![kristof Gabriel carina van hooymissen [my ancestor lieven once brewed the beer saint-michael]](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiuf5AId3Z3RVqmJkfVPVXsz_-LO89rYUHadTXsJnXUtENc6Q3DYO4cH6Ii3cJfHvIOyYLuyB4usNk9rXPfKXqGqnUPGe6D30imXQzsKAEvPnR478_6_CpifikjSMW-V0GLBp8BWPUB_B32/s250/Red+PIll.jpg)
shamanic artist - pleiadian gabrielian - michaelian - having faith in G-d above all else - sovereign - ethical - refuse RFID chipping / Uniting 144000, peaceful bodhisattva-buddha (nirmanakaya) mahatma- defender of freedom - jivanmukta - realizing highest calling (Shamballah), ASHTAR “We all shape the world together, be wise and virtuous in your life loyal immortal legions visionary mystic Gabriel Sadhu integral & bhakti, raja, siddha, maha yogi 6th dimension Christos / Archangels
Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's
donderdag 31 maart 2022
woensdag 30 maart 2022
Depression-Free for Life A Physician's All-Natural, 5-Step Plan by Dr Gabriel Cousens.
A psychiatrist explores the root causes of depression, discovering a range of triggers and types of the disorder and recommending a five-step plan to keep it at bay for life. Reprint. 25,000 first printing.
Source : https://bol.com/be/nl/f/depression-free-for-life-a-physician-s-all-natural-5-step-plan/30164492/
Archangel Gabriel, protector of children.
Where children are concerned, you can ask Gabriel to protect them and guide them. He will offer to you advice and solutions for their care and well being.
Dr. David Martin: COVID vaccines are bioweapons designed for genocide.
More updates by Mike (Michael) Adams :
Babaji's Wisdom of today.
Aum Namaha Babaji Maha-Urjani!
Wisdom of today.
We are here to grow in our graciousness, to be able to receive That which is eternally being given so we’re not walking through the world with a sense of lack trying to take something, we’re walking in the world as emanations of the Spirit of the living God.
Michael B. Beckwith
Excerpted from Agape's Sunday service on March 3, 2019
Jean : 254 | The (UN) Spiritual Poverty Trap | 3/29/22.
dinsdag 29 maart 2022
Willem Engel, die zichzelf vergelijkt met Nelson Mandela, komt vandaag niet vrij. (Dutch)
Doelman Miguel Van Damme (28) verliest oneerlijke strijd met leukemie: "Hij is naar zijn laatste match vertrokken". (Dutch)
Rust zacht, Miguel. We zullen je hard missen.
De ziel sterft nooit.
K. Gabriel
Help the Ascended Masters Stop War by Kim Michaels.
A workbook for those who are serious about bringing peace Do you feel that war has been around long enough on this planet, but you don't see what you can do about it? This book explains that we human beings do not have the power to stop war, but that our universal spiritual teachers, the ascended masters, do have that power. What they lack is the authority, which they can only receive from us. By using the teachings and practical tools in this book, you can make a personal contribution towards giving the ascended masters the authority to stop war. The profound teachings in this book explain the spiritual causes of war and expose the hidden forces that have created and sustain war, using human beings as pawns in their meaningless games. By using the tools, you will help the ascended masters remove the unrelenting forces of war, and this is the key to bringing true peace. This book is given as direct revelation by the Ascended Master Mother Mary, who holds the Office of the Divine Mother for all people. She says that if enough people use the tools in this book, the forces of war can be removed within the foreseeable future. Will you make a personal contribution towards making war a thing of the past?
Source: https://bol.com/be/nl/p/help-the-ascended-masters-stop-war/9200000050771226/
Mike (Michael) Adams : This Is The Great Awakening!
maandag 28 maart 2022
Manly P. Hall | Integrity, the Endangered Virtue.
Wisdom of today.
Try to transcend the us versus them-mentality and realise that we are all one.
OM Chanting @417 Hz | Removes All Negative Blocks.
VN-expert schrijft volledig dossier over Julian Assange: “Journalisten, dit gaat over u”. (Dutch)
Help the Ascended Masters Stop War by Kim Michaels.
zondag 27 maart 2022
A message sent to me from the devotees in Ukraïne.
During this difficult time our thoughts are with the people of Ukraine and Russia. We have just discovered some very ecstatic video of the Ukraine Hare Krishna devotees and temples. So at this time it is very nice to see the Ukraine devotees and hear their kirtans.
