shamanic artist - pleiadian gabrielian - michaelian - having faith in G-d above all else - sovereign - ethical - refuse RFID chipping / Uniting 144000, peaceful bodhisattva-buddha (nirmanakaya) mahatma- defender of freedom - following my highest calling (Shamballah), ASHTAR “We all shape the world together, be wise and virtuous in your life loyal immortal legions visionary mystic Gabriel Sadhu tintegral & bhakti, raja, siddha, maha yogi 6th dimension Christos / Archangels
Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
dinsdag 31 januari 2023
Peter Vereecke bericht over het heengaan van Gabriël Devriendt. Goede reis naamgenoot! (Dutch)
De Andere Krant (Madeleine Klinkhamer) : Insecten veroveren de supermarkt – hoe gezond is dat? (Dutch)
Jean (Inspired) : What Is Really Going On Here??
Terug naar school. (Dutch / English)
Vandaag heb ik mijn eerste pianoles gehad aan de jazzstudio. Ik wou op mijn twintig al jazzstudio doen, maar kon het niet betalen. Ik heb via autodidactie veel geleerd op piano en gitaar, maar wou bijstuderen. Mijn techniek, daar zal ik nu gedurende tien weken aan werken. Ik doe dit niet om rijk en beroemd te worden, maar gewoon omdat mijn hart daar ligt. En ja, Herman Brood blijft een inspiratie omdat hij gewoon heel goed piano kon spelen.
Ik heb geen epileptische aanvallen meer gehad. Epilepsie heette vroeger "De klacht van Sint Jan" (mal St Jean / Saint John's complaint). What's in a name?
(Bron : A Disease Once Sacred, A History of the Medical Understanding of Epilepsy -
Een aanrader voor wie zich wil scholen in de muziek, die jazzstudio.
Volgend jaar, als alles loopt zoals gepland start ik in het voltijds programma.
En ja, op mijn 40ste ga ik nog leren noten lezen. Ik moet iets doen, beter dan depressief op bed te liggen. Ik neem Sint-Janskruid nu. Covid rond Kerst en Nieuwjaar heeft me diep doen nadenken over mijn toekomst.
Het is nooit te laat om te leren en te groeien.
Laten we nooit vervallen in racisme tegen welke bevolkingsgroep dan ook.
Mijn inspiratie haal ik bij Madeleine.
Ze schrijft :
"Philoxenia. It is the Greek word for love for a stranger. It means more than hospitality. It is an obligation to care for, to offer gifts to, expecting nothing in return. It is a culture, spiritual, social practice from Ancient Greece."
Guilty Silence by Charles Gardner.
The Church could have prevented the Holocaust. And many Christians are today shamefully silent in the face of new efforts to wipe out the Jews.
Ik verbied de Regering en het parlement Nederland en Nederlanders in een oorlog te betrekken. (Dutch)
maandag 30 januari 2023
Contribute to ending nuclear weapons.
ICAN is a global movement of 547 civil society organisations in 103 countries comprised of hundreds of thousands of individuals who campaign to make nuclear weapons illegal under international law. Since 2007, ICAN has been organising, strategising and campaigning to rid the world of nuclear weapons once and for all.
In 2017, we won the Nobel Peace Prize for our work to get governments to negotiate the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. Since then, we are working tirelessly around the clock to get countries to sign and ratify the Treaty, and to raise awareness of the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons.
We need 50 ratifications for nuclear weapons to officially become prohibited under international law. By making a donation to ICAN’s work, you can help make a historic moment happen - the moment nuclear weapons become illegal.
The demoniac are engaged in activities that will lead the world to destruction. The Lord states here that they are less intelligent. The materialists, who have no concept of God, think that they are advancing. But according to Bhagavad-gītā, they are unintelligent and devoid of all sense. They try to enjoy this material world to the utmost limit and therefore always engage in inventing something for sense gratification. Such materialistic inventions are considered to be advancement of human civilization, but the result is that people grow more and more violent and more and more cruel, cruel to animals and cruel to other human beings. They have no idea how to behave toward one another. Animal killing is very prominent amongst demoniac people. Such people are considered the enemies of the world because ultimately they will invent or create something which will bring destruction to all. Indirectly, this verse anticipates the invention of nuclear weapons, of which the whole world is today very proud. At any moment war may take place, and these atomic weapons may create havoc. Such things are created solely for the destruction of the world, and this is indicated here. Due to godlessness, such weapons are invented in human society; they are not meant for the peace and prosperity of the world.
