shamanic artist - pleiadian gabrielian - michaelian - having faith in G-d above all else - sovereign - ethical - refuse RFID chipping / Uniting 144000, peaceful bodhisattva-buddha (nirmanakaya) mahatma- defender of freedom - following my highest calling (Shamballah), ASHTAR “We all shape the world together, be wise and virtuous in your life loyal immortal legions visionary mystic Gabriel Sadhu tintegral & bhakti, raja, siddha, maha yogi 6th dimension Christos / Archangels
Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
donderdag 31 augustus 2023
Definition Of A Liar: ‘Someone Who Doesn’t Tell The Truth’ – David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast.
Wisdom of today by Kim Michaels.
"As we rise to a certain level of Christhood (beyond the 96th level), we make it possible for a certain element of the fallen consciousness to be removed from the earth, along with beings who embody it. This is what Jesus came to demonstrate, and the masters say there are currently
10 000 people in embodiment who could quickly claim their Christhood and begin to serve in this capacity [See the book: The Mystical Teachings of Jesus]. In some cases, this means we must allow people in the fallen consciousness to attack us and we must avoid fighting them back, as Jesus demonstrated by letting him be crucified. In this day and age, we don't have to be physically crucified or killed in order to take this stand, but we have to be prepared to be persecuted by those who are still stuck in the fallen consciousness."
Jesus was and is an example to follow, and it is a tragedy that mainstream Christianity has turned him into an idol to worship.
Jesus came to give us an example of the higher state of consciousness that all of us can achieve. This reality has been deliberately hidden from people, and ironically this has been done by the very religion that claims to represent Jesus on earth.
Jesus, both back then and today, wants all of us to follow his example and attain the Christ consciousness, so we can do the works that he did.
Right now, there are 10,000 people in embodiment who have the potential to attain full Christhood in this lifetime. There are millions more who can attain a high degree of Christhood in this lifetime.
This website is dedicated to helping you fulfill your potential and claim your Christhood. You will find profound teachings and practical tools to help you achieve this goal.
If this resonates with you, it is because you volunteered to take embodiment at this time in order to give Jesus the victory of seeing a critical mass of people follow his example and take this planet into a golden age.
If you use a perverted version of my teachings as a justification for closing your mind to my real teachings, you are not one of my modern-day disciples. – Jesus
Source :
Resurgence Of Morals & Ethics - Dialogs With Dr. Cousens & Dr. Sacks 8/28/23.
Britney Spears - Rebellion.
Dodelijke medicijnen en georganiseerde misdaad Peter C. Gøtzsche. (Dutch)
Achter de schermen van de farmaceutische industrie
Winnaar British Medical Association's Annual Book AwardMedicijnen zijn na kanker en hart- en vaatziekten de belangrijkste doodsoorzaak. Dat zou aanleiding moeten zijn voor een nationaal gezondheidsalarm en een parlementaire enquête over de overheid die de gezondheid van burgers heeft uitgeleverd aan de farmaceutische industrie. In plaats daarvan overleggen ambtenaren van het ministerie 'met de benen op tafel' met vertegenwoordigers van de industrie. Ministers tekenen contracten waarin zij beloven de afspraken over de prijzen van nieuwe geneesmiddelen geheim te houden. De Deense arts en onderzoeker Peter Gøtzsche, die zelf jarenlang werkzaam was in de farmaceutische industrie, laat zien dat deze industrie niet alleen patiënten, maar ook artsen voor de gek houdt met frauduleuze praktijken. 'Er is veel moed voor nodig om klokkenluider te worden', aldus Gøtzsche.
Met een voorwoord van Bert Keizer
Het boek van Peter Gøtzsche is bekroond met de British Medical Association's Book Award. Bert Keizer heeft het voorwoord bij de Nederlandse vertaling geschreven. Hij zegt: 'Niemand heeft het probleem van Big Pharma zo onweerlegbaar, systematisch en nietsontziend op tafel heeft gelegd als de Deense hoogleraar Peter Gøtzsche. De farmaceutische industrie maakt zich schuldig aan misdadige praktijken op systematische schaal. De grote farmaceuten verdoezelen onderzoeks-resultaten, verzwijgen bijwerkingen, kopen artsen om, infiltreren nascholingen, corrumperen patiëntenorganisaties, plaatsen leugenachtige advertenties en bedriegen tijdschriftredacties via ghostwriters. Ze verdienen miljarden met hun dubieuze pillen door te liegen over de kosten van ontwikkeling en productie.'
