shamanic artist - pleiadian gabrielian - michaelian - having faith in G-d above all else - sovereign - ethical - refuse RFID chipping / Uniting 144000, peaceful bodhisattva-buddha (nirmanakaya) mahatma- defender of freedom - following my highest calling (Shamballah), ASHTAR “We all shape the world together, be wise and virtuous in your life loyal immortal legions visionary mystic Gabriel Sadhu tintegral & bhakti, raja, siddha, maha yogi 6th dimension Christos / Archangels
Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
vrijdag 30 april 2021
The Radha Krishna Temple - Govinda (full album)
Autobiografie van een yogi - De autobiografie van een van de grootste wijzen die India heeft voortgebracht. (Dutch / Nederlandstalig)
Paramahansa Yogananda werd op 5 januari 1893 geboren als Mukunda Lal Ghosh. Hij geldt als een van de grootste wijzen die India heeft voortgebracht. In deze autobiografie vertelt hij over zijn jeugd en de lange, moeizame weg die hij heeft afgelegd naar hoger bewustzijn waarmee hij de naam 'Yogananda' verkreeg ('zaligheid door goddelijke vereniging'). Hij beschrijft zijn ontmoeting met bekende wijzen als Ghandi, Tagore en Bose als boeiende en levensverdiepende gebeurtenissen. Daarnaast geeft hij duidelijk uitleg over de subtiele, maar scherp omlijnde wetten waardoor yogi's zelfbeheersing bereiken en wonderen kunnen volbrengen. Zijn universele leer, niet gebonden aan kerk of religie, richtte zich op mensen te helpen om een rechtstreekse, persoonlijke ervaring van God te verkrijgen. Hiervoor is het nodig jezelf te bevrijden van drievoudig lijden: lichamelijke ziekten, verstandelijke onevenwichtigheid en geestelijke onwetendheid. Hij wijst op de goddelijke hoofdweg, waarheen alle paden van godsdienstige overtuigingen leiden. Deze autobiografie heeft wereldwijd mensen geïnspireerd en is voor velen een eerste stap geweest in hun interesse voor yoga, mystiek en de Indiase ideeënwereld. Zijn leer is niet verbonden aan kerk of religie en is daarmee universeel. Paramahansa Yogananda overleed op 7 maart 1952 in Los Angeles door bewust uit zijn lichaam te treden (mahasamadhi).
Source :
donderdag 29 april 2021
De massale vrijheidsdemonstraties die de mainstream u niet laten zien. (Dutch / Nederlandstalig)
De mainstream media hebben nauwelijks bericht over het enorme Unite for Freedom protest in Londen dit weekend. En wat ze wel meldden was grotendeels volledig onwaar.
Lees volledig artikel hier :
woensdag 28 april 2021
Prabhupada Japa Chanting (Mahamantra Hare Krishna)
Prayers for doctors who try to find a cure for Alzheimers disease. Don't give up on your research. Blessings, K. Gabriel
dinsdag 27 april 2021
maandag 26 april 2021
Sutra of the Sublime Golden Light
By reciting these prayers in verses
What A Shaman Sees In A Mental Hospital / The Shamanic view of mental illness.
The Shamanic View of Mental Illness
In the shamanic view, mental illness signals “the birth of a healer,” explains Malidoma Patrice Somé. Thus, mental disorders are spiritual emergencies, spiritual crises, and need to be regarded as such to aid the healer in being born.
What those in the West view as mental illness, the Dagara people regard as “good news from the other world.” The person going through the crisis has been chosen as a medium for a message to the community that needs to be communicated from the spirit realm. “Mental disorder, behavioral disorder of all kinds, signal the fact that two obviously incompatible energies have merged into the same field,” says Dr. Somé. These disturbances result when the person does not get assistance in dealing with the presence of the energy from the spirit realm.
Source :
zondag 25 april 2021
Wijsheid van de dag (Dutch / Nederlandstalig)
Laat uw ziel het oor lenen aan elke kreet van smart, zoals de lotus zijn hart opent om het morgenlicht in te drinken.
Laat niet de felle zon één traan van smart drogen vóór u die zelf van het gezicht van iemand die lijdt heeft afgewist.
Maar laat elke brandende menselijke traan uw hart raken en daar blijven bestaan en wis hem nooit af voordat het leed dat hem deed vloeien is weggenomen.
Deze tranen, u met een groot meedogend hart, zijn de stromen die de velden van onsterfelijke barmhartigheid bevloeien. Op die grond ontluikt de middernachtelijke bloem van Boeddha33, die moeilijker is te vinden en minder vaak voorkomt dan de bloem van de vogayboom. Zij [barmhartigheid] is de kiem van vrijheid van wedergeboorte. Ze houdt de arhat af van strijd en begeerte, ze leidt hem door de velden van Zijn naar een vrede en gelukzaligheid die alleen in het land van Stilte en Niet-Zijn te vinden zijn.