The answer to war, the answer to everything, the only way, the only way, the only way is chanting the Hare Krishna mantra. There is no other practical method of spiritual advancement in this otherwise very difficult age of Kali.
So please chant:
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Actually this age of Kali is an ocean of faults, generally speaking it is very difficult to make spiritual advancement in this age, but there is one great benefit of the Kali-yuga, simply by chanting the Hare Krishna maha mantra one can be very easily liberated…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Your servant
Madhudvisa dasa
zaterdag 26 maart 2022
Psychic Sandy Ingham shares stories from the spirit world in Ickonic original film Heaven’s Messenger.
Wisdom of today.
In the Kali-santarana Upanishad (1-11) (One of the 108 principal Upanishads), the maha-mantra is established as the only means of deliverance in Kali-yuga.
Lost Arts Radio : You Are Needed - It's Not Too Late | A Voice In The Wilderness.
Foo Fighters drummer Taylor Hawkins dies suddenly at 50. No cause given yet.
I wish to extend my condolences to his family, friends and fans.
Same for Madeleine Albright
Kristof Gabriel
Cocaine And Karma // Manly P. Hall [Full Lecture / Clean Audio].
Good luck.
Kristo(f) Gabriel
Japa Meditation- Hare Krishna.
The Truth about the Cold War.
The Cold War between the United States and the former Soviet Union was an elaborate hoax orchestrated by The Illuminati who secretly own and control both countries. In reality, both countries were secretly operating as one entity throughout “The Cold War.” The truth of this was known only to a handful of “insiders” at the time. The Illuminati secretly own and operate the Military Industrial Complex, and the purpose of the hoaxed “Cold War” was to extort trillions and trillions of dollars from taxpayers on both sides via the mass production of nuclear warheads and intercontinental ballistic missiles for a “Cold War” that was not even real!
Ascension Process.
The ascension process is the sole purpose of life in the cosmos. The purpose of life is to consciously and eternally expand your knowledge, wisdom, power, talent, and light quotient. It is the highest insult to God to remain as you are incarnation after incarnation with no change whatsoever. That is not life, that is death. The ascension process is not so popular on Earth because this is a fallen planet ruled by ignorance and materialism, but even on a fallen planet the spiral staircase of ascension is there for those who have the courage and determination to climb it.
Source : https://charlesjajarvis.com/GreatWhiteLodge/HallsOfAmenti.pdf
Gas and Energy Shortages
For many decades The Illuminati and The Secret Government have staged several false “Gas & Energy Shortages.” There is no shortage of gas or energy on planet Earth. These false “Gas & Energy Shortages” are purposely faked and staged to skyrocket gas and energy prices and to extort billions of dollars from the unsuspecting masses of Earth.
Source : https://charlesjajarvis.com/GreatWhiteLodge/HallsOfAmenti.pdf
Moving from Survival Mode to 5D ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton 03-21-2022.
Overlijden van de heer Frank De Coninck, voorzitter van Caritas International. (Dutch)
Help Saint Germain Stop Poverty by Kim Michaels.
This book if for anyone who wants to make a contribution to a better society by doing something that none of the forces of this world can prevent. You can use the knowledge and practical tools in this book to make a powerful contribution to removing poverty and its spiritual causes from this planet. Saint Germain is the primary ascended master overseeing the coming 2000 years. He has plans for manifesting a Golden Age with tremendous progress, but he needs our help to clear away one of the major blocks to this new age, namely poverty and the consciousness and forces behind it. Through seven profound discourses, Saint Germain explains that poverty is not mandated by God or the laws of nature. It is an entirely artificial phenomenon, brought about by the manipulation of a small power elite. Saint Germain also explains that the members of this power elite have manipulated humankind for a very long time by getting people to misuse their free will. That is why the ascended masters cannot use their infinite power to remove poverty. The Law of Free Will mandates that a critical mass of people in embodiment must first overcome the consciousness of poverty and then authorize the ascended masters to remove the energy, the consciousness and the forces that uphold poverty. This book is a toolkit designed to help you overcome the consciousness of poverty in your own mind, and then help remove it from the planet. If you have tried other tools for manifesting abundance, this book may be exactly what you need in order to move forward and manifest the abundant life.
