shamanic artist - pleiadian gabrielian - michaelian - having faith in G-d above all else - sovereign - ethical - refuse RFID chipping / Uniting 144000, peaceful bodhisattva-buddha (nirmanakaya) mahatma- defender of freedom - following my highest calling (Shamballah), ASHTAR “We all shape the world together, be wise and virtuous in your life loyal immortal legions visionary mystic Gabriel Sadhu tintegral & bhakti, raja, siddha, maha yogi 6th dimension Christos / Archangels
Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
woensdag 31 augustus 2022
Free energy of Tesla. Film (Dubbed into English).
dinsdag 30 augustus 2022
David : BREAKING NEWS: UK Government says vaccine not safe for pregnant or breastfeeding women.
Mike (Michael) Adams (Natural News) : Situation Update, Aug 30, 2022 - THE GREAT UNRAVELING is now upon us.
The western world is breaking down with stunning speed as all the lies, delusions, corruption and fake fiat money printing has reached a tipping point of collapse.
Food, fertility, energy, transportation and supply chains are all being taken down in a controlled demolition of the western world. And taking its place will be the rising BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa and more to join soon) that control most of the world's commodities, natural gas, oil, fertilizer and gold.
Today's feature article and podcast delve into all the shocking details.
We've been blocked from releasing the book by Charles John Alexander Jarvis. #ahimsa
Teaser | July 2022 | Daniel Peña QLA Castle Seminar.
Mike (Michael) Adams (Natural News) : Situation Update, Aug 29, 2022 - Deep state wants "blood in the streets of America" by Halloween.
The failing intelligence deep state regime is desperately trying to save itself by provoking an armed uprising that can be blamed on conservatives and Trump supporters. They need this revolt to bury the damning facts that are now emerging about the FBI's election interference (Hunter Biden's laptop), covid vaccines killing people (the dead bodies are becoming too numerous to ignore) and the shocking truth about the engineered collapse of food, energy and supply chains worldwide.
It is critical that We the People do not fall for the provocations. Violence is what the regime wants to provoke, which means violence is exactly what we must reject.
maandag 29 augustus 2022
August 31 is International Overdose Awareness Day.
International Overdose Awareness Day is the world’s largest annual campaign to end overdose, remember without stigma those who have died and acknowledge the grief of the family and friends left behind.
The campaign raises awareness of overdose, which is one of the world’s worst public health crises, and stimulates action and discussion about evidence-based overdose prevention and drug policy.
The campaign acknowledges the profound grief felt by families and friends whose loved ones have died or suffered permanent injury from a drug overdose.
International Overdose Awareness Day spreads the message about the tragedy of drug overdose death and that drug overdose is preventable.
The goals of International Overdose Awareness Day are:
- To provide an opportunity for people to publicly mourn loved ones in a safe environment, some for the first time without feeling guilt or shame.
- To include the greatest number of people in International Overdose Awareness Day events, and encourage non-denominational involvement.
- To give community members information about the issue of fatal and non-fatal overdose.
- To send a strong message to current and former people who use drugs that they are valued.
- To stimulate discussion about overdose prevention and drug policy.
- To provide basic information on the range of support services that are available.
- To prevent and reduce drug-related harm by supporting evidence-based policy and practice.
- To inform people around the world about the risk of overdose
Learn more on the website:
Wijsheid van de dag. (Dutch)
De traditionele bhakti kent vier regulerende voorschriften, vidhi genaamd (van de Sanskriet wortel vidha, in orde brengen), S.B. 1.17:24 en 12.3: 18[4]:
- het verbod op het eten van vlees, vis en eieren;
- geen seks buiten het huwelijk (en daarbinnen voorbehouden voor de voortplanting);
- geen verdovende middelen zoals drugs en alcohol;
- het verbod op gokken of speculeren met geld.
Deze voorschriften zijn afgeleid van de eeuwige waarden van de religie (dharma), ook wel 'de vier poten van de stier van dharma ' genoemd:
- śaucha, reinheid;
- satyam, waarheidslievendheid;
- tapas, soberheid en ascese;
- dayā, mededogen.
In het huidige tijdperk van spiritueel verval, het zogenaamde 'donkere tijdperk' (kali yuga) dat wij volgens de hindoe traditie momenteel doormaken en dat aanbrak met het heengaan van Sri Krishna duizenden jaren geleden, zijn deze 'poten van de stier' ernstig verzwakt. Door middel van bhakti-yoga wordt de maatschappij van een rechtschapen mensheid dus letterlijk weer 'op poten' gezet. Het in acht nemen van genoemde waarden geldt voor alle hindoes als de basis voor het beoefenen van hun religie, die officieel de Sanātana Dharma ('de eeuwige religie') wordt genoemd. Zij vertegenwoordigen voor de hindoe dezelfde waarde als de tien geboden voor de christenen.
Bron :
zondag 28 augustus 2022
Wisdom of today.
