shamanic artist - pleiadian gabrielian - michaelian - having faith in G-d above all else - sovereign - ethical - refuse RFID chipping / Uniting 144000, peaceful bodhisattva-buddha (nirmanakaya) mahatma- defender of freedom - following my highest calling (Shamballah), ASHTAR “We all shape the world together, be wise and virtuous in your life loyal immortal legions visionary mystic Gabriel Sadhu tintegral & bhakti, raja, siddha, maha yogi 6th dimension Christos / Archangels
Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
woensdag 30 september 2020
A Conscious Reminder.
The universe seems to be pushing us to be loving and flowing. That’s the life pattern of the higher dimensions. And that’s what CV-19 is calling out of us.
From the Angelic Dimension (7D)
Shared by K. Gabriel
dinsdag 29 september 2020
Gabriel Cousens : Yom Kippur [10 Tishrei 5781]
Gopi Krishna and the Divine Feminine.
So much needed in our world in these exciting times : the restoration of the Divine Feminine for the rebalancing of all sacred energies in the Cosmos, the Divine Masculine included.
Take a good look at:
K. Gabriel
maandag 28 september 2020
David Icke : Proof that the pandemic was planned with a purpose.
A group of over 500 medical doctors in Germany called ‘Doctors for Information’ made a shocking statement during a national press conference: (1)
‘The Corona panic is a play. It’s a scam. A swindle. It’s high time we understood that we’re in the midst of a global crime.’
This large group of medical experts publishes a medical newspaper on 500,000 copies every week, to inform the public about the massive misinformation in the mainstream media. They also organize mass protests in Europe, like the one on August 29, 2020 where 12 million people signed up and several millions actually showed up.
Why do these 500+ medical doctors say the pandemic is a global crime? What do they know, that we don’t?
Source :
zondag 27 september 2020
David Icke Speech, Trafalgar Square London 26th September, Freedom Rally
zaterdag 26 september 2020
Dr Gabriel Cousens : Ha'azinu [8 Tishrei 5781]
Philip Lindsay : The Hidden History of Humanity
Michael Freilich : De angst voor 5G: fikkende zendmasten.
Michael Freilich volgt Telecom op in de Kamer voor N-VA en vraagt – om geen technologische achterstand op te lopen – een objectief debat over 5G in dit land wars van complottheorieën.
In het Limburgse Pelt werd voor het eerst in ons land een ‘5G zendmast’ in brand gestoken. Het fenomeen komt overgewaaid uit andere Europese landen. Zo werden er op minder dan één maand tijd een tiental 5G-zendmasten in brand gestoken, vooral in Groot-Brittannië en Nederland waar 5G volop wordt uitgerold.
Het telecomlandschap zit in volle beweging. Recentelijk lanceerde Proximus zijn eigen 5G-netwerk en waarschuwde de Amerikaanse Ambassadeur Gidwitz de Belgische overheid en bevolking voor een te sterke invloed van China op cruciale domeinen van onze samenleving indien we voor Huawei kiezen om 5G uit te rollen. Het debat over onze technologische toekomst is hiermee geopend. En maar goed ook, want we praten steeds over de economische achterstand met buurlanden, maar het is ook tijd dat we praten over de technologische achterstand.
Sinds de uitbraak van COVID-19 in Wuhan zoeken complotdenkers noest naar een mogelijke link tussen de ziekte en 5G-zendmasten. Het complot gaat ervan uit dat straling van 5G de symptomen van COVID-19 alleen maar verergeren. Daarom zou er in bepaalde regio’s van de wereld, zoals in Lombardije, een hoger dodental zijn dan op andere plaatsen. En dankzij een huisarts uit het Antwerpse vonden de complotdenkers hun gelijk.
Op 22 januari werd de desbetreffende huisarts geïnterviewd en hij verbond in één adem COVID-19 en 5G aan elkaar. Het interview, dat na een tijdje offline werd gehaald wegens niet nieuwswaardig, werd opgepikt in het buitenland en voedde de theorie van complotdenkers. De complotdenkers zaten niet stil en staken in het Verenigd Koninkrijk en Nederland al meer dan 20 zendmasten in brand.
