![kristof Gabriel carina van hooymissen [my ancestor lieven once brewed the beer saint-michael]](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiuf5AId3Z3RVqmJkfVPVXsz_-LO89rYUHadTXsJnXUtENc6Q3DYO4cH6Ii3cJfHvIOyYLuyB4usNk9rXPfKXqGqnUPGe6D30imXQzsKAEvPnR478_6_CpifikjSMW-V0GLBp8BWPUB_B32/s250/Red+PIll.jpg)
shamanic artist - pleiadian gabrielian - michaelian - having faith in G-d above all else - sovereign - ethical - refuse RFID chipping / Uniting 144000, peaceful bodhisattva-buddha (nirmanakaya) mahatma- defender of freedom - jivanmukta - realizing highest calling (Shamballah), ASHTAR “We all shape the world together, be wise and virtuous in your life loyal immortal legions visionary mystic Gabriel Sadhu integral & bhakti, raja, siddha, maha yogi 6th dimension Christos / Archangels
Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's
woensdag 31 juli 2019
Who Killed Kennedy? - David Icke Talks To Shaun Attwood
dinsdag 30 juli 2019
zondag 28 juli 2019
[July 29 - Aug 4] Weekly Astrology Numerology Forecast
zaterdag 27 juli 2019
David Wilcock 07/27/2019 — HE IS THE TRUSTFUL SOURCES
Corey Goode 07/27/2019 — ANOTHER SPHERE GROUPS
The Real Reason The Propagandists Have Been Promoting Russia Hysteria.
Rusland hysterie mischien niet eens alleen voor de kijkcijfers, of Trumpbashing, of om democratisch partij verlies te verklaren, maar gewoon omdat Rusland door de VS als ongehoorzaam wordt aangemerkt?
Er zijn zoveel gaten in de Rusland-boeman verhaal, bv dat Trump niet 'hard genoeg' tegen Rusland zou optreden, terwijl hij juist degene is geweest die de spanning tot ongekende hoogte heeft opgevoerd.
"This marked discrepancy is due to the fact that western mass media outlets serve not a political party, nor even money, but the power structures of the western empire. This is the real reason why Russia hysteria has been mainlined into mainstream consciousness day in and day out for three years. Not for ratings, not to hurt Trump, not to help the Democrats, but because Russia is viewed as a disobedient geopolitical adversary by the US-centralized power alliance. That’s all it’s ever been.
There are many gaping plot holes in the Russiagate narrative that outlets like MSNBC have been bashing everyone over the head with, but the most obvious and easily provable of them is the indisputable fact that Donald Trump has escalated tensions against Russia more than any US president in decades. You never hear anyone talk about this self-evident fact in all the endless yammering about Russia, though, because it doesn’t advance the agendas of either of America’s two mainstream parties, and it doesn’t advance the interests of US imperialism. Democrats don’t like acknowledging the fact that Trump has been consistently and aggressively working directly against the interests of Moscow, and Trump supporters don’t like acknowledging that their president is just as much of a neocon-coddling globalist as those they claim to oppose, so the war machine has gone conveniently unchallenged in manufacturing new cold war escalations against a nation they’ve had marked for destruction since the fall of the Soviet Union.
In a very interesting new Grayzone interview packed full of ideas that you’ll never hear voiced on western mass media, Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov spoke openly about the various ways that Russia, China, and other nations who’ve resisted absorption into the blob of the US power alliance have been working toward the creation of a multipolar world. Ryabkov said other nations have been watching the way the dominance of the US dollar has been used to economically terrorize noncompliant nations into subservience by way of sanctions and other manipulations, with Washington expecting that the dollar and the US financial system will remain “the cardiovascular system of the whole organism.”
vrijdag 26 juli 2019
The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path To Enlightenment - The Varities of Karma - Study of today.
donderdag 25 juli 2019
woensdag 24 juli 2019
dinsdag 23 juli 2019
War With Iran - The Elephant In The Living Room
Mary Magdalene is NOT a Prostitute. #InnocentMagdalene
maandag 22 juli 2019
David Wilcock 07/22/2019 — THE ORDER TO WORLD ELITES
zondag 21 juli 2019
Why earth is no longer under quarantine !!!!
