shamanic artist - pleiadian gabrielian - michaelian - having faith in G-d above all else - sovereign - ethical - refuse RFID chipping / Uniting 144000, peaceful bodhisattva-buddha (nirmanakaya) mahatma- defender of freedom - following my highest calling (Shamballah), ASHTAR “We all shape the world together, be wise and virtuous in your life loyal immortal legions visionary mystic Gabriel Sadhu tintegral & bhakti, raja, siddha, maha yogi 6th dimension Christos / Archangels
Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
maandag 31 januari 2022
Angèle - Bruxelles je t'aime [ CLIP OFFICIEL ].
Mask Formation Psychosis MK Ultra Mind Control / By Cathy O'Brien.
Stop the Loop
Just like that song playing over and over in the brain, ‘mask up’ ‘social distance’ ‘get the injection’ and ‘shelter at home’ became the ‘new normal’ while elections were blatantly stolen to usher in the New World Order slave society agenda.
To compound the felony, perpeTraitors who have been stealing elections ever since the inception of electronic voting machines have infiltrated our justice system, even appointing Supreme Court Justices!
When the justice system does not prosecute violent offenders and prosecutes instead those defending themselves from violence or protesting stolen elections, that subconscious repetitious conditioning mainstream media bombarded us with compounds. Long term effects of repetition are then triggered to further disarm citizens unless we know to consciously counter the effects!
I stop that song from looping in my head by making brief note of it by hand on paper, then consciously analyze if it is the lyric that made it repeat or the harmonic carrier. Either way, I consciously counter anything that is stuck on repeat, push the river of thought to lift it from its groove, and fill the void with a SOULution or song of my choice!
Filling the void even applies to “impeach impeach impeach” which will require restoring integrity to elections first!
Stop the Agenda
Consider, too, that unless we consciously arm ourselves and each other with truth on the New World Order mind control agenda that began in Nazi, Germany and is being imposed on humanity today, history will continue to repeat until we evolve with the knowledge.
Mainstream media is complicit with the slave society mind control agenda, pushing the narrative with repetition while suppressing and censoring truth.
Be ‘ware that the pedophile agenda being promoted by media and through the education system is a mind control agenda. Trauma, like repetition, is a basic form of mind control. Sexual abuse of a child prior to age 5 is a trauma that confuses gender and heightens suggestibility, and we are being conditioned to comply with this ‘new normal’ in lieu of protecting our children!
Source :
God Almighty, thank you for the many blessings that you have given to all humanity. Thank you for hearing our prayers. We are now aware that thousands of children in every country around the world are being abused by organized child prostitution rings. But we have faith that your divine power is greater than any power on Earth. Thank you for sending the power of the Holy Spirit to help us in so many ways. Thank you for the army of your angels who guide and defend us. When possible, may the hearts of these child abusers be turned away from evil, back to decency. May the hearts and minds of those in authority be guided by your divine righteousness so that they liberate and help these abducted children. Thank you for having sent your angels to comfort the souls of the hundreds of thousands of children who have already been lost to these evil practices. May you open the eyes of those who refuse to see this problem. May you open the hearts of those who fail to care about these children. May you open the minds of those who refuse to believe in the truth. We pray for all this in the holy name of your son, our Savior, Lord Jesus Christ. Truly.
Source :
The Tibetan Book of the Dead (1994) - Narrated by Leonard Cohen.
zondag 30 januari 2022
Urgent meditation for peace between Russia and NATO every 4 hours
Vitamin C and Zinc Studies Report - COVID Update.
The Power of Gratitude.
Wisdom of today.
Don’t take life so seriously. That doesn’t mean things aren’t important, but instead of taking things seriously, take things reverentially. When reverence replaces seriousness, life becomes more humorous. Humor allows you to laugh at yourself, and you become more coherent to catch Divinely perfect Spiritual ideas.
Michael B. Beckwith
Excerpted from Agape's Sunday service on January 16, 2022
Cathy O’Brien: How the mind can heal the body.
MK Ultra mind control programmers are skilled in manipulating subconscious mind/brain function on levels that regulate breathing, heartbeat, and eye blinks. This is evident, for example, in Military Special Forces “No Time to Bleed” programming so soldiers can take a bullet and keep on going.
Imagine how you can regulate your health by controlling these subconscious mind/brain functions with your own free thought strength of spirit!