'Verplichte lectuur voor studenten geneeskunde en aankomende artsen. De veiligheid van de patiënten behoort belangrijker te zijn dan winst.' - Juryrapport British Medical Association.
Kidnappers Caught: Heroic Truck Driver Rescues Over a Dozen Children Trapped in Padlocked Cage in Pickup Truck.
woensdag 30 augustus 2023
13 years ago Dolores announced the new children : Dolores Cannon: Volunteer Souls and DNA Upgrades.
Blessings to them in all professions.
Kristo(f) Gabriel
Let's Meditate for World Peace & Light Every Day Together!
Let's meditate for World Peace & Light every day together. Dr. Cousens asks us to join him to act for Peace and meditate at the same time all over the world together, using the visualization he shared during the Global Peace 21 event. The visualization is the combination of True Scalar Field Activation and Peace 21 Meditation.
See the recording here.
Join Us Every Day @ 10 PM Israel time, 9 PM Europe, 8 PM UK,
4 PM Brazil, 3 PM Eastern, and 12 PM (noon) Pacific time
Click here to convert to your timezone
Report: Those Who Disobeyed Road Barricade Survived Maui Fire; Those Who Didn’t Perished.
Mark Lanegan - Judgement Time (Live on KEXP).
The Manufacture of Madness; A Comparative Study of the Inquisition and the Mental Health Movement by Thomas S Szasz.
Not a Single Court in the Western World Is Willing to Examine the Covid-19 Evidence. “Crimes against Humanity” Revealed by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich.
“This agenda has been long planned, it’s ultimately unsuccessful, precursor was the swine flu some 12 years ago, and is cooked up by a group of super-rich psychopathic and sociopathic people who hate and fear people at the same time, have no empathy, and are driven by the desire to gain full control over all of us, the people of the world.”
(Dr. Reiner Fuellmich)
Benjamin Fulford Report: The US, the West and KM About to Fall into the Abyss.
dinsdag 29 augustus 2023
Manly P. Hall: The Law of Karma, Revisited.
Bg. 9.31
He quickly becomes righteous and attains lasting peace. O son of Kuntī, declare it boldly that My devotee never perishes.
Source :
Brighteon Broadcast News, Aug 28, 2023 - Imploding Biden economy spawns FRAUDULENT SCAMS targeting consumers of all kinds.
Extent Of De-Banking Revealed: Nearly One Million UK Accounts Shut In Past Four Years.
maandag 28 augustus 2023
Wisdom of today.
Compendium of the Perfections says:
If you see the impermanence of resources
And naturally have great compassion
You will know with good reason that the gifts
You have kept in your house belong to others.
There is never fear from what has been given away;
What is kept at home gives rise to fears
That it is insufficient, ordinary, or needing constant protection.
If you give it away, these faults never harm you.
By giving you achieve happiness in future lives;
Not giving brings suffering even in this life.
Human wealth is like a shooting star—
What is not given away will cease to exist.
Wealth not given is transitory and will be gone;
By giving it away it remains a treasury.
Wealth of no value comes to have value
When you strive to help living beings.
The wise praise giving wealth away,
Childish persons like to hoard it;
No wealth is kept by holding on to it;
From giving it away excellence always arises.
By giving things away, you no longer grasp the afflictions;
Being miserly breeds afflictions on an ignoble path.
Noble beings say generosity is the best path,
While its opposite is a bad path.
The Grip of Fear and Need for Acceptance: The Impetus for the Psychological Takeover of the Minds of Men.
.Sound of Freedom - Official Trailer (2023)
Wisdom of today by Nostradamus.
Nostradamus prophecy: Quatrain 7, 14
Faux esposer viendra topographie,
Seront les cruches des monuments ouvertes:
Pulluler secte saincte philosophie,
Pour blanches, noirs, & pour antiques verts.
He will come to expose the false topography,
the urns of the tombs will be opened.
Sect and holy philosophy to thrive,
black for white and the new for the old.
zondag 27 augustus 2023
Golden Light Sutra: English Recitation Chapters 1 to 7.
Weekly Meditation: Sunday August 27 at 6:30pm Israel time (5:30pm Belgium Time, 11:30am EDT).
August 27, 2023, Sunday : Shravana Putrada Ekadashi Fasting
Shravana, Shukla Ekadashi
Repost : Kristo Gabriel improvising @ jazz studio.
The integrity of St. Bartholomew, Apostle and Martyr
A true Israelite without duplicity
When Jesus, the Son of God, the King of Israel, saw Bartholomew, Jesus said of him, “Here is a true Israelite. There is no duplicity in him” (Jn 1:47). This was not an ordinary comment or simple observation. It was a keen insight and a tremendous compliment.