Kinderen van het verzet : De mythes over het verzet. (Dutch)
Prabhupada Japa Chanting (Mahamantra Hare Krishna).
Mantra Trance presents 9 Divine Songs Glorifying Lord Nityananda prabhu.
All the best,
zondag 29 januari 2023
Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam (Bhāgavata Purāṇa) ŚB 1.7.10.
आत्मारामाश्च मुनयो निर्ग्रन्था अप्युरुक्रमे ।
कुर्वन्त्यहैतुकीं भक्तिमित्थम्भूतगुणो हरि: ॥ १० ॥
ātmārāmāś ca munayo
nirgranthā apy urukrame
kurvanty ahaitukīṁ bhaktim
ittham-bhūta-guṇo hariḥ
sūtaḥ uvāca — Sūta Gosvāmī said; ātmārāmāḥ — those who take pleasure in the ātmā (generally, spirit self); ca — also; munayaḥ — sages; nirgranthāḥ — freed from all bondage; api — in spite of; urukrame — unto the great adventurer; kurvanti — do; ahaitukīm — unalloyed; bhaktim — devotional service; ittham-bhūta — such wonderful; guṇaḥ — qualities; hariḥ — of the Lord.
Sūta Gosvāmī said: All different varieties of ātmārāmas [those who take pleasure in the ātmā, or spirit self], especially those established on the path of self-realization, though freed from all kinds of material bondage, desire to render unalloyed devotional service unto the Personality of Godhead. This means that the Lord possesses transcendental qualities and therefore can attract everyone, including liberated souls.
Lord Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu explained this ātmārāma śloka very vividly before His chief devotee Śrīla Sanātana Gosvāmī. He points out eleven factors in the śloka, namely (1) ātmārāma, (2) munayaḥ, (3) nirgrantha, (4) api, (5) ca, (6) urukrama, (7) kurvanti, (8) ahaitukīm, (9) bhaktim, (10) ittham-bhūta-guṇaḥ and (11) hariḥ. According to the Viśva-prakāśa Sanskrit dictionary, there are seven synonyms for the word ātmā, which are as follows: (1) Brahman (the Absolute Truth), (2) body, (3) mind, (4) endeavor, (5) endurance, (6) intelligence and (7) personal habits.
The word munayaḥ refers to (1) those who are thoughtful, (2) those who are grave and silent, (3) ascetics, (4) the persistent, (5) mendicants, (6) sages and (7) saints.
The word nirgrantha conveys these ideas: (1) one who is liberated from nescience, (2) one who has no connection with scriptural injunction, i.e., who is freed from the obligation of the rules and regulations mentioned in the revealed scriptures like ethics, Vedas, philosophy, psychology and metaphysics (in other words the fools, illiterate, urchins, etc., who have no connection with regulative principles), (3) a capitalist, and also (4) one who is penniless.
According to the Śabda-kośa dictionary, the affix ni is used in the sense of (1) certainty, (2) counting, (3) building, and (4) forbiddance, and the word grantha is used in the sense of wealth, thesis, vocabulary, etc.
The word urukrama means “the one whose activities are glorious.” Krama means “step.” This word urukrama specifically indicates the Lord’s incarnation as Vāmana, who covered the whole universe by immeasurable steps. Lord Viṣṇu is powerful, and His activities are so glorious that He has created the spiritual world by His internal potency and the material world by His external potency. By His all-pervading features He is everywhere present as the Supreme Truth, and in His personal feature He is always present in His transcendental abode of Goloka Vṛndāvana, where He displays His transcendental pastimes in all variegatedness. His activities cannot be compared to anyone else’s, and therefore the word urukrama is just applicable to Him only.