Source : https://bol.com/be/nl/p/help-saint-germain-stop-poverty/9200000059558381/?bltgh=snuDDrfZ24uxL6F7kptCpQ.2_9.10.ProductTitle
Could You Be Loved (1984) - Bob Marley & The Wailers.
Mystical Teachings of Jesus by Kim Michaels.
The teachings in this book have helped hundreds of thousands of people gain a deeper appreciation for Jesus's teachings about the mystical path that he taught 2,000 years ago and that he still teaches today-for those who are able to make an inner connection with him. Today many people cannot find a lasting heart connection to the real Jesus and his teachings because, according to most Christian churches, Jesus no longer talks to us. In reality, Jesus is a spiritual being and he is working to help all people who are able to raise their consciousness and attune to his Presence. For the past 2,000 years he has maintained a line of communication through those who have been willing to serve as messengers for his Living Word and who have pursued an understanding of his true message instead of settling for official Christian doctrines. In this book, the ascended Jesus reveals the mystical teachings that he gave to his most advanced disciples. He explains why his true teachings are as relevant today as they were two millennia ago and how you can develop a personal relationship with him-one of the most remarkable spiritual teachers of all time. Once you admit that mainstream religious traditions have not answered your questions about life, it is truly liberating to read the profound and meaningful answers in this book. Encouraging, moving and profound, this enlightening book will help you attain inner attunement with Jesus, even mystical union with him. You will learn how to: -recognize the silent, inner voice of Christ in your heart -achieve permanent inner peace and happiness by getting connected with the Christ Consciousness -heal yourself from emotional wounds -get guidance from Jesus, who is your greatest teacher and friend -communicate directly with Jesus".
Source : https://bol.com/be/nl/p/mystical-teachings-of-jesus/9200000021053392/?bltgh=sujvP1VPAZy8yTIQYgVBJg.2_9.10.ProductTitle
Help the Ascended Masters Stop War by Kim Michaels.
A workbook for those who are serious about bringing peace Do you feel that war has been around long enough on this planet, but you don't see what you can do about it? This book explains that we human beings do not have the power to stop war, but that our universal spiritual teachers, the ascended masters, do have that power. What they lack is the authority, which they can only receive from us. By using the teachings and practical tools in this book, you can make a personal contribution towards giving the ascended masters the authority to stop war. The profound teachings in this book explain the spiritual causes of war and expose the hidden forces that have created and sustain war, using human beings as pawns in their meaningless games. By using the tools, you will help the ascended masters remove the unrelenting forces of war, and this is the key to bringing true peace. This book is given as direct revelation by the Ascended Master Mother Mary, who holds the Office of the Divine Mother for all people. She says that if enough people use the tools in this book, the forces of war can be removed within the foreseeable future. Will you make a personal contribution towards making war a thing of the past?
Source : https://bol.com/be/nl/p/help-the-ascended-masters-stop-war/9200000050771226/
vrijdag 25 maart 2022
Wisdom of today.
"Giving is recognized as a virtue in every major religion and in every civilized society, and it clearly benefits both the giver and the receiver. The one who receives is relieved from the pangs of want. The one who gives can take comfort from the joy their gift brings to others."
The Dalai Lama
Richard Sacks (Lost Arts Radio) : Geoengineering, Trump, & More | A Voice In The Wilderness.
Sri Aurobindo, Licht op yoga (Dutch)
Deze uitgave is een samenvoeging van "Lights on Yoga" en "More lights on Yoga". De Yoga van Sri Aurobindo heeft een andere doelstelling dan andere meer bekende yogapaden (zoals hatha-, jnana- karma- en raja-yoga) want het doel is niet alleen uit het gewone onwetende wereldbewustzijn omhoog te stijgen tot het goddelijk bewustzijn, maar om de supramentale kracht van het goddelijk bewustzijn naar omlaag te brengen in de onwetendheid van het denken, het leven en het lichaam, ten einde deze te transformeren, het goddelijke hier en nu in de materie te scheppen. Deze yoga wordt ook wel integrale yoga genoemd, omdat zij tracht de gehele, integrale mens, zoals hij hier op aarde geplaatst is met zijn opdracht in de maatschappij, van binnen uit vanuit het hart door aspiratie, door het zich werkelijk openstellen voor de goddelijke aanwezigheid in het hart te transformeren. Het is bij uitstek een yoga voor de mens in het Westen. Aurobindo (1872-1950) is wel de grootste Indische filosoof van deze eeuw. In dit boek zijn zijn ideeën over yoga samengebundeld. Zij zijn voor het merendeel aan uitspraken en brieven aan leerlingen ontleend, n.a.v. door hen gestelde vragen.
