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Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

woensdag 3 oktober 2018

WINV04: Mother Mary's Invocation of Miracle Freedom

Invoke your true spiritual freedom and mitigate planetary issues., especially relating to all circumstances that limit people's freedom.
Read teachings about this invocation.

Recording: The best way to learn how to give an invocation is to give it along with a recording that you can purchase and download from the store. Even experienced practitioners often feel they get a better effect by using a recording. STORE. 

In the name of the unconditional love of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Miracle Mother, Amen.
(Insert personal prayer here)

Lord’s prayer of freedom

Beloved Father-Mother God within us and within all life, we desire to be free to bask in your light and love. We desire to be free to express the divine individuality with which you endowed us in the beginning. We desire to be the co-creators with you that we are designed to be. We desire to see Mother Earth be free to manifest a Golden Age of spiritual freedom and abundance for all life.
We know you have given us free will, and thus we have the potential to be more or less than we were created to be. We desire to be more so that you can be more through us. Therefore, we are willing to separate ourselves from the illusion that the Father’s will and laws, the truth of Christ and the Ma-ter light restrict our freedom and creative expression. We accept the reality that we can find true freedom only within the kingdom of God that gives us eternal life. We see that by rebelling against God or by separating ourselves from our Creator and our Tree of Life, we actually take away our own freedom, the freedom of others and the freedom of the Ma-ter light. We take away the freedom to express God’s perfection and we restrict life to the prison of the mind of duality, the mind of anti-christ.
We now call to beloved Jesus, beloved Mother Mary, beloved Saint Germain and our ascended brothers and sisters in the cosmic hierarchy to help us see through the lies of anti-christ that have enslaved our souls for so long. We are willing to be free from the human ego and all serpentine lies in our consciousness. We are willing to receive the truth of Christ that will make us truly free, so that the prince of this world comes and has nothing in us. We call to the Christ within us to replace all elements of anti-christ in our beings.
We also call to the Ascended Host to take command over all aspects of life on planet Earth. Expose the elements of anti-christ for all to see, so that people have the freedom to choose whether they will serve Christ or anti-christ in this age. We call for the Christ within all life to rise and replace all elements of anti-christ that block the manifestation of the Golden Age of Aquarius. Therefore, we hold the immaculate concept for the Earth. We accept that within and through us the Golden Age is a manifest reality, now and forever.