These innate gifts have been overridden for generations by Big Pharma suppressing information in education while simultaneously suppressing our immune system with pharmaceuticals to generate money and control. As we wake up from mind control masked as a virus, we must awaken from all levels of programming through becoming consciously aware of them. This is our time to heal, reclaim self control, and rediscover the amazing capabilities we were born with. Our bodies, minds and spirits are resilient and strong, just waiting to be reclaimed and freely expressed.
It is univerSOUL justice to me to see the negative of my past experience in MK Ultra mind control be turned into a positive that informs and empowers others. I learned the ins and outs of my own brain in my healing process, and I celebrate the freedom to direct my own thoughts in healthy, productive ways.
Tortures I endured had resulted in compartmentalized memory, which is professionally defined as the mind’s sane defense to trauma too horrible to comprehend. Our brains automatically shut down neuron pathways in the brain around traumatic memory, repressing it so the rest of the mind can function normally. As more trauma was deliberately inflicted, more compartments developed until my brain was so divided I had no capacity left for normal function.
Read more: Cathy O’Brien: How the mind can heal the body
See as well :
vrijdag 28 januari 2022
donderdag 27 januari 2022
Antwerpse opperrabbijn David Lieberman op 96-jarige leeftijd overleden. (Dutch).
dinsdag 25 januari 2022
Urgent meditation for peace between Russia and NATO every 4 hours.
maandag 24 januari 2022
Help the Ascended Masters Stop War by Kim Michaels.
A workbook for those who are serious about bringing peace Do you feel that war has been around long enough on this planet, but you don't see what you can do about it? This book explains that we human beings do not have the power to stop war, but that our universal spiritual teachers, the ascended masters, do have that power. What they lack is the authority, which they can only receive from us. By using the teachings and practical tools in this book, you can make a personal contribution towards giving the ascended masters the authority to stop war. The profound teachings in this book explain the spiritual causes of war and expose the hidden forces that have created and sustain war, using human beings as pawns in their meaningless games. By using the tools, you will help the ascended masters remove the unrelenting forces of war, and this is the key to bringing true peace. This book is given as direct revelation by the Ascended Master Mother Mary, who holds the Office of the Divine Mother for all people. She says that if enough people use the tools in this book, the forces of war can be removed within the foreseeable future. Will you make a personal contribution towards making war a thing of the past?
Golden Light Sutra: English Recitation Chapters 1 to 7.
zondag 23 januari 2022
zaterdag 22 januari 2022
Mantra of Avalokiteshvara (New Version) with Lyrics.
The Choice is Yours: Avatar or Zombie - Shunyamurti Q&A.
Reflections on karma.
From nonvirtues come all sufferings
And likewise, all miserable realms.
From virtues come all happy realms
And the joys in all rebirths.
From the Precious Garland.
Like a poison that has been ingested,
The commission of even a small sin
Creates in your lives hereafter
Great fear and a terrible downfall.
As when grain ripens into a bounty,
Even the creation of small merit
Leads in lives hereafter to great happiness
And will be immensely meaningful a well.
From the Collection of Indicative verses.
Verdrag tegen foltering en andere wrede, onmenselijke en onterende behandeling of bestraffing. (Dutch)
INTUITIVE UPDATE January 2022 - Matt Kahn/
Sovjet-tactieken: Covid-klokkenluiders die op verdachte wijze sterven of geestesziek ziek worden verklaard. (Dutch)
Wisdom of today. #generosity
vrijdag 21 januari 2022
Natural News (Mike Adams) : The most powerful SECRET they don’t want you to realize you already posses!
Covid vaccines “most dangerous biological medicinal product rollout in human history,” says Dr. Peter McCullough.
donderdag 20 januari 2022
We Have Done Everything We Could | MIKE ADAMS 2022.
woensdag 19 januari 2022
Wisdom of today.
Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle, Buddha, Jesus and Mohammed are among the greatest names recorded in history; but it is not customary to regard the men who bore these names as statesmen or sociologists. They are thought of as philosophers, sages, seers, and mystics, whose doctrines have no application to the political needs of an industrial civilization. Yet it is men like Plato and Buddha who still exercise the most powerful force in mortal affairs toward the perpetuation and preservation of a civilized state among all nations.
All of the great leaders of ancient times realized and taught that the establishment of a state of permanent peace among the nations depended not only upon the release of human ideals, but through properly trained and disciplined minds capable of interpreting these ideals in terms of the common good.