Situation Update, March 24, 2022 - New intel on Russia; GREEDY goats.
Anyway, I fully embrace the work of Mike (Michael) Adams, because he is working with the same intention of serving the human race.
Kind regards,
OM Chanting @417 Hz | Removes All Negative Blocks.
The Shamanic View of Mental Illness : What a Shaman Sees in A Mental Hospital.
In the shamanic view, mental illness signals “the birth of a healer,” explains Malidoma Patrice Somé. Thus, mental disorders are spiritual emergencies, spiritual crises, and need to be regarded as such to aid the healer in being born.
What those in the West view as mental illness, the Dagara people regard as “good news from the other world.” The person going through the crisis has been chosen as a medium for a message to the community that needs to be communicated from the spirit realm. “Mental disorder, behavioral disorder of all kinds, signal the fact that two obviously incompatible energies have merged into the same field,” says Dr. Somé. These disturbances result when the person does not get assistance in dealing with the presence of the energy from the spirit realm.
One of the things Dr. Somé encountered when he first came to the United States in 1980 for graduate study was how this country deals with mental illness. When a fellow student was sent to a mental institute due to “nervous depression,” Dr. Somé went to visit him.
“I was so shocked. That was the first time I was brought face to face with what is done here to people exhibiting the same symptoms I’ve seen in my village.”
What struck Dr. Somé was that the attention given to such symptoms was based on pathology, on the idea that the condition is something that needs to stop. This was in complete opposition to the way his culture views such a situation. As he looked around the stark ward at the patients, some in straitjackets, some zoned out on medications, others screaming, he observed to himself,
“So this is how the healers who are attempting to be born are treated in this culture. What a loss! What a loss that a person who is finally being aligned with a power from the other world is just being wasted.”
Another way to say this, which may make more sense to the Western mind, is that we in the West are not trained in how to deal or even taught to acknowledge the existence of psychic phenomena, the spiritual world.
In fact, psychic abilities are denigrated. When energies from the spiritual world emerge in a Western psyche, that individual is completely unequipped to integrate them or even recognize what is happening. The result can be terrifying. Without the proper context for and assistance in dealing with the breakthrough from another level of reality, for all practical purposes, the person is insane. Heavy dosing with anti-psychotic drugs compounds the problem and prevents the integration that could lead to soul development and growth in the individual who has received these energies.
On the mental ward, Dr Somé saw a lot of “beings” hanging around the patients, “entities” that are invisible to most people but that shamans and psychics are able to see. “They were causing the crisis in these people,” he says. It appeared to him that these beings were trying to get the medications and their effects out of the bodies of the people the beings were trying to merge with, and were increasing the patients’ pain in the process. “The beings were acting almost like some kind of excavator in the energy field of people. They were really fierce about that. The people they were doing that to were just screaming and yelling,” he said. He couldn’t stay in that environment and had to leave.
In the Dagara tradition, the community helps the person reconcile the energies of both worlds–”the world of the spirit that he or she is merged with, and the village and community.” That person is able then to serve as a bridge between the worlds and help the living with information and healing they need. Thus, the spiritual crisis ends with the birth of another healer. “The other world’s relationship with our world is one of sponsorship,” Dr. Somé explains. “More often than not, the knowledge and skills that arise from this kind of merger are a knowledge or a skill that is provided directly from the other world.”
Source : https://themindsjournal.com/shaman-sees-mental-hospital/
Read as well : https://thesacredscience.com/10-signs-youre-a-shaman-dont-know-it/
donderdag 24 maart 2022
Michael Jackson - Heal The World (Official Video).
Benjamin Fulford : Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has already passed over to the other side, according to a CIA source.
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has already passed over to the other side, according to a CIA source. He was taken out by the KM satanic cabal. They are trying to come up with a cover story now. Let’s see how long they keep silent about it.
Source : https://benjaminfulford.net.
Read more here : https://benjaminfulford.net/2022/03/21/spring-equinox-marks-turning-point-in-battle-to-liberate-earth/
Urgent meditation for peace between Russia, Ukraine and NATO every 4 hours.