The second coming of Christ is at hand

1. Beloved Jesus, I accept the Living Christ within me and I invite you to be yourself in action through me and fulfill your mission of demonstrating the path to Christhood. The Living Christ within me takes dominion over the golden calf of idolatry that prevents people from seeing Jesus as an example to follow. The truth that every person has a potential to become the Living Christ on Earth is revealed to all people. The false prophets, those who deny the Living Christ within themselves and others, are now judged and taken from the Earth. The second coming of Christ is manifest through the Christed ones in embodiment.
Hail Victorious Christ
Beloved Jesus, you have won,
God has awakened everyone.
No longer can the leaders blind
divide and conquer humankind.
Our eye is single as we see
the truth of Christ that makes us free.
Beloved Jesus, we will be
the Christed ones who keep Earth free.
The torch of Pisces we uphold
Aquarius we now unfold.
Your victory for Earth is won,
the Golden Age has now begun.
2. Beloved Jesus, be yourself in action through me and fulfill your mission to bring about the second coming of Christ through people in embodiment. The Living Christ within me now awakens the ten thousand people who have attained their Christhood. The Living Christ awakens millions to the path of Christhood and awakens all people to the truth of Christ. I accept that this awakening is the will of God, and I affirm that it is a manifest reality on planet Earth, for now is the acceptable time. The second coming of Christ is manifest through the Christed ones in embodiment.
Hail Victorious Christ
3. Beloved Jesus, be yourself in action through me and fulfill your mission of removing the blind leaders from the Earth. The Living Christ within me calls forth the judgment of all representatives of anti-christ, and I form the polarity here below for your judgment Above. What you bind in Heaven is bound on Earth through the Christ in me, and therefore the false teachers are removed from the Earth. The second coming of Christ is manifest through the Christed ones in embodiment.
Hail Victorious Christ
4. Beloved Jesus, be yourself in action through me and fulfill your mission to raise the spiritually dead. The Living Christ within me calls all people to come forth out of the tombs of their mortal selves. People are free from the hypnotic spell of the blind leaders in church and state, and they can follow the true leaders of their Christ selves and the Ascended Host. The second coming of Christ is manifest through the Christed ones in embodiment.
Hail Victorious Christ
5. Beloved Jesus, be yourself in action through me and fulfill your mission of awakening all to the key of knowledge within them. The Living Christ within me awakens all people to the fact that they can know truth within their hearts. People are now free from the illusion that they need the blind leaders, the lawyers, to tell them what is true. They seek truth from their Christ selves and from the Ascended Host and thus they are anchored on the true path to salvation. The second coming of Christ is manifest through the Christed ones in embodiment.
Hail Victorious Christ
6. Beloved Jesus, be yourself in action through me and fulfill your mission of bringing the Living Word to Earth. The Living Christ within me awakens people from the mindset that stops the flow of the Living Word by wanting it to conform to human opinions or existing scriptures. People are awakened to the reality that Christ truth cannot be confined to scripture but can be known only through the Living Word. Jesus’ true teachings are made available to every soul on Earth. The true gospel of Christ, the Living Word, is preached to every creature. The second coming of Christ is manifest through the Christed ones in embodiment.
Hail Victorious Christ
7. Beloved Jesus, be yourself in action through me and fulfill your mission of setting people free to worship the one true God. The Living Christ within me takes dominion over the graven image of the external God as an angry being in the sky. The Christ truth that we are co-creators with God is made available to all people. All people know that we are not the doers because it is the I AM Presence within us who is doing the work. The second coming of Christ is manifest through the Christed ones in embodiment.
Hail Victorious Christ
8. Beloved Jesus, be yourself in action through me and fulfill your mission of exposing the lies of anti-christ. The Living Christ within me takes dominion over the dualistic lies that prevent people from seeing the truth of Christ. People realize that without discernment there can be no freedom because people will be led astray by the false prophets. People now see the truth of Christ that empowers them to stop following the blind leaders. The second coming of Christ is manifest through the Christed ones in embodiment.
Hail Victorious Christ
9. Beloved Jesus, be yourself in action through me and fulfill your mission of bringing peace to Earth. The Living Christ within me takes dominion over the forces of war. People are awakened to the fact that we all came from the same source and that we are part of the Body of God on Earth. People now see that what they do unto others, they are truly doing to themselves. The second coming of Christ is manifest through the Christed ones in embodiment.
Hail Victorious Christ
10. Beloved Jesus, be yourself in action through me and fulfill your mission of teaching people the Law of Love. The Living Christ within me awakens people to the reality that the universe is a mirror. What we do unto others, is reflected back by the cosmic mirror, and it is the sense of struggle that creates the struggle. People are now free to embrace the truth that it is the Father’s good pleasure to give them the kingdom, and all poverty is banished from the Earth. The second coming of Christ is manifest through the Christed ones in embodiment.
Hail Victorious Christ
11. Beloved Jesus, be yourself in action through me and fulfill your mission of giving all people the abundant life. The Living Christ within me awakens people to the true abundance of the Spirit. Thus, people see that they cannot serve both God and mammon. They are set free to seek first the kingdom of God, knowing that all else shall be added unto them. The second coming of Christ is manifest through the Christed ones in embodiment.
Hail Victorious Christ
12. Beloved Jesus, be yourself in action through me and fulfill your mission of bringing a Golden Age to Earth. The Living Christ within me awakens people to the reality of spiritual cycles. All true spiritual seekers now see that until we master the lessons of Pisces, we cannot enter the consciousness of Aquarius. Therefore, all spiritual people know that personal Christhood is the key to manifesting the Golden Age of Aquarius. The second coming of Christ is manifest through the Christed ones in embodiment.
Hail Victorious Christ

