shamanic artist - pleiadian gabrielian - michaelian - having faith in G-d above all else - sovereign - ethical - refuse RFID chipping / Uniting 144000, peaceful bodhisattva-buddha (nirmanakaya) mahatma- defender of freedom - following my highest calling (Shamballah), ASHTAR “We all shape the world together, be wise and virtuous in your life loyal immortal legions visionary mystic Gabriel Sadhu tintegral & bhakti, raja, siddha, maha yogi 6th dimension Christos / Archangels
Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
zaterdag 31 oktober 2020
vrijdag 30 oktober 2020
PLEIADIAN PROPHECY The Great Changeover 2013 2027
Sri Aurobindo : De toekomst van de mens: het goddelijk leven op aarde (Dutch / Nederlandstalig)
Wij voelen ons meegesleurd in een stroom van versnelde evolutie. Alle structuren van de moderne wereld veranderen snel. De vooruitgang in natuurwetenschap en technologie schept meer problemen dan kunnen worden opgelost. De menselijke geest is niet in staat gelijke tred te houden met de beweging, die hijzelf op gang heeft gebracht.
Wat betekent deze crisis? Zullen alle oude waarden worden afgebroken en zal de moderne wereld in een rampzalige vernietiging eindigen? Of zal een beschaving van vrees en wanhoop, van zielloze onderworpenheid het menselijk ras veranderen in een gigantische mierenhoop?Nee. De aspiraties van de mens wijzen in de richting van andere mogelijkheden. Hij streeft naar een onbetwistbaar meesterschap over zichzelf, naar een nog niet bereikte volmaaktheid. Hij droomt van vrede, schoonheid en liefde. Vinden we hierin geen verborgen aanwijzingen dat de Natuur inderdaad in barensnood verkeert, dat er iets nieuws aan het groeien is, dat een zin zal geven aan het menselijk leven op aarde? Kortom, kondigt de huidige crisis een einde aan of een begin?
Dit boek is een bloemlezing uit de geschriften van Sri Aurobindo over dit onderwerp - de zin van het leven op aarde en van de huidige evolutionaire crisis - waaraan hij de laatste 40 jaren van zijn leven in Pondicherry, Zuid-India, heeft gewijd.
Sri Aurobindo's werk geeft aan de menselijke geest een nieuwe impuls. Het geeft ons een hoopvolle visie op onze toekomst en een sleutel om haar te verwezenlijken.
Manly P. Hall - The Seven Laws Governing Human Life
donderdag 29 oktober 2020
woensdag 28 oktober 2020
Manly P. Hall - Spinal Column & the Kundalini
dinsdag 27 oktober 2020
Wisdom of today
"The world needs renegades, and it needs them now."
David Icke
Gabriel Rios - Swing Low (live @Bimhuis Amsterdam)
Manly P. Hall - How Hierarchy Communicates with Humans
David Icke : ‘Generation Covid’ hit hard by the fake pandemic – the young see their present and future devastated by (systematic) lockdown madness.
Young people, particularly those from deprived backgrounds, have had their earnings and job prospects hit hardest by the coronavirus pandemic, adding to fears for the long-term impact on their futures.
BBC Panorama found people aged 16-25 were more than twice as likely as older workers to have lost their job, while six in 10 saw their earnings fall, according to new research.
It also highlighted the impact of school closures on young people and added to growing evidence that students from poorer backgrounds have fallen behind their more privileged peers.
A quarter of pupils – some 2.5 million children – had no schooling or tutoring during lockdown, the survey by the London School of Economics (LSE) suggests. But, the study adds, nearly three quarters of private school pupils had full days of teaching (74%) – almost twice the proportion of state school pupils (38%).
- Lockdown had ‘major impact’ on mental health
- ‘This pandemic has left me with nothing job wise’
- Young people ‘most likely to lose job’ in lockdown
The study’s authors warn it could lead to poorer pupils suffering “permanent ‘educational scarring'” when it comes to key academic milestones such as exams and securing a university place.
Read more :
Assange showing symptoms of ‘psychological torture’: UN
Wisdom of today
"They work hard and get paid the least...They are like #heros. Every day we ask our healthcare system to do the impossible.They pull off miracles daily to balance patient loads and supplies.Thank you to the hospital administrators and thank you especially & profusely to the frontline healthcare workers."