World democracy was the secret dream of the great classical philosophers. Toward the accomplishment of this greatest of all human ends they outlined programs of education, religion, and social conduct directed to the ultimate achievement of a practical and universal brotherhood. And in order to accomplish their purposes more effectively, these ancient scholars bound themselves with certain mystic ties into a broad confraternity. In Egypt, Greece, India, and China, the State Mysteries came into existence. Orders of initiated priestphilosophers were formed as a sovereign body to instruct, advise, and direct the rulers of the States.
A description of the lost Atlantis was written by Plato; it introduces the league
formed by the ten benevolent kings who ruled over the lesser nations and the three great continents of Europe, Asia, and Africa;
and who bound themselves by oath to obey the divine laws of enduring empire. . . .
This was the philosophic democracy, with all men having the right to become wise through self-discipline and self-improvement,
thus achieving the only aristocracy recognized by Natural Law. . . . The Atlantis story continues
to the later decision of the kings to use their united power to enslave all the peoples of the Earth, and the consequent destruction of Atlantis
by earthquake and fire . . . . interpreted politically, it is the story of the breaking up of the ideal pattern of government.
THE destruction of Atlantis, as described by Plato in the Critias, can be interpreted as a political fable. The tradition of the Lost Empire as descended from Solon was enlarged and embellished according to the formulas of the Orphic theology; but it does not follow necessarily that Plato intended to disparage the idea that a lost continent had actually existed west of Europe. Plato was a philosopher; he saw in the account of the fall of Atlantis an admirable opportunity to summarize his convictions concerning government and politics.
The Critias first describes the blessed state of the Atlantean people under the benevolent rulership of ten kings who were bound together in a league. These kings were monarchs over seven islands and three great continents. From the fable we can infer that the ten rulers of the Atlantic league were philosopher kings, endowed with all virtues and wise guardians of the public good. These kings obeyed the laws of the divine father of their house, Poseidon, god of the seas.
In the capital city of Atlantis stood the temple of Poseidon, and in it a golden figure of the god. In this shrine also stood a column of precious substance inscribed with the laws of enduring empire. The ten kings took their oath together to obey these laws, and they chose one of their number, usually of the family of Atlas, to be the chief of their league.
It was written on the column of the law that the ten kings of Atlantis should not take up arms against each other, for any reason. If one of them should break this law the other nine were to unite against him to preserve the peace.
In all matters concerning the public good the ten kings were to deliberate together, and each should be mindful of the just needs of the others; for they were the members of one body and regents over the lands of a blessed god.
The kings had not the power of life or death over any of their subjects except with the consent of the majority of the ten; and each was responsible to the whole league for his conduct in the administration of his own State.
In this way Plato describes the government of the Golden Age, in which men live on Earth according to the laws of Heaven.
By the three great continents of Atlantis are to be understood, Europe, Asia, and Africa; and by the seven islands, all the lesser peoples of the earth. The league of the ten kings is the cooperative commonwealth of mankind, the natural and proper form of human government. The Atlantis, therefore, is the archetype or the pattern of right government, which existed in ancient days but was destroyed by the selfishness and ignorance of men.
Plato, it must be remembered, was a monarchist by philosophic conviction, but his ideal king was the wise man perfect in the virtues and the natural ruler of those less informed than himself. This king was the father of his people, impersonal and unselfish, dedicated to the public good, a servant of both the gods and his fellow men. This king was descended of a divine race; that is, he belonged to the Order of the Illumined; for those who come to a state of wisdom then belong to the family of the heroes - perfected human beings.
Plato's monarchy was therefore a philosophic democracy; for all men had the right to become wise through self-discipline and self-improvement. One who achieved this state was by virtue of his own action a superior man, and this superiority was the only aristocracy recognized by Natural Law.
Competition is natural to the ignorant; and cooperation is natural to the wise. Obeying the pattern established by the gods, the divine kings bound themselves into the common league to obey its laws, preserve the peace, and punish any whose ambition might impel them to tyranny or conquest.
Here then, is a pattern of world government to insure the prosperity of all peoples and activate the preservation of the peace.
Plato describes at some length the prosperity of the Atlantic Isles under this benevolent rulership. The citizens were happy, and poverty was unknown. A world trade was established, and the ships of the Atlantean marine traveled the seven seas, bringing rich treasures to the motherland. There was little crime; the arts flourished; and the sciences were cultivated in great universities. Men had no enemies, and war was unknown.