David Wilcock Fall of The Cabal Mass arrests
zaterdag 20 juli 2019
Astrology for July: Preparing for Lions Gate
vrijdag 19 juli 2019
The Resistance / Great White Lodge is PRO Marihuana. (!!!!)
The marijuana plant is not indigenous to Earth. The marijuana plant was a “gift” from the Christed E.T.’s long ago to help
Earthlings “experience” God and enlightened transcendental states of consciousness quickly and easily. Years of
meditation and holistic living are by far the better and more lasting way to “experience” God and enlightened
transcendental states of consciousness, but occasional use of marijuana to “experience” for the first time, or remind
yourself, what God and enlightened transcendental states of consciousness feel like, does more good than harm and is
wholly endorsed by The Great White Lodge and Spiritual Hierarchy. For reasons that will make perfect sense to you now,
The Dark Lodge/Illuminati/Secret Government alliance are the hidden sinister force behind the stamp out pot movement!
donderdag 18 juli 2019
woensdag 17 juli 2019
Compassionate Ethics in Difficult Times - The Dalai Lama
dinsdag 16 juli 2019
David Icke on the "occult." (English)
There are also different expressions of what is called the 'occult'. The word symply means hidden and relates to hidden knowledge about the nature and workings of reality. Knowledge is not good or bad - it just is. Judgements about good and bad come with how the knowledge is used. There is therefore what some might call the 'Light occult' in which they seek to use the knowledge positively for the benefit of humanity and the 'Dark Occult' in which the very extreme opposite is the case. I have heard Christians constantly condemning 'the occult' as evil when if that knowledge about reality were used in the right way it would set us free. Satanists and Dark Occultists have enslaved humanity by using hidden knowledge for their own ends and ensuring that while they have the knowledge the population does not. They have done this by demonising that which they use against us. They want people to either laugh and dismiss the knowledge or be in fear of it. What I have laid out in this book is occult information because it has been hidden.
David Icke, Everything You Need To Know But Have Never Been Told.
"Give evil nothing to oppose and it will disappear by itself."
- Lao Tsu -
This text makes us think I don't attack people personally but serving others as I try to do, is pure white magic and is not evil at all. - Kristo(f) Gabriel
David Icke, Everything You Need To Know But Have Never Been Told.
"Give evil nothing to oppose and it will disappear by itself."
- Lao Tsu -
This text makes us think I don't attack people personally but serving others as I try to do, is pure white magic and is not evil at all. - Kristo(f) Gabriel
maandag 15 juli 2019
Manly P. Hall on hearing voices. (English / Dutch)
"It is written in the old books that when the brothers of the Quest desire to bring about changes in the mortal state they send messengers and strange dreams and mystic visions, and accomplish their purpose by revealing their will to the leaders of nations in sundry and curious ways. Wether we wish to believe that the spirits of the dead return to guide the living, or wether we choose to accept that man possesses faculties and powers which under great stress may bring his consciousness a little nearer to the Universal Truth, one thing is certain: Men (and women) unaccustomed to the spiritual ways of life have received visions, have heard voices and by obeying these mysterious powers they have contributed to the progress and security of their fellow men (and women)."
In de oude boeken staat geschreven dat wanneer de broeders van de zoektocht veranderingen in de sterfelijke staat willen bewerkstelligen, zij boodschappers en vreemde dromen en mystieke visioenen sturen en hun doel bereiken door hun wil te openbaren aan de leiders van naties in verschillende en merkwaardige manieren. Of we willen geloven dat de geesten van de doden terugkeren om de levenden te leiden of niet, of we ervoor kiezen om te accepteren dat de mens vermogens bezit die onder grote druk zijn / haar bewustzijn een beetje dichter bij de Universele Waarheid kunnen brengen, één ding is zeker: Mannen (en vrouwen) die niet gewend zijn aan de spirituele manieren van leven hebben visioenen ontvangen, hebben stemmen gehoord en hebben door deze mysterieuze vermogens te gehoorzamen bijgedragen aan de vooruitgang en veiligheid van hun medemensen.
