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shamanic artist - pleiadian gabrielian - michaelian - having faith in G-d above all else - sovereign - ethical - refuse RFID chipping / Uniting 144000, peaceful bodhisattva-buddha (nirmanakaya) mahatma- defender of freedom - jivanmukta - realizing highest calling (Shamballah), ASHTAR “We all shape the world together, be wise and virtuous in your life loyal immortal legions visionary mystic Gabriel Sadhu integral & bhakti, raja, siddha, maha yogi 6th dimension Christos / Archangels
Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's
zondag 30 juli 2017
Hare Krishna temples, Radhadesh, Belgium - documentary
Hare Krishna - ISKCON Radhadesh (Durbuy, Belgium) pt 3
Hare Krishna - ISKCON Radhadesh (Durbuy, Belgium) pt 2
Hare Krishna - ISKCON Radhadesh (Durbuy, Belgium) pt 1
zaterdag 29 juli 2017
Bhakti Yoga and chanting.
This is the perfect system. Anyone who is thinking of Kṛṣṇa always within himself is a first-class yogī. If you want perfection in yoga, don't be satisfied only by practicing codes. You have to go further. Actually, the perfection of yoga is reached when you are in samādhi, always thinking of the Viṣṇu form of the Lord within your heart, without being disturbed. Therefore yogīs go to a secluded place, and by controlling all the senses and the mind and concentrating everything on the form of Viṣṇu, they reach samādhi. That is called perfection of yoga. Actually this yoga system is very, very difficult. It may be possible for some solitary man, but for the general mass of people it is not recommended in the scriptures: harer nāma harer nāma harer nāmaiva kevalam/ kalau nāsty eva nāsty eva nāsty eva gatir anyathā [Cc. Ādi 17.21]. "In this age of Kali one must chant the holy names of the Lord for deliverance. There is no other alternative. There is no other alternative. There is no other alternative." (Bṛhan-Nāradīya Purāṇa)
The yoga system, as it was recommended in the Satya-yuga, the Golden Age, was to always meditate on Viṣṇu. In the Tretā-yuga one could practice yoga by performing great sacrifices, and in the next age, Dvāpara-yuga, one could achieve perfection by temple worship. The present age is called Kali-yuga. Kali-yuga means the age of quarrel and disagreement. No one agrees with anyone else. Everyone has his own theory; everyone has his own philosophy. If I don't agree with you, you fight me. This is the symptom of Kali-yuga. The only method recommended in this age is chanting the holy name. Simply by chanting the holy name of God, one can attain that perfect self-realization which was attained by the yoga system in the Satya-yuga, by performance of great sacrifices in the Tretā-yuga, and by large-scale temple worship in the Dvāpara-yuga. That perfection can be attained by the simple method of Hari kīrtana. Hari means the Supreme Personality of Godhead; kīrtana means to glorify.
This method is recommended in the scriptures, and it was given to us by Caitanya Mahāprabhu 500 years ago. He appeared in a town which is known as Navadvīpa. It is about sixty miles north of Calcutta. People still go there. We have a temple center there. It is also a sacred place of pilgrimage. Caitanya Mahāprabhu appeared there, and He started this mass saṅkīrtana movement, which is conducted without discrimination. He predicted that this saṅkīrtanamovement would be spread all over the world and that the Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra would be chanted in every village and town on the surface of the globe. In pursuance of the order of Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu, following in His footsteps, we are trying to introduce this saṅkīrtana movement, chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa, and it is proving very successful everywhere. I am preaching especially in foreign countries, all over Europe, America, Japan, Canada, Australia, Malaysia, etc. I have introduced this saṅkīrtana movement, and now we have centers around the world. All eighty centers are being received with great enthusiasm. I have not imported these boys and girls from India, but they are taking this movement very seriously because it appeals to the soul directly.