Nochtans is er geen enkele wetenschappelijke basis om deze bijzondere theorie te geloven. Integendeel, meerdere wetenschappers hebben reeds verklaard dat radiogolven die door 5G-zendmasten worden verspreid niet sterk genoeg zijn om een merkbaar effect te hebben op de mens. Dus neen: 5G zuigt de zuurstof niet uit je longen als je COVID-19 hebt.
4.5G van Proximus
Met veel toeters en bellen lanceerde Proximus op 1 april een light-versie van 5G in verschillende steden en gemeenten in het land. Via een abonnement kunnen gebruikers genieten van mobiel internet met mogelijke snelheidsverbeteringen tot 30%. Proximus maakt hiervoor gebruik van de bestaande 4G-infrastructuur en werkt binnen de bestaande spectrumbanden. Maar nog geen twee weken later schakelde Proximus het nieuwe netwerk in sommige steden en gemeenten uit na protest van lokale besturen. Alleen het Waalse Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve maakte zich kenbaar in de pers als tegenstander. Zo zouden ze niet geraadpleegd zijn geweest door Proximus, maken ze zich zorgen over de gezondheidsrisico’s en vonden ze de timing ook bijzonder jammer. Het is wel merkwaardig dat Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, waar meerdere grote technologische parken aanwezig zijn, zich hiermee een kogel in eigen voet schiet.
Op de aandeelhoudersvergadering van Proximus verdedigde voorzitter Stefaan De Clerck de uitrol van het project en verklaarde hij dat de stralingsnorm mee wordt bepaald door de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie. Er is dus geen reden tot paniek. Het gaat niet om echte 5G (dus brand geen zendmasten af aub), want er zijn in België nog geen 5G-licenties geveild. Die zullen pas worden geveild als er een nieuwe regering is gevormd. Ooit dus. Al dat getreuzel is nefast voor onze economie. De technologische achterstand die België zichzelf, haar burgers en bedrijven hiermee aandoet heeft ook een grote economische kost.
Het is goed dat het debat over stralingsnormen wordt gevoerd in België waarbij er kritisch wordt nagedacht door burgers, actiegroepen, bedrijven en overheden. Maar ze mogen zich niet laten meeslepen door alle heisa en verschillende complottheorieën. Verschillende landen over heel de wereld hebben reeds 5G uitgerold (o.a. Zuid-Korea, Roemenië, Australië). En tot op heden zijn er geen gevallen bekend van menselijke mutaties die hebben plaatsgevonden door 5G. De stralingsnorm in ons land ligt sowieso al een pak lager dan in onze buurlanden, heeft ook toezichthouder BIPT al aangegeven. Desondanks is het vooral de Brusselse regering die stokken in de wielen blijft steken met absurde eisen over het stralingsniveau, waardoor 5G de facto onmogelijk kan worden uitgerold.
Ik roep daarom op tot een objectief debat over 5G. De Europese richtlijnen over de veiligheid van het toekomstig netwerk zijn een goede stap in de juiste richting. Knopen moeten binnenkort worden doorgehakt, zonder inmenging van nare theorieën en gebaseerd op wetenschappelijke feiten en adviezen van onze veiligheidsdiensten.
Alleen zo kunnen we de technologische achterstand met onze buurlanden wegwerken. Corona mag geen excuus zijn om dit op de lange baan te schuiven. Laten we er samen werk van maken.
Diana Cooper : Why was Donald Trump elected?
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, September 25, 2020
As we have often explained we cannot interfere with your freewill choice, but we can use any circumstances created from it to your advantage by giving you guidance. The Covid19 virus is continuing to cause much concern amongst you, and until an antidote becomes available there is no way you can completely control it. It means that until it is developed and becomes available, you will be unable to avoid the risk of another pandemic.