In memoriam : Madeleine Albright, eerste vrouwelijke minister van Buitenlandse Zaken in de VS, is overleden. (Dutch)
dinsdag 22 maart 2022
Protest op Museumplein voor vrijheid en vrijlating Willem Engel. (Dutch)
maandag 21 maart 2022
Wie is aartsengel Michael? (Dutch)
Michaël is de bekendste onder de engelen. Aartsengel Michaël (Sint-Michiel) komt voor in zowel het Oude als het Nieuwe Testament en ook in de Koran. Daarom heeft Michaël voor zowel Joden, Christenen en Moslims een heilige betekenis.
In het boek Daniël 10: 13 wordt deze Aartsengel beschreven als "de voornaamste der vorsten en de beschermer van het vrome Israël".
Michaël is de patroon van de wapendragers, en vanwege zijn weegschaal ook die van de bakkers, de weegmeesters en de apothekers en verder van de ambulanciers, de artiesten, de bankiers, de stervenden, de kruideniers, de paramedici, de zieken, de armen, de zwaardsmeden, de ruiters, de soldaten, de politiemannen, de hoedenmakers, de blik- en tingieters, de wagenmakers, de radiomechanici, de snijders, de glazenmakers, de steenhouwers en de schilders.
Michaël wordt afgebeeld als engel (mens met vleugels) in ridderuitrusting, vaak met helm, (vlammend) zwaard, lans en schild; vaak doorboort hij met zijn lans of speer de draak onder hem. Bij andere gelegenheden is hij te zien met een weegschaal waarop hij de zielen weegt.
De Aartsengel Michaël kan opgeroepen worden voor alle zaken die te maken hebben met carrière, sport, persoonlijke financiën, ambitie, bureaucratie, officiële zaken en de gezondheid van het fysieke lichaam. Evenals Raphaël is hij een genezende engel.
De naam Michael betekent: Wie is als God
Bron: Wikipedia
Aartsengel Michaël schiet vooral de sterrenbeelden STEENBOK, STIER, MAAGD te hulp. Deze mensen vinden vaak dat ze vastzitten in een sleur. Michaël helpt ze weer op gang.
Aartsengel Michaël beschermt: tegen bliksem, onweer, tegen een plotselinge dood en kan aangeroepen worden voor het verkrijgen van een goede dood.
Bron : https://devrolijkeengel.nl/service/aartsengel-michael-uitleg/
Creating Peace by Being Peace: The Essene Sevenfold Path by Dr Gabriel Cousens.
Representing a synthesis of the author’s decades of multidisciplinary work in meditation, psychiatry, psychotherapy, and spirituality, Creating Peace by Being Peace guides readers in creating peace on seven levels of engagement, from the body to the ecology to God. Author Gabriel Cousens addresses the increasingly urgent need to transform humankind with the ancient peace wisdom of the Essenes, a Judaic mystical group that flourished two millennia ago. He begins by explaining the Essenes and the lessons they can teach us as creators of peace. Individual chapters cover a wide range of possibility, from the personal (“Peace with the Mind”) to the political (“Peace with the Community”). The final chapter, "Integrating Peace on Every Level," presents a comprehensive plan for peace with the body, mind, family, community, culture, ecology, and God as a pervasive experience in life—moment to moment, day by day. Cousens blends documentary evidence with original interpretation to show that the Essenes actually did live this experience of peace. Most importantly, he transfers their gift to modern seekers as a breathing blueprint for realizing this reality as we walk in our lives; work according to our gifts, joys, and sacred design; and live the path of spiritual awakening—the sevenfold peace.
Source : https://amazon.com/Creating-Peace-Being-Essene-Sevenfold/dp/1556437226
Natural News : Mike (Michael) Adams : Dr. Christina Rahm warns that MORE bioweapons are coming after COVID.
22.03: Lezing ‘Psychogenocide’ door Erik Thys ; Psychogenocide psychiatrie, kunst en massamoord onder de nazi's. Auteur: Erik Thys (Dutch)
Auteur Erik Thys, psychiater en kunstenaar, geeft een eigen naam aan wat tot op heden onderbelicht is gebleven: de massamoord op ongeveer 400.000 psychiatrische patiënten in Duitsland, Polen en Oostenrijk.
Door het Naziregime, voor en tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Hij noemt dit de Psychogenocide.
Hitler, psychiatrie en kunst
Thys stelt dat Hitlers mislukte kunstenaarschap en zijn psychiatrische voorgeschiedenis mee bijdroegen tot wraakacties op psychiatrische patiënten. En tegelijk ook op moderne kunst. Zijn eerste dokter noemde hem ‘een psychopaat met hysterische symptomen’.