The god Poseidon guarded the destinies of his domains and favored the Atlantic Empire with a good climate and fertile soil.
Men followed the occupations which they preferred and lived a communal existence, together sharing the fruits of their labors. It was Plato's conviction that the human being was not created merely to engage in barter and exchange, but rather to perfect himself as the noblest of the animals, endowed with reason and the natural ruler of the material world.
The Critias then describes the gradual change that came about in the course of the ages. In the beginning the Atlanteans saw clearly that their wealth and prosperity increased as a result of friendship. But gradually the divine portion of their consciousness began to fade away in them; their souls became diluted with a mortal admixture and human nature gained ascendency. They became unseemly and lost those spiritual virtues which were the fairest of their precious gifts.
It is the story of how man departed from the perfect pattern of his conduct, and in the end denied the very truths which were the foundations of his strength. With the loss of his spiritual perception, material ambitions increased, and the desire for conquest was born. Men yearned after that which they had not earned, and gazed with covetous eyes upon the goods of others.
The rulers of the State were corrupted by the common evil; the ten kings were no longer friends; they no longer conferred together in the temple of Poseidon to decide all matters under the common oath. Thus was the great league dissolved by selfishness and ambition. It was then that war came into being, and with it tyranny and oppression, and despotism and the exploitation of peoples.
At last the kings of Atlantis decided to use their common power to enslave all the peoples of the earth. They gathered a vast army and attacked Europe from the sea, even going so far as to besiege the Athenian States. And so they broke the law of the gods; for the twelve deities had so divided the earth that to each race and nation was given its proper part.
Zeus, father of the gods, who carries in his hand the thunderbolts of divine retribution, perceived the evil of the time, and resolved to punish the arrogance of the Atlanteans. But even Olympus is a commonwealth, and the other eleven gods were summoned to the council hall of the immortals.
"When all the gods had assembled in conference, Zeus arose among them and addressed them thus - " ... it is with this line that Plato's story of Atlantis ends; and the words of Zeus remain unknown.
But the results of the conference are not left in doubt. Zeus hurled his thunderbolts against the empire of the sea, shaking it with earthquakes and then destroying it by horrible combustion. The only records that remained were in vague traditions and two columns set up under the temple at Sais. The destruction of Atlantis can be interpreted politically as the breaking up of the ideal pattern of government.
So complete was this destruction, that men forgot there is a better way of life, and since have accepted the evils of war and crime and poverty as inevitable. The world lost too all sense of its own unity; each man's hand was thereafter raised against his neighbor. The perfect state disappeared under a deluge of politics; the priests of Poseidon gave way to the priesthood of Mammon.
Plato's political vision was for the restoration of the Empire of the Golden Age. The old ways of the gods must be restored, he was convinced, if human beings are to be preserved from the corruptions which they have brought upon themselves. Plato sought this end when he established his university at Athens - the first school of formal education in history. Here men were taught the great truths of religion, philosophy, science, and politics, to restore to them the vision of the perfect State.
The old Atlantis was gone, dissolved in a sea of human doubts. But the philosophic empire would come again, as a democracy of wise men.
Two thousand years later Lord Bacon re-stated this vision in his New Atlantis.
Source : The Secret Destiny of America by Manly Palmer Hall (
maandag 17 januari 2022
Wisdom of today.
Act thou for them to "day," and they will act for thee "to morrow."
'Tis from the bud of Renunciation of the Self, that springeth the sweet fruit of final Liberation.
To perish doomed is he, who out of fear of Mâra refrains from helping man, lest he should act for Self. The pilgrim who would cool his weary limbs in running waters, yet dares not plunge for terror of the stream, risks to succumb from heat. Inaction based on selfish fear can bear but evil fruit.
The Selfish devotee lives to no purpose. The man who does not go through his appointed work in life — has lived in vain.
Follow the wheel of life; follow the wheel of duty to race and kin, to friend and foe, and close thy mind to pleasures as to pain. Exhaust the law of Karmic retribution. Gain Siddhis for thy future birth.
If Sun thou can'st not be, then be the humble planet. Aye, if thou art debarred from flaming like the noon-day Sun upon the snow-capped mount of purity eternal, then choose, O Neophyte, a humbler course.
Point out the "Way" — however dimly, and lost among the host — as does the evening star to those who tread their path in darkness.
zondag 16 januari 2022
Vibrations_Of_The_Holy_Name {{ Jahnavi_Harrison }}.
Dr Ramani : What happens to the scapegoat in adulthood?