According to Sanskrit verbal arrangement, kurvanti refers to doing things for someone else. Therefore, it means that the ātmārāmas render devotional service unto the Lord not for personal interest but for the pleasure of the Lord, Urukrama.
Hetu means “causal.” There are many causes for one’s sense satisfaction, and they can be chiefly classified as material enjoyment, mystic powers and liberation, which are generally desired by progressive persons. As far as material enjoyments are concerned, they are innumerable, and the materialists are eager to increase them more and more because they are under the illusory energy. There is no end to the list of material enjoyments, nor can anyone in the material universe have all of them. As far as the mystic powers are concerned, they are eight in all (such as to become the minutest in form, to become weightless, to have anything one desires, to lord it over the material nature, to control other living beings, to throw earthly globes in outer space, etc.). These mystic powers are mentioned in the Bhāgavatam. The forms of liberation are five in number.
Therefore, unalloyed devotion means service to the Lord without desire for the above-mentioned personal benefits. And the powerful Personality of Godhead, Śrī Kṛṣṇa, can be fully satisfied by such unalloyed devotees free from all sorts of desires for personal benefit.
Unalloyed devotional service of the Lord progresses in different stages. Practice of devotional service in the material field is of eighty-one different qualities, and above such activities is the transcendental practice of devotional service, which is one and is called sādhana-bhakti. When unalloyed practice of sādhana-bhakti is matured into transcendental love for the Lord, the transcendental loving service of the Lord begins gradually developing into nine progressive stages of loving service under the headings of attachment, love, affection, feelings, affinity, adherence, following, ecstasy, and intense feelings of separation.
The attachment of an inactive devotee develops up to the stage of transcendental love of God. Attachment of an active servitor develops up to the stage of adherence, and that for a friendly devotee develops up to the stage of following, and the same is also the case for the parental devotees. Devotees in conjugal love develop ecstasy up to the stage of intense feelings of separation. These are some of the features of unalloyed devotional service of the Lord.
According to Hari-bhakti-sudhodaya, the import of the word ittham-bhūta is “complete bliss.” Transcendental bliss in the realization of impersonal Brahman becomes comparable to the scanty water contained in the pit made by a cow’s hoof. It is nothing compared with the ocean of bliss of the vision of the Personality of Godhead. The personal form of Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa is so attractive that it comprehends all attraction, all bliss and all tastes (rasas). These attractions are so strong that no one wants to exchange them for material enjoyment, mystic powers and liberation. There is no need of logical arguments in support of this statement, but out of one’s own nature one becomes attracted by the qualities of Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa. We must know for certain that the qualities of the Lord have nothing to do with mundane qualities. All of them are full of bliss, knowledge and eternity. There are innumerable qualities of the Lord, and one is attracted by one quality while another is attracted by another.
Great sages, such as the four bachelor-devotees Sanaka, Sanātana, Sananda and Sanat-kumāra, were attracted by the fragrance of flowers and tulasī leaves anointed with the pulp of sandalwood offered at the lotus feet of the Lord. Similarly, Śukadeva Gosvāmī was attracted by the transcendental pastimes of the Lord. Śukadeva Gosvāmī was already situated in the liberated stage, yet he was attracted by the pastimes of the Lord. This proves that the quality of His pastimes has nothing to do with material affinity. Similarly, the young cowherd damsels were attracted by the bodily features of the Lord, and Rukmiṇī was attracted by hearing about the glories of the Lord. Lord Kṛṣṇa attracts even the mind of the goddess of fortune. He attracts, in special cases, the minds of all young girls. He attracts the minds of the elderly ladies by parental affection. He attracts the minds of the males in the humors of servitude and friendship.
The word hari conveys various meanings, but the chief import of the word is that He (the Lord) vanquishes everything inauspicious and takes away the mind of the devotee by awarding pure transcendental love. By remembering the Lord in acute distress one can be free from all varieties of miseries and anxieties. Gradually the Lord vanquishes all obstacles on the path of devotional service of a pure devotee, and the result of nine devotional activities, such as hearing and chanting, becomes manifested.