TYS 7: How Bhakti-yoga Works
In the Bhagavad-gītā Kṛṣṇa tells His disciple Arjuna, "I am disclosing a most confidential part of knowledge to you, because you are My dear friend." As is stated in the Fourth Chapter, the Bhagavad-gītā is spoken to Arjuna because of his one qualification: he was a devotee. The Lord says that the mystery of the Bhagavad-gītā is very confidential. Without being an unalloyed devotee you cannot know it. In India there are 645 different commentaries on the Gītā.One professor has proposed that Kṛṣṇa is a doctor and Arjuna is His patient and has made his commentary in that way. Similarly, there are commentators and people who have taken it that everyone is perfect, and that they can interpret scripture in their own way. As far as we are concerned, we agree to read the Bhagavad-gītā according to the instructions given in the Gītā itself. This has to be taken through the paramparā, the system of disciplic succession. It is being taught by the Supreme Person because "you are My dear friend. I desire that you may become prosperous and happy. Therefore I speak to you." Kṛṣṇa wants everyone to be happy and peaceful and prosperous, but they do not want it. Sunshine is open to everyone, but if someone wishes to remain in darkness, what can the sunshine do for him? So the Gītā is open to everyone. There are different species of life, and lower and higher grades of understanding exist—that is a fact. But Kṛṣṇa says that this knowledge is for anyone. If one has lower birth or whatever, it doesn't matter. The Bhagavad-gītā offers transcendental subject matter everyone can understand provided he goes along with the principle as stated in the Fourth Chapter. That is, that the Gītā is coming down in disciplic succession: "I first of all instructed this yoga system to the sun-god Vivasvān, who taught it to Manu, who taught it to Ikṣvāku." From Kṛṣṇa the disciplic succession is coming down, but "in course of time the disciplic succession was broken." Arjuna is therefore made the new disciple. In the Second Chapter, Arjuna surrenders: "So far we have been talking as friends, but now I accept You as my spiritual master." Anyone following the principle in this line accepts the guru as Kṛṣṇa, and the student must represent Arjuna. Kṛṣṇa is speaking as the spiritual master of Arjuna, and Arjuna says, "Whatever You are saying I accept." Read it like that—not: "I like this, so I accept it; this I don't like, and so I reject it." Such reading is useless nonsense.
The teacher must be a representative of Kṛṣṇa, a devotee, and the student must be like Arjuna. Then this Kṛṣṇa consciousness study is perfect. Otherwise it is a waste of time. In the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam it is stated: "If anyone wants to understand the science of Kṛṣṇa, he should associate with pure devotees. When discussions take place among pure devotees, the potency of spiritual language is revealed." Scholarly discussion of the Gītā is futile. In the Upaniṣads it is stated: "To one who has firm faith in God, and similar faith in God's representative, all the import of Vedic language will be revealed." We must have the qualification of being a devotee. Become dear to God. My spiritual master used to say, "Don't try to see God. Act in such a way that God will see you." We have to qualify ourselves. By your qualification God Himself will come and see you.
If one can perceive God, he is transcendental to all material demands. We are always dissatisfied in the material world in circumstances that won't continue; happiness is temporary, and temporary plight also will not exist for much time. Cold, heat, duality—it is all coming and going. To get to the absolute stage is the process of Kṛṣṇa consciousness. Kṛṣṇa is seated in everyone's heart, and as you become purified He will show you the path. And in the end you will quit this body, and you will go to the spiritual sky.
"No one knows Me," Kṛṣṇa says, "My influence, My power and My extent. Even the maharṣis [the great thinkers] don't know. I am the origin of all demigods and the origin of all ṛṣis." There are so many forefathers we don't know of, and there are Brahmā and the demigods—what do we know? We can't reach to the platform where we can grasp God. We gather knowledge by limited senses, and Kṛṣṇa can't be reached by the mind, the center of the senses. Imperfect senses can't grasp perfect knowledge. Mind and sense manipulation can't reach Him. If you engage the senses in the service of the Lord, however, then He will reveal Himself through your senses.
People may say, "What is the use of understanding God? What is the use? Let Him stay in His place, let me stay in my place." But in the śāstras, the scriptures, it is stated that pious activities will raise us to beauty, knowledge and good birth; and that by impious (sinful) activities, we suffer. Suffering is always there, pious or impious, but a distinction is made. He who knows God, however, becomes freed from all possible sinful reactions, which no amount of piety can accomplish. If we reject God we can never be happy.
Not even considering human society, if you take the demigods who are more advanced and intelligent, they also don't know Kṛṣṇa. The seven great sages whose planet is near the North Star also do not know. Kṛṣṇa says: "I am the original, the source of all these demigods." He is the father of everything, not only the origin of demigods, but of the sages—and the universe. The Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam describes how the universal form took place, and everything is emanating from Him. Also Kṛṣṇa is the origin of Paramātmā, the Supersoul; and the impersonal brahma-jyotir, the shining effulgence, is in Him. Of everything, of every conception, "I am the source." The Absolute Truth may be realized in three phases, but is one nondual truth. Brahman (the glowing effulgence), localized Supersoul, and Bhagavān—the Supreme Person—are three features or aspects of God.