Magdalena M. Gabriel
maandag 26 oktober 2020
The importance of taking extra Vitamine D supplements.
Chapter 14 "Protection called Refuge of the Yakshas"
zondag 25 oktober 2020
Cocaine And Karma // Manly P. Hall [Full Lecture / Clean Audio]
Genetic Engineering, Bioweapons, Junk Food and Chronic Disease: Hidden Drivers of COVID-19
zaterdag 24 oktober 2020
vrijdag 23 oktober 2020
James Gilliland: End Time Madness, How to Cope in the Days to Come
We are going through some extremely trying times. We have the polarization of the elections. The socially engineered and oppressed carrying the banner of their oppressors. There is drama everywhere with emotional outbursts, completely illogical thinking with no rational way out. The irrational and illogical are becoming more so as the truth surfaces concerning those with whom they gave their trust and admiration. This is creating a major division in relationships, families, the workplace as well. There are going to be stages in this process. First is denial, we are moving out of that phase with only hard-core deniers left. The evidence is overwhelming. The second is grief or sadness, the collective is feeling that now, many people don’t want to be here or engage society anymore. The next phase will be anger for the deception and betrayal of trust on one side and anger for being dismissed and not listened to on the other. The dark hearts seen and unseen feed off all three phases. It fits into their plan of total enslavement, the pain suffering and eventual demise of the masses. Their motto is keep them sick, stupid and poor. The dark hearts will try to misdirect a lot of this anger with lies, deceptions and finger pointing blaming others of what they themselves have done or are doing. If you have not realized this by now God help you. The cognitive dissonance and TDS have totally taken over.
This is hard to follow if you are socially engineered and drank their CNN and lame stream press cool aid. This newsletter is not for them, it is for people who are starting to question, feel something is wrong with their beliefs and the narrative pressed upon them through the corporate sponsored press and social media. The CEOs of social media are now playing out of the N.W.O playbook. It is like a chapter out of Brave New World or Fahrenheit 451. Read these novels about censorship and control along with how Socialism worked in past history.
The real Russian and Chinese collusion are with the very people who made the accusations. The very people that started and carried out the investigations. How many were involved with Uranium 1 where a large portion of our Uranium was sold to Russia? The democrats and some republicans are knee deep in bribes and payoffs. They are referred to as the deep state. This is all surfacing along with other despicable behavior. This behavior is due to character flaws, a broken moral compass and the lust for power and wealth at any expense. It is, mainly at the expense of the people. We are talking about politicians who entered office with very little, left office with millions some billions. We are also talking about those who got caught up in the honey pots, blackmail, and Epstein Island like events. They are fighting for their lives because their careers and lives are over once this is all revealed. The great revealing is upon us. One group wants to drain the swamp, bring everything out in the open, another wants to cover it all up and continue business as usual. We will let you decide which group is which, their actions clearly state their allegiance and it is not to the people. Quid pro quo, and crooked usually appear before their names.
Another topic we need to discuss is suicide. Many are checking out due to their past and see no way out, others because they see the corruption and decadence and also see no way out. There are others who were the recipients of his abuse. There is always a way out. Come clean, make things right, direct your energy and resources to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth. For those who are overly sensitive learn self-authority, clear your space learn to set boundaries the first of which is to say, “Not Mine.” Get out in nature and meditate on a regular basis. Did you know you can’t commit suicide without negative entities stacked in your fields? I have seen as little as five and many as thousands attached to people wanting to commit suicide. These clearing and healing techniques should be used in every hospital mental or otherwise. Also in everyday life, clear your family, your business, say a prayer for the white hats taking on the deep state.
