![kristof Gabriel carina van hooymissen [my ancestor lieven once brewed the beer saint-michael]](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiuf5AId3Z3RVqmJkfVPVXsz_-LO89rYUHadTXsJnXUtENc6Q3DYO4cH6Ii3cJfHvIOyYLuyB4usNk9rXPfKXqGqnUPGe6D30imXQzsKAEvPnR478_6_CpifikjSMW-V0GLBp8BWPUB_B32/s250/Red+PIll.jpg)
shamanic artist - pleiadian gabrielian - michaelian - having faith in G-d above all else - sovereign - ethical - refuse RFID chipping / Uniting 144000, peaceful bodhisattva-buddha (nirmanakaya) mahatma- defender of freedom - jivanmukta - realizing highest calling (Shamballah), ASHTAR “We all shape the world together, be wise and virtuous in your life loyal immortal legions visionary mystic Gabriel Sadhu integral & bhakti, raja, siddha, maha yogi 6th dimension Christos / Archangels
Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's
donderdag 29 februari 2024
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali : Asteya.
2.37. Where cessation from theft is perfected, all treasures present themselves to him who possesses it.
Here is a sentence which may warn us that, beside the outer and apparent meaning, there is in many of these sentences a second and finer significance. The obvious meaning is, that he who has wholly ceased from theft, in act, thought and wish, finds buried treasures in his path, treasures of jewels and gold and pearls. The deeper truth is, that he who in every least thing is wholly honest with the spirit of Life, finds Life supporting him in all things, and gains admittance to the treasure house of Life, the spiritual universe.
Source : https://sacred-texts.com/hin/ysp/ysp04.htm
What does Asteya teach us?
The ultimate lesson of asteya is that there is already enough. We can, with practice, shift from a mindset of lack and scarcity to one of abundance and gratitude. Coveting what another has and comparing yourself to another leads to suffering. We are not ranked against each other; rather each of us is unique. We can act based upon the belief that the source of happiness and fulfillment lies not outside of us but within us.
If we operate on the premise of scarcity, we’ll not only hoard things but we’ll do things like overschedule our days because more is better. What makes anything meaningful is not the activity itself or checking something off your to do list, but giving your full attention to the activity itself.
Source : https://medium.com/@sharyn_91712/asteya-the-virtue-of-non-stealing-d2a48f3745a1
The 12 Virtues of the Heart: FORGIVENESS | Guided Meditation with Gabriel Gonsalves.
leaving the judgment to G-d.
‘Covid’ Fake Vaccine Mandates Ruled Unlawful by Supreme Court in Australia.
Wisdom from the Pleiadians.
"Step forward as a member of the Family of Light ; have the courage in all the days you walk this planet to live that light and share that light with all you encounter."
You must understand how to discern the extraterrestial energies. This is a free-will universe, so all forms of life are allowed here. If an energy attempts to frighten you, manipulate you or control you, it is not an energy that would be in your highest interest to work with. You have a choice of who you work with. Just because someone has evolved many fantastic and seemingly magic abilities does not necessarily mean that that entity is evolved spiritually. Learn to discern.
From : Chapter Three, Who Your Gods Are
Wake up, humans!
Most of the subliminals on television are done through technology that was developed in conjunction with off-planetary beings. The use of subliminals to upset human consciousness has become a worldwide program.
If you think about the houses that have two, three, and four televisions in them, you must agree that this has been a very successful marketing program. Some people who know about the subliminals on television feel that they are immune to them. However, the effects of television are so permeating that no matter how clear you say you are going to be, you cannot counterbalance what the technology is presently doing to your vibrational frequency.
We have said that there are entities who feed off your emotional bodies. Think about what a clever tool television is for them. All over the world, billions of humans are emitting emotional juices into the atmosphere based upon what they are watching on the tube.
They don't have to have too many wars anymore to get you all riled up - they can simply make movies!
People who need to watch television are not tapping into the wealth of information within their minds and immediately accessible all around them. As a matter of fact, if you really want to evolve, do not read your newspapers, do not listen to the radio, and do not watch television.
If you are able to be media free for periods of time, and you disengage yourself from the frequency of chaos and anxiety and stress and hustle - bustle and temptations of all kinds that you don't need, you begin to get clear. You begin to listen to what is going on inside of yourself and to live in the world and not necessarily be lost in it. You become clear. We cannot emphasize this enough!