David Wilcock & Drake 2012-03-28 1-3 Mass Arrests
Urgent meditation for peace between Russia and NATO every 4 hours.
On January 12th, Russia and US-led NATO held a council meeting in Brussels. Russia would like to have security guarantees that both Ukraine and Georgia would never become members of NATO.
This is to prevent the US from setting up missiles in these countries, which can strike Moscow in 5 minutes and strike Russia's strategic nuclear missiles silos in 7 minutes.
However, no agreement was made in the meeting.
Now the situation is far more dangerous than is realized, and far more dangerous than the Cold War.
Unfortunately, many people in the US government believe that Russia wants to invade Ukraine. Any alternative views that promote good relations with Russia would be seen as a betrayal of the US.
They fail to comprehend Russia's concerns and continue to push for conflicts with Russia.
Without security guarantees and a pressing threat, Russia could respond with military and technical means.
There is a possibility that Russia would deploy anti-satellite weapons which can disrupt communication and GPS services.
They may also attack over-the-horizon radar sites in the US, which would leave the country vulnerable to missiles attacks.
This could then lead to serious conflict between Russia and the US-led NATO.
Nonetheless, the de-escalation of the situation is still possible if every party involved in the situation works together to implement a peaceful solution, including the agreed Minsk agreements.
Therefore, we suggest everyone who feels to guided to do the Meditation for Peace between Russia and NATO as often as possible, or every 4 hours at the following times:
- 12:30 AM UTC
- 4:30 AM UTC
- 8:30 AM UTC
- 12:30 PM UTC
- 4:30 PM UTC
- 8:30 PM UTC
This table shows the interval times of the meditation for selected time zones:
You can also do this meditation in your own time as frequently as you feel guided.
Here is the facebook event link for this meditation:
And here is the guided audio Youtube playlist short link:
Instructions of this meditation: (Suggested time for this meditation is 15 minutes)
Goddess wants peace and peace it will be.
Situation Update and a New Cobra Interview.
Since our Divine Intervention Activation, the war to liberate this planet on the non-physical planes has really escalated. While the dark forces are attacking whenever they can, the Light forces are clearing dark networks and have already managed to clear the majority of primary anomaly on the astral plane.
The main focus now is the clearing of the primary anomaly on the lower mental plane and the so-called Invisibles. Invisibles are Archontic entities which inhabit the lower mental plane around the surface of the planet and are the ones creating and manifesting the false ideas matrix. They are the beings responsible for ideas such as karma, prime directive, purposeful suffering, omnipotent God, purposeful duality, flat Earth, second law of thermodynamics as the ultimate truth, speed of light as the maximum speed, monogamy as the only choice, global warming, woke ideology, critical race theory, etc.
Invisibles are entities that are almost transparent, creamy opaque blobs, and are almost undetectable even for advanced clairvoyants on the mental plane. Since the Archon invasion in 1996, they have managed to invade the auric field of the mental body of almost every incarnated being on the surface of this planet.
The Light forces are estimating there are about 500 humans currently incarnated on the planet with their mental body fully intact, without Invisibles infestation. Everybody else is at least partially mentally possessed, ranging from small areas of the mind where the person acts irrationally, to the full possession where the person has almost completely lost free will and ability for common sense and rational thinking. The key here is to acknowledge the possession, which will be extremely hard to do for most people, expel the entities with decrees, purify the mental body with the violet flame, and reclaim lost mental abilities and exercise common sense.
Clearing of Invisibles network will continue with full speed for another month or so, and peak stupidity on the global scale is expected in about two weeks:
The Light forces will then begin to massively clear the energy imprint of the suppressed trauma complex of the surface humanity, and many situations that could not be healed before, will suddenly heal easily.
More and more members of the dark forces are beginning to realize that their defeat is near, and Chimera-controlled DARPA had no other choice than to throw Fauci under the bus:
Many independent sources are claiming that Omicron variant was developed by the positive factions to end this pandemic once and for all:
With the pandemic ending, the dark forces are left with their usual strategy of trying to manifest World War 3. Now they are trying to do this by engineering a conflict between Russia and NATO:
Russian top brass has already meet a few times this year with their Pleiadian advisers deep within the underground complex of Yamantau, built in the early 1990s and expanded in 1996, which is one of the two main Pleiadian contact sites for the Russian military:
Russian military has started developing trust issues against the Pleiadians towards the end of last year, when they begin to realize that Pleiadians are there not only to protect Russia against foreign invasion, but to actually and literally liberate the planet. This prompted Putin to search for stronger alliance with China, which is his first big geopolitical strategic mistake:
Diana Cooper : Exercise to hold 5th dimensional light.