If no one knows the Supreme Personality of Godhead, how can He be known? He can be known when the Supreme Lord comes before you and reveals Himself to you. Then you can know. Our senses are imperfect, and they cannot realize the Supreme Truth. When you adopt a submissive attitude and chant, realization begins from the tongue. To eat and to vibrate sound is the business of the tongue. If you can control your tongue for prasādam, spiritual food, and make the sound vibration of the holy name, then by surrender of the tongue you can control all the other senses. If you cannot control your tongue, you cannot control your senses. Taste prasādam and become spiritually advanced. You can have this process at your home: offer vegetarian foods to Kṛṣṇa, chant the Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra and offer obeisances:
namo brahmaṇya-devāya
go-brāhmaṇa-hitāya ca
jagat-hitāya kṛṣṇāya
govindāya namo namaḥ
go-brāhmaṇa-hitāya ca
jagat-hitāya kṛṣṇāya
govindāya namo namaḥ
Everyone can offer, and then take the food with friends. And chant before the picture of Kṛṣṇa, and lead a pure life. Just see the result—the whole world will become Vaikuṇṭha, where there is no anxiety. All is anxious with us because we have accepted this material life. Just the opposite is so in the spiritual world. No one, however, knows how to get out of the material concept. Taking an intoxicant doesn't help; the same anxieties are there when you are finished being drunk. If you want to be free and want life eternal with bliss and knowledge, take to Kṛṣṇa. No one can know God, but there is this way:. the process of Kṛṣṇa consciousness.
In the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam it is stated that no one can conquer Him or approach Him, but He becomes conquered. How? Let people remain in their own positions, but let them give up nonsense speculation through volumes of books. Thousands of books are printed and read, and after six months thrown away. This way and that—how can you know the Supreme by speculation on the information supplied by your blunt senses? Give up research—throw it away—just become submissive; acknowledge that you are limited and subordinate to material nature and to God. No one can be equal to or greater than God. So be submissive. Try to hear about the glories of the Supreme Lord from authorized sources. Such authority is handed over by disciplic succession. If we can understand by the same authority as Arjuna, that is real authority. God is always ready to reveal; you just become Kṛṣṇa conscious. Follow the path traversed by the great ācāryas, the devoted teachers, and then everything will be known. Although He is unconquerable and unknowable, He can be known in your home.
If you take to this process and follow the principles, what will be the result? As soon as you understand, you will know that the Supreme Lord is the cause of all causes, but that He is not caused by any other cause. And He is the master of all planets. This is not accepting blindly. God has given you the power of reason, the power of arguing—but don't argue falsely. If you want to know the transcendental science you must surrender. Surrender to authority and know Him by signs. Don't surrender to a fool or a rascal. Find one who is coming in disciplic succession, one who is fully convinced about the Supreme Absolute Truth. If you find such a person, surrender and try to please him, serve him and question him. Surrender unto Him is surrender to God. Question to learn, not to waste time.
The process is there, but if we waste time by intoxication we will never see Him, the unconquerable Lord. Follow the principles and slowly but surely, without doubt, you will know. "Yes, I'm making progress," you'll say. And it is very easy, and you can execute it and be in a happy mood. Study, take part with music, eat prasādam. And no one can cheat you by this process. But if you want to be cheated—go to the cheaters.
Try to understand it from the authoritative source and apply it in your life. Amongst the dying mortals, you will become the most intelligent because you are freed from sinful actions. If you act only for Kṛṣṇa, then you are freed from all reactions. You will have no anxiety over what is auspicious or inauspicious because you will be in touch with the most auspicious. This is the process. Ultimately, we can get in touch with Kṛṣṇa. Life will be successful. Anyone can adopt it, because it is very simple.
Here is a nice formula presented by Kṛṣṇa Himself: one should understand the position of Kṛṣṇa. He is unborn and without any cause. We have experience, all of us, that we are born, and we have a cause; our father is our cause. If someone poses himself as God, he has to prove that he is unborn and uncaused. Our practical experience is that we are born. Kṛṣṇa is not born. We have to understand this. Understanding this is to be firmly convinced He is the cause, but is not caused; and since He is not caused He is the proprietor of all manifestation. One who understands this simple philosophy is not illusioned.
We are generally illusioned. We are claiming ownership of the land. But before my birth the land was here, and after my death it will still be here. How long will I go on claiming, in body after body, "This is my land! This is my land!"? Is it not nonsense? One has to be out of illusion. We should know that whatever we are doing in the material concept of life is illusion. We have to understand whether we are illusioned or not. And all conditioned souls are illusioned. He who learns to be disillusioned gets free of all encumbrances. If we want freedom from all bonds, then we have to understand God. There is no neglecting this; it is our prime duty.
Out of millions of entities, one may be enlightened. Generally we are all born fools. As soon as I take birth I am nurtured by parents and educated to falsely claim a land as my own. National education means to make you more foolish. Am I not foolish? I am changing my body like a dress life after life. You have so many minds, so many dresses—why do you claim this one? Why don't you understand: "This dress is nice, but next moment I may be in another." You are in the grip of nature. You cannot say what dress you will have: "Nature, make me American." No; material nature controls. If you live like a dog—here, take a dog's dress. If you live a godly life—here, take God.
