shamanic artist - pleiadian gabrielian - michaelian - having faith in G-d above all else - sovereign - ethical - refuse RFID chipping / Uniting 144000, peaceful bodhisattva-buddha (nirmanakaya) mahatma- defender of freedom - following my highest calling (Shamballah), ASHTAR “We all shape the world together, be wise and virtuous in your life loyal immortal legions visionary mystic Gabriel Sadhu tintegral & bhakti, raja, siddha, maha yogi 6th dimension Christos / Archangels
Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
woensdag 19 februari 2020
CIA = Fake Media (Controlled by The Illuminati and the Secret Government) - Don't worry about them, they are facing destruction. - K. Gabriel
David Icke
David Icke is a leading Author/Lecturer that does a great job exposing the Global Conspiracy/ Illuminati/Secret Government alliance. David Icke is fully aligned with God and Spirit and The Great White Lodge fully endorses David Icke’s books, videos, lectures, and website Watch a great interview with David Icke at
Area 51
Secret underground U.S. military base in the Nevada desert. Area 51 is a rogue military base covertly run by the Illuminati/Secret Government/Dark Lodge alliance. Area 51 is a renegade military base that secretly and illegally uses billions of U.S. tax payer dollars for the development of sinister “Black Projects” of the Illuminati/Secret Government/Dark Lodge alliance, and there are several more of these evil underground military bases in existence besides Area 51. Although the evil technologies of Area 51 are great by your standards, they are childish toys by Ours. Have no fears about Area 51 and the other evil underground bases. God, The Angels, The Ascended Masters, The Nature Spirits, and The Christed Extraterrestrials have (and will continue) to neutralize the “projects” of these evil underground bases one by one—making ALL projects and efforts of these evil underground bases utterly and completely in vain.
Ascended Master
One who has successfully passed ALL of the challenges, trials, tests, and initiations of the Seven Rays of Earth. Degrees 1 to 7 are unascended souls. Degrees 8 through 13 represent the six levels of Ascending Teachers. And degrees 14 through 76 represent the 62 levels of Ascended Masters. The 76th degree is the highest level obtainable for Ascended Masters in this galaxy. Ascension Process The ascension process is the sole purpose of life in the cosmos. The purpose of life is to consciously and eternally expand your knowledge, wisdom, power, talent, and light quotient. It is the highest insult to God to remain as you are incarnation after incarnation with no change whatsoever. That is not life, that is death. The ascension process is not so popular on Earth because this is a fallen planet ruled by ignorance and materialism, but even on a fallen planet the spiral staircase of ascension is there for those who have the courage and determination to climb it.
911 was an “inside job” by The Illuminati and The Secret Government as a means to start a “false” war with Iraq, steal Iraq’s oil, gain control the region, inflate gas prices to record levels, and profit from the murder and suffering of thousands. Osama bin Laden had little to do with it and was the “Fall Guy” and “Patsy” the Illuminati-controlled media & Secret Government chose to pin the crime on and divert global attention from the real Masterminds of 911—The Illuminati & Secret Government (see Illuminati, Secret Government).
Telos Telos is one of the many holy cities in the Agartha Network. Telos is located directly beneath Mt. Shasta, California. The leader and High Priest of Telos is the great Avatar Lord Adama. The United States government has known about Agartha and Telos for a very long time. In the 1950’s the U.S. military attempted to enter Telos by force and capture it, but instead, they encountered mighty powers far beyond their comprehension, fled in fear, and have never returned!
The Secret Government
Evil factions within The United States and English governments. These evil factions are known by several code names but are generally referred to as “The Secret Government.” The U.S. and English “Secret Governments” are owned and controlled by The Illuminati who control their government agents like puppets on a string and routinely subvert U.S. and English law to achieve their evil ends. (see Illuminati). The U.S. Secret Government was formed in 1913 when The United States Federal Reserve was illegally sold to 13 Illuminati stockholders who have secretly owned and controlled The United States government ever since. The U.S. and English “Secret Governments” are in league and work together as a team. In league with The Illuminati, the “Secret Governments” helped plan and orchestrate 911; AIDS; the Okalahoma City bombing; the JFK, RFK, & MLK assassinations; the false war in Iraq; and countless other diabolical intrigues designed solely to increase their power and wealth. Don’t worry about The Illuminati and The Secret Governments. They have a date with God’s Army called “Armageddon,” and it is not going to go well for them.
