shamanic artist - pleiadian gabrielian - michaelian - having faith in G-d above all else - sovereign - ethical - refuse RFID chipping / Uniting 144000, peaceful bodhisattva-buddha (nirmanakaya) mahatma- defender of freedom - following my highest calling (Shamballah), ASHTAR “We all shape the world together, be wise and virtuous in your life loyal immortal legions visionary mystic Gabriel Sadhu tintegral & bhakti, raja, siddha, maha yogi 6th dimension Christos / Archangels
Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
dinsdag 31 mei 2022
How Fake News Labeled Jews Who Believe in Jesus as Not Jewish by David Lazarus.
It’s time to end the fake news, defeat this 2,000-year-old diabolical plot, and remove the veil
Benjamin Fulford Report: Fake Biden Regime Collapsing As Bezos Bails.
David Icke : Cases of Brain Damage in Children Skyrocket Following COVID-19 Vaccines.
maandag 30 mei 2022
Wisdom of today.
May all be free from sorrow and the causes of sorrow; May all never be separated from the sacred happiness which is sorrowless; And may all live in equanimity, without too much attachment and too much aversion, And live believing in the equality of all that lives.
Maha Cundi Dharani - (2-hours version) 準提佛母心咒 /準提咒 - Calm, Dispel disasters, remove confusion (梵).
Michael Beckwith's wisdom of today from the Agape Community.
Let’s look at Vitamin C for instance, because we know it's good for us. If you understand the efficacy of how it works on the body temple, then when you take it, it will be enhanced throughout your immune system.
It's the same with the 4 stages of spiritual awakening. When you study the map, read about it, and do the practice, it enhances and expedites your spiritual growth, development, and unfoldment, because now you know why as well as what. Like an open door welcoming limitless possibilities, our thoughts can invite physical healing, prosperity, right livelihood, loving relationships, creativity, and spiritual awakening.When we evolve from Victim Consciousness to Manifester Consciousness, thought energy is channeled in a mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually healthy direction.
Therefore, health is the real wealth. It's extremely important for people to stay healthy because we've incarnated on the planet with unique gifts and talents. Our body temple must be strong enough to expand our capacity for more energy to flow through so we can do the work we're called to do and live the life we're called to live.
If one is constantly going to the doctor or constantly seeking to repair the body, or is constantly sick, the body has become a liability rather than an asset. Energy is drawn away from why we are here, which is to be joyful, loving, generous, creative, and bring about beauty on the planet. That's very difficult if one is chronically sick, mentally, emotionally, or physically.
Our physical, emotional, and mental health are all connected. We created AdaptoZen to synergistically foster physical vitality, balanced emotions, and clarity of mind.�
Are you taking your vitamins and providing your body with necessary exercising? Share with me in the comments below.
Wisdom from Ayurveda.
Agape's Message by Michael Bernard Beckwith.
Awakening to our real nature and being, and coming out of a deep sleepwalking to become harbingers of peace, love, joy, and harmony on the planet.
With all that is going on in the world today, where polarization appears to be on the rise, life can feel overwhelming and disempowering. It can be easy for us to get caught up and stuck in the deep sleep of apathy or fear and go into fight, flight, or freeze mode.We can become hypnotized by fear-based thoughts that occupy our awareness and sometimes hijack our perception and point of view, leading to limited perception and experiences that contradict the fundamental harmony of our being.
We Love Mass Meditation :Urgent meditation to stop the monkeypox outbreak every 4 hours.
David Icke :Smallpox, Money Pox and The Vaccines They Will Try to Frighten You into Getting.
zaterdag 28 mei 2022
Real-fan Rafael Nadal gaat tussen zijn wedstrijden naar de Champions League-finale in Parijs. (Dutch)
John Assaraf is a wonderful trainer.
"Take care of yourself so that you can take care of others".
- Lessons from Gabriel Gonsalves & dr Gabriel Cousens -
Interesting training for people who want to release their limiting believes about money and succes.
I learned from Magdalena Picavet that money is just energy when she gave an interview on her near-death experience online. It is not good or bad, it is what you do with it. I am also connected to a Muslim charity and donate Zakaat when I can miss it and I hope for the unification of at least all the Abrahamic religions.
=> (John Assaraf)
In my Ayurveda study I am learning that it is important to find your dharma, finding your purpose in life for yourself and humanity. I am still recovering from severe Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder with nightmares because the subconscious is recovering but I am not willing to give up because I want to make a difference. I am also following and supporting the work of the great doctor Roy and and His partner Joy Martina.
I work from a purpose of service and not selfishness but if we don't come clear with ourselves and develop healthy self-love, we can't take care of others. I survived at least 4 burn-outs but I am still fighting back. Setting healthy boundaries is also very important.
