shamanic artist - pleiadian gabrielian - michaelian - having faith in G-d above all else - sovereign - ethical - refuse RFID chipping / Uniting 144000, peaceful bodhisattva-buddha (nirmanakaya) mahatma- defender of freedom - following my highest calling (Shamballah), ASHTAR “We all shape the world together, be wise and virtuous in your life loyal immortal legions visionary mystic Gabriel Sadhu tintegral & bhakti, raja, siddha, maha yogi 6th dimension Christos / Archangels
Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
zaterdag 30 november 2024
Kristo Gabriel : they are still forcefully putting Me under MK-Ultra with their psychiatric drugs.
Muse - Knights Of Cydonia: Live At Wembley Stadium 2007.
Muse - Invincible [Live From Wembley Stadium].
MUSE - WILL OF THE PEOPLE [Official Music Video].
vrijdag 29 november 2024
Wijsheid van de Koran. (Nederlandstalig)
Voorzeker, uw vijand zal uitsterven. 108:4
Bron : De Heilige Koran: Overvloed
22. En uw metgezel is niet krankzinnig. 23. En hij zag hem (Gabriël) aan de heldere horizon. 24. En hij is geen vrek wat het onzienlijke aangaat.
Bron : De Heilige Koran: 81. Het Opvouwen
De Heilige Koran herinnert de moslims: “De beloning van goedheid kan niet anders dan goedheid zijn.” (55:61).
En het kwade van wat zij verricht hadden, werd hen duidelijk en zij werden omsingeld door dat waar zij de spot mee plachten te drijven. 45:34
Allah beschermde hen toen voor het slechte wat zij hadden beraamd, terwijl de ergste bestraffing Fir'aun en zijn volgelingen omsingelde. 40:46
En zij worden in deze wereld en op de Dag der Opstanding door een vloek achtervolgd. Geen twijfel!
Behalve degenen die geduldig zijn en goede daden verrichten. Voor hen zal er vergiffenis zijn en een grote beloning. - 11:11
Zij zijn degenen die niet in staat zijn (om de bestraffing) in deze wereld te ontvluchten. En er zijn voor hen geen beschermers, en de bestraffing wordt voor hen vermeerderd. Zij waren niet in staat om te horen en zij waren niet in staat om te zien. 11:20
donderdag 28 november 2024
002 Surah Al Baqara by Mishary Al Afasy (iRecite).
woensdag 27 november 2024
Wisdom of today.
The four major vices of Kali-yuga are (1) illicit connection with women, (2) animal slaughter, (3) intoxication, (4) speculative gambling of all sorts.
Source :
In Kali-yuga, association with women is very strong. In every step of life, there is association with women.
Wisdom of Paramahamsa yogananda.
On many occasions the swami was seen to drink, with no
ill effect, the most deadly poisons. Thousands of people, including a few
that are still living, have seen Trailanga floating on the Ganges. For
days together he would sit on top of the water or remain hidden for very
long periods under the waves. A common sight at Manikarnika Ghat was the
swami’s motionless body on the blistering stone slabs, wholly exposed to
the merciless Indian sun.
By these feats Trailanga sought to teach men that human
life need not depend on oxygen or on certain conditions and precautions.
Whether the great master was above water or under it, and whether or not
his body challenged the fierce solar rays, he proved that he lived by divine
consciousness: Death could not touch him.
“Master,” the materialist said, in mock reverence, “I
have brought you some clabbered milk. Please drink it.”
Trailanga unhesitatingly drank, to the last drop, the
quarts of burning lime. In a few minutes the evildoer fell to the ground
in agony.
‘Help, swami, help!” he cried. ‘I am on fire! Forgive
my wicked test!”
The great yogi broke his habitual silence. “Scoffer,”
he said, “you did not realize when you offered me poison that my life is
one with your own. Except for my knowledge that God is present in my stomach,
as in every atom of creation, the lime would have killed me. Now that you
know the divine meaning of boomerang never again play tricks on anyone.”
The sinner, healed by Trailanga’s words, slunk feebly
Simple reminder about the effects of karma by Master Tsong Kha Pa.