Therefore whilst the problem remains it is creating a time lapse, where much that would normally be taking place is still in limbo and life is continuing to be far from normal. Indeed, the changes are such that life can never completely return to what it was previously, and you have been forced to bring changes in to enable it to continue as near to normal as possible. The truth is that the Forces of Light have taken this opportunity to move things on for you, so that you can take advantage of changes that will benefit you. Ones that would otherwise have taken many years to be introduced, holding you back from enjoying the advances that would have made the quality of life so much better and enjoyable.
It is by no means an easy time to be on Earth but in the future you will appreciate that all of your troubles will have been well worthwhile to raise the quality of life. We know that many souls were already experiencing problems, but be assured that prior to incarnating upon Earth they knew of the hardships they would have to endure. Even those who have sacrificed their lives were aware of how it would occur and accepted their roles willingly, and in some instances knew it was for karmic reasons.
To have ample time to re-access your life experiences and determine what you need to see for the final years, is important so as to enable you to project your life plan for the future. Of course you would have brought a life plan with you, but as we have often mentioned, circumstances have changed and you can now decide what you wish to experience in the coming years. Set yourself a goal bearing in mind that unlike previous incarnations you do not need to have a hard and fast plan.
If you only knew how hard you have worked to get to this point in your evolution you would be celebrating your achievement. You took on a challenge that few souls would have accepted with full confidence in their ability to succeed regardless of all of the challenges they would face. Now you are to reap the reward of your achievements and so to say, once the dust has settled your future will become clearer and a lot easier. You will see some dramatic changes take place and the time factor will be partly determined by how quickly you can adapt to them. You are already beginning to see changes that will affect your lives in ways you would not have imagined at the beginning of this century. For example your reliance upon fossil fuels will eventually change and will have far reaching consequences and be welcomed.
Somewhere amongst all of the changes that will take place will be your first open meeting with your extra-terrestrial family. There are truly exciting times ahead but first as a Human Race you have to put away your petty squabbles and live in harmony and peace. It sounds a tall order given that you are prone to fighting with each other, but with the help of the higher vibrations a more peaceful period lays ahead. Your present situation calls for co-operation to put an end to your problems and you will understand that working together for the greater good of all is the only way forward.
As multi-national humans you are slowly but surely realising that you are One Race experiencing according to your needs and beliefs and the differences should be celebrated. They indicate a different view of life that adds to the great expansion and variety of life giving others the opportunity to learn from such experiences. Humans tend to dislike the differences, seeing them as a challenge to their own, but they are being slowly accepted and integrated into the lives of others.
You are strong willed and have great experience behind you that will see you overcome whatever obstacles are in your way to a peaceful conclusion. Come together as a peaceful force for the betterment of Humanity and the good of Earth, and that means co-operation and sharing of the world’s bounties so that none shall want for a roof over their heads or sufficient food to live healthily. It can be done and it will when the governments of the world accept that every mortal is entitled to a satisfactory and happy life. So much misery and sadness is caused by those who reject the differences between them instead of seeing that by adding them to their lives and creating opportunities that are available to others.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.
vrijdag 25 september 2020
OM Chanting @417 Hz | Removes All Negative Blocks
How to begin the practice of joyous perseverance
Dr Gabriel Cousens : Earning Your Soul Mate [9/24/20]
David Icke : School keeps windows open to ‘stop Covid-19’ but bans children from wearing coats – the ludicrous people put in charge of children is terrifying and parents continuing to send their kids there in these circumstances are equally so.
donderdag 24 september 2020
PLEIADIAN PROPHECY The Great Changeover 2013 2027
Flower of Life Meditation
Equinoxes; Finding Your Balance Once Again
On September 22nd, the Sun, which rules our: ego, life force and vitality, shifts from the earthy sign of Virgo, over to the airy sign of Libra. Libra, the 7th sign of the zodiac, is all about: peace,commitments, balance and justice. This also happens to be the Autumn( northern hemisphere)/ Spring( southern hemisphere) Equinox. Equinoxes are powerful days that usher in magic and forward movement. In many ancient cultures, the Equinox is considered a holy day of manifestation and change. Happy Equinox to my Northern + Southern hemisphere friends!