Christian Fallacy
There is one notable fallacy in the Christian religion, and that is the misconception that Jesus died for your sins. Lord Jesus/Sananda Himself is appalled at the idea. Jesus did not die for your sins, nor did He ever claim to. No one can die for your sins. It is not cosmically possible for anyone to die for your sins. You are responsible for your own karma. You are responsible for your own self-improvement. You are responsible for your own Ascension. Many people are spiritually lazy because they think Jesus died for their sins so they don’t need to ever improve themselves. The misconception that Jesus died for your sins is discussed at length in the Urantia Book (see Urantia Book).
Christed Extraterrestrials
Extraterrestrials that embody the Christ consciousness. 95% of the Extraterrestrials in this galaxy are Christed Extraterrestrials.
Negative E.T.’s
95% of extraterrestrial races are friendly Christed races who worship God and help Earth all they can and are allowed to do by Cosmic Law. However, roughly 5% of E.T. races are evil Dark Lodgers who are doing the exact opposite. It is very unlikely that you will ever have to deal with a Negative E.T. in your lifetime, so Negative E.T.’s are not something you should fear or dwell on. Negative E.T.’s come in all shapes and sizes and emit a negative vibration that is easily detectable. The nice thing about the 95:5 ratio is that it clearly shows how GOOD far outnumbers EVIL in the galaxy.
The Urantia Book
The Urantia Book is a little known book that was published in 1955 and reputedly written by some of God’s key Angels and Celestial beings of this galaxy. According to legend, the pages of The Urantia Book materialized out of thin air to the editors of the book throughout the early 1900’s, and included complete instructions on how and when the book should be published and introduced to the world. From the very beginning the authenticity of The Urantia Book has been debated, many people finding the claim of Celestial authorship impossible to swallow. Not surprisingly, these naysayers are the same people who found “The World is Round” theory impossible to swallow incarnations ago. They haven’t changed. For the record, The Great White Lodge endorses The Urantia Book 100% and affirms the truth, contents, and authorship of the book. However, please be advised that The Urantia Book is some of the most advanced and difficult reading you will ever encounter. If you are not the scholarly type, the book will probably prove too much for you.
The Cold War
The Cold War between the United States and the former Soviet Union was an elaborate hoax orchestrated by The Illuminati who secretly own and control both countries. In reality, both countries were secretly operating as one entity throughout “The Cold War.” The truth of this was known only to a handful of “insiders” at the time. The Illuminati secretly own and operate the Military Industrial Complex, and the purpose of the hoaxed “Cold War” was to extort trillions and trillions of dollars from taxpayers on both sides via the mass production of nuclear warheads and intercontinental ballistic missiles for a “Cold War” that was not even real!
Cosmic Avatar
Any of the great beings who have already achieved the highest level of ascension possible in the cosmos! A Cosmic Avatar plays with Time & Space the way a child plays with bubbles. With a single thought a Cosmic Avatar could very easily have Mt. Everest and The Golden Gate Bridge trade positions on Earth. Wouldn’t that be an interesting news day!