Out of many fools someone tries to understand what I actually am. Dog? American? Russian? This real inquiry goes on. If you inquire, you have to ask someone, not just yourself. When crossing the street in a place you don't know, you have to ask the policeman or some gentleman. For "what I am" you have to go to an authority also. What is a spiritual master? He is a person conversant with the science of Kṛṣṇa. Ordinarily nobody inquires; but if a man does, he can make progress and come to this understanding: Kṛṣṇa is the cause of all causes.
Four kinds of people, followers of scripture and higher authority, inquire about Kṛṣṇa. Those addicted to sinful activities can't inquire. They go on in intoxication. The righteous, pious man inquires and goes to God. Facility is given to people in this process by the authority—to make people happy, not to exploit people. The purpose of ISKCON is, in this way, to understand the science of God. You want happiness. Here it is. You are distressed by sinful reactions. But if there is no sinful reaction there is no suffering. One who knows Kṛṣṇa without doubt is relieved of all reactions. Kṛṣṇa says, "Come to Me, and I will give you freedom from all reactions." Don't disbelieve it. He can give you shelter; He has all power. If I give you such a promise, because I have no such power I may break the promise.
If you associate yourself with Kṛṣṇa consciousness your dormant relationship with Kṛṣṇa will be evoked. You have a relationship with Him. There is no question of disbelieving; it is simply foolishness. The dormant relationship is there. You want to serve Kṛṣṇa, but simply by the spell of illusion we think we have no connection with Kṛṣṇa. We go on doing all "independent" nonsense and we are always anxious. When we associate with these dormant feelings for Kṛṣṇa, however, we will become engaged in Kṛṣṇa consciousness.
"God is unborn" indicates that He is different from the material world. We have no such experience of the unborn. This city was born—history is filled with dates. Spiritual nature, however, is unborn, and at once we can see the difference. The material nature is born. You have to understand; if Kṛṣṇa is unborn then He is spiritual, not like one of us. Kṛṣṇa is not some "extraordinary person who was also born." He is not born. So how can I decide He is an ordinary man? "Those who are fools and rascals think of Me as an ordinary man," Kṛṣṇa says in the Gītā. He is different from everything in this world. He is anādi, without cause.
Kṛṣṇa may be spiritual, but there are other spiritual bodies. We have spiritual bodies like Kṛṣṇa's, but they are born. They are not exactly born; it is like the sparks of the fire. The sparks are not born from the fire; they are actually there. We are also not born; we are sparks that come out of the original form. Even if we are not born, the spark comes out of Kṛṣṇa, so we are different; the sparks of the fire are fire, but they are not the original fire. As for quality, we are the same as Kṛṣṇa. It is like the difference between father and son. Father and son are different and nondifferent at the same time. The son is an expansion of the father, but he cannot claim that he is the father; that would be nonsense.
Because Kṛṣṇa is declaring Himself supreme proprietor, He is therefore different from anything. If I am the proprietor of New York State, I am still not New York State. In every step there is duality. No one can say we are completely one with God.
When you can understand Kṛṣṇa's and your own position in a nice analytical way, then at once you become free from sinful reactions. This process will help you. Chant Hare Kṛṣṇa and cleanse your mind, and you will receive the message. One has to be qualified. If you chant and hear, for no payment, you will approach God. All things will become clear and illuminated.
CIA Agent Says War Is Eugenics & Drug War Is Fake
Royal Raymond Rife Suppressed Medical Technology
Psychiatric Torture and Mind Control
“And a huge part of what psychiatry has done really comes down to torture” — Lee Coleman, psychiatrist
Talk to the victims of psychiatry and they'll tell you they weren't “treated”, they were tortured. The History of Shock Treatment, a book produced by psychiatric survivors, says:
- “First off, we will call things by their real names: treatment forced upon another against his will is torture. It's not drug treatment, it's drug torture; it's not shock treatment, it's shock torture; it's not psychosurgery, it's psycho torture. Barbarism in the name of benevolence is still barbarism.”
Another psychiatric survivor group, the International Association Against Psychiatric Assault, contains the following in its statutes:
- “We declare as forms of torture all psychiatric persecution, psychiatric incarceration and psychiatrically forced bodily acts and intrusions, such as treatment with drugs, electroshock, psychosurgery, four point restraint and others. These have been consistently defined as torture by persons from all around the world and through the whole existence of coercive psychiatry….”