The Living Christ is victorious on Earth

1. Beloved Jesus, you have won,
God has awakened everyone.
The second coming is at hand
as Christed ones now take a stand.
The Living Christ is in me now,
the seal of Christ upon my brow,
The love of Christ is in my heart,
in Jesus’ mission I take part.
For Christ is come again in me,
I shine his light for all to see.
His perfect love consumes all fear,
so all can sense his presence here.
2. No longer can the leaders blind
divide and conquer humankind.
we follow Christ the inner king
his truth to all we vow to bring.
3. Our eye is single as we see
the truth of Christ that makes us free.
We shout his message from the roof
as we become his living proof.
4. Beloved Jesus, we will be
the Christed ones who keep Earth free.
In defense of life we take a stand
the second coming is at hand.
5. The torch of Pisces we uphold
Aquarius we now unfold.
We share your love for Saint Germain
he will the Earth with Justice reign. 
6. Your victory for Earth is won,
the Golden Age has now begun,
the inner Christ will make all free
in God’s own Presence now to be.
NOTE: Give the entire decree at least one time. You can give it as many times as you like before continuing the rosary.

The Mother Flame is raised in all life

1. Beloved Mother Mary, I honor the Mother flame within all. The Living Christ within me takes dominion and raises the Mother Light to express only the immaculate concept held in the universal Christ mind. The Mother Light transcends the condemnation, blame and discrimination put upon women. The Divine Mother awakens all people to the reality that men and women are of equal value in the eyes of God. The Mother Light is now manifesting the Golden Age on Earth.
Hail Mother Light
Hail Mary, we give praise
the Mother Light in all you raise.
The base is of the purest white,
the soul is basking in delight.
The solar center is at peace,
all troubles in the heart now cease.
The throat is shining oh so blue,
the brow emits an emerald hue.
The crown is like a sea of gold,
as thousand petals now unfold.
I feel the Mother’s gentle kiss,
as I am in eternal bliss.
2. Beloved Mother Mary, the Living Christ within me raises the Mother Light to express only the immaculate concept. The Mother Light transcends all tendency to blame women for the Fall of Man. The Divine Mother awakens all people to the reality that each person fell based on his or her own decisions. Therefore, women are fully worthy and capable of holding positions in church and state. The Mother Light is now manifesting the Golden Age on Earth.
Hail Mother Light
3. Beloved Mother Mary, the Living Christ within me raises the Mother Light to express only the immaculate concept. The Mother Light transcends the cultural beliefs that daughters have no value and that women are subservient to men. The Divine Mother awakens all people, so they can balance the expanding and contracting forces in their beings. The Mother Light is now manifesting the Golden Age on Earth.
Hail Mother Light
4. Beloved Mother Mary, the Living Christ within me raises the Mother Light to express only the immaculate concept. The Mother Light transcends all sexual exploitation of women and all discrimination against women. The Divine Mother awakens all people to the reality that both men and women have a divine potential and have infinite value in the eyes of God. The Mother Light is now manifesting the Golden Age on Earth.
Hail Mother Light
5. Beloved Mother Mary, the Living Christ within me raises the Mother Light to express only the immaculate concept. The Mother Light transcends all rebellion against men and women’s rightful spiritual roles. The Divine Mother awakens all people to the reality that both men and women must be subservient to the I AM Presence within each of them. The Mother Light is now manifesting the Golden Age on Earth.
Hail Mother Light
6. Beloved Mother Mary, the Living Christ within me raises the Mother Light to express only the immaculate concept. The Mother Light transcends all disrespect for life, including the life of the unborn child. The Divine Mother awakens all people to the reality that the Earth is designed to sustain ten billion people. The Mother Light is now manifesting the Golden Age on Earth.
Hail Mother Light
7. Beloved Mother Mary, the Living Christ within me raises the Mother Light to express only the immaculate concept. The Mother Light transcends all disrespect for the child and the cause and core of child abuse, starvation and poverty. The Divine Mother awakens all people to the reality that what we do to children we do to God, for of such is the kingdom of God. The Mother Light is now manifesting the Golden Age on Earth.
Hail Mother Light
8. Beloved Mother Mary, the Living Christ within me raises the Mother Light to express only the immaculate concept. The Mother Light transcends all exploitation of children for the purposes of sex, pornography, work or slavery. The Divine Mother awakens all people to the reality that those who abuse the innocent sow the wind and will reap the whirlwind. The Mother Light is now manifesting the Golden Age on Earth.
Hail Mother Light
9. Beloved Mother Mary, the Living Christ within me raises the Mother Light to express only the immaculate concept. The Mother Light transcends all misuse of Mother Earth for profit or short term gain. The Divine Mother awakens all people to the reality that it is the Father’s good pleasure to give us the kingdom and that we don’t need to take it by force. The Mother Light is now manifesting the Golden Age on Earth.
Hail Mother Light
10. Beloved Mother Mary, the Living Christ within me raises the Mother Light to express only the immaculate concept. The Mother Light transcends all negative energy that causes imbalances in nature, extreme weather conditions and natural disasters. The Divine Mother awakens all people to the reality that humankind collectively creates all imperfect conditions on Earth. The Mother Light is now manifesting the Golden Age on Earth.
Hail Mother Light
11. Beloved Mother Mary, the Living Christ within me raises the Mother Light to express only the immaculate concept. The Mother Light transcends all hatred of the Mother and all tendency for people to see the Ma-ter light as a restriction or enemy. The Divine Mother awakens all people to the reality that when we realign ourselves with the I AM Presence, the Ma-ter light will rejoice in giving us the abundant life. The Mother Light is now manifesting the Golden Age on Earth.
Hail Mother Light
12. Beloved Mother Mary, the Living Christ within me raises the Mother Light to express only the immaculate concept. The Mother Light transcends all tendency to restrict the flow of life through the graven images of anti-christ, preventing light from flowing into the immaculate concept. The Divine Mother awakens all people to the reality that Jesus came to raise up the Mother Light and that only by raising the Mother Light will the potential of Aquarius be fulfilled. The Mother Light is now manifesting the Golden Age on Earth.
Hail Mother Light