Manly Palmer Hall
The Prophetic Dream Of General McClellan
The Secret Destiny of America.
In de oude boeken staat geschreven dat wanneer de broeders van de zoektocht veranderingen in de sterfelijke staat willen bewerkstelligen, zij boodschappers en vreemde dromen en mystieke visioenen sturen en hun doel bereiken door hun wil te openbaren aan de leiders van naties in verschillende en merkwaardige manieren. Of we willen geloven dat de geesten van de doden terugkeren om de levenden te leiden of niet, of we ervoor kiezen om te accepteren dat de mens vermogens bezit die onder grote druk zijn / haar bewustzijn een beetje dichter bij de Universele Waarheid kunnen brengen, één ding is zeker: Mannen (en vrouwen) die niet gewend zijn aan de spirituele manieren van leven hebben visioenen ontvangen, hebben stemmen gehoord en hebben door deze mysterieuze vermogens te gehoorzamen bijgedragen aan de vooruitgang en veiligheid van hun medemensen.
Manly Palmer Hall
The Prophetic Dream Of General McClellan
The Secret Destiny of America.
July Lunar Eclipse Deep Dark Secrets are Revealed!
Secret Chemtrail Pilot Speaks, on Dec 8, 2014 #Integrity
Barbara Marciniak Best President Of All Time
David Lynch: 'Trump could be one of greatest presidents’
Epstein To Reveal Names In Exchange For Plea Deal
zaterdag 13 juli 2019
Understanding Compassion : Ashton Kutcher has rescued over 6000 victims from sex-trafficking.
In the Golden Age psychiatry and psychology will no longer be tools for the power elite.
vrijdag 12 juli 2019
David Wilcock: The Cabal Has No Chance Left
Disney Starlet: 'I Was Molested From 6 To 14'
Boek in de kijker : Een lamp voor het pad naar Verlichting, Atisha. (Dutch)
Een Lamp voor het Pad naar Verlichting
door: Atisha & Tsenshap Serkong Rinpochee
Dit is een beroemde tekst van de grote Indiase meester Atisha. Het omvat in een paar bladzijden de essentie van al het onderricht dat leidt naar de Verlichting. Het commentaar werd gegeven door Serkong Rinpochee, een belangrijke leraar en debatpartner van Z.H. de Dalai Lama.
door: Atisha & Tsenshap Serkong Rinpochee
Dit is een beroemde tekst van de grote Indiase meester Atisha. Het omvat in een paar bladzijden de essentie van al het onderricht dat leidt naar de Verlichting. Het commentaar werd gegeven door Serkong Rinpochee, een belangrijke leraar en debatpartner van Z.H. de Dalai Lama.
De Indiase Mahayana-meester Atisha (11e eeuw) schreef het Bodhipathapradipam, dat in 68 strofen de essentie van het Mahayana-boeddhisme bevat, toen hij op uitnodiging naar Tibet kwam om daar het boeddhisme nieuw leven in te blazen. De uitleg van deze beroemde tekst is van een assistent van de huidige Dalai Lama, die de strofen op de voet volgt en met veel voorbeelden verheldert. De bekende onderwerpen komen aan de orde, zoals dood, lijden, karma, zelfloosheid, onthechting, verlichting, mededogen, gelijkmoedigheid, liefde, morele discipline, concentratie. Ondanks enkele uitglijders (o.a. Annutara, Samkhya's, Soewietsel, Spitti) en het ontbreken van een verklarende termenlijst is dit boek een aanwinst vanwege de interessante uitleg. Bevat een voorwoord door de Dalai Lama en enkele paginagrote zwart-wittekeningen van boeddha-vormen en boeddhistische meesters. Fraaie omslagfoto in kleur van een jonge Tibetaanse die devoot de ogen opslaat.