Eugenetica en nazisme
In een lange maar noodzakelijke aanloop beschrijft de auteur de ontstaansgeschiedenis van de eugenetica. Dit is de ideologie die het goede (‘eu’) genetische materiaal van een bevolking wil versterken. Deze ideologie was vooreerst aanwezig in de Angelsaksische landen en in Scandinavië.
Voorloper van deze ideologie was de pseudowetenschappelijke connotatie van het – oorspronkelijk biologisch- begrip degeneratie. Dit stuurde later deels de vernietigingsmachine van de Nazi’s. Daarnaast bepaalde het sociaal-darwinisme (survival of the fittest) in belangrijke mate de eugenetica.
Geschiedenis van de eugenetica
De bedenker van de term ‘eugenetica’ was de Brit Galton, neef van Charles Darwin. Deze eerste wou al in 1905 families met een hoge eugenetische score financieel steunen. En hij wou ‘zwakkeren’ laten onderbrengen in tehuizen met een verbod op voortplanting.
In de VS werd in 1910 gestart met selectieve sterilisatie. American Journal of Psychiatry voerde in 1942 een polemiek over het zonder instemming doden van ‘aangeboren gebrekkige’. Daarbij verwees men naar de uitroeiing van patiënten in Duitsland.
Van sterilisatie naar vernietiging
In Duitsland werd in 1903 door psychiater Rüdin (een medewerker van Kraepelin) gepleit voor het steriliseren van chronisch alcoholici. Dit was een eerste begin van de strijd tegen de ‘ontaarden’ (‘gedegenereerden’) en de ‘minderwaardigen’. Dit programma eindigde pas na WOII.
Vanaf 1920 begint een stigmatisering en ontmenselijking van zieken en gehandicapten. Dan wordt niet alleen sterilisatie maar ook ‘der vernichtung lebensunwerten Lebens’ openlijk bespreekbaar.
De rol van psychiaters, pedagogen en de Kerk
Kort na de machtsovername in 1933 werd chirurgische sterilisatie verplicht. Bij mensen met o.a. chronisch alcoholisme, bepaalde geestesziekten, mentale problemen, erfelijke lichamelijke misvormingen, blindheid en doofheid.
Duitse psychiaters, pedagogen en kerkelijke verantwoordelijken reageerden nauwelijks. Het Duitse volk was een ‘volkslichaam’ waaruit de ‘zieke’ stukken dienden weggesneden.
Raszuivere kunst
Thys, zelf kunstenaar, beschrijft uitvoerig eenzelfde beweging die Nazi Duitsland maakte vanuit de eugenetica t.a.v. de kunstenaars. Het begrip ‘degeneratie’ en het sociaaldarwinistisch gedachtegoed bepaalden ook de ‘zuivering’ door de Nazi’s van hun kunsten.
De kunstwereld werd opgedeeld in (kitscherige, natuurgetrouwe) ‘Deutsche’ kunst van de gezonde , raszuivere mens enerzijds. En anderzijds de ‘entartete’ kunst van modernen als Klee, Mondriaan en Chagall. In deze perfide strategie werden moderne kunstenaars vergeleken met (de gedemoniseerde) psychiatrische patiënten.
Het medische en de taal.
Het pleidooi voor een ‘Arische’ kunst maakte deel uit van een algemene poging door de Nazi’s om de eliminatie, ‘endlösung’, van ‘minderwertigen’ verteerbaar te maken bij de bevolking. En om zo te komen tot een genetisch ‘zuiver’ Arisch ras.
Dit gebeurde o.a. door het stigmatiseren in een medische context te plaatsen. En door een walgelijk taalgebruik in film, media en onderwijs. Bijvoorbeeld ‘lege menselijke hulzen’, ‘ballastwezens’, ‘nutteloze eters’, ‘parasieten’ enz.
Massamoord in psychiatrie
Het op grote schaal systematisch vermoorden van de psychiatrische patiënten was daarbij de eerste stap. De psychiatrische genocide startte kort na de inval in Polen per 1 september 1939. Toen gaf Hitler de schriftelijke toestemming aan de artsen voor de ‘Gnadentod’ van ‘ongeneeslijk zieken’.
