle : [April 11 - 17, 2022] Weekly Astrology-Numerology Forecast.

Wisdom of today.

"Men unaccustomed to the spiritual ways of life have received visions, and have heared voices, and by obeying these mysterious powers they have contributed to the progress and security of their fellow men." - Manly P. Hall

David Icke : World Events Are Not Pre-Planned? – Watch This – David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast. 

Understanding geopolitics : The Grand Chessboard American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives.

"Ever since the continents started interacting politically, some five hundred years ago, Eurasia has been the center of world power."

"About 75 per cent of the world's people live in Eurasia, and most of the world's physical wealth is there as well, both in its enterprises and underneath its soil. Eurasia accounts for about three-fourths of the world's known energy resources."

Zbigniew Brzezinski 

In The Grand Chessboard , renowned geostrategist Zbigniew Brzezinski delivers a brutally honest and provocative vision for American preeminence in the twenty-first century. The task facing the United States, he argues, is to become the sole political arbiter in Eurasian lands and to prevent the emergence of any rival power threatening our material and diplomatic interests. The Eurasian landmass, home to the greatest part of the globe's population, natural resources, and economic activity, is the grand chessboard on which America's supremacy will be ratified and challenged in the years to come. In this landmark work of public policy and political science, Brzezinski outlines a ground-breaking and powerful blueprint for America's vital interests in the modern world. In a revised edition with a new epilogue, Brzezinski brings his seminal work up to date with commentary on the latest global developments, including the war in Ukraine, the re-emergence of Russia, and the rise of China.

The messages posted here are for informational purposes only, they do not represent the opinion of the administrator of this blog and are for informational and educational purposes only.