Electronics also jam your frequency. Even when they are not specifically designed to jam your frequency, sometimes there is incompatibility between the electronic frequency of something and yourself. Plus, as we said, many of them are designed to create static so that you will always stay at a certain vibratory rate, turning you into safe, harmless, inactive, productive cattle.
Outside the Ultimate Tyranny, Bringers of the Dawn
Vaccine Attack on Children
Health officials in the U.S, U.K, Canada, Australia and around the world are disregarding parents’ right to protect their children from dangerous vaccinations.
Not only are public health entities habitually and deliberately failing to inform the public of their right to refuse vaccines in both school and work settings, but they are working towards mandatory vaccination protocols which will allow officials to conduct childhood vaccinations without any parental consent at all.
In fact, The RAND Corporation, known for war strategies and paid by pharmaceutical giant Sanofi Pasteur, outlined how to turn schools into drug-dealing vaccine clinics.
California lawmakers successfully attacked countless children as Governor Jerry Brown signed bill AB499 allowing 12-year-old children to consent to being injected with Gardasil vaccines without their parents' knowledge. Gardasil has wrecked thousands of lives nationwide, even leading to over 49 deaths.
Starting with the Hepatitis B vaccine at birth, children are constantly bombarded by the medical establishment trying to inject them with dangerous toxins.
Vaccines have injured thousands if not millions of people and have been proven to contain the following:
SV-40 cancer viruses
live polio
live avian flu virus
mercury (thimerosal) - especially in flu shots
Fortunately, parents can currently refuse vaccines for their children in most states, but that right is now under attack.
If California falls like Washington State recently did with the loss of their philosophical exemptions, many other states will likely follow.
Read also : The Global War on Children
Justice 4 Julian : The Trust Fall: Julian Assange Tickets on sale now.
The story of a man who risked everything to bring the truth to light. Narrated by Susan Sarandon
Event Cinemas - George Street – Tuesday 12 March
With David Shoebridge (Greens Senator and also appears in the film), David McBride (Australian Army Whistleblower) and Maria Zeee (Independent Journalist).
Event Cinemas Mackay North - Wednesday 6 & Sunday 10 March
*George Christensen is a journalist, blogger and podcaster and a former Australian politician who was a member of the Australian House of Representatives from 2010 to 2022, as the member of parliament (MP) for the division of Dawson. In November 2021 he introduced a bill to free WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, calling his imprisonment a “disgrace". In February 2020 he visited Julian in Belmarsh Prison.
Source : https://eventcinemas.com.au/EventsFestivals/TheTrustFallJulianAssange#date=2024-03-12&cinemas=15
Dat hij zó veel drugs in het bloed had, deed alarmbellen afgaan: werd Belgische speurder in zaak Qatar-gate vergiftigd? (Dutch)
De topspeurder die vorige maand “beestachtig wild” tekeerging in een Brussels café zou – net als twee collega’s – vergiftigd zijn met amfetamines in zijn biertje. Dat is mogelijk het werk van een buitenlandse geheime dienst. De man is een van de cheffen in het onderzoek naar ‘Qatar-gate’. Het parket in Brussel is een onderzoek gestart voor poging tot moord.
Bron : https://gva.be/cnt/dmf20240228_98035738
Volgens de Vedische teksten zijn er zes soorten aanvallers: (1) een gifmenger; (2) een brandstichter; (3) iemand die aanvalt met dodelijke wapens; (4) iemand die rijkdommen wegrooft; (5) iemand die andermans land inneemt, en (6) iemand die andermans vrouw ontvoert.
Bron : https://vedabase.io/nl/library/bg/1/36/
Clouseau - De Tegenpartij (Official Video).
Wijsheid van de dag. (Dutch)
Verdraagzaamheid betekent dat iemand geoefend moet zijn in het verdragen van beledigingen en hoon van anderen. Wanneer iemand bezig is vooruitgang te maken in spirituele kennis, zullen er zoveel beledigingen zijn en zal er zo veel hoon van anderen komen. Dit is te verwachten, want zo zit de materiële natuur nu eenmaal in elkaar. Zelfs Prahlāda, een jongen die al op zijn vijfde bezig was met het cultiveren van spirituele kennis, verkeerde in gevaar omdat zijn vader vijandig stond tegenover zijn devotie. De vader van Prahlāda probeerde hem op alle mogelijke manieren te doden, maar Prahlāda tolereerde het gedrag van zijn vader. Er mogen dan veel belemmeringen zijn om vooruitgang te maken in spirituele kennis, maar we moeten verdraagzaam zijn en vastberaden met onze ontwikkeling doorgaan.
