shamanic artist - pleiadian gabrielian - michaelian - having faith in G-d above all else - sovereign - ethical - refuse RFID chipping / Uniting 144000, peaceful bodhisattva-buddha (nirmanakaya) mahatma- defender of freedom - following my highest calling (Shamballah), ASHTAR “We all shape the world together, be wise and virtuous in your life loyal immortal legions visionary mystic Gabriel Sadhu tintegral & bhakti, raja, siddha, maha yogi 6th dimension Christos / Archangels
Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
vrijdag 31 maart 2023
Ahimsa Live | A.R. Rahman | U2 | AR Ameen | Various Artists.
The Yoga Sutra describes what happens when a person is established in non-injury: “Where non-injury is established, in the vicinity of that, hostile tendencies are eliminated.” (2.35)
March 29 Pérolas de sabedoria com Gabriel Cousens Replay.
Clique aqui para assistir ao replay / Click here to watch the replay.
"True Self is beyond conception and the mind."
SICKENING facts about Ex-Barclay’s boss and paedo Epstein come to light.
donderdag 30 maart 2023
Former Top FBI Profiler Warns Of ‘Copycat’ Shooters In Wake Of Nashville Christian School Attack.
Michael Beckwith : Facts Are Facts, But Truth Rules!
woensdag 29 maart 2023
RICHARD WILLETT : Transgender extremists and the violent targeting of Christians.
Mike (Michael) Adams (Natural News) : France may use 2024 Olympics to introduce Big Brother-style SURVEILLANCE.
Appreciating the Play of the Yugas | Inspiration | Sri Vasudeva.
Benjamin Fulford Report: Western Financial System Suffers $8 Trillion Implosion, Revolution Follows.
dinsdag 28 maart 2023
Let's Meditate for World Peace & Light Every Day Together!
Let's meditate for World Peace & Light every day together. Dr. Cousens asks us to join him to act for Peace and meditate at the same time all over the world together, using the visualization he shared during the Global Peace 21 event. The visualization is the combination of True Scalar Field Activation and Peace 21 Meditation.
See the recording here.
Join Us Every Day @ 10 PM Israel time, 9 PM Europe, 8 PM UK,
4 PM Brazil, 3 PM Eastern, and 12 PM (noon) Pacific time
Click here to convert to your timezone
maandag 27 maart 2023
ICAN is the international campaign to stigmatise, prohibit & eliminate nuclear weapons.
No no no.
Kristo Gabriel
Dr Gabriel Cousens : Let's Meditate for World Peace & Light Every Day Together!
Let's meditate for World Peace & Light every day together. Dr. Cousens asks us to join him to act for Peace and meditate at the same time all over the world together, using the visualization he shared during the Global Peace 21 event. The visualization is the combination of True Scalar Field Activation and Peace 21 Meditation.
See the recording here.
Join Us Every Day @ 10 PM Israel time, 9 PM Europe, 8 PM UK,
4 PM Brazil, 3 PM Eastern, and 12 PM (noon) Pacific time
Click here to convert to your timezone
Important departure from the usual √1 % formula
It is scientifically proven that it works.
That is a goal we can accomplish.
zondag 26 maart 2023
Some thoughts on esoteric wisdom.
David Icke writes in his work that occult means hidden. It can be used for the benefit of humanity. So it becomes white magic. I have no problem with white magic, I only refuse black magic or the faustian bargain. People in the Jewish Sanhedrin are also scolars of magic because they must know how to protect themselves against the black arts. So far, I always refused the Faustian bargain. I would rather die than sell my soul. So I hope that the community of Christians understand that the esoteric is only bad when it becomes black magic. If it helps humanity there is no problem. The Popes also used astrology and white magicians will never attack the Bible as a holy book among others.
The Faustian Bargain
Many people on Earth sell their soul to The Dark Lodge in exchange for great power and wealth. This is known as “The Faustian Bargain.” Many famous political and industrial leaders of Earth (past & present) have taken The Faustian Bargain. Those who take The Faustian Bargain are greedy short-sighted fools, for the bargain ends at death, and the bargainers find themselves in the darkest pit of hell, where the only music is the gnawing of teeth and the tearing of flesh. And since they no longer have a soul, they no longer have the ability to evolve their way out of this hell, and are stuck there for all eternity.
and the Gospel never calls them kings.