There are also senseless acts of violence, assault, rape, murder all of these acts are inspired by unseen negative influences which find a host. That host is in most cases seriously damaged mentally or emotionally. Some have no soul or have lost all connection to their souls. Have you watched some of the riots? Have you looked into their eyes? It is like no one is home. It takes a total absence of common sense and base survival to keep getting sprayed, clubbed, shot with rubber bullets or bean bags then keep coming back for more. This is not bravery or commitment it is getting caught up in your own emotional wounding, the collective emotions or in worst case scenarios being possessed. Where is the logic in burning down the businesses and homes of your own people? The people sponsoring and funding these events as well are deeply wounded, lost all connection to their souls, have no moral compass and seek only power and wealth at the expense of others. Some of them want the majority of you dead, it fits into their population control program. Do you think they shed a tear after the riots, the destruction of businesses and homes? Many are going to make billions off the latest plandemic. They want socialism where the power and wealth are centralized in the hands of a few. Those few are usually narcissist tyrants who arrogantly be lie ve they have the right to control every aspect of your life. They are the elite, have lost all connection to humanity including their own, and have no business interfering in the lives of others especially when their own lives are void of love, joy or bliss. They have socially engineered the masses to participate in their own enslavement and demise. In their lust for power and wealth they have turned everything over, even their own souls over to darker unseen negative influences some call demons, negative greys, reptilians, serpent beings etc. These unseen negative influences actually feed off the division, chaos, pain and suffering. Many in ignorance have been duped into doing the bidding of these unseen negative influences. Who is creating the divisions between cultures, race and religions? Again do not go by the main stream media go by the actions research who has done the most for African Americans people of all race and color. Who is destroying family values creating the gender wars, the confusion with children who need to be left alone, why do they have to make a choice at 5?
Getting back to unseen negative influences these satanic/luciferian rituals are real. They are replete throughout the families of the elite, Hollywood, and the Music industry. Some often include child abuse and sacrifice. There is also extreme drug abuse that opens the door to unseen negative influences. This is all being revealed. Many of your icons and leaders are going to fall. They are not your friends, they do not have your highest and best interest in mind, they are self-absorbed psychopaths that should not hold any position of influence or leadership. Their true character will be revealed by their actions not their words. Their double speak will fail them.
“For we are not battling against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against rulers, other darkness of this age.”
The flesh and blood are just the hosts.
Denial and ignorance will not fare well in the days to come. Neither will half-truths which are replete throughout the spiritual community. There is a shadow side to life, we all have a shadow side. Until we recognize our own shadow side we will not see it in others. Many project their own shadow side on others rather than take personal responsibility, own it, forgive yourself and others and heal it. Gain the wisdom from experience, release the emotional charge, allow it to settle in the soul as wisdom. Now you know what you don’t want. Releasing the past is the key because the past wounds, traumas and wrong conclusions from past experiences is what is forming your be lie fs and creating your future. This includes recognizing and releasing any social conditioning again interfering in seeing things clearly, the big picture. Social engineering is now epidemic, people follow blindly without any critical thinking or research. Spiritual awareness has fallen to an all time low. When you are awake you become telepathic, you sense the agendas of others, you possess what is called direct knowing. Your BS meter is fully operational. This is not Facebook spirituality this is enlightenment. Enlightenment is to be in knowledge of both sides of the coin, our own dark side within and the dark side expressing without. Inner sensitivity is key to enlightenment. Many of you know, your gut is telling you despite the endless barrage of social engineering coming from the lame stream press and social media something is not right. Why would they have to censor critical thinking, opposing research, anyone of a different opinion? How does that fit into your freedom? If unchecked they will soon control every aspect of your life, how you think, eat and live. PC correct is one of their tools to create, “Conformity”. Feigned outrage is another. Controlling the narrative is first and foremost with their agenda. You can’t do that without extreme censorship. Guess who they are censoring? Figure it out yet? Why does the deep state, the corporate sponsored press, the drug and child trafficers, the pedophiles within Hollywood and the Music industry hate Trump. That question alone sends the socially engineered spinning. All they can do is regurgitate something unfounded the lame stream media told them, Orange man bad. Although he may not be perfect there is a lot of good in that man and he loves America. Can’t say that for the other side. For the majority the lust for sense gratification, power and wealth seems first and foremost on their agenda. Tough love for tough times. We leave you with this simple universal clearing technique.
From James Gilliland’s book Reunion with Source
Healing is a must for all those who desire to operate in other realms of consciousness. You must have self-authority and maintain control. If you are experiencing negative vibrations, they are either thought forms, limiting mental concepts, psychic bonds or discarnate entities (lost souls) in need of healing. They are bound to the earth vibration due to lower vibration attitudes and emotions. Some are coercive and desire to manipulate and control. Love heals. Casting out only sends them to another place, another person. In all healing, remember that God is love. It is the power of love that heals and lifts. We will give you the following steps to clear the energy.
- Close your aura by visualizing a white or gold light around you.