California psychiatrist and author of A Reign of Error, wrote:
- “…mental patients become vulnerable to whatever manipulations psychiatrists decide to call treatment. Many of these so-called treatments have been crude experiments and sometimes they were no less than torture.” Lee Coleman, M.D., psychiatrist, The Reign Of Error
“Psychiatry: An Industry of Death” contains evidence of all these tortures, including actual electroshock machines that include one donated by a German psychiatric institution; ice-picks used by psychiatrists used to destroy the lives of tens of thousands of individuals around the world and recently purchased restraint belts and jackets—like those still used in psychiatric institutions today and responsible for hundreds of deaths each year.
Tracing Psychiatry's Mind Control Experiments
It also documents the history of psychiatry's mind control experiments conducted for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and other government agencies during the 1950s through to the 1970s. It contains documents obtained through the U.S. Freedom of Information Act showing psychiatry's role in torturing and brain-washing unwitting American and foreign citizens, including attempts to turn individuals into assassins.
One renowned author on this subject is Gordon Thomas, a recipient of CCHR's Lifetime Achievement Award and a former BBC and veteran foreign affairs correspondent. His best selling book, Secret History of CIA Torture and Germ Warfare Experiments, is being turned into a film and is aimed at worldwide theater release in 2008. Other books include, Journey into Madness: Medical Torture and The Mind Controllers and The True Story of Secret CIA Mind Control. His work also includes the five-time nominated Academy Award winner "Voyage Of The Damned," "Enola Gay," winner of the Best Foreign Film Emmy and “A Bit Of An Experience,” winner of the Monte Carlo Film Festival Critics and Jury's prizes.
Featured in CCHR's Museum: Psychiatry: An Industry of Death is British psychiatrist, William Sargant. Thomas exposes Sargant's mind control experiments in several books and his new film. Here's an excerpt from one of Thomas' articles:
“On a bleak winter's February day, Anne Margaret White, mother of three small children, was admitted to one of the world's great teaching hospitals, St. Thomas's, in London. She was thirty-one years old…. Three months later, Anne emerged from the hospital physically and mentally so changed her father thought she was ‘a zombie’. The transformation had been achieved by a psychiatrist as respected as the hospital in which he worked.“His name was William Walter Sargant—Will to his friends—who had long been regarded as a ground-breaking physician. His clarion call could be heard through the hospital corridors. ‘An ounce of phenobarbitone, or some rather more modern tranquilizer, may be worth more than a hundred-weight of persuasive talk.’“But unknown to her, or the hospital, when Anne White became his patient, Sargant was at the forefront of ultra-secret mind-control experiments. He was the British end of the most sinister program ever approved by the United States government: MK-ULTRA—designed to control all human behavior.“…At military bases in Britain, including one at Maresfield, near the south coast resort of Brighton, he conducted drug-related experiments on so-called ‘military volunteers.’ Other drug experiments were performed at Britain's most secret bio-chemical warfare establishment at Porton Down on Salisbury Plain. Again ‘volunteers’ from military mental hospitals and from military prisons were used.”
1942: Winfred Overholser was the chief psychiatrist for the U.S. Army Medical Corps and held the position of superintendent of St. Elizabeth's hospital, a government-run institution in Washington, D.C. He developed truth serums and mind-control experiments for the Psychological Warfare Branch of the Military Intelligence Services.
1949: Project BLUEBIRD involved psychiatrists reviewing drug-related work at U.S. psychiatric institutions. One project at Bethesda Naval Hospital sought to isolate drugs for use in “effecting psychological entry and control of the individual,” and lasted until 1972.
1950: In September, the Miami News published an article, “Brain Washing Tactics,” in which the first formal use of the word "brainwashing" appeared. The term had been invented by CIA psychiatrists to explain why American prisoners of war in Korea had publicly denounced America.
1951: Psychiatrists advised the government that by lowering the setting on an electroshock machine a patient would experience excruciating pain, making it an effective method of coercion. A CIA document stated that electroshock had the effect of making a man talk and a person could be reduced to the vegetable level.
1952: A CIA memo cited a successful application of narcotic-hypnotic interrogation on Russian agents. Concealing the experiment as psychiatric care, the Russians were admitted to a hospital as part of the ruse. Posthypnotic suggestions succeeded in giving the subjects amnesia of the interrogation to which they were subjected.
1953: OPERATION ARTICHOKE evolved into Project MKULTRA. It attempted to create unwitting assassins using drugs and hypnosis. MKDELTA covered policy and procedure for use of biochemicals. Through the front organization, the Josiah Macy Foundation, international CIA conferences on LSD were headed by psychiatrist Frank Fremont-Smith.