The Mother Light in all is raised

1. Hail Mary, we give praise
the Mother Light in all you raise.
In perfect balance light will stream,
in harmony our souls will gleam. 
Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.
River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.
2. The base is of the purest white,
four petals radiate your light.
The Mother bows in purest love
to God the Father from Above.
3. The soul is basking in delight,
as violet flame is shining bright.
The soul is breathing God’s pure air,
she feels so free in Mother’s care.
4. The solar center is at peace,
as fear and anger we release.
The sacred ten will now unfold
a glow of purple and of gold.
5. All troubles in the heart now cease,
as Mary’s love brings great release.
The rose of twelve in fullest bloom,
the soul is free to meet her groom.
6. The throat is shining oh so blue,
the will of God is always true.
God’s power is released in love
through Christ direction from Above.
7. The brow emits an emerald hue,
Christ’s perfect vision we pursue,
and as we see God’s perfect plan,
we feel God’s love for every man.
8. The crown is like a sea of gold,
as thousand petals now unfold.
We see the Buddha in the crown,
arrayed in his celestial gown.
9. When Mother Light and Buddha meet,
the force of darkness they defeat,
with Jesus and our saint Germain.
they bring the Golden Age again. 
10. I feel the Mother’s gentle kiss,
as I am in eternal bliss,
floating in a space sublime,
in harmony with sacred chime.
By Mother Mary’s endless Grace,
we conquer time, we conquer space.
The Buddha Nature is in all
and thus we rise to heed the call
to be the Christed ones on Earth,
the Golden Age is given birth.
NOTE: Give the entire decree at least one time. You can give it as many times as you like before continuing the rosary.

