Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

donderdag 5 december 2019

Christopher Lee doesn't have a big occult library. (Here's why (against all the rumours.))

Sir Christopher Lee at University College Dublin, discusses rumours of his extensive occult library and black magic.

FAITH IN G'D is more sufficient.
(Don't get trapped by Luciferianism)

K. Gabriel - Seems to be a man with the new name Gabriel C.

The media seems to find people with the name Gabriel interesting.
However, the media manipulates all the time, so don't pay too much attention to it.

Guilty is about a guy on  cocaine who lets everybody down and he knows it. (according to Madeleine on Her DVD, which I bought for study and did not eat to pay for it - more important than dinner - it's food for the soul folks.)
It could have been about my former self.
That's why I gave the example to quit drugs for sure already quite some time ago. Still brahmacharya at the moment.
My very training to stay tuned and focused on G'd in the first place.
Thanks to our Mayer Bart De Wever who pointed out that drugs and yoga doesn't go well together.
Sober up folks.Yoga and drugs doesn't mix well (marihuana is no big deal. I can live with people who smoke marihuana.)

Keep going,

K. Gabriel

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