(Biblion recensie, Drs. C.J.G. van der Burg.)
(Biblion recensie, Drs. C.J.G. van der Burg.)
The Wogan Interview Nobody Mentions - David Icke
Manly P. Hall - A Second Look at the Law of Karma
Dolores Cannon: Volunteer Souls and DNA Upgrades.
Cancer the Forbidden Cures - Full Documentary
Leonard Cohen's wise words on Christ.
"I'm very fond of Jesus Christ. He may be the most beautiful guy who ever walked the face of this earth. Any guy who said "Blessed are the poor. Blessed are the meek" has got to be a figure of unparalleled generosity and insight and madness.. . A man who declared himself to stand among the thieves, the prostitutes and the homeless. His position cannot be comprehended. It is an inhuman generosity. A generosity that would overthrow the world if it was embraced because nothing could weather that compassion. I'm not trying to alter the Jewish view of Jesus Christ. But to me, in spite of what I know about the history of legal Christianity, the figure of the man has touched me".
donderdag 11 juli 2019
Metallica donates to World Childhood Foundation.
dinsdag 9 juli 2019
maandag 8 juli 2019
What they don't tell you on the news - by Chris Everard - British author & Film maker
What they don't tell you on the news
------------------------------ ------
All around planet earth, an evil network of secret societies
traffic children, perform cannibal rituals and use ancient Hebrew
& Sumerian mystic books called GRIMOIRES to summon demons. Many
pacts are signed in blood with the demons. The most notorious of
these grimoire books is the GOETIA which lists 72 primary demons
of hell. They are the Quilipoth ‘husks’ - mutant mistakes from
the time of creation which haunt people’s homes and can even
possess and take over a human body.
------------------------------ ------------------------------ -----
Each of these 72 demons control legions of lesser demons - and
each has a certain proclivity for causing headaches, fatigue,
tiredness, gluttony, confusion, colds and flu, cancer, and other
debilitating disease. Millions of people are either possessed or
partially possessed by these demons, who enter the human body at
times of weakness, or during drug taking sessions, or when a
person opens a portal such as when they experiment with a ouija
------------------------------ ------------------------------ -----
The most damaging and ancient of these demons are called the
FALLEN ANGELS …. And that’s just the start of one episode of the
All around planet earth, an evil network of secret societies
traffic children, perform cannibal rituals and use ancient Hebrew
& Sumerian mystic books called GRIMOIRES to summon demons. Many
pacts are signed in blood with the demons. The most notorious of
these grimoire books is the GOETIA which lists 72 primary demons
of hell. They are the Quilipoth ‘husks’ - mutant mistakes from
the time of creation which haunt people’s homes and can even
possess and take over a human body.
Each of these 72 demons control legions of lesser demons - and
each has a certain proclivity for causing headaches, fatigue,
tiredness, gluttony, confusion, colds and flu, cancer, and other
debilitating disease. Millions of people are either possessed or
partially possessed by these demons, who enter the human body at
times of weakness, or during drug taking sessions, or when a
person opens a portal such as when they experiment with a ouija
The most damaging and ancient of these demons are called the
FALLEN ANGELS …. And that’s just the start of one episode of the
zondag 7 juli 2019
Homelessness : A Wake-Up Call for humanity and the world.
Now that even Mary Magdalene lost her home, it's time for humanity to stand up, wake up, and do something about the homelessness in the world. Please human race, stand up, and share what you can. The filthy rich are - most of the time - too greedy to share and solve the problem. I don't blame them, but G'd will in the end. Solve the crisis of homelessness. Everyone deserves a roof above his / her head.
Kristof Gabriel
Kristof Gabriel
zaterdag 6 juli 2019
Wisdom of today - shared by Madeleine K.
"We have to change the course we are on. We need to take those dollars wasted on regime change wars and a nuclear arms race in a new cold war."