There are two aspects in knowing what the future holds. One is that we know that God holds the future, and the other is that the future is created and co-created by those who have vision. Therefore, we need to pull out from the world of appearances, articulate the world we want to live in, and stand firm in the people we want to be. Write down on a piece of paper: "I see my life infused with such beauty and joy. I see my life infused with such abundance and prosperity, such creativity. I am a fountain of compassion, I am a fountain of love, I am a fountain of generosity and creativity. I see my life and myself as a flowing fountain of such good. I am a beneficial presence of the Highest."
Begin by thinking about your life and what's most important to you. Then, take this opportunity to describe the world you want to live in. Maybe start by describing a healthcare system that treats the poor and the rich precisely the same, or a legal system in which brown and black people are granted the same amount of justice as rich white people. It's critical to describe the world you want to live in, instead of fighting the world you don't want to live in. Begin to embrace, describe, and walk in the direction of this world.
Are you ready to make this a daily habit of yours?
The Acharya part 1 of 5 - Srila Prabhupada documentary.
Wisdom of today. (Forces of Light).
The dark forces are leading campaigns against the few true sources, with unsubstantiated rumors and false accusations.
They are trying to engineer a conventional war between East and West by polarizing Russia and China against the USA:
In their planned war, nuclear weapons would NOT be used:
Recent escalation between USA and China over Taiwan was an attempt to start that war, and our meditation was successful in calming the situation, together with Pleiadians giving a warning to Xi Jinping.
zaterdag 27 augustus 2022
Lightforces update re-post.
The surface Lightworker grid has almost collapsed, and the Light forces have activated an emergency backup Light grid for the surface of the planet, about which nothing can be said. Kerr metric spacetime distortion anomaly around the surface of the planet will reach its peak density in late August 2022, and after that time it will again become easier to hold the Light, and the Lightworker grid is expected to at least partially recover from the brutal attacks to which it was subjected in the last few months.
Source :
Manly P. Hall | Integrity, the Endangered Virtue.
IN5D News : HUGE Changes Are Upon Us With Pluto In Capricorn.
With the ushering in of Pluto in Capricorn, the breaking down of all that is corrupt has begun and these changes will allow that which is in humanity’s best interests to replace those control objects that have kept us economic slaves for hundreds of years.
Wisdom of today.
"The duty of youth is to challenge corruption."
Kurt Cobain
Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade, Afghanistan, Southeast Asia, Central America, Columbia.
The first book to prove CIA and U.S. government complicity in global drug trafficking, The Politics of Heroin includes meticulous documentation of dishonesty and dirty dealings at the highest levels from the Cold War until today. Maintaining a global perspective, this groundbreaking study details the mechanics of drug trafficking in Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and South and Central America. New chapters detail U.S. involvement in the narcotics trade in Afghanistan and Pakistan before and after the fall of the Taliban, and how U.S. drug policy in Central America and Colombia has increased the global supply of illicit drugs.
OM Chanting @417 Hz | Removes All Negative Blocks.
Mike (Michael) Adams (Natural News) : Here's why Magnesium is one of the most important minerals for optimal health.
Benjamin Fulford (Geopolitical News) : Is someone trying to overthrow the US, the EU AND communist China?
Wisdom of today.
The purpose of business should be to fill society’s living needs, and it must also create an environment in which happiness and self-development flourish, and where art and beauty are encouraged. All else is an invasion of the ego into business endeavors.
Long ago, our life was based on a model of survival that bred a sense of competition. Darwinian theory taught survival of the fittest based on a belief in scarcity, in which the fittest individuals got the goods. This model is extinct because we actually live in a world of plentitude. Those who collaborate—not those who overpower—don't only survive; they thrive.
Businesses and leadership that focus on scarcity and competition cause harm to themselves, their communities, their clients, and humanity. They cannot and do not evolve. A successful business model must be based on sound business practices and service. The principle of oneness, the interconnectedness of all life, combines with a successful business model to form an enlightened point of view with long-term benefits.
Business Week reported that 95 percent of Americans no longer support the notion that a corporation’s only purpose is the greedy bottom line. Recently, there's been major backlash over CEOs in powerful corporations who profit billions of dollars, while their corporate mismanagement causes individuals to lose their jobs and homes. In the consciousness of the mature individual, money is the by-product of walking in the direction of our life’s purpose. Such individuals do not consider their livelihood as simply a resource for cold, hard cash, but as an avenue for their creativity and the sharing of their gifts, talents, passions, and resources. When one’s product or service is delivered from a platform of creativity, generosity, service, excellence, integrity, and beauty, then the whole web of life is uplifted.
Imagine a business world where money was a by-product to a purpose much, much bigger. What would the world look like? How would employees feel about the company they are going to battle for?
vrijdag 26 augustus 2022
The Beginning of The Golden Age - Prahlad and the Krishna Kids.
Struggle Jennings & Caitlynne Curtis // "God We Need You Now" (Official Music Video).
About drugs and the importance of prevention. (English / Dutch).
De Andere Krant (Madeleine Klinkhamer): “Het is belangrijk de waarheid uit te spreken”. (Dutch).