By His personal features and transcendental attributes, the Lord attracts all psychological activities of a pure devotee. Such is the attractive power of Lord Kṛṣṇa. The attraction is so powerful that a pure devotee never hankers for any one of the four principles of religion. These are the attractive features of the transcendental attributes of the Lord. And adding to this the words api and ca, one can increase the imports unlimitedly. According to Sanskrit grammar there are seven synonyms for the word api.
So by interpreting each and every word of this śloka, one can see unlimited numbers of transcendental qualities of Lord Kṛṣṇa that attract the mind of a pure devotee.
Novak Djokovic, who ranked world No. 1 for a record total 373 weeks, is a vocal proponent of plant-based diets.
Novak Djokovic is one of the most successful vegan tennis players of all time and fuels his body with a healthy plant-based diet.
Djokovic switched to a vegan, gluten-free diet following health problems which saw him collapsing mid-match. He trialled a gluten-free diet and immediately noticed the effects, prompting him to stick to a gluten-free diet. Intolerance tests found that dairy was also a problem, and removed refined sugar too.
Speaking about his diet to Forbes, Djokovic said: “My diet hasn’t just changed my game, it’s changed my life – my wellbeing. And if I feel better, that obviously transfers to my professional life. Eating vegan makes me more aware of my body on the court… more alert. I removed toxin from my body, and with them went all the inflammation and other things that were messing with my energy levels.
10,000-year Golden Age within Kali Yuga.
10,000-year Golden Age
The Brahma Vaivarta Purana (related to Rathantara kalpa) mentions a 10,000-year period, starting from the traditional dating of the Kali Yuga epoch, during which bhakti yogis will be present.In the Brahma-vaivarta Purana has words spoken by Lord Krishna to Mother Ganga just before the beginning of Kali yuga (the age of quarrel and strife). Kali yuga began approximately five thousand years ago, and it has a duration of 432,000 years, leaving us with 427,000 years till the end of the present age. Within this 432,000 year period, there is a period of 10,000 years that will be a golden age. That golden age is being described below by Lord Sri Krishna. Predicted in Brahma-vaivarta Purana 4.129. The fourth part of the Brahma-vaivarta is called Kṛṣṇa-janma-khanda. Chapter 129 is called Golokarohanam, because it describes how Krishna returns to His abode. This specific dialogue is between Lord Krishna and Mother Ganga. Verse 49 is a question by Ganga, verses 50–60 are Lord Sri Krishna’s answer.
“For 10,000 years of Kali such devotees of Mine will be present on earth. After the departure of My devotees there will be only one varna, Outcaste.”
“(Sri Krisna said:) Lord Hari will stay on this earth for the first ten-thousand years of Kali-yuga. Till then gods will be worshipped and the Puranas and scriptures will also be present.”
Srila Prabhapada Vintage Short Film - Paramahamsa.
NEIL HAGUE : If They Think They Can Get Away With This, They’re Badly Mistaken!’
Kristo Gabriel improvisation on Summertime.
Let's Meditate for World Peace & Light Every Day Together!
Let's meditate for World Peace & Light every day together. Dr. Cousens asks us to join him to act for Peace and meditate at the same time all over the world together, using the visualization he shared during the Global Peace 21 event. The visualization is the combination of True Scalar Field Activation and Peace 21 Meditation.
See the recording here.
Join Us Every Day @ 10 PM Israel time, 9 PM Europe, 8 PM UK,
4 PM Brazil, 3 PM Eastern, and 12 PM (noon) Pacific time
Whistleblower Reveals What is Behind the Mass Attacks on US Food Facilities.
zaterdag 28 januari 2023
Middle Eastern Entrees.
Ratha Yatra Antwerpen 2022.
“In the Age of Kali, intelligent persons perform congregational chanting to worship the incarnation of Godhead who constantly sings the name of Kṛṣṇa."
Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam (11.5.32)
De Andere Krant (Madeleine Klinkhamer) : Hoe redelijk zijn Kaags Twitter-vrienden? (Dutch)
Ratha-yatra Festival, Melbourne 1974.
Sri Ramana Maharshi Full Documentary in English.