The Chapter of the Truth and Sutra on the Ten Levels both state that each of the nonvirtuous actions has two effects.
They say that even if you are bom a human, still:
[as a result of killing] you would have a short life span and many illnesses;
[as a result of stealing] you would have few resources and the resources you do have would be shared with others;
[as a result of sexual misconduct] your helpers would be disorderly or untrustworthy, and you would have a contentious spouse;
[as a result of lying] others would slander you a great deal, and they would deceive you;
[as a result of divisive speech] your helpers would not get along and would misbehave;
[as a result of offensive speech] you would hear unpleasant and quarrelsome speech;
[as a result of senseless speech] your words would not be respected or understandable, and your confidence would not be unshakable;
[as a result of covetousness] you would have great attachment and no contentment;
[as a result of malice] you would seek the unbeneficial or not seek the beneficial, and you would harm others or others would harm you;
[as a result of wrong views] you would have bad views and would be deceitful.
Indigo Children.
Highly psychic and spiritually advanced children who have been incarnating over the last few decades to help establish The Seventh Golden Age of Enlightenment on Earth. Many of the Indigos have had a tough time adjusting to Earth life and have been misdiagnosed as Bi-Polar, Manic Depressive, Obsessive Compulsive, Schizophrenic, Delusional, or mentally ill in any number of ways. The Indigos are not mentally ill, just highly advanced beings that often have a tough time “fitting in” and “adjusting” to Earth society. The salvation for these “lost” Indigos is to reject what doctors and society have “labeled” them, own their Indigo status fully and completely, and immerse themselves in helping the Earth transition into The Seventh Golden Age of Enlightenment!
Wisdom of today.
'Why is it that all the men (and women) who have been exceptional in philosophy or politics or literature or the arts turn out to be melancholics?'
Gamma Ray - Insanity And Genius [Full Album].
Mariah Carey reveals battle with bipolar disorder.
I recommend this book :
“There will be in the next generation or so a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them but will rather enjoy it.” ― Aldous Huxley
Kristo Gabriel
SPD10-03 Srimad-Bhagavatam 1-2-19 New Vrindavan 1974.
Good luck, Tulsi. You have all of my best wishes and blessings.
The dark forces fear Her,
Good luck, Tulsi.
All of my best wishes.
Kristo Gabriel
Warning from the book "The Messianic Legacy".
The book "The Messianic Legacy" warns for nuclear attacks on London, Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, New York, Washington, Philadelphia, Detroit, Chicago and Pittsburg. I hope this can be prevented, but a world war 3 scenario was already predicted there by authors Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln.
I had a nice meal offered to G-d before consuming with some basilicum in it, the spiritual effect of basilicum is that it protects against the devil.
I meditate now twice everyday for worldpeace.
dinsdag 26 november 2024
Seminar 08 Selling Srimad-Bhagavatam Set in Temple.
In the Padma Purana it is said that those who study with devotion this Srimad Bhagavatam will attain moksha (liberation).
Wisdom of today.
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
Isaiah 5:20
Kristo Gabriel
In the 12th canto of the Srimad Bhagavatam, there is a verse which mentions that in Kali Yuga, men will become wretched and controlled by women.
Wisdom of today from the Siddha Maha Yoga meeting.
Many of us are processing trauma. Shakti (divine mother Kundalini) is protecting us, but some trauma can emerge. There was the advice to take some extra magnesium to protect the nervous system (and it is also a guard against heart-attacks and cures depression, better than antidepressants). I followed that advice because we have a long way to go, serving G-d and humanity. Staying healthy is important. For diabetics this is also an important supplement.
Take care,
Kristo Gabriel
Truth of today.
I still read these Luciferian books, they mix truth with lies (half-truths), I just want to understand what they are doing, but I refused the Faustian Bargain. That keeps Me in the underground. Strange that Madeleine is never on the radio, and those that sold their souls are getting all the attention. That doesn't mean that every mainstream artist is bad, but be very discerning people. Best wishes.