God’s Army
David Icke is a leading Author/Lecturer that does a great job exposing the Global Conspiracy/ Illuminati/Secret Government alliance. David Icke is fully aligned with God and Spirit and The Great White Lodge fully endorses David Icke’s books, videos, lectures, and website Watch a great interview with David Icke at
Area 51
Secret underground U.S. military base in the Nevada desert. Area 51 is a rogue military base covertly run by the Illuminati/Secret Government/Dark Lodge alliance. Area 51 is a renegade military base that secretly and illegally uses billions of U.S. tax payer dollars for the development of sinister “Black Projects” of the Illuminati/Secret Government/Dark Lodge alliance, and there are several more of these evil underground military bases in existence besides Area 51. Although the evil technologies of Area 51 are great by your standards, they are childish toys by Ours. Have no fears about Area 51 and the other evil underground bases. God, The Angels, The Ascended Masters, The Nature Spirits, and The Christed Extraterrestrials have (and will continue) to neutralize the “projects” of these evil underground bases one by one—making ALL projects and efforts of these evil underground bases utterly and completely in vain.
Ascended Master
One who has successfully passed ALL of the challenges, trials, tests, and initiations of the Seven Rays of Earth. Degrees 1 to 7 are unascended souls. Degrees 8 through 13 represent the six levels of Ascending Teachers. And degrees 14 through 76 represent the 62 levels of Ascended Masters. The 76th degree is the highest level obtainable for Ascended Masters in this galaxy. Ascension Process The ascension process is the sole purpose of life in the cosmos. The purpose of life is to consciously and eternally expand your knowledge, wisdom, power, talent, and light quotient. It is the highest insult to God to remain as you are incarnation after incarnation with no change whatsoever. That is not life, that is death. The ascension process is not so popular on Earth because this is a fallen planet ruled by ignorance and materialism, but even on a fallen planet the spiral staircase of ascension is there for those who have the courage and determination to climb it.
911 was an “inside job” by The Illuminati and The Secret Government as a means to start a “false” war with Iraq, steal Iraq’s oil, gain control the region, inflate gas prices to record levels, and profit from the murder and suffering of thousands. Osama bin Laden had little to do with it and was the “Fall Guy” and “Patsy” the Illuminati-controlled media & Secret Government chose to pin the crime on and divert global attention from the real Masterminds of 911—The Illuminati & Secret Government (see Illuminati, Secret Government).
Telos Telos is one of the many holy cities in the Agartha Network. Telos is located directly beneath Mt. Shasta, California. The leader and High Priest of Telos is the great Avatar Lord Adama. The United States government has known about Agartha and Telos for a very long time. In the 1950’s the U.S. military attempted to enter Telos by force and capture it, but instead, they encountered mighty powers far beyond their comprehension, fled in fear, and have never returned!
Evil factions within The United States and English governments. These evil factions are known by several code names but are generally referred to as “The Secret Government.” The U.S. and English “Secret Governments” are owned and controlled by The Illuminati who control their government agents like puppets on a string and routinely subvert U.S. and English law to achieve their evil ends. (see Illuminati). The U.S. Secret Government was formed in 1913 when The United States Federal Reserve was illegally sold to 13 Illuminati stockholders who have secretly owned and controlled The United States government ever since. The U.S. and English “Secret Governments” are in league and work together as a team. In league with The Illuminati, the “Secret Governments” helped plan and orchestrate 911; AIDS; the Okalahoma City bombing; the JFK, RFK, & MLK assassinations; the false war in Iraq; and countless other diabolical intrigues designed solely to increase their power and wealth. Don’t worry about The Illuminati and The Secret Governments. They have a date with God’s Army called “Armageddon,” and it is not going to go well for them.
Christian Fallacy
There is one notable fallacy in the Christian religion, and that is the misconception that Jesus died for your sins. Lord Jesus/Sananda Himself is appalled at the idea. Jesus did not die for your sins, nor did He ever claim to. No one can die for your sins. It is not cosmically possible for anyone to die for your sins. You are responsible for your own karma. You are responsible for your own self-improvement. You are responsible for your own Ascension. Many people are spiritually lazy because they think Jesus died for their sins so they don’t need to ever improve themselves. The misconception that Jesus died for your sins is discussed at length in the Urantia Book (see Urantia Book).
Christed Extraterrestrials
Extraterrestrials that embody the Christ consciousness. 95% of the Extraterrestrials in this galaxy are Christed Extraterrestrials.