The Autumn/Spring Equinox + Sun in Libra is here to shift your perspective and allow you to relocate your sense of balance and peace. The Autumn/Spring Equinox in fact is where there is an equal number of hours of day and night. In a world that is currently anything but balanced, we are being asked to dig deep to find our sense of center. Libra rules the 7th house of relationships and is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, beauty and pleasure. To me as an astrologer, Libra is unique in the fact that this sign can see both points of view without discrimination. The Libra Sun is asking us to see both sides of our: darkness + light, peace + chaos and joy + sorrow. There is power when you can hold space for both sides. When you can honor this within yourself, then you can honor it within another. The change of season over to the Cardinal modality of: action and forward movement, is a chance to begin again. In a time of unprecedented changes both internally and externally, this coming season is asking for your gentle understanding vs. the need to be righteous and just.
The Autumn/Spring Equinox + Sun in Libra wants you to find your center + ability to understand vs. being understood. If we all could love ourselves enough to hold space for our dualistic natures, just imagine what would be possible in this crazy world! There is no wrong or right way to do this. It is through: grace, trial + error, and patience that we rise again, ready to make room for a new season.
The gift of the Equinox and Sun in Libra is the ability to love yourself and another, whether your viewpoints align or not. We share more together as a species than what is supposed to tear + divide us apart. It is time to drop down to your heart and reclaim your sense of commitment to yourself and others. It is time to create a win/win situation, instead of a win/lose scenario. The Sun in Libra + Autumn/Spring Equinox is here to: shed what no longer serves us, in order to find peace, create empowering relationships with the self + others, and remind us that the power of love will always be stronger than the love of power. Happy birthday to all the lovely Libra folks!
Source :
Celestial White Beings: The Multidimensional Choir
Greetings beloved beacons of light we are the Celestial White Beings. We are a collective of energy, a source, a soul group, we come forth as one and yet we represent many. We are known for our pure pristine white light of celestial vibrations.
We wish to come forth to you today to share an insight, an activation and experience that is occurring on the inner planes. It is such a beautiful movement and momentum that we wanted to alert you to this energy so that you may join your energy with it benefiting from the vibrations, while adding your beautiful and sacred frequency.
This momentum of ascension and awakening is connected to activating your inner voice. Your inner words of wisdom and your inner truth, as well as, allowing the vibration of your soul, soul group and the Creator to be carried forth upon your voice, the vibration and frequency of your voice whether you are talking or singing. The other part of this momentum and activation is to awaken your inner hearing, your sacred ability to listen, to hear the sacred vibrations and sounds frequencies of the Creator.
Through this ascension momentum we wish to support you in being able to express your truth through the words you speak, and the vibration and frequency of your voice. We wish to support you in hearing, listening and sensing the energy and frequency of the Creator. It is not simply acknowledging or listening to the enlightenment or guidance of the Creator more, so it is the sacred sounds and music of the Creator. These sacred sounds create beautiful healing and awakening within your being, allowing for a deeper connection with all that is the Creator both within your being and around you. This is essential upon the Earth in this time of ascension. It is so important for the truth of the Creator to blaze, emerge and to be revealed. The emergence of the truth of the Creator flows through you and flows through all of humanity. The more humanity can express the Creator through their words, tone, sound and the vibration of their voice, as well as, listening to the sound of the Creator even in a space of silence, a powerful shift of alignment to the truth of the Creator will manifest for all.
The Creation of the Choir
It is Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Hope who are bringing forth this ascension momentum. Archangel Gabriel and the twin feminine aspect Archangel Hope began to create the most exquisite sound, tone, and frequency to support the activation of your inner voice and inner hearing to aid the emergence of truth. This vibration and sound they then transmitted across the entire Universe of the Creator, through all dimensions, into Mother Earth and the many dimensions of the Earth. Upon hearing this sound from Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Hope as well as its purpose, many Inner Plane Beings, Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angels and Star Beings were touched deeply within their souls by this vibration and recognised the presence of the Creator. Therefore, they began to sing, to express their sound and thus a choir manifested. As each being of light on the inner planes created a sound that expressed their truth, continuing the purpose of Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Hope it was as if the sound of each being was recorded and harmonised. When you allow yourself to listen you can hear sometimes one frequency, sometimes many but a choir that continues with great power and truth. The more beings that add to this choir, the sound that is oscillating around the Universe of the Creator, the more powerful it becomes, the more awakening and activations take place within each being.