The Faustian Bargain
Many people on Earth sell their soul to The Dark Lodge in exchange for great power and wealth. This is known as “The Faustian Bargain.” Many famous political and industrial leaders of Earth (past & present) have taken The Faustian Bargain. Those who take The Faustian Bargain are greedy short-sighted fools, for the bargain ends at death, and the bargainers find themselves in the darkest pit of hell, where the only music is the gnawing of teeth and the tearing of flesh. And since they no longer have a soul, they no longer have the ability to evolve their way out of this hell, and are stuck there for all eternity.
Kristo Gabriel
I pray for those who made this mistake, even in entertainment or politics can be forgiven and get a second chance. G-d is forgiving and all-merciful. I am blocked from Facebook and Linkedin for questioning official narratives.
World Peace Meditation Nov 24 Replay.
Click here to watch the replay.
Source :
Wisdom from The Nectar of Instruction by Swami Prabhupada.
Soulmate wisdom of today, thanks to Gabriel Gonsalves' teachings.
"Lovers don't finally meet somewhere; they're in each other all along."
"To attract your soulmate, you must not ask, "Dear God, please send me a life partner," but rather, "Dear God, please make me the person who my life partner would quickly find and deeply love." ~ Marianne Williamson
Guardian Angel Bliss Message.
Angels of light and grace, guiding us through the clouds of our dreams ✨💫. With their wings spread wide, they remind us of the divine presence surrounding us, bringing peace and hope to our lives. 🌟🕊️ Let their powerful energy inspire you to reach for the heavens and embrace your true potential. 💖
Feelings of the early morning.
"There are many dead bodies on the Path to Enlightenment (Don't be one of them)."
- Gabriel Cousens
May all those that are gone, like Christopher Ciccone, Peter, Dave, Kitty, Harold and many others be known in the heavens,the fact that we miss them and that we think about them. I didn't express my pain before of missing them, because it was too painful. Don't think I don't care.
maandag 25 november 2024
Gabriel Gonsalves : The Path to Soulmate Love eBook, Workbook, and Audios.
My wish is: may as much people as possible enter in a soulmate relationship.
That would be the greatest Christmas present for 2024.
Believe. Have faith. G-d is always protecting His children.
Kristo Gabriel
World Peace Meditation Nov 24 Replay.
Click here to watch the replay.
Source :
Wisdom of today.
"The more you give, the more you will receive, because that keeps the abundance of the universe circulating in your life." - Deepak Chopra, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Succes.
Wisdom of today.
Kedusha demands strong integrity in every action. (….) Holiness does not belong to the few; it is the living responsibility of everyone. - Gabriel Cousens
Hulplijn 1712: Bescherming van vrouwen tegen geweld is gezamenlijke verantwoordelijkheid. (Dutch)
JULIAN ROSE : Rewriting the Script of Life.
I am not saying that there are no individuals operating within such globalist structures incapable of rising above their dark goals; there are of course, and their distinctive humanitarian qualities are to be applauded.
Note : Madeleine Rothschild is innocent.
She is a dysfunctional family cycle breaker,
just like Me.
Healing a dysfunctional family bloodline.
Please help Her.
Thanks a lot,
from the bottom of my very Heart.
Kristo Gabriel
Chapter 14 "Protection called Refuge of the Yakshas".
Metallica: Nothing Else Matters (Official Music Video).
“The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.” - Thomas Alfa Edison
Kristo Gabriel
De Andere Krant (Madeleine K.) : Gaat Trump de 'deep state' aanpakken? (Nederlandstalig)
Wijsheid van de dag. (Nederlandstalig)
Een erudiet geleerde die de Veda’s perfect heeft bestudeerd, die informatie heeft ontvangen van gezaghebbende personen als Heer Caitanya en die weet hoe hij die kennis moet toepassen, begrijpt dat Kṛṣṇa de oorsprong is van alles wat bestaat, zowel in de spirituele als in de materiële werelden. Omdat zo iemand hierover perfecte kennis heeft, wordt hij standvastig in devotionele dienst aan de Allerhoogste Heer. Hij kan door geen enkele dwaas of door welke hoeveelheid dwaze commentaren dan ook op andere gedachten worden gebracht.
His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
For you, child-worship is more important than deity-worship. If you cannot spend time with him, then stop the duties of pujari.