Manly P. Hall - Magic - White, Gray and Black
WAKE UP! You're Literally Under A Spell | Max Igan.
zaterdag 15 januari 2022
There is a Cure for Diabetes by Gabriel Cousens, M.D.
According to the WHO, by 2025, the largest increase in diabetes prevalence will take place in developing countries, where the number of people with diabetes will increase by 150 percent.
Diabetes is a symptom of a culture of death-lifestyle and disappears when one lives a culture of life's lifestyle.
vrijdag 14 januari 2022
Barbara Marciniak - Bringers of the dawn.
Modern technology is one of the biggest weapons of frequency control. You have been sold devices for entertainment and convenience, and they are all involved with frequency control. We recommend strongly that you get rid of your television sets. They are the primary tool used to manipulate your consciousness on a day-to-day basis.
This experiment is so finely tuned that you respond subliminally to disease via the television. So there is an entire generation that is killing itself by watching television - and supporting the medical society while they are doing it.
Sometimes liberating information is broadcast - perhaps even a New Age show. However, you may watch such a television show about how uplifted and unlimited you can be, while subliminally you are being hit with a frequency that keeps you from original thinking. This subliminal keeps you immobilized and holds you in a "survive, arrive, be-on-time, be-silent, go-to-work" society.
Television also promotes inactivity and a sedentary, obese life. Look around you.
Wake up, humans!
Most of the subliminals on television are done through technology that was developed in conjunction with off-planetary beings. The use of subliminals to upset human consciousness has become a worldwide program.
If you think about the houses that have two, three, and four televisions in them, you must agree that this has been a very successful marketing program. Some people who know about the subliminals on television feel that they are immune to them. However, the effects of television are so permeating that no matter how clear you say you are going to be, you cannot counterbalance what the technology is presently doing to your vibrational frequency.
We have said that there are entities who feed off your emotional bodies. Think about what a clever tool television is for them. All over the world, billions of humans are emitting emotional juices into the atmosphere based upon what they are watching on the tube.
They don't have to have too many wars anymore to get you all riled up - they can simply make movies!
People who need to watch television are not tapping into the wealth of information within their minds and immediately accessible all around them. As a matter of fact, if you really want to evolve, do not read your newspapers, do not listen to the radio, and do not watch television.
If you are able to be media free for periods of time, and you disengage yourself from the frequency of chaos and anxiety and stress and hustle - bustle and temptations of all kinds that you don't need, you begin to get clear. You begin to listen to what is going on inside of yourself and to live in the world and not necessarily be lost in it. You become clear. We cannot emphasize this enough!
Electronics also jam your frequency. Even when they are not specifically designed to jam your frequency, sometimes there is incompatibility between the electronic frequency of something and yourself. Plus, as we said, many of them are designed to create static so that you will always stay at a certain vibratory rate, turning you into safe, harmless, inactive, productive cattle.
What about computers?
The second most predominant piece of hardware in the United States is the computer. How many of you go to work on computers and end up getting headaches, particularly when you work for large corporations and are hooked up to their mainframe? Large companies are into aspects of mind control; they use your minds to generate energy to achieve something for themselves. Personal computers are not as potent and powerful.
Some new inventions are going to surface in the nineties very underground inventions, because they will never be given patents to be promoted in the marketplace. There will be a whole underground economy based upon barter, in which certain inventions will be traded between people. There will be technologies that can counteract much of the frequency control: these technologies can change the quality of your air and water, and they can eliminate and seal off your home so that you are an integral of energy and nothing can bombard you.
There are technologies that do phenomenal things. Do you understand how technology has been used against you? It has not been used for you. Television is not necessarily bad in itself, but it has been put to ill purpose. There is nothing wrong with technology.
It is how technology is being used that is the bottom line. That is the difference.
The education system is another area where you are controlled. Most of what you are taught is malarkey. You work hard, take loans out, and pay money to learn something that is antiquated before you even set foot in the door, particularly in the realms of scientific, mathematical, psychological, and medical exploration.
What do you do when you live in a society that rewards you for degrees? You begin by saying, "I believe that I formulate my world. I believe that I do not need these credentials to define my existence. I can be unique unto myself, sovereign unto myself." Come up with a method or way to explore the world without degrees.