Negative E.T.’s
95% of extraterrestrial races are friendly Christed races who worship God and help Earth all they can and are allowed to do by Cosmic Law. However, roughly 5% of E.T. races are evil Dark Lodgers who are doing the exact opposite. It is very unlikely that you will ever have to deal with a Negative E.T. in your lifetime, so Negative E.T.’s are not something you should fear or dwell on. Negative E.T.’s come in all shapes and sizes and emit a negative vibration that is easily detectable. The nice thing about the 95:5 ratio is that it clearly shows how GOOD far outnumbers EVIL in the galaxy.
The Urantia Book
The Urantia Book is a little known book that was published in 1955 and reputedly written by some of God’s key Angels and Celestial beings of this galaxy. According to legend, the pages of The Urantia Book materialized out of thin air to the editors of the book throughout the early 1900’s, and included complete instructions on how and when the book should be published and introduced to the world. From the very beginning the authenticity of The Urantia Book has been debated, many people finding the claim of Celestial authorship impossible to swallow. Not surprisingly, these naysayers are the same people who found “The World is Round” theory impossible to swallow incarnations ago. They haven’t changed. For the record, The Great White Lodge endorses The Urantia Book 100% and affirms the truth, contents, and authorship of the book. However, please be advised that The Urantia Book is some of the most advanced and difficult reading you will ever encounter. If you are not the scholarly type, the book will probably prove too much for you.
The Cold War
The Cold War between the United States and the former Soviet Union was an elaborate hoax orchestrated by The Illuminati who secretly own and control both countries. In reality, both countries were secretly operating as one entity throughout “The Cold War.” The truth of this was known only to a handful of “insiders” at the time. The Illuminati secretly own and operate the Military Industrial Complex, and the purpose of the hoaxed “Cold War” was to extort trillions and trillions of dollars from taxpayers on both sides via the mass production of nuclear warheads and intercontinental ballistic missiles for a “Cold War” that was not even real!
Cosmic Avatar
Any of the great beings who have already achieved the highest level of ascension possible in the cosmos! A Cosmic Avatar plays with Time & Space the way a child plays with bubbles. With a single thought a Cosmic Avatar could very easily have Mt. Everest and The Golden Gate Bridge trade positions on Earth. Wouldn’t that be an interesting news day!
God’s Army
Mightiest Army is the cosmos. A massive, mighty, and majestic Army of Angels,Elementals, Avatars, Ascended
Masters, Christed Extraterrestrials, Starships, Flying Saucers, Galactic Battleships, and an endless assortment of
Interdimensional Space/Time vessels and their crews. God’s Army has never been defeated—and never will be
The Matrix
“The Matrix” is a 1999 Hollywood movie that exposes the evil controllers of Earth and the false paradigms of Earth. The
story and contents of this movie were entirely channeled by The Great White Lodge to the screenwriters without their
being aware of it. This movie is required viewing for the 144,000.
The marijuana plant is not indigenous to Earth. The marijuana plant was a “gift” from the Christed E.T.’s long ago to help
Earthlings “experience” God and enlightened transcendental states of consciousness quickly and easily. Years of
meditation and holistic living are by far the better and more lasting way to “experience” God and enlightened
transcendental states of consciousness, but occasional use of marijuana to “experience” for the first time, or remind
yourself, what God and enlightened transcendental states of consciousness feel like, does more good than harm and is
wholly endorsed by The Great White Lodge and Spiritual Hierarchy. For reasons that will make perfect sense to you now,
The Dark Lodge/Illuminati/Secret Government alliance are the hidden sinister force behind the stamp out pot movement!
The Law of One
The first and most important law of all Christed races.
And that law is, “All for One and One for All.”
The CIA and FBI are not benevolent agencies. Quite the contrary. The CIA and FBI are nothing more than henchmen
that carry out the evil plans of the Illuminati and Secret Government.
