Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

donderdag 22 februari 2018

The Secret Government responsible for GUN CONTROL laws

Evil factions within The United States and English governments. These evil factions are known by several code names but are generally referred to as “The Secret Government.” The U.S. and English “Secret Governments” are owned and controlled by The Illuminati who control their government agents like puppets on a string and routinely subvert U.S. and English law to achieve their evil ends. (see Illuminati). The U.S. Secret Government was formed in 1913 when The United States Federal Reserve was illegally sold to 13 Illuminati stockholders who have secretly owned and controlled The United States government ever since. The U.S. and English “Secret Governments” are in league and work together as a team. In league with The Illuminati, the “Secret Governments” helped plan and orchestrate 911; AIDS; the Okalahoma City bombing; the JFK, RFK, & MLK assassinations; the false war in Iraq; and countless other diabolical intrigues designed solely to increase their power and wealth. Don’t worry about The Illuminati and The Secret Governments. They have a date with God’s Army called “Armageddon,” and it is not going to go well for them.

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