1953-55: After testing 139 different drugs, including amnesia potions, the most promising drugs were given to unwitting subjects in normal social situations in a Federal Bureau of Drug Abuse Control experiment. Dr. Frank Olsen, a CIA biochemist, jumped to his death while under the influence of LSD, slipped into a drink without his knowledge.
1955: Harold Wolff taught psychiatry in Cornell University's Medical College when he was conducting brainwashing studies for the head of the CIA, Allen Dulles. He “asked the Agency to give him access to everything in its files on threats, coercion, imprisonment, isolation, deprivation, humiliation, torture, ‘brainwashing,’ ‘black psychiatry,’ hypnosis, and combinations of these with or without chemical agents.” Beyond mere study, Wolff volunteered the unwitting use of Cornell patients for brainwashing experiments, so long as no one got hurt. He added, however, that he would advise the CIA on experiments that harmed their subjects if they were performed elsewhere, according to The Search for the Manchurian Candidate.
1970s: The Congressional Select Committee to Study Government Operations in 1976 concluded: “The research and development program, and particularly the covert testings, resulted in massive abridgements of the rights of American citizens, sometimes with tragic consequences” and “demonstrate a fundamental disregard for the value of human life.”
To find out more about psychiatry's torturous brainwashing and mind control experiments that continued even after this congressional hearing, visit the Psychiatry: An Industry of Death Museum.
Wilde Ganzen : Siberisch sjamanisme.
Het Siberisch sjamanisme wordt naar ons gebracht vanuit Altai, een zeer krachtige plek in Siberische bergen. Het biedt een wereldvisie die wordt weergegeven de sjamanistische mandala, een wereldbeeld met vier werelden.
Het brengt eeuwenoude rituelen terug naar het nu, rituelen die van generatie op generatie zijn doorgegeven, kennis die bewaard is gebleven, en nu in de nieuwe tijd weer bij de mensen gebracht kan worden zodat zij die kunnen gebruiken om zichzelf en anderen te helen om op weg te gaan naar het tijdperk van de Waterman.
Gayatri Mantra ( 108 peaceful chants ) (NEW)
vrijdag 28 juli 2017
Ik heb bijna een computer. Dan kan ik beginnen schrijven aan mijn bespiegelingen over Verzet in tijden van oorlog. De profetieën van Nostradamus en Edgar Cayce. Het proberen tegenhouden van de derde wereldoorlog. Democratie in tijden van totalitaire big brother-toestanden, en een kritische beschouwing van eugenetica, inquisitie en MK-Ultra mindcontrol in de psychiatrie, wat niet meer is dan een controlesysteem van onderdrukking, zonder de mensen die erin moeten werken te viseren. Hoe kunnen we de wereld een toekomst bieden, die goed is voor zoveel mogelijk mensen? Een vraag die hersenen pijnigt, maar de moeite waard om ze te stellen. Persoonlijk heb ik inwijdingen achter de rug in het sjamanisme en de siddha maha yoga en leer ik nu vanop afstand van de Dalai Lama. Dit is mijn redding geweest en stelt me in staat te blijven werken, via creativiteit en ook op vrijwillige basis.
Ik koester maar één droom : vrede, vrede, vrede!
Nevertheless, we are the resistance!
Ik koester maar één droom : vrede, vrede, vrede!
Nevertheless, we are the resistance!
New Edgar Cayce Documentary 'Cayce's Legacy' 2016
Saint Germain Pt 1: The Man Who Would Not Die
donderdag 27 juli 2017
Dolores Cannon: Volunteer Souls and DNA Upgrades.
Barbara Marciniak The Pleiadians 2017 July - Space War
woensdag 26 juli 2017
Australia tries Vatican official on child sex abuse charges
‘An Australian court has begun the trial of the most senior Vatican official that has ever been charged in Catholic Church sex abuse scandals.
Australia’s highest-ranking Catholic and Pope Francis’ top financial adviser, Cardinal George Pell, made his first court appearance on Wednesday after being charged last month with sexual abuse of multiple individuals years earlier in his Australian home state of Victoria.
While the details of the charges against the 76-year-old cleric — who has maintained his innocence — are yet to be revealed to the public, police have described them as historical sexual assault offenses, which means the alleged crimes happened years ago.
The development came after Australia’s Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse revealed earlier this year that seven percent of Catholic priests were accused of having sexually abused children across Australia over the past several decades.’
Australia’s highest-ranking Catholic and Pope Francis’ top financial adviser, Cardinal George Pell, made his first court appearance on Wednesday after being charged last month with sexual abuse of multiple individuals years earlier in his Australian home state of Victoria.
While the details of the charges against the 76-year-old cleric — who has maintained his innocence — are yet to be revealed to the public, police have described them as historical sexual assault offenses, which means the alleged crimes happened years ago.