- Call upon your chosen cultural representative of God, be it Jesus, Buddha, Babaji, Mary, Mohammed, White Eagle or another one of the Beautiful Many Christed Ones.
- Tell the entities they are healed and forgiven, lifted and enlightened.
- Tell them they are healed and surrounded with the Christ light and the Christ love.
- Ask your chosen representative to take them to their perfect place.
- Ask that all negative thought forms and limiting mental concepts be dissolved and lifted in the light of truth.
- Ask that all psychic bonds be severed, and close their auras to all but spirit of the highest vibration.
Repeat this process until you feel clear. There may be more than one healing to do. Remember your word is very powerful, and what is spoken on their level manifests instantly. Many enlightened ones use this process before opening. It creates a clear and safe environment, and it also lifts the one who is doing the healing. Intent is nine-tenths of the law. If you intend to serve and heal, you will draw to you entities of like mind. If you intend to coerce or manipulate, again you will draw entities of like mind. It is the law of attraction.
At times, discarnate spirits will come to your light like a moth to a flame. Do not judge yourself, simply heal them. They are the ones in trouble, not you. They are seeking your help.
(see James’s book Reunion with Source for Advanced Healing techniques)
Do this for your family, your business, your leaders in the political, business and religious institutions.
Now is the time more than ever to open the door and invite Creator/God/Great Spirit into our everyday lives and everyday events.
woensdag 21 oktober 2020
A Message From The Galactic Federation To Humanity
Greetings dear ones,
dinsdag 20 oktober 2020
Message from the Siddha Ashram (Swami Nardanand). Music and meditation
MUSIC AND MEDITATION: Music is meditation if it can touch the mind and heart. Music was once part of meditation for mahatmas, but today it became a business and a form of public entertainment. The saints and devotes sang not for entertainment, but for humble longing, to scream their pain of separating from God, to seek God's help. His song came from the heart, but the mind cried, the tears flowed from his eyes. This was his meditation. If music is an inner expression, only then can it affect the mind. The mind becomes more restless and selfish if music is an outer expression. Meditation with music is not practicing notes, rhythms, melodies, ragas, etc. When you lose yourself in the deep feelings of the heart while singing that's meditation. The foundation of musical practice are vocal chords and head, but the foundation of meditation is the heart. Music practice doesn't affect the mind and heart, but meditation squeezes the heart. The limit of practicing music is art, but the limit of meditation is God without limits, which is free of art. Musicians should be respected because they keep art alive, which is part of meditation. But not all musicians are sadhaks. For a spiritual aspirant, the study of music can be a meditation, a spiritual practice. It's a tool for your spiritual pursuit, not the goal. An artist is definitely a practitioner. Swami Shivom Tirth Churning of the Heart.
Thank you Swami Nardanand for sharing
K. Gabriel
Dr Gabriel Cousens : Shedding Light On Children’s Mental Health.
Safe Solutions for Childhood Depression
In our culture of sedation and junk food, depression among children is on the rise. The fastest-growing market for antidepressant drugs is among preschoolers. At least four percent of the nation’s preschool-age children—over one million of them—are clinically depressed. This is a sobering statistic, considering the damaging effect that antidepressant drugs have on psycho-social-spiritual development.
The good news is that both movement and living nutrition are highly effective for the prevention and the treatment of depression. It is common for children and adults to feel more uplifted and energized on live foods. On this healthy diet it is not natural to be depressed.
We have twenty times more mentally disabled adults in the U.S. now than we had in 1850. There are a variety of reasons for this, including ever-increasing social and mental stress; the use of antidepressants, antipsychotics, and anti-anxiety drugs; a diet of white sugar, white flour, and junk food; vaccinations; environmental toxicity; nutritional deficiencies; pesticide and herbicide exposure; EMF brainwave disruption; illegal drug use; allergies to dairy, gluten, soy, and other common foods; and a variety of other factors. The use of psychotropic drugs, including those for hyperactivity, have been linked to interference with normal brain function and psychosocial and sexual development.
According to depression specialists, additional causes of childhood depression include trauma such as family conflict, violence—whether in the home and neighborhood or viewed on TV—yelling, criticism, inappropriate or unclear expectations, neglect (which can occur even when neither parent is working), maternal separation, divorce, and abuse.