The Age of Freedom is at hand

1. Beloved Saint Germain, send flood tides of Freedom’s Flame to Earth and consume the enemies within and without that prevent me from experiencing the true spiritual freedom of the Christ consciousness. I will to be free and I am willing to separate myself from the illusions of my ego and the mind of anti-christ. Therefore I say, “Saint Germain, strip me of my pseudo self and awaken me to the reality of true spiritual freedom.” Archangel Michael, remove the false hierarchy of the Serpents from the Earth. I affirm that Freedom’s Flame has dominion over the Earth.

Hail Freedom Flame
Oh Saint Germain, bring Freedom’s Flame,
you come to Earth in Christ’s own name.
For Christ is Lord and you are king,
as peace and freedom now you bring.
Together you will turn the page
and lead us to the Golden Age.
Oh Saint Germain and Jesus dear,
to you and Mary we draw near.
Together we now bring the light
that makes the Earth a star so bright.
By Michael raised for all to see,
the banner of Christ Victory.
2. Beloved Saint Germain, awaken all people to their Christ potential and the potential for the Earth to manifest a Golden Age of freedom, peace and abundance. The Christ in me awakens those who have come into embodiment to co-create the Golden Age at this time. Archangel Michael, remove the false hierarchy of ignorance from the Earth. I affirm that Freedom’s Flame has dominion over the Earth.

Hail Freedom Flame
3. Beloved Saint Germain, awaken all people to see that we must co-create the Golden Age by letting the mind of Christ be victorious in us and in society. The Christ in me inspires all people to stop being a law unto themselves and come apart from the mind of anti-christ that has been enslaving humankind for millennia. Archangel Michael, remove the false hierarchy of anti-christ from the Earth. I affirm that Freedom’s Flame has dominion over the Earth.

Hail Freedom Flame
4. Beloved Saint Germain, awaken all people to see that the human body is a tool for learning our spiritual lessons and co-creating the Golden Age. The Christ in me inspires all people to claim their freedom from the slavery of the senses and the endless pursuit of carnal needs and pleasures. Archangel Michael, remove the false hierarchy of the pleasure cult from the Earth. I affirm that Freedom’s Flame has dominion over the Earth.

Hail Freedom Flame
5. Beloved Saint Germain, awaken all people to see that religion is meant to help us establish a direct, personal connection to God. The Christ in me inspires all people to claim their spiritual freedom and sit under their own vine and fig tree of the Christ self and I AM Presence, applying the spiritual laws that God has put in their inward parts. Archangel Michael, remove the false hierarchy of religion from the Earth. I affirm that Freedom’s Flame has dominion over the Earth.

Hail Freedom Flame
6. Beloved Saint Germain, awaken all people to see that science is meant to help us understand how to use material laws to manifest the abundant life for all. The Christ in me inspires all people to come apart from the endless pursuit of wealth and control and from the consciousness that denies their divinity. Archangel Michael, remove the false hierarchy of science from the Earth. I affirm that Freedom’s Flame has dominion over the Earth.

Hail Freedom Flame
7. Beloved Saint Germain, awaken all people to see that technology is meant to give us material freedom and abundance so we can focus on pursuing spiritual growth. The Christ in me inspires all people to come apart from the consciousness that uses technology to create weapons of war and tools for controlling the population. Archangel Michael, remove the false hierarchy of the warmongers from the Earth. I affirm that Freedom’s Flame has dominion over the Earth.

Hail Freedom Flame
8. Beloved Saint Germain, awaken all people to see that we have a right to claim the abundant life. As we raise our consciousness, the Ascended Host will give us a universal energy source to provide a free and inexhaustible supply of energy for all. The Christ in me inspires all people to separate themselves from the consciousness of lack and demand that new technology is used for the good of all rather than for the profit of the elite. Archangel Michael, remove the false hierarchy of monopolies and elitism from the Earth. I affirm that Freedom’s Flame has dominion over the Earth.

Hail Freedom Flame
9. Beloved Saint Germain, awaken all people to see that governments are meant to serve the Christ in all people and secure their opportunity for spiritual growth. The Christ in me inspires all people to come apart from the consciousness that uses governments to enslave the general population and give privileges to a small elite. Archangel Michael, remove the false hierarchy of the power brokers from the Earth. I affirm that Freedom’s Flame has dominion over the Earth.