The “true Israelite” of the Old Testament is Jacob. After Jacob wrestled with an angel, the angel gave him the name “Israel” (Gn 32:29), a name that God confirmed (Gn 35:10). Jacob is the first and original Israelite. He is the third patriarch. His grandparents were Abraham and Sarah, and his parents were Isaac and Rebekah. He had a twin brother, Esau, who was born first (Gn 25:21-26) and possessed the birthright. Jacob was devious or duplicitous because he tricked his father Isaac into giving him the birthright that he intended to give to his firstborn son Esau (Gn 27). Jacob may have been a true Israelite, but he sinned; he was a man with duplicity.
Bartholomew excelled his ancestor Jacob. Bartholomew was not an Israelite in name alone. It was a description of his spiritual condition, the state of his soul. He was a model Jew, a man who loved God with his whole heart and embraced his Jewish faith. He was righteous in that he meticulously observed the Mosaic Law. He was just and honest, truthful and trustworthy, a man of integrity with impeccable character. As a true Israelite, he was also a man of prayer, and his prayerfulness showed itself in his virtue. He was loving and kind, patient and understanding, humble and gentle, well-mannered and polite, compassionate and merciful, generous and faithful, modest and pure, industrious and reliable, and attentive to the needs of others, particularly the poor and disadvantaged. He was pleasing to God and a shining example to others of how to live the Jewish faith.
Bartholomew was unlike his spiritual ancestor Jacob. Jacob was duplicitous and Bartholomew was not. Duplicity means two or double. A duplicitous person is two-faced, someone who projects a good and honorable outward appearance yet has a hidden dark evil side; an individual who is sly, sneaky, and dishonest. Jacob deceived his father Isaac. Jacob wore his brother’s clothes, covered his smooth skin with animal hides, brought his father a meal that he neither caught nor prepared, and lied when he impersonated his brother.
Bartholomew, on the other hand, was a man without duplicity. He was good inside and out. There was no conniving or scheming, no secret agendas or ulterior motives. He was honest, straightforward, trustworthy, and innocent. Everything was above board. When it came to Bartholomew, “what you see is what you get.”
Natural News : Rigged 2020 election machines and software EXPOSED in a must-watch documentary coming soon.
My.Dinner.With.Andre. ("pockets of light") 1981.
My Dinner With Andre: Conspiracy Theory Scene.
The Matrix Red Pill or Blue Pill Neo Meets Morpheus.
Muse - Knights Of Cydonia: Live At Wembley Stadium 2007.
David Icke A Memory of Prince Beyond Normal.
zaterdag 26 augustus 2023
Muse - JFK + Defector [Official Lyric Video].
Lid van het Europees Parlement: “Stop met gehoorzamen. Begin met rebelleren”. (Dutch)
Wisdom of Gayatri Mantra - Pravrajika Divyanandaprana.
Debate Night with Donald J. Trump - Tucker Carlson.
Dr Gabriel Cousens : Ayurvedic Spiritual Nutrition.
My interest in live food started after receiving Shaktipat from Sw. Muktananda in 1975. It awakened the Kundalini and took me into the bliss of the Nothing. On the way down out of the nothing, a voice whispered, “You should learn to eat and live in a way that supports the Kundalini.” Over a period of the next 7 years of living on and off in India, and applying my expertise as a holistic physician to help thousands of yogis, it became clear that a proper use of live foods, guided by the principles of Ayurveda, was the most powerful way to support the unfolding of the Kundalini. Spiritual Nutrition: Six Foundations for Spiritual Life and the Awakening of Kundalini discusses the applications of these two food disciplines in detail.
The Spiritual Nutrition live-food diet is qualitatively different from the present practice of Ayurveda, which aims primarily at balancing the doshas to prevent or heal disease. The focus of Spiritual Nutrition is to support yogis in their liberation process. Although classical Ayurveda does not usually recommend a 100% live-food diet, we can, like some of the ancient Rishis who did practice a live-food diet, employ its principles to create an optimal individualized diet that enhances our opening up to the awakening of Liberation. This is a diet that is between 80% and 100% live foods.