Happily, when children are in a consistent, highly supportive environment free from trauma, their bodies and brains can heal and develop. There are simple, healthy ways to actually repair the brain—an organic, vegan, and raw diet; exercise; and basic adequate nutritional supplements are some of these ways. Depression-Free for Life offers a ninety-percent successful approach to healing depression naturally. Time in nature and with animal companions, yoga, and other forms of spiritual practice, as well as spending time with supportive adults, are also recommended for the safe treatment of childhood depression. Activities that support the child’s self-esteem are also highly beneficial.
The Importance of Omega-3s
Adequate omega-3 contributes to a healthy brain in a variety of important ways. They are important for supporting and improving memory, cognition, sleep, and neuromuscular control, and for reversing the mortality rate of neurodegenerative diseases. Omega-3s also support the new manufacture of acetylcholine, an important neurotransmitter needed for memory. They stimulate release of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which protects against anxiety, depression, pain, and panic attacks.
Omega-3s are major components of brain tissue. They also help with brain and eye development in babies. An adequate long-chain omega-3 supply also helps prevent and treat postpartum depression. In our society, particularly among teens, it is a good thing to reduce aggression, hostility, and impulsiveness; so adequate omega-3s is even more important. This is hard to achieve with a low (ten-percent or less)-fat diet.
Omega-3s are essential for prevention and treatment of all depression, including bipolar disorder. As pointed out earlier, recent studies investigating the epidemic of military suicides in Iraq and Afghanistan found that those who committed suicide had the lowest omega-3 levels in the military population. Low DHA in particular was associated with a sixty-percent increase in suicides, making the clear point that adequate brain DHA is necessary for healthy brain and mental-health functions. Considering the current increase in depression among children, it would be very interesting to correlate their omega-3 levels with their rates of depression. We recommend being on the safe side, and supplying children of all ages with plenty of omega-3 foods in their diet.
Adequate omega-3s improve mood regulation, and ameliorate impulsivity, hostility, and aggression. They improve dysfunction in monoaminergic (monoamine neurotransmitter) systems including 5-hydroxytryptamine and serotonin. They help prevent cortisol, epinephrine, and norepinephrine elevations that occur with biological or emotional stress. They appear to reduce the risk of Parkinson’s disease, and assist in proper nerve signaling.
Omega-3 fatty acid levels that are too low contribute to many disease dysfunctions including increased heart disease, liver and kidney-function instability, and general mental disturbances, specifically those that result in suicide.
From an Ayurvedic perspective, deficient omega-3s, as well as inadequate cholesterol, create an imbalanced vata mental state with poorer cognition, memory, and functioning. This results in lower life-force, lower vitality, and generally a lower reserve of vital life-force and sexual energy. Along with this there may be depression, violence, anxiety, and even suicide. The Ayurvedic term for this is vital reserve is ojas, which means deep primordial vigor and reserve. Low ojas results in a generally weakened physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual condition. In this larger context, the overall effect of a low-fat diet has serious negative ramifications for the quality of life and life-force vibrancy for our children. In today’s world, in which our children are getting weaker and less healthy by all parameters, adequate omega-3s are very important. This is why we strongly recommend a moderately high plant-based fat diet, rather than a low-fat diet, as very important for all aspects of our children’s physical, emotional, and mental health and development.
Saturated fat and omega-3 intake from plant-based fat actually protects the cardiovascular system, brain, mental health, general health, and life-force. Higher healthy-fat intake creates a macronutrient balance with the shift to a 25–45% carbohydrate diet, with its higher fat content derived from vegetables, nuts, and seeds.
This holistic approach to diet is not just for heart disease or diabetes but for overall well-being, and for physical, neurological, brain, and mental development. It is a lifelong enhancement diet for health and longevity in general, which is good for every stage of a child’s development.
Cholesterol also seems to be very important for normal brain development and high-level physical, emotional, and mental functioning. The best vegan sources of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids include purslane and AFA (Aphanizomenon flos-aquae) algae, found in products such as “E-3 Live” and “E-3 Live Brain-On.”
Short-chain omega-3s are found in hemp seeds, chia seeds (Salba® brand is an organic source), flaxseeds, and walnuts—which even look like little brains. Other plant sources of omega-3s include okra and leafy greens. The short-chain conversion to long-chain is approximately doubled by adding a tablespoon of coconut oil to each three tablespoons of the seeds.