Mike (Michael) Adams (Natural News) : 1.6 Million fentanyl pills, 114 pounds of cocaine seized at the border.
donderdag 25 augustus 2022
How Magnesium Keeps Your Heart Rhythm Healthy.
Magnesium is also good to combat depression:
Chapter 14 "Protection called Refuge of the Yakshas".
Whitney Houston - My Love Is Your Love (Official Video).
woensdag 24 augustus 2022
OM Chanting @417 Hz | Removes All Negative Blocks.
Michael Jackson - Heal The World (Official Video).
Mike (Michael) Adams (Natural News) : Amphetamine ADHD drug Adderall facing supply crunch, survey finds.
UN Sprays Chemtrails In Spain! – Government Admits To Bio Warfare To “Combat” Covid!
Michael Jackson - Give Thanks To Allah + Lyrics.
David : Moms Unite For Children Talk To David Icke About The War On Kids.
dinsdag 23 augustus 2022
Diana Cooper : Connect with the wisdom of the prophets.
Dr Peter Gøtzsche exposes big pharma as organized crime.
maandag 22 augustus 2022
Something to remember : Don't Give Up. You are loved.
Many things are happening behind the scenes and as much as I would like to report them, it is simply too dangerous at this senior stage of the Plan:
In the void created by almost no solid intel on the surface of the planet since the collapse of the alpha timeline in early 2018, disinformation abounds.
The dark forces are leading campaigns against the few true sources, with unsubstantiated rumors and false accusations. They are especially attacking true Goddess teachings and true intel about the liberation of the planet. Several quite known intel sources that were relatively reliable in the past were not able to hold the Light and have crossed over to become instruments of the dark side.
The surface Lightworker grid has almost collapsed, and the Light forces have activated an emergency backup Light grid for the surface of the planet, about which nothing can be said. Kerr metric spacetime distortion anomaly around the surface of the planet will reach its peak density in late August 2022, and after that time it will again become easier to hold the Light, and the Lightworker grid is expected to at least partially recover from the brutal attacks to which it was subjected in the last few months.
Wisdom of today.
Gas and Energy Shortages
For many decades The Illuminati and The Secret Government have staged several false “Gas & Energy Shortages.” There is no shortage of gas or energy on planet Earth. These false “Gas & Energy Shortages” are purposely faked and staged to skyrocket gas and energy prices and to extort billions of dollars from the unsuspecting masses of Earth.
Source : Great White Brotherhood, Halls of Amenti.
Mike (Michael) Adams (Natural News) : The mass culling of the HUMAN HERD is now under way… here’s exactly how it’s being accomplished to achieve mass extermination.
Laura Magdalena Eisenhower : Message To The Dark Controllers | Laura Eisenhower.
This fight still continues.
Until All Are Free.
Love you all,
Mike (Michael) Adams (Natural News) : COVID vaccine propaganda busted – High deaths and cancers.
David : The Media’s Culpable Refusal to Consider the Role of the Fake Vaccines in Driving Excess Deaths.
Manly P. Hall - Integrity, the Endangered Virtue.
Planetary Situation Update.
The dark forces are leading campaigns against the few true sources, with unsubstantiated rumors and false accusations.
The dark forces might operate through your media.
Remain very aware of false information through your media.
More info :
Dolores Cannon: Volunteer Souls and DNA Upgrades.
Mike (Michael) Adams (Natural News) : Mass vaccinations responsible for 1 in 30 children now having autism.
ICAN is the international campaign to stigmatise, prohibit & eliminate nuclear weapons.
The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) is a coalition of non-governmental organizations promoting adherence to and implementation of the United Nations nuclear weapon ban treaty.
Donate if you can :
According to the Bhagavat Gita, nuclear weapons are demonic weapons. Let's end them.
Babaji's wisdom of today.
"As a man sows, so shall he reap. This is the law of karma. For, if you perform an evil action, you must suffer for it, and so also if you perform a good action you must receive the fruit of happiness. You are the master of your own fate."
Aum Namaha Babaji Maha-Vishwakarma!Considering the war on drugs.
You can't force people stop taking drugs, you can only hope that they stop using it. Drugs is tool from the black lodge in order to destroy people's lives. I don't advocate a war on drugs, but I stopped taking it after years of so-called rock 'n roll, now a few years ago already (except one MDMA session to cure PTSD). Don't fall for the trap of thinking it is cool, it isn't. The forces of darkness want to corrupt the youth of our world, also through the music industry. Trust your local police in these matters. I still believe the addicts are the victims. It is a medical problem, not a criminal problem. My last battle will be with nicotine.
Special thanks to Dion Fortune for her great book :
De Andere Krant (Madeleine Klinkhamer) : Enschede rolt smart city uit zonder inspraak. (Dutch)
Jahnavi Harrison : Patreon Sanga — 14th August 2022.
K. Gabriel
― Manly P. Hall
Best Prabhupada Kirtan Hare Krishna.
Wisdom of the Yuga's. (re-post)
zondag 21 augustus 2022
Clearing and Shielding with Archangel Michael ~ Doreen Virtue.
Special thanks to Dr Gabriel Cousens.