There are many perspectives that we can use to help guide our choice of diet. The science of Ayurveda is particularly useful in helping us maintain our awareness of nutrition as the interaction between the forces of food, our own dynamic forces, the seasons, our life cycle, and spiritual life. According to Ayurveda, the five-basic elements of creation—air, water, fire, earth, and ether—manifest in the human psycho-somatic complex as three dosha essences: vata (air and ether), kapha (water and earth), and pitta (fire). We are all born as the constitutional combination of the three, and they govern all our biological, psychological, and spiritual aspects. When they are in balance, they maintain the body in a healthy physiological state. If the doshas become unbalanced, the result can create disharmony in the body-mind complex. Although we don’t have the details of how the ancient rishis used live foods, we are now able to get some insights of how we can use the very deep principles of Ayurveda to enhance our merging with the One.
One of the important things to understand is that there is no single diet for everyone, nor a constant diet throughout the year for an individual. The diet includes being aware of the interfaces of the seasons, our own personal dosha, the time in our life cycle, and the time of the day. All these levels of awareness help us maintain the highest amount of energetic balance. It requires creating a harmony between our inner needs, the external play of nature, and our life cycle.
The author, over the last thirty years of using this approach, has seen significant success rate in people who are even pure vatas, although the traditional, culturally mediated Ayurvedic approach would say that live foods are contra-indicated for vatas. For the sake of clarity, live food as it is defined in Ayurveda may really be (more or less) vegetables, raw nuts and seeds, and sprouts, which it themselves can be unbalancing for a vata, rather than the full spectrum of live foods that can indeed balance it. Once we begin to understand these principles of Ayurveda and apply them appropriately to the wide range foods that are available today (as compared to what is available or thought of as live foods in India) we may avail ourselves to a high-powered, high-energy delicious spectrum of live food. One may go way beyond the classical Ayurvedic understanding from India of live food to eat an incredible array of smoothies, spirulina drinks, seed and nut milks, soaked nuts and seeds, seed sauces and salad dressings, blended food, sea vegetables, and bee pollen, which create a powerful vata-balancing live-food diet.
The insights from Ayurveda, however, go far deeper than this. This requires looking at the subtle levels of the three doshas. For each dosha, kapha, pitta, and vata, there is a vital essence. For vata, the vital essence is called prana, the life-force energy. For pitta, it is tejas, which is the inner radiance or inner fire, also deeply associated with the fire of Kundalini, which is a very important of the spiritual unfolding. For kapha, the essence is ojas. Ojas is defined as the subtle energy of water of and earth. It is the stored-up energetic life force of the body, or primal vigor. It involves the integrity and stored energy of protein, fat, and reproductive fluids, as well as the healthy gross tissue mass. The amount of ojas a person has correlates with the amount of physical, sexual, mental, and spiritual endurance that a person has. The teachings of Ayurveda help us understand a basic principle of nutrition, and even more so of live foods: the prana, tejas, and ojas need to be completely balanced to be able to hold the greater energy that is generated by a spiritual life and by a live-food diet.
Our physical and subtle physical foundations and balance depend on the strength of ojas. Tejas is the heat and light energy of ojas—it is the fire and electricity. The foods that are highest in tejas are, of course, live foods because they maintain and have the highest amount of bio-electron energy and actually electron energy. Prana is the energy that radiates from ojas after it has been set on fire by tejas. Tejas can be understood as the fire of the Divine, or as the Kundalini. The subtle nervous system, in the Ayurvedic system or in Yogic understanding, is known as the nadis. There are 72,000 nadis, and three main nadis: ida, pingali, and shushumna, through which the Kundalini flows. The nadis interpenetrate all the layers of the system, and take the spiritual energy deeper into the koshas, which we call the layers of the mind. The nadis are lined by the ojas. They are the conduit for tejas and prana—tejas being fire and prana being air. When they are put together, they move through the nadis. The ojas is the lining the keeps the nadis from being burned out.
The burning of the ojas by tejas activates and amplifies the energy of prana. This is the key to the proper application of live foods. The secret the rishis knew was live foods are highest in prana, tejas, and ojas. However, if the forces are not aligned, live foods can indeed create imbalance. If we do not have enough ojas, the fire of Kundalini can, metaphorically and actually, burn up the nadis. When we are walking the path of spiritual nutrition, if we don’t have enough ojas, which is similar metaphorically to logs in a fire, and we just simply increase the prana with purifying live foods, asana, and pranayama, we create a fire that is so strong that it rapidly burns up the logs of the ojas. The result is a potential harm to the subtle nervous system, or nadis, which had been previously protected by the lining of ojas in the nadis.