Hail Freedom Flame
10. Beloved Saint Germain, awaken all people to see that education is meant to enlighten people and give them the spiritual truth that will make them free. The Christ in me inspires all people to come apart from the consciousness that programs people to deny their spiritual potential. Archangel Michael, remove the false hierarchy of spiritual and intellectual pride from the Earth. I affirm that Freedom’s Flame has dominion over the Earth.

Hail Freedom Flame
11. Beloved Saint Germain, awaken all people to see that the media is meant to defend the people and their spiritual freedom. The Christ in me inspires all people to come apart from the consciousness that uses the media to keep people ignorant of spiritual truth or spread the lies of anti-christ. Archangel Michael, remove the false hierarchy of the liar and his lie from the Earth. I affirm that Freedom’s Flame has dominion over the Earth.

Hail Freedom Flame
12. Beloved Saint Germain, awaken all people to see that true freedom does not mean the absence of principles. The Christ in me inspires all people to come apart from the consciousness that sees God’s laws as a restriction of freedom, causing people to rebel against the divine laws that are meant to protect our freedoms from the tyranny of anti-christ. Archangel Michael, remove the false hierarchy of the Spirit of Rebellion from the Earth. The Christ in me awakens all people to the reality that we are designed to be co-creators with God, working under the cosmic hierarchy and using God’s laws to co-create the Golden Age on Earth. I affirm that Freedom’s Flame has dominion over the Earth.

Hail Freedom Flame

The Earth is sealed in Freedom’s Flame

1. Oh Saint Germain, bring Freedom’s Flame,
you come to Earth in Christ’s own name.
The violet flame is your own plan
to raise the Christ in every man.
Violet flame, let it flow,
saturate all life below,
always flowing, ever growing
upon us all grace bestowing.
Violet fire, penetrate,
violet fire saturate,
violet fire purify,
violet fire sanctify,
we are pure, we are healed,
in your light, we are sealed,
forever free
in God to be.
2. For Christ is Lord and you are king,
as peace and freedom now you bring.
with Jesus you now point the way
that brings the dawn of a new day.
3. Together you will turn the page
and lead us to the Golden Age.
Where Freedom’s flame will reign supreme,
fulfilling Heavens highest dream.
4. Oh Saint Germain and Jesus dear,
to you and Mary we draw near.
From you above to us below,
we will maintain a constant flow.
5. Together we now bring the light
that makes the Earth a star so bright.
her radiance will shine through space
awakening the I AM race.
6. By Michael raised for all to see,
the banner of Christ Victory.
All darkness is replaced by light,
as all of cosmos shines so bright.
7. Oh Saint Germain, we keep the flame
of freedom burning in your name,
until the Golden Age we see,
an age in which all life is free.
NOTE: Give the entire decree at least one time. You can give it as many times as you like before continuing the rosary.

The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.
 (3X) Amen.
In the name of the unconditional love of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Miracle Mother, Amen.

Sealing of the rosary

Beloved Jesus, by the authority of the Christ within us, we affirm that the Earth is sealed in the crystal clarity of Christ truth. Beloved Mother Mary, we affirm that the Earth is sealed in the immaculate concept and that the Mother Light within all life is raised in perfect harmony and balance. Beloved Gautama Buddha, we affirm that the Mother Light is united with the Buddha in the crown and that time and space now outpicture your perfect peace and the Mother’s unconditional love. Beloved Archangel Michael, we affirm that the Earth is sealed in your Blue Flame of God’s Will and protection. Beloved Saint Germain, we affirm that the Earth is enveloped in your Freedom’s Flame and that all life is free to be more through the true alchemy of the heart. In the name of the Father, the Mother, the Son and the Holy Spirit, it is done, it is finished it is sealed for the mouth of the Lord, the Living Christ within us, has spoken it. Amen.

Copyright © 2012 by Kim Michaels

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