Education is actually the pursuit of knowledge, and knowledge can come from a walk in the desert. It does not have to come from flipping pages in a book. It is not harmful to explore a little bit of schooling, but don't buy into the idea that what you are being taught is correct.
You are controlled and separated by issues that strike at the core of your emotions. The abortion/pro-life issue is not a global issue, it is a national issue. Sometimes it does look as if innocent victims are trampled or stampeded by events that seemingly have nothing to do with them. Of course, that is what you have been taught - that you are powerless and can only be saved by the mood of the gods, which has never been the case. Those who find their lives taken by accident or violence select it.
The pro-life/abortion issue has been purposely orchestrated in the United States by different factions within the government to create a lack of harmony. Divide and conquer, and you own the people. Allow the people choice, freedom, and the ability to continuously improve their lives, and you cannot own them. Whenever people oppose people, those in control benefit, even down to the issue over abortion.
How do they benefit? They keep women from uniting with each other and men from uniting with each other here in the United States. They keep people in fear. They convince you, by continuously putting these issues before you, that a woman has no control over the birthing process in her body.
You don't need abortion: you never need to get pregnant in the first place if you don't desire it. How? By will.
A woman can say to herself,
"I am not prepared at this time for a child."
Or, alternately,
"I am in receptivity of a child."
When you own yourself, you will not need permission from the government about what you can do with your own body.
Violence on the streets of major cities is another subtle means of control. The big cities in the United States - Los Angeles, New York City, Washington, D.C., and so on - are energy buckets, or holes, where energy comes into the North American continent - or has up until now.
There has been an increase in violence in these cities because it is known that if unrest can be kept brewing and reported, it can be a likely vehicle for manipulating the entire nation. These things are purposely set into motion on the physical level and assisted on the etheric level because the more fear that is generated the more those in charge can feed on it.
When a woman goes out with her family and is assaulted, and her young son, a seemingly innocent victim, fights the assailants and goes down by knife and dies totally unexpectedly on his vacation, the fear that is promoted throughout multitudes of people feeds many. The fear that the war in the Middle East brought about was phenomenal.
You have been raped of your life force. If there is anything that you as members of the human species have in common it is that you have been raped for your emotions. Others have played your emotions as though they were instruments, and they have never let you know the power you have with your emotions.
Always this whole story comes back to emotions. Emotions are like tickets that can get you places and plug you in. You are incredibly rich. If you would only realize how wealthy you are with your emotions. The lower vibratory beings, if we may be so bold as to call them that, exist off emotions in a very small range of frequency - emotions that are based on fear, chaos, and violence.
The ability to use the human will over the human mind is your ultimate resource. This ability to master the body according to your will is exactly what the people in charge of the planet do not want you to figure out.
As more of you become sovereign and in charge of your own frequency, those who do not want the new frequency here will bring an opposite frequency to create chaos, confusion, and polarity. Always, whenever a society is on the verge of a huge leap or change, there are diametrically opposed activities.
Always look at an issue from the perspective of the bigger picture so that you have neutrality with it, for the picture gets bigger and bigger all the time. The planet is headed for a major confrontation with certain entities. We are simply pointing this out; we are not here to promote fear. Fear is what the other team wants you to feel. We want you to understand that you can change anything you want to change. This is going to be a game of numbers in the future, because you will work together to bring yourselves to a place of empowerment.
We are asking humans to come into full function as members of the Family of Light by imaging and energizing the pillar of light and pulling it inside the body. Command it. Make it your intention every day to operate with a cordon of light, for light frequency connects you and fills you with protection and information.
Feel it move into the base of your spine, down your body, and into the Earth, as well as coming out of your solar - plexus area like a fountain and forming a golden shield of light around you. As you use the solar-plexus area to determine what is going on, you will learn discernment through feeling.
Earth's owners have not wanted humans to understand that their feelings and emotions are like a crop, such as wheat, that can be harvested. If you are in charge of your own harvest, then others cannot take advantage of you and use you unless you decree it. When you operate with a certain frequency and sovereignty, those who wish to control you are not interested in you.
They want a fearful, chaotic frequency, which is what nourishes them. Fear and chaos have predominated on this planet because these entities have stirred them up. They have divided and conquered everywhere to create that frequency.
When you operate in peace and love and with information, you alter the structure of this place drastically: you bring choice of frequency back to this planet.