Many who have already created their sound, adding it to the multi-dimensional choir are now experiencing further inner awakening of their inner sound and inner hearing. We, the Celestial White Beings, wish to make you aware of this, not only can you benefit from this vibration, this momentum of sound, frequency, and its purpose, receiving a very powerful healing for yourself. You can add your energy, vibration, and expression of the truth of the Creator to the sound. The choir will continue to pulsate, vibrate, and oscillate throughout the Universe of the Creator internally, entering into the fabric of light, the foundations of each dimension, and entering into the foundations of every being.
The multi-dimensional choir is immensely powerful. Whether you believe you have connected with your inner truth, your inner voice or not, whether you believe you can create a tone, sound, sing or not. We, the Celestial White Beings, invite you to join Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Hope in their ascension momentum for all.
Experiencing and Adding Your Vibration to the Choir
We invite you to sit peacefully, allow yourself to focus upon your breathing. Take the attention and awareness of your mind into your heart chakra, invite your soul, soul group and the Creator to fill your heart chakra. Let the truth of the Creator oscillate within your heart chakra. With each breath, you exhale allow this sacred vibration of truth to emanate into your entire being.
When you are ready, you may wish to call upon Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Hope to exist before you, allow yourself to receive their energy. You may recognise their energy as pink, gold and white with hints of green.
Allow yourself to breathe in their vibration, as you breathe it into your entire being you can invite them to share their sacred sound with the purpose of activating your inner voice and your inner hearing. Allow yourself to receive this for as long as is appropriate and necessary.
Invite Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Hope to gift and share with you the multi-dimensional choir sound frequencies that have been created as all beings unite. Allow the sacred vibrations to wash over and through your being.
When you feel ready, it may simply come to you, allow yourself to express through tone, sound or song the truth within your being to be added to the choir. This can be as long or as short as you like.
When you feel this process is complete simply allow yourself to breathe deeply and focus upon listening to the multi universal choir, which has your added vibration of truth. You may hear it, you may not, you may feel or sense the energy, you may not. You may simply acknowledge it, imagine it or you may not, all are appropriate, please know that the activation is taking place within your being. This process can be experienced as many times as you wish. We, the Celestial White Beings, encourage you to practice this for a few days in order to connect with the truth within your being.
It is a glorious process and it is a process that allows the entire Universe of the Creator including the Earth’s humanity and yourself to unite as one. When you feel ready and you feel the process is complete allow the vibrations of the multi-dimensional choir to flow through your being, into Mother Earth grounding this energy and gifting it to Mother Earth. This unity consciousness is so important for the Earth now and will act as an example of encouragement and embodiment as well as an activation for all upon the Earth to experience.
We hope you enjoy this essential momentum that is taking place.
We thank you,
Celestial White Beings.
Source :
Study: Proper Levels of Vitamin D will Prevent COVID; Vaccine not Needed
Archangel Gabriel: The Shift into 2021
Many of you are feeling frustrated that certain things are not coming together for you. This can make you start to doubt, to have anxiety, or to think you are doing things wrong or are blocked.
What you are trying to manifest for the next phase of your incarnation is not stalled. In most cases, those dreams are simply waiting until you integrate an energetic shift that moves you into alignment with them. We wish to remind you that energetic shifts cannot be rushed, they must occur in their own timing, one divinely guided step at a time.
2020 is a year of flux, of moving between the old and the new. It also contains a series of profound energetic shifts that are designed to prepare you for the creation of the new. You have been receiving these energies throughout the year and they will continue to ramp up until you step into 2021.
Trust there is divine intelligence behind it all. Surrender, faith, flow, and trust are the elements that help you move with and integrate energy with the most efficiency. The transformational process you are part of simply cannot be done all at once. It must be done in a series of steps in order to make it sustainable for you.
