Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

zondag 3 juli 2016

Wisdom of today.

Respect for all visionaries who give hope for the future!

That is to say, a perfected humanity will be a perfect vehicle of the divine Spirit (see the Mercaba of Ezekiel, 1st Chapter). Great is our indebtedness to the Seers who throw out for us flashes of light on the darkness and mystery of human life, where the struggling Spirit within is so often buried in the depths of this mysterious Chaos, thereby making visible the darkness, so that we are enabled to see a few steps of the Way ahead, thus encouraging us to press forward with renewed assurance that the mists and clouds will be dispelled, and we shall in due time enter the fullness of the divine Presence.
The Theosophist, Vol. XXIX, p. 50.

"When you're one step ahead of your time, they call you a genius, when you're two steps ahead of your time, they call you insane." - David Icke

I did some life path analysis based on the wisdom of Pythagoras. I've been told to be a visionary, born leader, seemingly anti-authority but that's only on the surface, I just don't let authority get in the way of my mission in life because I see a few steps ahead a cannot wait until others see what I see as well. The numerologist told me that I've been in a band, would make a wonderful future a a storyteller, and that I am currently in a relationship with my soulmate or twin soul. It can be a very spiritual work to use your voice wisely as an educator, storyteller of even politicians can learn to use their voice through speech as a vehicle of telling the Truth or teaching people. All people who use their voice or pen to write are doing in fact a very spiritual work, wether they realize it or not. My next step ahead with my psychologist Michael is to get of these pharmaceuticals they gave me for years when I was still blamed for being insane, whilst research showed us quite the opposite. Case closed. I was never insane. I am a visionary and have to make a living in that position. I feel so sorry for all those who suffered the same. Being blamed for being mad, when you never were. It's almost impossible to do your job and life's mission when you see years ahead in the future, whilst others can't see what you see and sometimes tend to call you insane or at least weird. I can live with that. My brother T. said that in the year 2300 science will be able to awaken the kundalini energy scientifically, where it now awakens in people in a natural way. Do we have to wait for another 300 years until science takes the kundalini process seriously? I don't buy that. Anyway. I am not going to wait that long, going to inform michael that it's quite time to throw big pharma 'antipsychotics' out of my life, because I was never mad. It was the greatest mistake in my life and it's time revolt against it. Visionaries are not meant to be drugged - they need be encouraged in just living their lives instead of becoming victims of a profit based, almost 'black-magic' materialistic suppressing of good, honest and truthful people, who are on a mission. The first steps are done. I just have to inform michael that it's time for the next step. Most of the time I use supplements, vitamins, homeopathy and natural medicine and I finally start to recover. I should have done this earlier instead of letting me being suppressed by a ignorant society who until now makes money of good people with a sixth sense. This is something of the past and not of the future. I told michael, my psychologist, that I live as a bodhisattva for years now, he thought of me a a kind of christlike figure. 

Okay but the crucifixtion and resurrection mysteries / initiations are done. I am here to live a long and happy life and it's time to throw the rest of big pharma out of life in the present and the future. Enough is enough, bernie sanders would say. I am not here to make big pharma rich. Those profiteers of good, honest and hardworking people who would try anything to sell their drugs. Don't fall for it. People from the FDA themselves NEVER take the drugs they try to sell to others, they use homeopathic and natural medicines themselves. The same for the rockefellers. Western medicine is rockefeller medicine and a lot of what is going on in the cancer industry is just new world order depopulation. Don't fall for it and please see through it. Be wise and make the step forwards towards natural medicine, homeopathy, herbs, vitamins and so on and so forth. That system of western medicine as kept me sick for so many years and I started to throw it out of my life during the last years and am becoming extremely healthy. Don't fear such a wise act, just do it. Most of the pharmaceuticals are only sold for profit, only a very little safe lives, and many doctors - sorry to say - are blocking the process of healing with their poison instead of healing people. Only true alternative doctors master the ART OF HEALING. So glad that I use alternative medicine as the basis for my health for about ten years or so.


no hard feelings to mehal darji, but the crimes below MUST STOP. Wake up to the TRUTH.

"Western big pharma rockefeller medicine practice has a lot in common with money making black magic. There is no difference." - kristo

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