Bron: De Stem van de Stilte, Helena Blavatsky :
Gabriel Rios - Swing Low (live @Bimhuis Amsterdam)
“Neurenberg 2” – Rechtskundige Fuellmich bereidt de grootste collectieve rechtszaak in de geschiedenis voor. (Dutch / Nederlandstalig)
Indrukwekkend is de volgende korte video (zie artikel), waarin Franse politieagenten laten zien dat zij niet zullen doorgaan met het uitvoeren van de bevelen van een misdadig beleid tegen de bevolking.
zaterdag 24 april 2021
vrijdag 23 april 2021
Mahamrityunjaya Mantra - Sacred Sound Choir - Ancient Chant For Healing & Peace
donderdag 22 april 2021
Royal Raymond Rife Suppressed Medical Technology Info (Thrive Movement)
Mental Liberation in the Age of Thought Control: Deprogramming Satanic Ritual Abuse, MK Ultra, Monarch & Illuminati Mind Control Paperback – by Kerth Barker (Author)
The Mechanical Universe Imagine a world where a majority of the people on the planet have been hypnotized. Imagine that virtually all the important world leaders have been hypnotized. In their hypnotized state they still do have a degree of functionality. They are not totally out of touch with reality, but their perception of the world is slightly amiss. They can still walk and talk. They still enjoy human relationships. They breathe, eat and drink. But their distorted perception causes them to act in ways that are destructive. Their distorted perception causes them to feel less joy in life. They are harming themselves, other people and the environment because of their distorted perception. And the basis of this distorted perception is that on a subconscious level of mind they have been programmed to believe themselves to be in a mechanical universe. Subconsciously they believe that they are surrounded by a giant machine. Subconsciously they believe that they are a machine within a machine. And these subconscious distortions are always there. On a conscious level of mind they are not aware of how they have been hypnotized. They have no conscious awareness of the fact that they are in a persistent hypnotic state. This is the nature of subconscious programming – the hypnotized person is simply not aware of the programming. This book is about deprogramming this mechanical universe. This book is unique, you won't find any other book on deprogramming that is quite like this one. I describe a system of mind control that was developed by other persons. These persons were former MK Ultra researchers who had become disillusioned with the CIA and the MK Ultra research program. So they began to covertly help those persons who were the victims of Satanic Ritual Abuse and MK Ultra. I'm the only person who is willing to publicly describe their system of therapy. I don't give advice on how to perform therapy, I only share information. In some cases the information comes from therapists who have treated MK Ultra and Monarch mind control. In this book I tell stories and share unique insights. I'm am a survivor of Satanic Ritual Abuse and some MK Ultra techniques. I want to give hope to other survivors who are trying to recover. And I want to give some new viewpoints for therapy to those who are trying to help recovering survivors. This book was written as a sequel of sorts to my two previous books: Angelic Defenders and Demonic Abusers - Memoirs of a Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor, and Cannibalism, Blood Drinking & High Adept Satanism.
Source : &
woensdag 21 april 2021
Integrity, the Endangered Virtue by Manly P. Hall
Mahavatar Babaji Mantra
To inspire the nations to forsake suicidal wars, race hatreds, religious sectarianism, and the boomerang-evils of materialism. Babaji is well aware of the trend of modern times, especially of the influence and complexities of Western civilization, and realizes the necessity of spreading the self-liberations of yoga equally in the West and in the East.
dinsdag 20 april 2021
The Pushback | Oracle Films | The Day the World Stood Together #DareToThink
maandag 19 april 2021
zondag 18 april 2021
zaterdag 17 april 2021
vrijdag 16 april 2021
Manly P. Hall - A Second Look at the Law of Karma
donderdag 15 april 2021
woensdag 14 april 2021
Manly P. Hall - To Restore the Diginity of Marriage
maandag 12 april 2021
Wisdom of today
Universal Logos
Lord Melchizedek is the Universal Logos. The Universal Logos oversees the orderly ascension process of every single being in the Universe. Your spirit guides and guardian angels make frequent reports about you to Lord Melchizedek’s office. Lord Melchizedek does not work alone, but has countless Celestial Assistants that help Him in this monumental task. Thanks to the constant reports made by your spirit guides and guardian angels, Lord Melchizedek’s office always knows exactly how well you are doing in your personal ascension process—and based on that—They know what experiences and lessons They should send your way to best help you along the cosmic ascension process. Lord Melchizedek’s office decides what jobs you get; what people you meet; what coincidences occur in your life; as well as what challenges and rewards come your way. The entire processes of Lord Melchizedek’s office are far beyond your comprehension. Have no fear. Lord Melchizedek and His Celestial Assistants have been doing this since the beginning of Time and have never once made even the slightest mistake!