Eenvoud betekent dat iemand zonder sluwe diplomatie zo eerlijk en open moet zijn, dat hij zelfs aan een vijand de waarheid kan onthullen.
Bron : https://vedabase.io/nl/library/bg/13/8-12/
Tolerance means that one should be practiced to bear insult and dishonor from others. If one is engaged in the advancement of spiritual knowledge, there will be so many insults and much dishonor from others. This is expected because material nature is so constituted. Even a boy like Prahlāda, who, only five years old, was engaged in the cultivation of spiritual knowledge, was endangered when his father became antagonistic to his devotion. The father tried to kill him in so many ways, but Prahlāda tolerated him. So there may be many impediments to making advancement in spiritual knowledge, but we should be tolerant and continue our progress with determination.
Simplicity means that without diplomacy one should be so straightforward that he can disclose the real truth even to an enemy.
woensdag 28 februari 2024
Vedic Wisdom of today.
- TEXT 3:
- Out of many thousands among men, one may endeavor for perfection, and of those who have achieved perfection, hardly one knows Me in truth.
- Source : https://vedabase.io/en/library/bg/7/
Expose News : Catherine Austin Fitts – Trump Put $10 Billion Dollars Into a Programme to Depopulate The US.
Srila Prabhupada Japa Chanting 16 rounds (slow chant).
Right Livelihood : Professions to avoid according to Lord Buddha.
Only a few passages in the suttas, however, deal directly with wrong means of livelihood for lay people, and in only one passage (§189) does the Buddha state outright that his lay followers should not pursue specific occupations: “trade in weapons, trade in living beings, trade in meat, trade in intoxicants, and trade in poison.” Of these, only trade in living beings requires extra explanation. It covers not only buying and selling common animals, but also buying and selling human beings.
Source : https://dhammatalks.org/books/OnThePath/Section0011.html
Wisdom of today from the Torah.
"Do not act on the basis of omens" (VayYiKra 19:26). Another translation of this verse is "You shall not use enchantment". Enchantment is the use of occult mechanics to affect people's minds against their will, which is also known as "black magic". This is another moral teaching that concerns the unethical practice of imposing a stronger mind over the mind of another and overriding the sovereignty of another person's psyche, especially for selfish purposes. This is the classical definition of black magic. This is what is commonly practiced through subliminal messages being flashed in advertising, television and media in general. It is also filtered into our minds through propaganda and distored news information such as what we see with anti-Semitism, as well as other common venues like political speeches. Because this form of "enchantment" is so common, we have become desensitized victims of it. The Thora serves as a warning to wake up to these abuses and label them as they are.
Source : https://bol.com/be/nl/f/torah-as-a-guide-to-enlightenment/39393162/
dinsdag 27 februari 2024
Wisdom of today.
“Greater than activity, devotion, or reason, is meditation.To meditate truly is to concentrate solely on Spirit. This is esoteric meditation. It is the highest form of activity that man can perform, and it is the most balanced way to find God. If you work afy the time you may become mechanical and lose Him in preoccupation with your duties,- and if you seek Him only through discriminative thought you may lose Him in the labyrinths of endless reasoning; and if you cultivate only devotion for God, your development may become merely emotional. But meditation combines and balances all these approaches.
Work, eat, walk, laugh, cry, meditate—only for Him. That is the best way to live. In so doing you will be truly happy serving Him, loving Him, and communing with Him.
I do not blame you for what you do, but for what you do not do. You think you have no time for God. Wrest your mind from the mirage of the senses and habit. Why be deluded like that? I am pointing out to you a land more beautiful than anything here can ever be. I am telling you of a happiness that will intoxicate you night and day—you won’t need sense temptations to enthral you. Discipline your body and your mind. Control your senses. Find God!.”
— Paramahansa Yogananda —
— “Man´s Eternal Quest”.....pag - 7....—
De Andere Krant (Madeleine Klinkhamer) : Europarlement wil van haatspraak grensoverschrijdend misdrijf maken. (Dutch)
Devotees Worldwide Pray for Mukunda Goswami (Michael Grant) After Triple-Bypass Surgery. #Prayers
Biblical inspiration of today.
Doreen Virtue : Taylor Swift’s Dangerous Descent into Witchcraft Sorcery & Casting Spells.