Three Days of the Condor
“Three Days of the Condor” is a brilliant 1975 film that does an outstanding job exposing the evil and duplicity of the
Telos is one of the many holy cities in the Agartha Network.
Telos is located directly beneath Mt. Shasta, California. The
leader and High Priest of Telos is the great Avatar Lord Adama. The United States government has known about
Agartha and Telos for a very long time. In the 1950’s the U.S. military attempted to enter Telos by force and capture it,
but instead, they encountered mighty powers far beyond their comprehension, fled in fear, and have never returned!
The Illuminati
“The Illuminati” is the codename for the evil controllers of Earth. The Illuminati are 13 of the world’s richest families and
they are evil Dark Lodgers. The 13 Illuminati families obtained their vast wealth entirely by corruption, deception,
duplicity, exploitation, force, coercion, and murder. The Illuminati were behind the assassinations of Abraham Lincoln,
John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and other great men who were trying to change the world for
the better. The Illuminati have not fairly earned one penny of their vast fortune, nor would they ever want to. Crime and
duplicity are their basic nature, and far more agreeable to them. The 13 Illuminati families have successfully controlled
world affairs for hundreds of years and insanely believe that they own the people and resources of this Earth. Don’t worry
about The Illuminati. The Illuminati have a date with God’s Army called Armageddon and it is not going to go well for
Cosmic Law
The collective Laws of God, the Celestial Hosts, and the Lords of Karma. Although The Great White Lodge and Spiritual
Hierarchy have the power to correct any situation in the Universe, Cosmic Law often prevents Us from doing so. If We
applied “corrective force” to every negative situation in the Universe, We would usurp and undermine the dynamics of
“Free Will” which lay at the heart of the Ascension Process. There is no Ascension without Free Will, and so We must
frequently “do nothing” and allow beings and races enmeshed in evil and negativity to work out their own Karma, at their
own pace, in their own way. But there are limits and deadlines to everything in the Cosmos. God has given the race of
Earth X amount of time to “get their act together” and rejoin the Brotherhood of Planets of their own volition. But that
“deadline” is rapidly coming to a close. And what the race of Earth does not correct on their own, God’s Army will soon
correct by force through Armageddon.
Cosmic Law 13
Comic Law 13 states, “Ignorance is its own destruction, and a natural safeguard to the welfare of the Cosmos.”
Cosmic Great White Lodge
The Cosmic Great White Lodge is our galaxy Headquarters which is located in the star system Sirius. The Great White
Lodge of Earth is a branch of The Cosmic Great White Lodge on Sirius, and there are thousands of these “branches”
spread throughout the galaxy.
The Great White Lodge Secret Service
The Great White Lodge has a “Secret Service.” Some of the 144,000 are part of the Secret Service. The purpose of The
Great White Lodge Secret Service is to counter and outwit The Dark Lodge Secret Service. Have no fears. Our guys are
smarter than theirs.
The finite attempt of man to know the infinite. Cannot succeed even in theory since to know the infinite one must become
the infinite! Little or nothing in your 3rd grade science books is true. And the science of today is sure to become the
fallacy of tomorrow. There is nothing wrong with true science, but there is little if any true science being practiced on
Earth. Science as it is practiced on Earth is completely ignorant, lame, arrogant, blind, deaf, dumb, conceited, misguided,
amoral, maniacal, profit motivated, greed propelled, and utterly and completely out of tune with God and God’s Plan.
Fallen angel who was Lucifer’s Chief Assistant. After Lucifer was arrested by Lord Archangel Michael, Satan assumed
his position and became the 2nd President of The Dark Lodge. God gave Satan every chance to repent and come home.
Satan refused to the end. Per God’s order and decree, Satan was subsequently arrested and put to death by Lord
Archangel Michael.
Prayer is simply Talking to God, The Angels, The Ascended Masters, The Nature Spirits, & The Christed
Prayer is Talking to God. Meditation is Listening to God. Meditation is simply Quieting the mind a little more than usual
David Icke : ‘Doctors for Assange’ worry he may die in UK prison having ‘effectively been tortured to death’.