From the point of view of spiritual nutrition, and the proper application of the principles of Ayurveda, it is important to emphasize live foods that sustain and build ojas. The task is for spiritual aspirants to increase all three forces—prana, tejas, and ojas—in a balanced way, so that we can have maximal energy that helps us go to our highest spiritual potential. The key to success on a live-food diet is to eat pure, live foods that build ojas. That includes nut and seed milks, nuts and seeds, juicy and oily vegetables such as avocado, low-glycemic fruits, especially berries such as goji berries, and other foods with a slight sweetness in taste, like apples, carrots, coconuts, and sprouted grain. Goji berries and bee pollen are not only high in anti-oxidants, but they are tremendously rejuvenating. More oily, creamy, soupy types of food, such as smoothies, are also good for building ojas.
Increasing the intake of omega-3 fatty acids builds ojas. Purslane, a common herb that grows everywhere, is very high in the long chain omega-3 fatty acids, particularly EPA. Research has also shown that in AFA (Alfonizon Flos Aquae), a blue green algae from Klamath Lake, is a very high level of omega-3, at least in a brand called E3 Live that is harvested in particular way. E3 Live is high in EPA and DHA, the long-chain omega-3 fatty acids that are very good for nervous system protection and development. The blue-green algae is very high, not only in omega-3’s but also in what’s known as the ormus elements, which seem to also expand consciousness. Flax seed and hempseed provide most of the short chain omega-3 fatty acids. Coconut oil is one of the great oils, and we use it at the Tree of Life in the live-food panchakarma program, instead of ghee. Coconut oil is great for building ojas, as are hemp seeds and macadamia nuts. Coconut oil increases the conversion rate of short chain omega-3’s to long chain by up to 10%.
Certain tonic herbs, in general and in particular ashwaganda, shatavari, ginseng, and licorice are good for building ojas. These are widely known as soma-producing herbs. Spirulina and chlorella, which are high in protein, and fatty acids like GLA, sulfonyl lipids, minerals, vitamins, and elements are both tri-doshic and excellent as ojas-builders. Bee pollen, as the semen of the plant world, is an incredible live food for building ojas. Once we, again, apply these principles, we are able to get the advantages of a high prana, tejas, and ojas diet, which is what we get with live foods, in a way that will support our spiritual lives. When we have high prana, tejas, and ojas, we naturally expand consciousness, which is why the ancient rishis chose this as their primary diet.
The most important thing in considering a live-food diet is to understand that although we cannot eat our way to God, an Ayurvedically balanced live-food diet is the “Olympic” yogi’s diet for expanding consciousness and supporting the goddess Kundalini so that we can become a superconductor for the Divine.
Gabriel Cousens, MD, MD(H), Diplomate in Ayurveda, a 33-year yoga practitioner, has taught workshops at Jivamukti Yoga and Integral Yoga in New York, Yoga West in Los Angeles, the San Francisco Yoga Society, and is invited to teach at the Yoga for Health Congress and the Fall Session of the International Yoga College. He is director of the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center, and the author of Spiritual Nutrition: Six Foundations for Spiritual Life and the Awakening of Kundalini.
Source :
準提佛母心咒 /準提咒 MAHA CUNDI DHARANI 108 Times + Lyrics (for Meditation).
Workshop Jazz-studio Antwerp, Belgium - 25 augustus 2023.
donderdag 24 augustus 2023
Michael Jackson - Give Thanks To Allah + Lyrics.
Let's Meditate for World Peace & Light Every Day Together!
Let's meditate for World Peace & Light every day together. Dr. Gabriel Cousens asks us to join him to act for Peace and meditate at the same time all over the world together, using the visualization he shared during the Global Peace 21 event. The visualization is the combination of True Scalar Field Activation and Peace 21 Meditation.
See the recording here.
Join Us Every Day @ 10 PM Israel time, 9 PM Europe, 8 PM UK,
4 PM Brazil, 3 PM Eastern, and 12 PM (noon) Pacific time
Click here to convert to your timezone
Michael Bernard Beckwith's wisdom of today.
Fear is often an indicator that you're about to go into a greater expression of yourself, but the ego doesn't know that.
woensdag 23 augustus 2023
Let's Meditate for World Peace & Light Every Day Together!
Let's meditate for World Peace & Light every day together. Dr. Cousens asks us to join him to act for Peace and meditate at the same time all over the world together, using the visualization he shared during the Global Peace 21 event. The visualization is the combination of True Scalar Field Activation and Peace 21 Meditation.
See the recording here.
Join Us Every Day @ 10 PM Israel time, 9 PM Europe, 8 PM UK,
4 PM Brazil, 3 PM Eastern, and 12 PM (noon) Pacific time
Click here to convert to your timezone
August 23 Pérolas de sabedoria com Gabriel Cousens Replay.
Clique aqui para assistir ao replay / Click here to watch the replay.
"Children are our future".