"To do that requires strong leadership, leadership and all of us standing together, standing up against those in the military industrial complex and those who benefit and continue to push for these regime change wars and this nuclear arms race. The only thing that will overcome those powerful forces that have ruled over both parties in Washington for far too long are us. We, the people are the only ones who have the power to make this change.
No one else is going to do it for us"
No one else is going to do it for us"
"We must change our foreign policy, the way we are relating to different countries and build those relationships based on cooperation, not conflict and work towards this future where we are getting rid of nuclear weapons rather than building more of them."
"So we look throughout history, especially during those darkest moments and we see how we have found our way through. It has always been when we, the people, stand up and stand together when we speak as one for what is right and what is just and for each other. And it is this time that we are in now that calls upon us to once again rise up and stand together knowing that when we do that, when we stand together, motivated by this care for each other, this love for our country, there is no obstacle that we cannot overcome."
"As Dr. King said, they knew that darkness cannot drive out darkness. Only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate. Only love can do that."
Dr Gabriel Cousens on shaktipat initiation. (English)
Shaktipat initiation (S’micha m’shefa/Haniha), is the awakening of the Divine force that is resting in potential within us. This is known as the descent of Grace. It usually occurs through a living enlightened spiritual leader, but may occur spontaneously. Once the spiritual energy is activated, it begins to spontaneously move through our body, spiritualizing every cell, every aspect of the DNA, every chakra, every nadi (which are the channels of the subtle nervous system), every organ and every tissue, so that all consciousness becomes activated into the next evolutionary stage.
The safest and most consistent way that a kundalini awakening happens is through the tradition of Shaktipat Kundalini Initiation (S’micha m’shefa/Haniha). This occurs when an awakened spiritual teacher with a great amount of the spiritual kundalini flowing shares the Grace of this energy with the aspirant. When the combination of this energy with the kundalini energy of the aspirant is enough to reach the critical ignition point, the shakti kundalini awakens. The sharing of this spiritual kundalini energy through the spiritual teacher may be by look, mantra, thought, or direct touch. The awakening may often be a combination of all these ways of increasing the descending power of the spiritual kundalini: individual preparation and build-up of the aspirant’s mundane and spiritual kundalini, group spiritual energy, and shaktipat.
Wisdom of today.
Gabriella promised us millions of Angels. I believe in Her.
vrijdag 5 juli 2019
M.S. King : The War Against Putin What the Government-Media Complex Isn't Telling You about Russia.
Kristof Gabriel Carina van Hooymissen : Kosmisch Bewustzijn (Boek / Dutch)
Kristof Gabriel Carina van Hooymissen heeft kennisgemaakt met de ervaring van het Kosmisch Bewustzijn, hij vertelt erover en laat zich verder bij de ideeën in dit boek inspireren door de boeken van Kim Michaels en steunt de graaf van Saint Germain.
Het Pad naar de Sjamaan (boek/ Dutch).
In 1994 begeleidt de auteur, een Russische psychiater, een vriendin die genezing zoekt bij een vrouwelijke sjamaan in het Altaj-gebergte, een gebied dat bekend staat om zijn magische krachten. Haar vage herinneringen aan deze streek (waar de schrijfster in dit leven nooit is geweest), haar dromen en visioenen, de rituelen waarbij ze wordt betrokken en de informatie via de sjamaan, veranderen tegen wil en dank haar rationele denkpatronen, brengen haar in contact met haar innerlijke genezer en bieden haar de mogelijkheid grenzen van tijd en ruimte te overschrijden. Terug in de kliniek integreert zij haar nieuwe inzichten in de traditionele werkwijze met als resultaat opzienbarende genezingsprocessen. Een boeiend, authentiek verslag, waarbij de lezer sterk betrokken raakt bij de vragen, de verwondering, het plaatsen in de juiste context en het groeiende inzicht van de auteur.