Source :
Media exposed for lying and inverting the TRUTH. We hold them ACCOUNTABLE for inverting the TRUTH. (English / Dutch)
Manly P. Hall - Victory of the Soul over circumstances.
Wisdom of today.
"I refuse to call the Inquisition holy.
The Inquistion isdemonic.
The Inquistion is
I resist it."
K. Gabriel
Continuous Study, Prayer, Reflection, Meditation and Contemplation.
Resistance Updates #StopMassEuthanasia #Fighttheantichrist
"My research says that mass euthanasia is a trick from the anti-christ.
Good people : please stand against it."
Good people : please stand against it."
The Truth Brings, “Not Peace, But a Sword”.
“Do not think I came to bring peace to the earth; I came to bring, not peace, but a sword.”—MATT. 10:34.
Dedicated to Saint Jacques de Molay.
Clement died the following month, and Philip died under mysterious circumstances the following November.
K. Gabriel
Manly P. Hall - How Karma Works (Or Does It?)
Dortmund soon to be arrested.
(Because of its manipulation)
K. Gabriel
"I call upon the Host of Heaven for Christed Judgement of the forces of darkness everywhere.
The abusers will face justice."
The abusers will face justice."
K. Gabriel
Just read this book last week.
Look how much the author of that book looks like Anton Lavey from the disguisting church of satan.
Stop paedophilia and Child, sex trafficking NOW.
The FACTS about Jesus' Ascension
"Jesus, as a member of the Royal Family,
Transcended His Reptilian DNA during His Ascension (and was NO longer bound to it).
All Christed Beings can do this,
And thus become a FORCE OF GOOD for liberating humanity."
K. Gabriel
Transcended His Reptilian DNA during His Ascension (and was NO longer bound to it).
All Christed Beings can do this,
And thus become a FORCE OF GOOD for liberating humanity."
K. Gabriel
dinsdag 18 februari 2020
Truth updates #EyesWideOpen
Some Reptiles might become GOOD (Let's hope so)
K. Gabriel
Isaiah 14:12 .... Revelation 13-18
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
Source :
This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.
Source :
This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.
Source :
Do Your Own Research - K. Gabriel
What Africa needs are leaders who can stand up to demand justice and what is rightfully ours in Africa. The African Union should stand to its name and creed and save Africa.
The cabal tries to manipulate
EVENTually, they (the manipulating cabal) will loose.
K. Gabriel
David : Being Ahead of Time.
Source : Jewish Voice for Peace.
"We know full well that the Israel lobby uses false and misleading accusations of anti-Semitism to silence critics of Israeli policies. We have called out that tactic time and time again and stood in defense of those who have been wrongly maligned with this accusation. Nevertheless, this does not mean that all accusations of anti-Semitism are unfair. Indeed, we have long warned that the political conflation of all criticisms of Israeli policy with anti-Semitism make it harder and harder to call out actual anti-Semitism when it does occur."
Source : Jewish Voice for Peace.
Inspiration for humanity
Pray for humanity
We all have been here before
People can change their future
People can change their future
Pray for women,
children and men in danger.
Everyone can learn from the past.
Be forgiven
Everyone can learn from the past.
Be forgiven
And offered a second chance.
I believe we can co-create
a good, better future
for all of humanity.
Keep hope and faith in your very hearts.
We can do this together.
Kristo(f) Gabriel
We can do this together.
Kristo(f) Gabriel
Blessing the Alternative Media
"When Fake news doesn't deceive humanity anymore".
Kristo(f) Gabriel
Queen Elisabeth Responds that she remains "NON POLITICAL" and will not intervene + more.
(Non-Political = Regular not irregular)
(Non-Political = Regular not irregular)
De CIA heeft daarna de vriendin van Assange tegen hem opgezet om hem te vervolgen. Dat is de WAARHEID).