Eerst werden 5200 kinderen met een fysieke of mentale beperking vermoord. Daarna werden 200.00 Poolse psychiatrische patiënten uitgemoord. Erna volgde de vergassing van 73.000 Duitse psychiatrische patiënten. Tot slot werden 15 à 20.000 ‘nutteloze’ gevangenen omgebracht.
Na deze vanuit Berlijn gecoördineerde moordpartijen volgde tot 1945 een ‘wilde’, gedecentraliseerde moord op ongeveer 200.000 psychiatrische patiënten. Door vergiftiging, verwaarlozing en uithongering.
Een oefening in genocide
Thys wijst erop dat de uitroeiing van de psychiatrische patiënten een sinistere prelude was op de daarop volgende Holocaust. En dit op twee cruciale punten.
Met de Psychogenocide werd de expertise en organisatie ontwikkeld, het personeel gekozen dat daarna zou gebruikt worden voor de Endlösung. En ten tweede werd de medische wereld de belangrijkste actor in dit proces van massavernietiging. Dit vanuit het pseudowetenschappelijk eugenetisch paradigma en in de psychiatrie.
De psychiaters leverden de expertise en zorgden voor de concrete uitvoering van de moord op de (in instellingen geconcentreerde) psychiatrische patiënten. Deze medici werden later sterk betrokken partij bij de genocide achter het front en in de concentratiekampen.
De rol van de artsen
Nog schokkender is de vaststelling dat de wilde ‘euthanasie’ van psychiatrische patiënten gebeurde op eigen initiatief van de artsen. Binnen hun instellingen. En trouw de systematiek volgend van de centraal georganiseerde moordpartijen.
Thys wijst daarbij op de bijzondere band die er bestond tussen de geneeskunde en de Nazi-ideologie. En de band die bestond tussen het uitmoorden en het medisch handelen. Bijvoorbeeld: voor de sterilisatie werden medische tribunalen opgericht. De beruchte rassenwetten waren wetten voor de volksgezondheid. Patiënten werden veroordeeld tot sterilisatie of vergassing op basis van een medische diagnose en een selectie door artsen.
De Duitse artsen vormden met voorsprong de in verhouding grootst aanwezige beroepsgroep in de nazi-organisatie en in de SS. ‘’De massamoord had over de hele lijn een medisch aura, met academici aan de top en (…) artsen op de werkvloer” (p.229).
Belang van dit boek
Dit boek is niet enkel een zoveelste confrontatie met de meest gruwelijke periode uit de geschiedenis van de mens.
Voortdurend duiken er ook verbanden op met hedendaagse kwesties. Zoals bijvoorbeeld het taalgebruik door de overheid (‘illegalen’). Of de vluchtelingen als economische last. Biogenetica en euthanasie bij psychiatrische patiënten. Het geval Vandereycken dat we nooit hebben geweten.
Op het einde van het boek stelt Thys een aantal van deze kwesties apart in het daglicht.
Dit is een ijzingwekkend, werkelijk verbijsterend maar uitermate belangrijk boek. Een boek dat iedereen moet gelezen hebben. In het bijzonder zij die zich ten dienste stellen van onze kwetsbare mensen.
Bron : https://psycholoog-jovo.be/psychogenocide/ & https://bol.com/be/nl/p/psychogenocide/9200000047159298/
The Brotherhood of the White Lodge.
There is no death, there is no destruction, all is but change and transformation, first the caterpillar, then the chrysalis, then the beautiful butterfly. Likewise, first physical man, then the mighty mind, and at last a noble soul.
In the days of old, when physical force was the chief arbiter between man and man, those that loved knowledge were compelled to abandon the affairs of this world and to retire to the forests and hills in order to pursue their studies. They could never maintain their position among fighting and cruel tyrants, and were obliged to live solitary lives, contenting themselves with a few morsels of bread to satisfy their hunger and plain water to quench their thirst. They slept on the bare earth and from early morning till late at night they meditated and studied and prayed. These were the Gnanis and Bhaktas of the past. Nowadays there are schools and colleges and societies and institutions where the ancient wisdom can be studied quite comfortably in easy chairs, with the use of electric light and central heating systems to keep us oblivious to the hardships of the outside world.