The Acharya part 5 of 5 - Srila Prabhupada documentary.
vrijdag 27 januari 2023
De Andere Krant (Madeleine Klinkhamer) : “Europa nog nooit zo dicht bij kernoorlog”. (Dutch)
“De mogelijkheid dat het conflict uit de hand loopt, blijft groot. De Verenigde Staten moeten op zijn minst de deur openhouden voor een dialoog met Moskou. De Amerikaanse regering, haar Navo-bondgenoten en Oekraïne beschikken over een groot aantal kanalen voor dialoog, ze moeten allemaal worden onderzocht. Het vinden van een weg naar serieuze vredesonderhandelingen kan een grote bijdrage leveren aan het verkleinen van het risico op escalatie. In deze tijd van ongekend wereldwijd gevaar is gecoördineerde actie vereist, en elke seconde telt.”
Wisdom of today.
“Get This Crazy War Ended, NOW”: Trump Urges World Leaders to Avoid Nuclear War with Russia.
Meditation's Impact on the Brain | Documentary Clip.
Dr Gabriel Cousens : Peace Will Prevail on Earth.
Dear Tree of Life Community,
On September 21st at 8:30 pm Israel time (10:30 am PST), we will be giving our equinox peace 21 meditation which I have done on the 21st of each equinox and solstice since 1985.
When people gather together to meditate for world peace, we can literally change the awareness of the global mind. Over 300 research articles since 1973 have proven this. How big an effect we have on bringing the energies of peace into the global mind depends on us.
Obviously, the world is far from peaceful globally, but even the square root of 1% meditating in a geographical area has been shown to make a difference. So... I invite all of you to join our global peace meditation at 8:30 pm Israel time (10:30 am PST) on the 21st. Our efforts do make a difference, however small at this point.
On a deeper level, our meditations strengthen the soul of humanity, which is very important as the battle for the world is a battle to keep and strengthen the soul of humanity. Just to be clear, there are actually major dark forces who wish to destroy the soul of humanity.
It is no accident that up to 40% of people who receive the "injection" describe an experience of a diminishing connection with their soul and to God. Our peace meditations help all of us strengthen our soul energies. We can and do make a difference and Peace Will Prevail on Earth.
As part of an additional outreach, I am planning to go active on Telegram. About six months ago, my Facebook page and personal profile were censored and then hacked. We tried to delete the account but were denied any access to it and its content.
Now I am getting a variety of feedback that articles and pictures are appearing on my "deleted" Facebook account that has nothing to do with me as I stopped posting over 6 months ago. It is some sort of cosmic joke, so if you see posts on Facebook, please understand it is not me posting. We are again working on deleting the account, but at this moment it is not happening. So... the best I can do is warn you to avoid the Facebook account with my name on it and look for my new channel on Telegram.
Privately, you can connect with me as part of our "Shakti Space" membership weekly live programs every Thursday:
- Spiritual Nutrition Q&A at 5:30 pm Israel time (7:30 am PST) to get your personal questions answered.
- Alive and Liberated with Gabriel at 7:00 pm Israel time (9:00 am PST)
Looking forward to seeing you there.
Please remember that your active participation via meditation and other ways is actually important in the uplifting of planetary consciousness.
Blessings to everyone...
Peace Be with You
Dr. Gabriel
Let's meditate for World Peace & Light every day together. Dr. Cousens asks us to join him to act for Peace and meditate at the same time all over the world together, using the visualization he shared during the Global Peace 21 event. The visualization is the combination of True Scalar Field Activation and Peace 21 Meditation.
See the recording here.
Join Us Every Day @ 10 PM Israel time, 9 PM Europe, 8 PM UK,
4 PM Brazil, 3 PM Eastern, and 12 PM (noon) Pacific time
Click here to convert to your timezone
GARETH ICKE : WEF hears about technology that allows your thoughts to be monitored.
Dr Gabriel Cousens : January 25 Pérolas de sabedoria com Gabriel Cousens Replay.
Clique aqui para assistir ao replay / Click here to watch the replay.
"Mandates take away our free will"