Gabriel Rios - Swing Low (live @Bimhuis Amsterdam).
Ronald Bernard - Important message about the children.
zaterdag 25 maart 2023
The Maharishi Effect - The Power of Group Meditation to Bring Peace.
DEA Warns ‘Zombie Drug’ Hitting US Streets, Set To Worsen Overdose Crisis.
President Biden’s efforts to end a nationwide drug crisis, which he promised to end during the 2020 election campaign, may face further challenges as the Drug Enforcement Administration issued an alert on Monday regarding a new concoction of fentanyl and a veterinary tranquilizer hitting American cities and towns.
“Xylazine is making the deadliest drug threat our country has ever faced, fentanyl, even deadlier,” DEA Administrator Anne Milgram wrote in an alert on Monday.
The alert continued, “DEA has seized xylazine and fentanyl mixtures in 48 of 50 states. The DEA Laboratory System is reporting that in 2022 approximately 23% of fentanyl powder and 7% of fentanyl pills seized by the DEA contained xylazine.”
vrijdag 24 maart 2023
Dr Gabriel Cousens : Let's Meditate for World Peace & Light Every Day Together!
Let's meditate for World Peace & Light every day together. Dr. Cousens asks us to join him to act for Peace and meditate at the same time all over the world together, using the visualization he shared during the Global Peace 21 event. The visualization is the combination of True Scalar Field Activation and Peace 21 Meditation.
See the recording here.
Join Us Every Day @ 10 PM Israel time, 9 PM Europe, 8 PM UK,
4 PM Brazil, 3 PM Eastern, and 12 PM (noon) Pacific time
Click here to convert to your timezone
Breaking! Gen. Michael Flynn Issues Emergency Message To Humanity — MUST WATCH.
On the Third Anniversary of the First Lockdown, Help Us Convince People to Say ‘Never Again’.
Mike (Michael) Adams (Natural News) : The next “pandemic” is already planned: SARS + HIV + H5N1 (bird flu).
Doreen Virtue : Why Christians CAN’T be demon possessed.
North Korea is ‘close to mounting nuclear warheads on tactical missiles’.
This Passover, Israel will recall ancient freedom under the threat of modern tyranny by David HOROVITZ.
Wisdom of today.
According to Vedic civilization, everyone has the responsibility for taking care of brāhmaṇas, old men, women, children and cows. This is the duty of everyone, especially an upper-class person.
Source :
The defenseless creatures, according to Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, are the cows, brāhmaṇas, women, children and old men. Of these five, the brāhmaṇas and cows are especially mentioned in this verse because the Lord is always anxious about the benefit of the brāhmaṇas and the cows and is prayed to in this way. Therefore the Lord especially instructs that no one should be envious of these five, especially the cows and brāhmaṇas.
Persoon met een handicap krijgt eindelijk het geld waarop hij recht heeft. (Dutch)
Equinox Peace 21 Global Meditation Replay.
Click here to watch the replay.
Continue to meditate with us every Sunday, more info here:
donderdag 23 maart 2023
Bart De Wever over woke bij NPO Radio 1. (Dutch)
What studies have revealed
In 1978, what is known as the “Maharishi Effect” took place when a group of 7000 individuals over the course of 3 weeks were meditating in hopes of positively effecting the surrounding city. They were able to literally transform the collective energy of the city which reduced global crime rates, violence, and casualties during the times of their meditation by an average of 16%.
People who were not even meditating and had no idea that this experiment was even happening were being an impacted by such a degree that it caused a statistical change in their behaviour.
Suicide rates and automobile accidents also were reduced with all variables accounted for. In fact, there was a 72% reduction in terrorist activity during the times at which this group was meditation.
A specific study published in Psychology, Crime & Law found that crime rate dropped by 13% in Merseyside, Great Britain during time when people were meditating in large groups, whereas a control city where people where not meditating in large groups saw a steady crime rate. As the study concluded:
There were 255,000 less crimes in Merseyside from 1988 to 1992 than would have been expected had Merseyside continued to follow the national crime trend. Demographic changes, economic variables, police practice, and other factors could not account for the changes.
Dr Gabor Maté | Authenticity Can Heal Trauma (Part 2).
Dr Gabor Maté | We Live In A Toxic Culture (Part 1).
Study finds fasting for 3 days can reboot your immune system.
Humanity Healing - The Power of Gratitude.