I start soon with volunteers work with Michael Bernard Beckwith at Agape.
I love humanity so much that I don't want to give up.
I want to make a difference for the least among us.
Love you all,
K. Gabriel
Executive Director of Oxfam: COVID Has Been One of the Most Profitable Products Ever.
Prayer to Kwan Yin, the Mother of a Thousand Faces.
Be Loyal To Your Soul! w/Michael B. Beckwith.
The Sphere of the Bodhisattvas By Rudolf Steiner.
vrijdag 27 mei 2022
Engelen als levensbegeleiders engelen als geestelijke steun en toeverlaat: onze geestelijke helpers in het spirituele en stoffelijke gebied. (Dutch)
Engelen en aartsengelen zijn de boodschappers van het Goddelijke, de boodschap van het Innerlijke Licht. Zij herinneren ons aan de Goddelijke Vonk in onszelf en aan hoe ons vaak drukke en soms ook weinig spirituele leven zou kúnnen zijn. Met hun hulp kunnen wij ons ontwikkelen tot 'ware grootte', kunnen wij onze capaciteiten leren kennen en geheel ontvouwen en kunnen wij de weg vinden tot een leven dat we wérkelijk liefhebben.
De auteurs van dit boek werken sinds jaar en dag met de liefhebbende hulp van engelen en aartsengelen. Op basis van hun ervaring beschrijven zij de 'Wereld der Engelen' en de taak, krachten en liefdevolle begeleiding van engelen. Ze tonen hoe wij met deze krachtige en tegelijkertijd zeer vluchtige Essenties contact kunnen krijgen en hoe wij hen in ons leven kunnen uitnodigen en integreren.
Engelen als Levensbegeleiders slaat een brug tussen onze innerlijke ontwikkeling en de energie der Engelen. Daardoor is dit boek bij uitstek geschikt als handboek voor alternatieve therapeuten en iedereen die met de energie van engelen wil werken, maar ook voor iedereen die het gevoel heeft dat de liefdevolle krachten van engelen zijn leven en dat van anderen positief zou kunnen beïnvloeden.
In het kort
een begrijpelijke en heldere inleiding in de 'Wereld der Engelen'
naslagwerk voor het werken met 'LichtWezen Meesteressences'
handboek voor 'Engelmeditaties'.
Bron :
GLOBAL HEART STREAM | Heart Virtue #3 - Forgiveness.
Moral wisdom from Islam by Prophet Mohammed.
O’ you who have true faith! If one who publicly and openly commits sins brings you any news [concerning another person] then ascertain its truthfulness carefully [before you spread it] lest you harm people through [your own] ignorance [through accepting and following false reports] and then regret what you have done. (49:6).
Mike (Michael) Adams (Natural News) : Research finds that vitamin D is key for optimum immune health.
OPINIE Proces Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard is als middeleeuws schavot waar iedereen tomaten naar gooit - Hilde Van Mieghem Actrice, auteur, regisseur. (Dutch)
Maha Cundi Dharani - (1-hour version).
Dolores Cannon: Volunteer Souls and DNA Upgrades.
It all started 20 years ago with my kundalini awakening, now I am taking a course in Ayurveda.
Feel free to join.
I had no teacher.
Love you all.
Kristo Gabriel
Madeleine Klinkhamer (De Andere Krant) : Nieuwe holistische herstelcentra sluiten niemand uit. (Dutch)
donderdag 26 mei 2022
Integral Justice Warrior : What’s Wrong With Education (And How Can We Fix It?) Mark Fischler and Corey deVos. (by Ken Wilber and the Integral Movement)
Broken education produces broken people. How can integral perspectives and practices help our education systems generate more happy, healthy, and wholesome kids?
It’s hard to think of anyone better to talk to about this issue than Mark Fischler, who has deep familiarity with the educational system (both as a professor and as a father), with the justice system, and with integral theory itself.
Mark and I take a close look at the many dysfunctions, injustices, and failures we see in our education system — both within the system (how and what kids are being taught) as well as surrounding the system (access to education, funding, etc.).
What should our educational systems be teaching? When we take an integral view, we can see how many different kinds of intelligence our kids are engaged with, all of which we want to help support in our children, both at home and at school:
- Cognitive intelligence (math, science, literature, etc.)
- Creative and aesthetic intelligence (art, music, etc.)
- Interpersonal intelligence (kindness, empathy, tolerance, etc.)
- Intrapersonal intelligence (self-care, self-knowledge, etc.)
- Emotional intelligence (social emotional learning, etc.)
- Psychosexual intelligence (sex education)
- Kinesthetic intelligence (physical education)
- Moral/ethical intelligence (worldcentric standards of right/wrong)
- Self-identity intelligence (“Who am I?”)