As you integrate the rest of the energies that will be made available to you throughout the remainder of 2020, you will start to receive inspirations and discover the seeds of new potentials that give you an idea of where you are going. Hold the core essence of your hopes and dreams and let them bloom and grow from there.
Prioritize whatever is being energetically supported at any given time and focus on remembering what you know. You will have far more clarity when it is all said and done than you would have had at the beginning of this year. This is all setting you up for success in moving forward in the next exciting phase of your incarnation and what your heart wishes to experience and create.
Source :
Manly P. Hall - Jacobs Ladder that Leads to the Stars
Recommended website by Kim Michaels
This wesbite is for those who want to establish their personal, inner, mystical connection with Jesus.
Today many people cannot find a lasting heart connection to the real Jesus and his teachings because, according to most Christian churches, Jesus no longer talks to us. In reality, Jesus is a spiritual being and he is working to help all people who are able to raise their consciousness and attune to his Presence. For the past 2,000 years he has maintained a line of communication through those who have been willing to serve as messengers for his Living Word and who have pursued an understanding of his true message instead of settling for official Christian doctrines.
In this book, the ascended Jesus reveals the mystical teachings that he gave to his most advanced disciples. He explains why his true teachings are as relevant today as they were two millennia ago and how you can develop a personal relationship with him-one of the most remarkable spiritual teachers of all time.
Once you admit that mainstream religious traditions have not answered your questions about life, it is truly liberating to read the profound and meaningful answers in this book. Encouraging, moving and profound, this enlightening book will help you attain inner attunement with Jesus, even mystical union with him.
You will learn how to:
- recognize the silent, inner voice of Christ in your heart
- achieve permanent inner peace and happiness by getting connected with the Christ Consciousness
- heal yourself from emotional wounds
- get guidance from Jesus, who is your greatest teacher and friend
- communicate directly with Jesus
woensdag 23 september 2020
Wisdom of today (Dutch)
"Dit is het moment om het beste van onszelf te laten zien. Het moment voor verantwoordelijkheid en burgerzin. Het moment om elkaar niet letterlijk, maar meer dan ooit figuurlijk de hand te reiken."
Bart De Wever
Chapter 14 "Protection called Refuge of the Yakshas"
Why the World Needs More Women Fully Initiated and on the Path of Power With Elizabeth Wilcock
Shantideva's Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life, Chapter 7: Joyous Perseverance (1 of 4)
dinsdag 22 september 2020
Madeleine Peyroux, september 24 @ Blue Note Festival
5D EARTH PROJECT by Michael Love
Twin soul energy report: Many experiencing turbulence as we enter the equinox gateway
Dearest beloveds,
Greetings of the most high. We come forward now in this moment of your time, with very important information to share with you, regarding the current energetics that are affecting particularly the first wave 144000 Ascension pioneers.
There are many in the community that are experiencing an unprecedented level of turbulence at the moment, and these challenges are manifesting as a feeling of overwhelm and intense pressure in practically every area of many of our lives.
We would like to now offer some context as to why this is occurring for so many. Please know this is largely due to the profound work and alignment of the Starseed community, which has created it so that the vibration of the Earth has exponentially raised now to a level that the entire false collective matrix system is collapsing.
Prior to this, the Matrix system was held in place tentatively through the vibration of Fear but due to the potency of the energetic frequency of so many of the lightworkers who are now entering into and stabilizing into 5th-dimensional consciousness, this is activating a complete release for the entire collective from the false matrix grid.
Due to the collapse of this grid, this is activating A profound experience of unsettled energy which is currently permeating the entire collective Consciousness, but we wish to inform you that what is occurring now is actually very good and very positive and indicative of the huge shifts that are taking place within the collective consciousness of humanity.
What we are currently experiencing collectively is also connected to the powerful energies that entered into Earth's atmosphere around the time of the Lions Gate. Due to the large influx of light codes that entered the Earth's atmosphere at this time. This in itself was enough to dislodge so much of the false matrix grid.