Wisdom of today.
"The Inquisition and the torturers. Those are the demons."
Yes, including Philip Le fair.
Musk SpaceX Launches more Satellites After Warnings from Astronomers and Scientists - the arrogance of this man is extraordinary.
David Icke Talks About Turkey's Invasion Of Syria & What That Means For Europe.
maandag 17 februari 2020
G'd and the Archangelic Host can undo every attack send by the demonic host. -
David : Cashless Agenda? China Is Scrubbing Cash Notes To Stop Virus Spreading So Its Paper Money Won’t Kill You.
China Scrubs Cash to Stop Virus Outbreak
The People’s Bank of China, the Chinese central bank, has announced that it has taken a number of actions to fight the spread of COVID19 – the novel coronavirus infecting the country. In a press conference on Saturday, February 15, it was revealed that commercial banks have been ordered they must take out of circulation used notes and disinfect them.
The disinfected fiat cash will also need to be kept in quarantine for a period of 7 to 14 days before it can be reintroduced to the public, with the length of time bills are kept in isolation varying from region to region according to its level of infection with the virus. Moreover, the Guangzhou branch of the People’s Bank of China claimed on Saturday that all used cash notes coming from hospitals, wet markets, and public transportation buses will simply be annihilated as soon as possible. And according to reports from the area, stacks of cash are now being stockpiled in warehouses waiting until they can be eliminated.
Additionally, Fan Yifei, deputy governor of the Chinese central bank, said Saturday that commercial banks have been instructed to give out new banknotes to clients instead of used ones if they can. For this purpose the People’s Bank of China made an “emergency issuance” of four billion RMB in new notes to the most severely effected region, Hubei province, right before the recent Lunar New Year holiday. These steps are meant to “secure the public’s safety and health when using cash”, Fan said.'
Source :
Keep in Heart :
With the ushering in of Pluto in Capricorn, the breaking down of all that is corrupt has begun (and will continue) and these changes will allow that which is in humanity’s best interests to replace those control objects that have kept us economic slaves for hundreds of years.
David's Updates :Cashless Agenda? China Is Scrubbing Cash Notes To Stop Virus Spreading So Its Paper Money Won’t Kill You.
This explains why I can't buy a lot in shops.
These demons constantly block me from buying because money is only digital numbers on a computer.
The forces of light will arrest those who are responsable for these crimes of manipulation.
Hold on.
Keep the faith.
(Heaven's Judgement is upon them)
K. Gabriel
Jon Rappoport : Vaccines: “preventing every bad thing”. #StopTheSatanicDeathCult #ThankYou - K. Gabriel
By John Rappoport,
We begin with this: “Administration of KMV (killed measles vaccine) apparently set in motion an aberrant immunologic response that not only failed to protect children against natural measles, but resulted in heightened susceptibility.” JAMA Aug. 22, 1980, vol. 244, p. 804, Vincent Fulginiti and Ray Helfer. The authors indicate that such children can come down with “an often severe, atypical form of measles. Atypical measles is characterized by fever, headache… and a diverse rash (which)… may consist of a mixture of macules, papules, vesicles, and pustules…”
In other words, the measles vaccine can create a worse form of measles. This is not the normal form of the illness, from which children routinely recover with the bonus of lifetime immunity. No, this is a severe, atypical, dangerous, synthetic, vaccine-induced disease.
Now read this: “…the window of vulnerability of an infant may be even greater in vaccinated women than in with women with natural measles infection.” (Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 79(5), 2008, pp. 787–792).
Translation: Measles occurring in infants—which is unusual and dangerous—is more likely to occur when the mother has been vaccinated against measles. Why? Because she no longer passes down, to her child, the natural components of immunity to measles.
This stunning finding can apply across the board, for all vaccines and all childhood illnesses.
Vaccinated mothers, who would ordinarily pass down natural immune factors to their babies, often don’t.