Flower of Life (432 Hz) & Soulmate Frequency
zondag 11 april 2021
zaterdag 10 april 2021
Eminent doc: Media censored COVID-19 early treatment options that could have reduced fatalities by 85%.
Dr. Peter McCullough also explained that given an 80% level of herd immunity, broad vaccination has ‘no scientific, clinical or safety rationale.’
vrijdag 9 april 2021
donderdag 8 april 2021
woensdag 7 april 2021
dinsdag 6 april 2021
maandag 5 april 2021
Integrity, the Endangered Virtue by Manly P. Hall
zondag 4 april 2021
The Galactic Federation of Light : Medical Breakthroughs.
Med. 19 - I AM the Resurrection and the Life - by Gabriel Gonsalves
Bodhisattva - a poem by Kristo Gabriel
I took the vow
When I was twenty-three
Envisioning a better world
Protector of humanity
Now I am older
Wiser and Free
As if time stood still
Encouraging not to kill
Still fighting for everyone's liberty
Keeping the faith
In democracy
Michael Jackson - Give Thanks To Allah + Lyric
zaterdag 3 april 2021
Wisdom of today
There is no Jewish conspiracy
There is a satanic conspiracy
Keep the faith in G'd.
(G'd is stronger)
K. Gabriel
vrijdag 2 april 2021
Recordings update by Kristo Gabriel
Awakenings demo by Kristo Gabriel - Source Charles John Jarvis website
(At the end of the song you can hear Charles shedding a tear because He was touched by the song, He also did some lead guitar
The demo was recorded with a notebook computer in poor quality
With the TASCAM I have a much better result
But it's just a demo, so nevermind)
Lyrics :
I was dreaming of a better day
Instead of everywhere surveillance
And we couldn't get away
But our friendships kept us strong
With the Lord by our side
Humiliated but with our heads held high
We are not about to give it up
Visualising a beautiful coming
And no longer the need to hide
As we get closer to the goal
Hanging on to eachother
And never giving up, oh no
Give your faith to the future
As she's walking bright to us
Give your hope to the future
As she's softly embracing us
Dreamin' of a better day
No need to give up now
'cause we gotta hold on tight
For all those suffering, trust that there is a divine plan of things
And don't give up hope in the future
Kristo Gabriel
(Special thanks to Charles John Jarvis :
Visit Charles John Jarvis' website if you wish )
Special thanks to the Bax Music Store in Antwerp for the wonderful service
donderdag 1 april 2021
Transcendence Toolbox (by Kim Michaels and the Ascended Masters) : WINV13: Invocation for World Peace.
Kim Michaels and the Ascended Masters : Invocation for Worldpeace.
(click link to go the website)
Currently in Antwerp, Belgium : Madeleine Bialke. (Recommended)
Madeleine Bialke (b. 1991 United States) creates highly personal landscape paintings which stem from a desire to simplify nature. This desire originated as a result of environmental connotations (extinction, domestication global ecological devastation) but was also born out of hope.The hope that simplification of a complex subject matter such as the natural world might encourage empathy and could become a gateway to further understanding. Her post-apocalyptic depictions of forests and landscapes are enveloped in romantic ideas of their sublimity. Growing up in Upstate New York, close to the Adirondack Mountains, Bialke became fascinated with the power of nature and humanity’s smallness. A recurring element in her work is the solace which nature can bring, and its ability to encourage sincerity in oneself. Only alone in the presence of nature is one able to cast off any societal shackles and the need to perform for others.
Source : New Child Gallery, Antwerp
03-30-21 Keep Doing the Right Thing - BBCorner
Unia : Het recht op inclusie van personen met een handicap is nu opgenomen in de Grondwet. (Dutch/ Nederlandstalig)
David Christopher Feat. Martin Sola - Shout (Magdalena Remix) [BluFin]
Wisdom of today by David Icke.
“The church must be reminded that it is not the master or the servant of the state, but rather the conscience of the state. It must be the guide and the critic of the state, and never its tool. If the church does not recapture its prophetic zeal, it will become an irrelevant social club without moral or spiritual authority.”—Martin Luther King Jr. (A Knock at Midnight, June 11, 1967)
Gabriel Gonsalves : How To Stay True to Your Heart.
“You know you’ve made the right decision when there is peace in your heart.”
- Sabina Tabakovic
Full article here :