- Spiritual intelligence (“What is my ultimate concern?”)
We can also see the importance of the multiple stages of development that all of these different kinds of intelligence grow through over the course of our children’s educational tract, and how these things always need to be taught in a developmentally-appropriate way. We can see the many dysfunctions that can come with launching our kids into Orange self-authoring stages of development within a deconstructed Green environment, without first providing solid Amber foundations for each of these different kinds of intelligence.
Mark and Corey also discuss some of our current cultural controversies, such as the role of “parents’ rights” when it comes to determining what should or shouldn’t be taught to our kids. We then explore some possible solutions for our most wicked educational problems, including a reconstituted role for integral guidance counsellors, who would essentially become as a central integral axle running through the many spokes of our education system — essentially academic “life coaches” that can track kids’ progress in these multiple intelligences over multiple years, who can ensure that they are being supported and challenged in whatever developmental lines they excel in, and can provide suggestions, resources, and interventions for kids who get “stuck” in any of these lines.
It was a tremendously rich and warm-hearted conversation, and we hope you let us know what you think in the comments below.
Note: This episode was recorded in the weeks before the tragic events of Uvalde, Texas, which thoroughly shattered all our hearts, and which we are each and all mourning in our own way. While it remains virtually impossible to wrap our hearts and heads fully around such magnitudes of suffering, it nonetheless makes integral discussions such as these feel that much more urgent, and deepens the commitment Mark and I share to both pursue and enact integral justice however and wherever we can.
Source :
Also important for realising what is going on with the dumbing down of education:
Mike (Michael) Adams (Natural News) : Shocking report suggests COVID-19 vaccines have caused millions of deaths worldwide.
No matter what the mainstream media and governments across the globe claim, there is a wealth of data proving that the COVID-19 vaccines are not 100 percent effective at preventing coronavirus infections. Vaccines are also often linked to adverse effects and deaths, so think twice about giving up your right to decide.
David Icke : Pandemic Created 1 New Billionaire Every 30 Hours, Now Millions Could Face ‘Extreme’ Poverty.
Mike (Michael) Adams (Natural News) : Dr. Peter McCullough: No need to panic over monkeypox.
That plan is now fully underway with an obviously fake “monkeypox” fear campaign. In a world with nearly 8 billion people headlines appear all over the world about 100 or so “cases.” Notice in the article below that most of the “cases” are “suspected” not confirmed. This is pure Fear porn. The KM WHO is trying to whip up a new scamdemic it seems.
- Benjamin Fulford
David Wilcock & Drake 2012-03-28 1-3 Mass Arrests.
Amnesty will be granted to some of them. This pertains mostly to those that were born into the Illuminati and basically had no choice but to go along with the program or risk being killed. There are many good souls in there that want to get out. A few of them have already done that and are now fighting for the Light. Many will defect just before the arrests get started. Many of the younger generations Illuminati do not agree with the program and some have been secretly helping the Light forces to take down the Cabal. After the Event, psychological help will be offered to them and they will be able to be integrated into the society.
For many members of the Cabal, amnesty will not be granted. They will have to balance their past actions. Those who are unable or unwilling to do that will be removed from the planet.
FBI's Ted Gunderson - The Great Conspiracy.
Madeleine Klinkhamer (De Andere Krant) : Pokkenvirus-uitbraak: “Complotdenkers” krijgen weer gelijk. (Dutch)
Mike (Michael) Adams (Natural News) : IT’S NOT THE GUNS: America’s left-wing culture of DEATH and self-mutilation is a FACTORY that produces mass shooters.
Firearms in the possession of citizens gives pause to tyrants. This is the entire point of the Second Amendment — the idea that if the government becomes too tyrannical and dangerous, that armed citizens might put a stop to the government terrorism being carried out against the people. That’s why the Founders included the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights.
Never give up your guns. Not under any circumstances. To do so is to surrender to a murderous regime of criminals and tyrants.
The REAL cause of mass killings and murderous rage
The real cause behind mass killings in America is abundantly evident: Programming of kids through pop culture (media, Hollywood, music, violent, graphic video games), indoctrinating them with themes of satanism, self-mutilation (transgenderism), baby killing via abortion and invoking emotional rage against others. And if a child or teen begins to wake up and think outside the box, they get dosed with psychiatric drugs to keep them in line.
woensdag 25 mei 2022
dinsdag 24 mei 2022
maandag 23 mei 2022
Benzo Dope and Tranq: The Next Wave of the Overdose Crisis.
More than 100,000 Americans died of a drug overdose in 2021, the worst year on record. The newest wave of the overdose crisis involves man-made chemicals, including animal tranquilizers, that are being combined with fentanyl to make street drugs that are deadlier and more addictive.