"These children are given to us by Krishna, they are Vaisnavas and we must be very careful to protect them. These are not ordinary children, they are Vaikuntha children, and we are very fortunate we can give them chance to advance further in Krishna Consciousness. That is very great responsibility, do not neglect it or be confused. Your duty is very clear.
Hoping this will meet you in good health."
- Swami Prabhupada
Wijsheid van de dag (Nederlandstalig)
En zij zeiden: "Wat is dat voor Boodschapper, die voedsel eet en op de markten rondgaat, waarom is hem geen Engel gezonden, zodat hij niet hem een waarschuwer is?
Of is hem geen schat geschonken of heeft hij geen tuin, waar hij van kan eten?" En de onrechtvaardigen zeiden: "Jullie volgen slechts een bezeten man."
Zie hoe zij niet jou vergelijkingen maken; zij dwalen en zijn niet in staat een weg (te vinden).
Bron :
24.11. Waarlijk, zij die de lastering voortbrachten waren een grote groep uit uw midden; beschouwt dit niet als een kwaad voor u - integendeel het is goed voor u.
Metatron's Cube Ring Archangel Protection Women Ring Stainless Steel Jewelry.
Bala Shiva Mantra • Garb Raksha Mantra • Mantra for Pregnant women • Womb protection powerful mantra.
Pregnant or not.
In our prayers you all are.
Kristo Gabriel
Perhaps the world's conspiracy theorists have been right all along.
Today's conspiracy theory is tomorrow's news headline.
Health Ranger Report : Brighteon Broadcast News, Nov 22, 2024 - Arrest warrant issued for war criminal Netanyahu while Trump and GOP Senators CHEER THE GENOCIDE.
Wisdom of today.
Leonardo Da Vinci
Always discern mainstream media. They are known for spreading lies.
But I hope they bring Truth,
Be aware.
Thank you.
Kristo Gabriel
Gabriel Rios - Gold (Thomas Jack Radio Edit).
Simple reminder from the Vedas. Don't spoil your life.
“The unsuccessful yogī, after many, many years of enjoyment on the planets of the pious living entities, is born into a family of righteous people, or into a family of rich aristocracy. Or he takes his birth in a family of transcendentalists who are surely great in wisdom. Verily, such a birth is rare in this world.”
SPD09-03 Srimad-Bhagavatam 6-1-3 Melbourne 1975.
Wisdom of today.
"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!"
Isaiah 5:20
Source :
Wisdom by Swami Narayan Tirth.
Swami Gangadhar Tirth Maharaj lived a very simple, solitary life, yet he was very concerned with the affairs of the world. His only contact with the outside world was through a disciple, a humble man who provided his Guru with food by begging in a nearby village. One day, the yogic powers of Swami Gangadhar Tirth revealed to him that difficult times were ahead for ordinary people because of the effects of the age or era in which we now live. The period in which we now live, as you know, is called the Kali- Yuga, or the Age of Darkness. The Swami knew that the effects of the Kali- Yuga made it very difficult for ordinary people to remain on any spiritual path. He knew people would need help in finding spiritual illumination, since the influence of the Kali-Yuga made it difficult for people to advance spiritually unless they had already progressed to a high state of awareness. A most important aspect of this account is that Swami Gangadhar Tirth Maharaj had been blessed with the discovery of a very special means of awakening spiritual consciousness. This was truly a great discovery, since previously the awakening of spiritual consciousness was very difficult. Few people qualified for receiving help even from very advance souls. Because of the effects of the Kali-Yuga, no means were available to advance the cause of ordinary seekers because of these factors.
Among the great teachings left by this saint, the following teaching is beautiful in its clarity and simplicity:
1. Get up early before sunrise every day without fail. Fold up your bed and sit in meditation after performing the morning bath.
2. Nature is infinite and extravagant. It is capable of giving you anything you need. You should, however, exploit it to the extent you need. The sources of nature should never be wasted.
3. Lead a simple life and cherish high spiritual principles. Remain constant during pleasure or pain. Take your work to be the worship of God.
4. Do not interfere mentally in the movements of Shakti during meditation. Surrender yourself completely to Shakti, and give it liberty to operate upon you. Remain a witness throughout and rejoice while Shakti has its play in you.
Source :