Ochtendmeditatie (Update / Dutch)
Ik heb net een ochtendmeditatie gedaan : voor Antwerpen, voor Brussel, voor Europa, en voor de wereld. Ook wat extra aandacht besteed in mijn meditatie aan mijn nabije omgeving en de energie van Michael goed aangewend voor het goede. Mediteren om anderen te helpen werkt écht. Ik kan het iedereen aanraden.
Vergeet de vluchtelingen niet aub. Onafhankelijk van ras, politieke kleur of afkomst. United We Stand, Divided We Fall.
Veel liefs,
Kristof Gabriel.
Vergeet de vluchtelingen niet aub. Onafhankelijk van ras, politieke kleur of afkomst. United We Stand, Divided We Fall.
Veel liefs,
Kristof Gabriel.
donderdag 4 juli 2019
woensdag 3 juli 2019
Man of worldpeace. Blessings to Saint Joseph, truly an Angel.
maandag 1 juli 2019
Vedic Wisdom of today ; Srimad Bhagavatam SB 1.16.26-30
SB 1.16.26-30
satyam saucam daya ksantis
tyagah santosa arjavam
samo damas tapah samyam
titiksoparatih srutam
tyagah santosa arjavam
samo damas tapah samyam
titiksoparatih srutam
jñanam viraktir aisvaryam
sauryam tejo balam smrtih
svatantryam kausalam kantir
dhairyam mardavam eva ca
sauryam tejo balam smrtih
svatantryam kausalam kantir
dhairyam mardavam eva ca
pragalbhyam prasrayah silam
saha ojo balam bhagah
gambhiryam sthairyam astikyam
kirtir mano ’nahankrtih
saha ojo balam bhagah
gambhiryam sthairyam astikyam
kirtir mano ’nahankrtih
ete canye ca bhagavan
nitya yatra maha-gunah
prarthya mahattvam icchadbhir
na viyanti sma karhicit
nitya yatra maha-gunah
prarthya mahattvam icchadbhir
na viyanti sma karhicit
tenaham guna-patrena
sri-nivasena sampratam
socami rahitam lokam
papmana kalineksitam
sri-nivasena sampratam
socami rahitam lokam
papmana kalineksitam
Translation by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada:
In Him reside (1) truthfulness, (2) cleanliness, (3) intolerance of another’s unhappiness, (4) the power to control anger, (5) self-satisfaction, (6) straightforwardness, (7) steadiness of mind, (8) control of the sense organs, (9) responsibility, (10) equality, (11) tolerance, (12) equanimity, (13) faithfulness, (14) knowledge, (15) absence of sense enjoyment, (16) leadership, (17) chivalry, (18) influence, (19) the power to make everything possible, (20) the discharge of proper duty, (21) complete independence, (22) dexterity, (23) fullness of all beauty, (24) serenity, (25) kindheartedness, (26) ingenuity, (27) gentility, (28) magnanimity, (29) determination, (30) perfection in all knowledge, (31) proper execution, (32) possession of all objects of enjoyment, (33) joyfulness, (34) immovability, (35) fidelity, (36) fame, (37) worship, (38) pridelessness, (39) being (as the Personality of Godhead), (40) eternity, and many other transcendental qualities which are eternally present and never to be separated from Him.
Leven in eenvoud, nederig en trouw aan G'd. (Dutch)
Mijn leven is heel eenvoudig, elke dag vijftien minuten piano spelen, een beetje mediteren, vrienden en vriendinnen ontmoeten, studeren in heilige boeken, en gewoon werken aan mezelf, een goed mens zijn en een trouwe (niet-opstandige) (Aarts)engel zijn. Dit impliceert dat ik geen eigen wil heb, dat G'd mij mag gebruiken om Zijn wil uit te voeren, en dat ik trouw dien, ook in het Leger van Heirscharen van Aartsengel Michael. Meer moet dat niet zijn.
De kenmerken van de golden age zijn : soberheid, reinheid, mededogen en waarheidslievendheid. Ik tracht ze in Ere te houden.
De kenmerken van de golden age zijn : soberheid, reinheid, mededogen en waarheidslievendheid. Ik tracht ze in Ere te houden.
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