What about fish and fish oils, such as the cod-liver oil capsules sold “for kids”? While fish is indeed high in omega-3 fatty acids, these are risky to ingest because our polluted waters contain high levels of mercury and other heavy metals that poison the nervous system and the brain. Especially when it comes to neurodevelopmental disorders, we want to help the body rid itself of toxic metals such as mercury and lead. Concentrated amounts of these metals are found in animal flesh, particularly its fatty tissue—and even in artificial food colorings—but not in vegetarian seafood such as sea veggies and algae.
B Vitamin Complex Deficiency Syndrome
One of the major causes of violence, depression, anxiety, feelings of impending doom, hostility, mental confusion, and murder by teenagers is most likely a generalized B-complex deficiency in the standard American teenage diet. This deficiency is particularly damaging to young brains. This deficiency in a variety of B vitamins, including B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, and folic acid, interferes with normal brain development and brain function even in adults.
These same “psychological symptoms” are noted in a variety of ways in B-vitamin-deficient adults. These nutritional deficiencies are caused by the standard American diet of white flour, white sugar, junk foods, and soda pop. This is compounded by a diet low in healthy fats, which further debilitates the brain because of a lack of long-chain omega-3s and cholesterol needed for proper brain development and daily function. This deficiency has been associated with severe anxiety, depression, violence, confusion, feelings of impending doom, suicidal feelings, and homicidal feelings, and some believe it may be associated with the teenage mass-murders in Oregon and Colorado.
The key solution to this deficiency is to eat a diet high in natural B vitamins. Regular consumption of nuts, seeds, leafy greens, whole grains, and beans can go a long way toward preventing B complex-deficiency syndrome, and can support natural and normal brain development, which is dependent on B vitamins.
We also recommend giving children a natural-food B-vitamin concentrate. This is a subtle kind of support that is, in fact, not so subtle. It is important for parents to develop a diet for their children through their teen years that is naturally high in B vitamins. That will help protect our children from this deficiency syndrome that is playing such a significant but widely unrecognized role in mental and brain development and behavior, and allow us to prevent a range of emotional and mental disabilities such as schizophrenia and psychosis.
The Profound Effect of Improved Nutrition in Schools
The profound effect of improved nutrition on what is considered a normal child’s learning is illustrated well in the exciting story of Appleton, Wisconsin’s Central Alternative Charter High School. In 1997, an organization called Natural Ovens began a program to bring healthier foods into area schools, starting with Central Alternative High. At the time, discipline problems and weapons violations on campus were so substantial that a police officer had been brought in on a daily basis to supplement the staff.
When the school removed vending-machine junk-food snacks and sodas, however, in exchange for whole, non-GMO food lunches made from scratch, emphasizing fresh fruits and vegetables, it was not just lunchtime that changed for students and faculty. An unexpected, positive, peaceful social transformation for the entire school environment emerged. Discipline ceased to be a major issue, truancy rates went down, athletic performance went up, and grades improved. The school counselor reported that angry outbursts had stopped. Their school superintendent, Dr. Thomas Scullen, said, “They have learned that healthier foods are going to make them a better person. It keeps them more focused, and makes them happier.”
Principal LuAnn Coenen also spoke of her amazement at the change. As part of her responsibilities each year, she reports to the state of Wisconsin how many students at the school have been found using drugs or carrying weapons, or who have dropped out, been expelled, or committed suicide. Since the food program began, the number in each of these categories has been “zero.”
In the book Conscious Parenting, Rabbi Dr. Gabriel Cousens shares his insights from his background as a grandfather, psychiatrist, family therapist, director of the Boston Teen Center and Petaluma People Services Center and teen program, mental health director of Sonoma County’s Head Start program, family practice holistic physician, scientist, spiritual teacher in multiple cultural and family traditions including Native American sundancer, Spiritdance clan chief, yogi, and ordained rabbi. Co-Author of Conscious Parenting, Leah Lynn lends her voice as a mother, Montessori teacher, and spiritual student/practitioner at the Tree of Life Center US.
Dr. Cousens’ Holistic Wellness Lecture Series is including a conscious parenting lecture for the first time that will cover how to safely raise conscious children with a vegan, live-food cuisine.
Source :