A perfect analogy to explain what's going on is to give you an example of what occurs when u enter a very messy home and beginning cleaning up. During the initial phase of the cleanup everything looks and literally becomes more chaotic, but this is indicative of the fact that energy is no longer stagnant and is moving and shifting.
This is also an extremely powerful opportunity for you to really be the spiritual master that you have incarnated to be. Energetic gateways such as this offer us a powerful opportunity to become the observer of the monkey mind, to realise that we are under no obligation to tune into the narrative of the 3D consciousness, which can be likened to a very very bad radio station. Time periods such as the one that we are in offer us a profound opportunity to raise our vibration and become Masters of our mind our -temporary egoic consciousness.
Please know that this is the goal for all on the spiritual path, to become entirely free and liberated from the identification of one's egoic consciousness, and in particular times such as the one that we are in please know that we are being presented with a golden opportunity to fully stabilise ourselves in higher 5th-dimensional consciousness through the liberation of our identification with the temporary thoughts and emotions which flow through our mind.
The words that we speak here are extremely powerful and life-changing if you truly take them on and assimilate them.
Brothers and sisters, it is very important going forward, and absolutely imperative that you have a spiritual practice such as regular mediation that will Take you to the next level of your evolutionary pathway. We cannot express the importance of this enough, because it is through the practice of meditation that we cultivate becoming empty which is the prerequisite to full and complete Christ consciousness realisation. And please know that this is the end goal.
For those of you on the twin soul path, many of you are experiencing challenges with regards to Old thought forms and doubts currently about the validity of your connection with your twin soul, We would like to remind you that it is very powerful when you are manifesting to always focus on the end feeling result and to engage as many senses and details as possible when visualising. It is so powerful and life-changing to commit to a daily practice of creative visualisation whereby you are experiencing the end result of your deepest prayers as though they are already fulfilled. Each time we visualise our desired result, we sow and empower the seeds of our deepest destiny, and please know the seeds holds all of the codes and information and indeed the identical template and structure of the wish fulfilled. Therefore it goes without saying how powerful it is to work with the Powerful modality of creative visualisation daily and regularly, in order to empower and Accelerate the timeline of the manifestation of your deepest hearts prayer.
Please know that these energies will pass and things will settle and become much smoother again around the time after the equinox.
The energies are now building towards the autumn equinox in the Northern hemisphere and the spring equinox in the Southern Hemisphere. This is a highly Potent and auspicious time for all of us on the Ascension path, and please know that many gentle energies are going to be pouring into the planet around this portal point. The energies that are being sent forth from galactic central are going to be directly connected to the samvartaka the Solar flash event, and are deeply connected with the colour ray of Magenta.
For all those who are hearing the call, we are being guided to come together in our Ascension groups to co-create powerful global ceremonies on this highly auspicious and Potent portal date.
In this upcoming transmission, we are being guided to work with the grounding and activation and establishment of our 6th-dimensional diamond Lightbody.
At the time of The Fall of Atlantis, humanity's DNA appeared in the form of a 12 Strand diamond structure, but with the permission of our spiritual parents Mother Father God, an experiment was allowed to take place, and humanity's DNA was manipulated / or shook up (one could say) in order for it to transform into a chaotic formation and Transform from its diamond structure to a singular Strand structure and thus lose ten of the strands forming two strands side by side devoid of any diamond structure.
This manipulation caused humanity's consciousness to drop in density and activated a profound collective identification with the third dimensional Matrix and ensuing amnesia to the higher dimensional realities.
We are being guided to come together in our personal ascension groups to reestablish this 6th-dimensional diamond light patterning, and we are being guided by our Arcturian Ascension brothers and sisters to establish this diamond light grid back into the collective consciousness of humanity's higher heart.
For all those who come forward to be part of the transmission please know you will receive a profound upgrade on your own personal evolutionary pathway, but more importantly, you will be assisting the collective Consciousness in its collective upgrade into 5th-dimensional consciousness (which is the gateway to full multidimensional consciousness).