In themselves these blessings of modern civilization are quite harmless, but in an indirect manner they do injure us. The pure consciousness of man is not enriched by study per se, and the increase of knowledge is not the highest aim of man, it is only if knowledge is made subservient to love that it fulfills its mission. Therefore when the acquisition of learning is made possible in the midst of comforts, and even luxury, the danger always exists of hardening the mind and making it miss the beautiful lessons of charity, forgiveness and forbearance, while those who are trained by hardships and have to learn their lessons on empty or half-filled stomachs are more accessible to the appeals of suffering and want. Consequently the deprivations which the poor students had to undergo in olden times taught them as much (if not more) as their books, whereas the well-off students of today are ever in peril of losing their souls while enlarging their minds.
The Brotherhood of the White Lodge is a body of great men whose souls have been made perfect through suffering, they watch over humanity from their exalted planes on which their spiritual status enables them to live and pour down upon it knowledge and wisdom, and skill in the arts and crafts according as the world's Karma permits them to do so.
They are always affiliated to those organizations on earth whose members are single-minded, and true hearted and genuinely desirous of the welfare of the race. Especially are they interested in the advancement of science, philosophy and religion, and all public bodies promoting these subjects are helped (without knowing whence the help cometh) by the Brotherhood of the White Lodge. For the last three decades there has been a steady and growing increase of knowledge in all departments of human activity. Inventions have multiplied, and discoveries of unsuspected laws of nature are being made on every hand. Philosophic and scientific thought has never been so abundant and so brilliant as it is today, but the receivers of the gifts know not the givers, and often frustrate the gracious purposes which were to be served by the bestowal of the gifts.
The reason is not far to seek, it is to be found in the heart of man where is the spring of all actions. To serve faithfully the Masters of Wisdom, the givers of all good gifts, the heart must be pure and the whole nature must have been regenerated, but this is a process of slow growth and requires the subdual of the personality and the crushing of the lower nature. It is only those in whom personality has been suppressed who can be made perfect channels for the eternal truths; as long as the snake is alive, man can only be an inferior instrument of nature. When the old Adam dies and the snake has given up its ghost then can man become a servant of the great Lords and co-operate with them here on earth. Therefore it often happens that those that are to be honored by the King of Kings and Lord of Lords must first be slaves and servants and learn to obey before they are allowed to command. Thus in modern times disciples are thrown into all sorts of trials and sorrows.
Poverty, disease, and friendlessness, they must know them all, until the last vestige of pride and aloofness has disappeared from their mental make up. . . . So it comes to it that like the poverty stricken Gnanis and the Bhaktas of old, the refined students of today have likewise to undergo the same training if they are to be fitted as Messengers of the White Lodge. They must taste the bitterness of the cup unto the very dregs, and through their own sufferings learn to sympathize with those of others.
This is the straight and narrow way which leadeth unto life eternal.
This is the working of the white law, the operations of which are often so puzzling to the eyes of flesh.
It is only our own blindness and the narrowness of our own life that makes us find fault with the law, which is both wise and good.
What we see in the outer life of an individual is but an infinitesimal particle of what is going on within him. The interior life of the soul is the reality that matters, and it is here that the work of redemption of every soul is going on.
Whenever the outer life is clouded, the inner is touched, and this method is resorted to by the Brotherhood of the White Lodge to train their disciples on the earth plane.
The ancient sages came from the poorest families, and the prophets of the future will have to be saved from the gutter before they can deliver their message.
It behooves, therefore, those who are anxious to do the Master's will to be mindful of these facts. The White Lodge has its representatives on earth, its messengers and teachers, and pupils; what we see of all these is only as much as we deserve to see. Let us beware of putting a stumbling block in the path of even the least of these, lest in so doing we be found among those who work against the good law and against the will of its blessed custodians—The Brotherhood of the White Lodge.
Source : https://sacred-texts.com/eso/moq/moq06.htmA Voice In The Wilderness: Corruption Being Exposed Is Good - Richard Sacks, host of Lost Arts Radio.
Prabhupada Japa Chanting (Mahamantra Hare Krishna).
OM Chanting @417 Hz | Removes All Negative Blocks.
1. OM: Here follows Instruction in Union.
Union, here as always in the Scriptures of India, means union of the individual soul with the Oversoul; of the personal consciousness with the Divine Consciousness, whereby the mortal becomes immortal, and enters the Eternal. Therefore, salvation is, first, freedom from sin and the sorrow which comes from sin, and then a divine and eternal well-being, wherein the soul partakes of the being, the wisdom and glory of God.
Source : https://sacred-texts.com/hin/ysp/ysp02.htm