The vaccinators are creating a synthetic world of pretended immunity. And they want the global population to live inside that bubble—and suffer the consequences.
Medical experts have spewed a great deal of nonsense promoting how serious childhood diseases are. This is an attempt to refute centuries of evidence showing children recover nicely from these illnesses and thus acquire lifetime immunity.
The “seriousness” of the diseases, when they are serious, results from two factors: vaccinated mothers, and a general weakness of children’s immune systems. And that weakness results from sub-standard nutrition and a lack of nutritious breast-feeding.
Of course, breast feeding isn’t going to be naturally nutritious if the mother has been previously loaded with vaccines. It’s a vicious circle.
And remember this: no amount of vaccines is going to solve tremendously sub-standard childhood nutrition.
Claiming that undernourished children must be vaccinated up to their eyeballs—as “substitute protection” against disease—is an egregious and despicable lie.
The vaccine establishment is fully aware of what I’m discussing here, and it has covered it up.
There is no substitute for natural immunity derived from good nutrition.
Finally, if you revisit the first quote in this article, you’ll see another factor at work. The measles vaccine that paves the way for “severe, atypical” measles in children? The vaccine could be falsely exonerated on the grounds that the symptoms which develop in children don’t add up to measles at all. What these children have doesn’t look like measles—
And therein lies one of the greatest secrets about all vaccines. They appear to wipe out diseases, because, after vaccination, the signs and symptoms ordinarily associated with those diseases often don’t occur.
Instead, the old symptoms are altered or don’t appear at all. Therefore, medical experts can claim that mumps or measles or pertussis or diphtheria have been eliminated from the population—when in fact what is happening is the emergence of vaccine-induced disease with different symptoms.
And those symptoms are given different disease-names.
Polio? Gone. Now we have meningitis. Smallpox? Gone. Now we have “lesions of unknown origin” or Kaposi’s Sarcoma.
Vaccinated children become more ill than they would have, and children die. But it doesn’t matter for the sellers and enforcers of vaccines, because they can say, “Look, vaccines are extraordinarily successful wherever they’re given; they wipe out diseases.”
No they don’t.
They just transfer the pictures of symptoms.
And they cut off the population from natural and powerful immunity, the very same immunity that, along with improved nutrition, better basic sanitation, and a higher standard of living, made many serious diseases into light illnesses.
It’s all a shell game. If the vaccinators confessed, they would say something like this:
“Okay folks, here’s what we do. We give the mother and her baby a shot against Disease A. Disease A is a set of recognizable symptoms. After vaccination, that set of symptoms will occur far less often. Instead, a new set of far more dangerous symptoms will occur. We’ll call those symptoms Disease B. And we’ll say Disease A has been wiped out…”
This shell game is played with human lives sacrificed on the altar of profits, and the creation of more debilitation and death.
Kristo(f) Gabriel
Prepare for Change : Finland ends homelessness and provides shelter for all in need (and more).
Vaccines: “preventing every bad thing”.
(The Black Lodge wanted to depopulate humanity through their generated corona-virus hoax;
Fortunately humanity starts to awaken.
Fortunately humanity starts to awaken.
They wanted to generate tremendous fear through virus and vaccine scams.
The Lightforces stopped most of their attempts of depopulation.
The Lightforces stopped most of their attempts of depopulation.
Keep in heart : the flu fear mongering is also such a hoax.
Vitamine C, Vitamine D, ecchinacea etcetera is much better than useless vaccines.)
Vitamine C, Vitamine D, ecchinacea etcetera is much better than useless vaccines.)
I leave the Judgement to G'd
Kristo Gabriel
Ascended Masters, please Awaken humanity that we don't need to fight the forces of darkness.
Just invoke G'd, the Heavenly host and the Ascended Masters and ask to remove these forces of darkness from all planes of existance.
Just invoke G'd, the Heavenly host and the Ascended Masters and ask to remove these forces of darkness from all planes of existance.
Thank you, dear friends.
Kristo(f) Gabriel
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