The development came after Australia’s Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse revealed earlier this year that seven percent of Catholic priests were accused of having sexually abused children across Australia over the past several decades.’
dinsdag 25 juli 2017
Law I
All disease is the result of inhibited soul life, and that is true of all forms in all kingdoms. The art of the healer consists in releasing the soul, so that its life can flow through the aggregate of organisms which constitute any particular form.
All disease is the result of inhibited soul life, and that is true of all forms in all kingdoms. The art of the healer consists in releasing the soul, so that its life can flow through the aggregate of organisms which constitute any particular form.
Bhakti Yoga.
De traditionele bhakti kent vier regulerende voorschriften, vidhi genaamd (van de Sanskriet wortel vidha, in orde brengen), S.B. 1.17:24 en 12.3: 18[4]:
het verbod op het eten van vlees, vis en eieren;
geen seks buiten het huwelijk (en daarbinnen voorbehouden voor de voortplanting);
geen verdovende middelen zoals drugs en alcohol;
het verbod op gokken of speculeren met geld.
Deze voorschriften zijn afgeleid van de eeuwige waarden van de religie (dharma), ook wel 'de vier poten van de stier van dharma ' genoemd:
geen seks buiten het huwelijk (en daarbinnen voorbehouden voor de voortplanting);
geen verdovende middelen zoals drugs en alcohol;
het verbod op gokken of speculeren met geld.
Deze voorschriften zijn afgeleid van de eeuwige waarden van de religie (dharma), ook wel 'de vier poten van de stier van dharma ' genoemd:
śaucha, reinheid;
satyam, waarheidslievendheid;
tapas, soberheid en ascese;
dayā, mededogen.
satyam, waarheidslievendheid;
tapas, soberheid en ascese;
dayā, mededogen.
maandag 24 juli 2017
Lion's Gate poet seer of the month. Sri Aurobindo.
Sri Aurobindo falls into the exclusive category of Poet-Seers who have achieved the highest realisations and have endeavoured to share that experience with the rest of humankind. The teachings and very utterances that spiritual masters of this calibre offer to the world come from the most sublime realms of consciousness that human beings can attain to. Their poetry transcends the page to become mantra, an invocation to the transcendental consciousness.
Sri Aurobindo, Indian nationalist, poet, philosopher and Spiritual Guru was born in Calcutta on 15th August 1872.
Sri Aurobindo spent his formative years in England studying at St Paul’s and Trinity College where he excelled in the study of Literature and the Classics. In 1892 he returned to India where he became heavily involved in the Indian independence movement, he was a natural leader and one of the most radical nationalist politicians. Because of his radicalism, in 1908 Sri Aurobindo was arrested on suspicion of being involved in a bomb plot and was remanded in Alipore jail. It was here in jail that Sri Aurobindo had significant spiritual experiences, he became aware of a divine inner guidance and also realised the omnipresence of God even in a darkened prison cell.
Due to the commitment of Sri Aurobindo’s lawyer C.R.Das, Sri Aurobindo was released without charge. However this experience had changed Sri Aurobindo’s outlook. Henceforth he retired from politics and focused his energies on spirituality.
Sri Aurobindo travelled to Pondicherry, South India where he could practise yoga undisturbed. In 1914 he was later joined by a French women, Mira Richards who would later became known as the Mother of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram. Together they founded the Sri Aurobindo ashram, which began to attract disciples attracted to their dynamic reinterpretation of yoga.
As well as being a spiritual Guru to many disciples Sri Aurobindo was a noted poet, philosopher and writer. His main works were The Life Divine, The Synthesis of Yoga, Essays on the Gita and Savitri. Savitri was an epic work of poetry that he worked on for over 20 years.
Sri Aurobindo did not negate the world like Indian yogis of the past. Instead Sri Aurobindo affirmed that all life is Yoga; through a conscious aspiration it is possible for man to evolve into a higher consciousness – a consciousness of truth and inner harmony. Sri Aurobindo called this new consciousness the Supramental.
For over 40 years, Sri Aurobindo worked tirelessly for his vision of a divine life on earth. Through his writings and poetry he left a legacy which reflected his hopes of a golden future for humanity. Sri Aurobindo entered mahasamadhi on Dec 5th, 1950.
7.83Hz Earth Resonance. Music by Life of Abundance
Psychology of the future - Dr Stanislav Grof.
Psychiatrist Stanislav Grof suggests that a radical inner transformation of humanity and a rise to a higher level of consciousness might be humankind's only real hope for the future.
zondag 23 juli 2017
Bill Clinton - Apology To Human-Experiment Victims
7.83Hz Earth Resonance. Music by Life of Abundance
DAVID ICKE - 2017 - Humanity At A Crossroads
Spiritual teacher tells all, before he dies. Incredible!