For all the archangels, angels,
I want to thank music for keeping me going.
I love you, all of humanity.
I do what I can in order,
woensdag 22 maart 2023
Dr Gabriel Cousens : Let's Meditate for World Peace & Light Every Day Together!
Let's meditate for World Peace & Light every day together. Dr. Cousens asks us to join him to act for Peace and meditate at the same time all over the world together, using the visualization he shared during the Global Peace 21 event. The visualization is the combination of True Scalar Field Activation and Peace 21 Meditation.
See the recording here.
Join Us Every Day @ 10 PM Israel time, 9 PM Europe, 8 PM UK,
4 PM Brazil, 3 PM Eastern, and 12 PM (noon) Pacific time
Click here to convert to your timezone
The King of Glorious Sutras, The Sublime Golden Light.
Update on my activities.
I am practicing a lot of blues piano for my study at the local jazzstudio. In the past I did a course in music production at the VDAB ( but there is still so much more to learn. Poor health always forced me to stop with my (volunteer) jobs. And there is still so much more to learn. My last job was at OXFAM and before I served meals for kidney patients in a hospital in Antwerp, Belgium. I'm recovering from a major depression after COVID because I felt I was not on the path of my soul. This is changing since I decided to follow my dream and start at the jazz studio ( Jobs and studies are best based on intrinsic movitation, I guess so. I've found my joy back. Thank G-d.
dinsdag 21 maart 2023
Equinox Peace 21 Global Meditation Replay.
Click here to watch the replay.
Continue to meditate with us every Sunday, more info here:
Psychiatrische patiënten zijn vaker slachtoffer dan dader van geweld. (Dutch)
maandag 20 maart 2023
This Initiation, Take it Very Seriously - Prabhupada.
Why Doreen Virtue Left the New Age to Follow Jesus.
zondag 19 maart 2023
Join a worldwide movement for creating peace on this planet [FREE EVENT].
This coming Tuesday on March 21st, I invite you to join me for the Peace 21 meditation. We'll have a 15-minute talk and 30-minute meditation to amplify the thought-form of world peace.
In our world which is experiencing such massive, and in some people's opinions, planned chaos, there are no apparent political antidotes. This is because it is a spiritual problem and not a political one. For this reason, a spiritual solution is needed. The Peace 21 meditation, in which we meditate for peace on each equinox and solstice is a proven spiritual approach and healing to this spiritual imbalance.
So I invite everyone to join us in this meditation for creating the frequency of peace on this planet. March 21st, Tuesday, at 6:45pm Israel time (9:45 PDT).
When people meditate together, it creates an energetic synergy for the healing of ourselves and the planet...
The directive I have received in meditation is that this approach needs to be applied on a weekly basis to continually amplify this effect 365 days a year. Researchers have found the effect of one group meditation to last up to three weeks, so a weekly meditation for creating peace is a reasonable approach in creating this spiritual solution. The intention I have been given is to turn this into a worldwide movement for creating inner and outer peace on the planet. We can do this!
Given the current world situation, we are now expanding Peace21 to a weekly session every Sunday. Join our NEW WEEKLY PEACE MEDITATION HERE
Blessings to inner and outer peace for ourselves and the world,
Gabriel Cousens
Belgische Grondwet, Art. 23. (Dutch)
- Belgische Grondwet, Art. 23
Ieder heeft het recht een menswaardig leven te leiden.
Daartoe waarborgen de wet, het decreet of de in artikel 134 bedoelde regel, rekening houdend met de overeenkomstige plichten, de economische, sociale en culturele rechten, waarvan ze de voorwaarden voor de uitoefening bepalen.
Die rechten omvatten inzonderheid :
1° het recht op arbeid en op de vrije keuze van beroepsarbeid in het raam van een algemeen werkgelegenheidsbeleid dat onder meer gericht is op het waarborgen van een zo hoog en stabiel mogelijk werkgelegenheidspeil, het recht op billijke arbeidsvoorwaarden en een billijke beloning, alsmede het recht op informatie, overleg en collectief onderhandelen;
2° het recht op sociale zekerheid, bescherming van de gezondheid en sociale, geneeskundige en juridische bijstand;
3° het recht op een behoorlijke huisvesting;
4° het recht op de bescherming van een gezond leefmilieu;
5° het recht op culturele en maatschappelijke ontplooiing;
6° het recht op gezinsbijslagen.