Those who make mistakes
deserve a second chance.
Relax and let's chant down Babylon.
Maha Mantra and Tetragrammaton will do the job:-)
Wisdom from Michael Loris on twitter.
When will the psychopathic warmongerers stop?
May G-d please intervene.
Don't lose hope.
Kristo Gabriel
Contribute to ending nuclear weapons.
maandag 26 februari 2024
Western Military In A Tail Spin While The East Gets Ever Stronger – All Part Of The Plan – David Icke Dot-Connector.
Expose News : David Icke – Exposing the Illuminati & Satanic Government & That’s Why He Gets Censored!
There's a Huge Storm coming the Satanic Government's way...
Opposition to mRNA Injections Now Considered a Crime in France.
It was foreseen by Dolores Cannon in her trilogy on Nostradamus,
that in France the Underground Resistance
would become very big.
In Ireland and Scotland and in Russia,
the AntiChrist forces would not succeed,
according to Dolores.
If your government becomes a tyranny,
it is your duty to fight your government.
Kristo Gabriel
Wisdom of today, not to Self.
Mariah writes : "One night, Tommy and I were out with a group of friends and major music executives, in a beautiful lit dining room in an Italian restaurant that served unforgettable warm focaccia and was frequented by music industry illuminati. We were all seated around a big table. My friend Josefin was in from Sweden, and she and her new husband were among the quests, so it wasn't completely a work dinner, but at this point my work, social and personal lives were pretty much one and the same. Even our home had been largely designed for conducting business and impressing partners (though my contemporaries' main concern was where they could chill and smoke a spliff - off all the lavish rooms available, no surprise, we preferred the studio). We would sometimes host big, festive dinners there, some of which were both fun and fabulous, but they never felt like family. Nothing feels like family when you are under surveillance, which I always was." (...) "I just wanted to have fun, but I knew we were being watched and listened to. There were cameras and recording devices throughout the house. I wasn't sure where they were all planted - but I knew at least one place they weren't." - Mariah Carey, with Michaela Angela Davis, The Meaning of Mariah Carey.
Note from Kristo Gabriel : They always said that believing that the Music Industry is run by the Illuminati was a conspiracy theory. Now that is also recognised as a Conspiracy FACT. Whatever you think about her, she is extremely talented. I have shivers down my spine from hearing such talent sing through my speakers. I hope people never forget that.
abuse and MK-Ultra mind control
so many of the believers and artists had to go through.
They tried to break us, but we are still standing.
(which will only get worse as the satanists will be exposed more and more and eventually removed from power or even from the Earth plane, which is already happening.)
according to an ancient Essene Prophecy.
This is only the beginning.
Dr Gabriel Cousens said recently, so don't lose hope.
Don't give up.
Shawn Christopher - Don't Lose The Magic 1992.
Update from David Sorensen. (they are trying to silence his communications. Donate if you can and share).
Prayers for worldpeace.
Don't let NATO start a (nuclear) war with Russia. All people want peace. Meditations for peace help.
Kristo(f) Gabriel
Warmongers Blame Putin For Navalny’s Death: MSM Pushes Anti-Russian Propaganda.
Update from Zeee Media : Satan worshipper Jacob Rothschild has died at age 87.
Sad for Madeleine de Rotschild and Madeleine Rothschild to carry that name.
Innocent people should be forgiven for wrongdoings of family members.
Source : https://twitter.com/zeee_media
Expose News : The vaccine industry is a fraud; for 225 years vaccines have been making people unhealthier.
European Enlightenment Hour with Dr. Gabriel Feb 21 Replay.
Hold on, the Satanic, death cult leaders (of countries) will be taken out and removed from power and even from the Earth Plane starting from Spring 2025.
(Essene Prophecy)
So happy that I stood my ground and refused the Faustian Bargian. I refused to sell my soul.
Dr Cousens said that G-d is working for us.
Kristo Gabriel
zondag 25 februari 2024
Wisdom of today.
The world was subjected to thought control by big tech, big media, big pharma, academia, and big government.
Do Your Own Research. Think independently. You can do it. Keep the faith. Trust G-d. Good luck. Kristo(f) Gabriel
zaterdag 24 februari 2024
De Andere Krant (Madeleine Klinkhamer) : Grote studie linkt coronavaccins aan ernstige gezondheidsschade. (Dutch)
Update from David Sorensen : This has never happened before… and it will change everything.