Psychic Predictions 2017 - The Year of Truth Revealed
David Wilcock & Drake 2012-03-28 1-3 Mass Arrests
The Master Plan for The Event Will Not Change
Iraq’s Secret History and its Stargate Conspiracy
Chomsky: ‘Russiagate leidt af van veel belangrijkere kwesties’
‘“Russiagate”, de pogingen om verbanden te zoeken tussen VS-president Donald Trump en Rusland en hierdoor een impeachmentprocedure tegen Trump op te starten, is een kwalijke afwijking van waar het in de VS momenteel echt om gaat.’ Dat zegt Noam Chomsky.
‘De ijver die de Democraten en de Amerikaanse pers aan de dag leggen om een geheime verstandhouding tussen team-Trump en het Kremlin op te spitten, leidt af van de schandalige gebeurtenissen die dagelijks plaatsvinden in Washington’, zegt de beroemde academicus in een recent interview.
Terwijl iedereen zich focust op Trump en Poetin, ‘voeren de Paul Ryan-Republikeinen (...) de programma’s uit die ze al jaren stilzwijgend nastreven’, aldus Chomsky. Die programma’s draaien rond twee principes, zegt Chomsky: ‘De rijken en machtigen nog rijker en machtiger maken, en al de rest een flinke muilpeer verkopen’ (door alle sociale programma’s af te breken, nvdr).
Dat het Trump en zijn administratie te doen is om neoliberalisme in zijn extreemste vorm, ziet Chomsky in de samenstelling van diens regering. ‘Elke belangrijke minister is gekozen om al wat nog enig menselijk belang heeft in de regering, te vernietigen’.
Chomsky begrijpt niet waarom Trump gedwarsboomd wordt op één van zijn bitter weinig nuttige beleidspunten: samenwerking zoeken met Rusland - een stap die momenteel prompt als appeasement wordt omschreven. Het alternatief, de nieuwe Koude Oorlog blijven opwarmen, kan nochtans leiden tot een thermonucleaire oorlog.
En intussen, aldus Chomsky, ligt de helft van de wereld plat van het lachen over de consternatie in de VS dat ‘men’ geprobeerd zou hebben, de Amerikaanse verkiezingen te beïnvloeden. Gezien de Amerikaanse antecedenten op dit vlak is dat de laatste beschuldiging die Washington met uitgestreken gezicht kan uiten. Denk maar aan de verkiezing van Boris Jeltsin midden de jaren ‘90’, besluit professor Chomsky.
zaterdag 22 juli 2017
Pink Floyd - Shine On You Crazy Diamond 1990 Live Video
Biography : Abraham Lincoln - Mind blowing Documentaries
vrijdag 21 juli 2017
Shocking study reveals your doctor is WRONG 88% of the time… second opinions rarely agree with your first diagnosis
‘When you are sick, it is not always easy to find the right path forward. When your regular health care provider recommends surgery or a major treatment, it might be a good idea to get a second opinion after the Mayo Clinic reported that your doctor is wrong 88 percent of the time.
Even though the path to becoming a physician is long, with four years of college to get a bachelor’s degree, another four years of medical school, and three to seven more years of residency and fellowship training, experienced and well-trained doctors may still not get your diagnosis right. A second opinion may give you not only peace of mind, but also a second chance at survival.’
Dalai Lama on inner peace.
We will only make the 21st century an era of peace on the basis of inner peace. However, we won’t overcome anger and establish peace of mind just by praying for it. An outbreak of fire will not be quenched by prayer alone, it’s far more important to prevent its breaking out in the first place.
LIVE: UN holds press briefing to discuss Assange verdict
Breaking News: Wikileaks Reveals CIA Hacking Tools
21 juli-toespraak 2017 van koning Filip (HD)
Message by Michael Keuppens.
A week ago some guys launched the updated version of the tesla coil, a free energy device, they were taken down by the oil lobby and the power companies, but now it for. Once and always proven, that such devices exist.With this campaign we want to enforce the awareness around clean and free energy
A week ago some guys launched the updated version of the tesla coil, a free energy device, they were taken down by the oil lobby and the power companies, but now it for. Once and always proven, that such devices exist.With this campaign we want to enforce the awareness around clean and free energy
"De Ritten" - Centrum voor Eenheidsbewustzijn.
donderdag 20 juli 2017
European Union Human Trafficking Epidemic Exposed!
The correction / התיקון
It was a game of divide and rule. They tried to control us and made us fight followed by false accusations and writings on the wall. Nevertheless, love is our true resistance.
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