With access to an undisguised fentanyl dealer, Beyond Fentanyl looks at how drugs like “benzo dope” and “tranq” are ravaging North American communities and how U.S. policy affected the latest flood of synthetic street drugs. Help keep VICE News’ fearless reporting free for millions by making a one time or ongoing contribution here. - Vredesmanifestatie in Brussel 27/03: Europe For Peace and Solidarity! (Dutch)
This Sadhguru Video ILLUMUNATI Doesn't Want You To See!!
Benjamin Fulford : Top secret negotiations for new age proceed well as Western rule collapses.
"Top-level negotiations between Asian and Western elders to start a new golden age for humanity are proceeding well, according to sources involved. The basic agreement calls for the complete write-off of all debts, public and private, a one-time redistribution of assets and a massive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and colonize the universe with earth life. This plan is supported by –among others- the Western committee of 300, the Russian government, the Indian government and the Asian secret societies that control China, ASEAN, Korea and Japan. There are some concrete moves involving massive amounts of off ledger gold and dollars taking place. The details cannot yet be publicly disclosed for security reasons, the sources involved in the negotiations say.
Of course, we have heard this talk before so believe it when you see it.
For now, the task is to make sure the existing Western ruling structure collapses without destroying the planet. Already, the Western ruling class has fallen into what can only be described as collective insanity as their control grid collapses. The latest sign is a massive campaign of monkeypox fear porn. The fear porn appears to be a desperate attempt to justify a massive power grab by the WHO and the Davos World Economic Forum."
Full article :
K. Gabriel
Enigma - Return To Innocence (Official Video).
zondag 22 mei 2022
Archangel Michael and El Morya Protection.
vrijdag 20 mei 2022
donderdag 19 mei 2022
Mike (Michael) Adams (Natural News) : TERROR RECRUITS: The FBI targets mentally ill whites, then PROGRAMS them to carry out acts of extreme violence.
“Most terrorists are false flag terrorists, or are created by our own security services,” said David Steele, a 20-year Marine Corps intelligence officer and the second-highest-ranking civilian in the U.S. Marine Corps Intelligence. He is also a former CIA clandestine services case officer.
17 000 doctors expose crimes against humanity and want to restore medical integrity.
woensdag 18 mei 2022
K. Gabriel
dinsdag 17 mei 2022
Psychedelics Are Fueling a Mental Health Revolution.
"Deliberate provocation of mystical experience, particularly by LSD and related hallucinogens, in contrast to spontaneous visionary experiences, entails dangers that must not be underestimated. Practitioners must take into account the peculiar effects of these substances, namely their ability to influence our consciousness, the innermost essence of our being. The history of LSD to date amply demonstrates the catastrophic consequences that can ensue when its profound effect is misjudged and the substance is mistaken for a pleasure drug. Special internal and external advance preparations are required; with them, an LSD experiment can become a meaningful experience. Wrong and inappropriate use has caused LSD to become my problem child. It is my desire in this book to give a comprehensive picture of LSD, its origin, its effects, and its dangers, in order to guard against increasing abuse of this extraordinary drug. I hope thereby to emphasize possible uses of LSD that are compatible with its characteristic action. I believe that if people would learn to use LSD's vision-inducing capability more wisely, under suitable conditions, in medical practice and in conjunction with meditation, then in the future this problem child could become a wonder child."
"Numerous episodes of fatal consequences attributed to LSD ingestion have indeed been recorded, but these were accidents, even suicides, that may be attributed to the mentally disoriented condition of LSD intoxication. The danger of LSD lies not in its toxicity, but rather in the unpredictability of its psychic effects."
Mahavatar Babaji Mantra | Meditation Mantra.
Renegade: The Life Story of David Icke (FULL MOVIE).
maandag 16 mei 2022
Benjamin Fulford : Destroy KM or face nuclear war Russia and China tell Pentagon.
zondag 15 mei 2022
Lost Arts Radio Live - Conversations With Dr. Gabriel Cousens - 5/10/22.
zaterdag 14 mei 2022
BEKIJK - Op pad met psychiatrisch hulpverlener Véronique in Gent: "Moeten we ons zorgen maken, Regina?". (Dutch)
Marlies wil dit zo graag op mijn blog omdat wij na alles nog zo'n goede maatjes zijn deze post. Ze zegt steeds : "het taboe moet weg."
K. Gabriel
vrijdag 13 mei 2022
Gabriel Rios - Swing Low (live @Bimhuis Amsterdam).
donderdag 12 mei 2022
Benjamin Fulford : Letters to the Editor.
“Babies that gestate apart from a mother’s womb will have no emotional or psychic connection with her.