You will be massively assisting your higher self to bring online many of your spiritual gifts and birthright such as by-location, levitation, instant healing, clairvoyance, telepathy, heart coherence, psychic communication and many many other skills
Brothers and sisters our Arcturian elders have no words to express their gratitude for us in this particular ascension group for the work that we do for the collective which has huge ripple effects for the entire universe.
Please know that we look forward to welcoming you into our core group for this highly auspicious Equinox transmission.
Please see below for full details to book on the equinox transmission, and also please see below for information on the online Sisterhood of the Rose initiation ceremony that will be taking place on Saturday 28th of September.
In closing dear ones a final soul felt reminder that these times that we are in have been skillfully orchestrated by our higher selves to teach us the truth about self-love, and truth and about our inherent and abiding sovereignty, which is the prerequisite for our eternal Union with our divine counterpart.
In love and Eternal Light Jenji and the white wolf tribe
The Equinox transmission
The equinox transmission will take place on the 22nd of September at 8.08 p.m. UK time. In this transmission, we are being guided to work specifically with our Arcturian brothers and sisters who are the overseers of this particular planetary Ascension. We are being guided to re-establish the 12 Strand diamond light body that has been held perpetually for us in the 6th dimension.
We are being called to activate this diamond light body into our earthly vessels in order to prepare us individually and collectively for the imminent Ascension of Gaia
This is a highly auspicious ceremony to be invited to take part in, and all those who come forward will receive profound blessings on their evolutionary path.
In this transmission, we are also being guided to work with the higher self of the arsonists who created the wildfires in California, and we will be working very deeply with the energy of torrential rain to completely soak the entire area.. it is so important that as many brothers and sisters as possible come forward to be part of this important global ceremony
Please know that this powerful work is offered on energetic exchange basic.
this ceremony will take place in a closed group on Facebook as soon as you sign up you will receive a pdf with full instructions to join the group.. please download the pdf immediately and add yourself to the group 24 hrs before the event starts
PLEIADIAN PROPHECY The Great Changeover 2013 - 2027
maandag 21 september 2020
Kundalini, Evolution and Enlightenment by John White
The search for a higher state of consciousness takes many forms: eastern religions, meditation, mysticism, and transpersonal psychology, to name a few. But one common theme unites these seemingly diverse approaches to spirituality-kundalini, a Sanskrit word that refers to our potential to reach a higher spiritual plane. Through kundalini yoga our vital life force is channeled up through the spine and concentrated in the brain, resulting in personal transformation and enlightenment. Here are the most authentic and insightful writings on every aspect of this fascinating phenomenon including: - Traditional views of kundalini - Personal accounts of the kundalini experience - Scientific explorations in kundalini research - Advice for seekers This volume includes the writings of Gopi Krishna, Swami Rama, Yogi Bhajan, Christopher Hills, Lee Sannella, and Ken Wilber, among others. The views of these respected authorities provide the most reliable information on kundalini and valuable guidance for getting in touch with your spiritual self.
Source :
The 9D Arcturian Council: Those of You Who Are Truly Awake
"You are all in this together, and when you can love unconditionally the worst in humanity because you have decided that you are love, that’s when you are ready to take humankind into the higher consciousness of the fifth dimension, and those of you who are receiving this message understand that at your core. And you are the ones doing the heavy lifting there on your planet. You are the ones who will continue to invite your fellow humans to the light, to seeing the good in others, to being in that state of forgiveness and compassion, and that’s what makes a difference on your world."
Source :
Yom Kippur 2020
Yom Kippur begins at sunset on Sunday, September 27 and ends at sundown on Monday, September 28, 2020.
The 10 Days of Repentance
The days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are an important component in the process of repentance.
Source :
Silent moment of meditation with Archangel Raphael for all those fighting the Corona-pandemic. Never ever give up.
OM Chanting @417 Hz | Removes All Negative Blocks
zondag 20 september 2020
At Childhood, we have been working with preventing child sexual abuse for more than twenty years. Thus we know, that when schools close and children are isolated, the risk for violence and abuse increases. For many children, school closures and changing everyday routines mean loosing contact with caring adults like teachers and grandparents. They also spend more time online. As a result of covid-19 we can also see an increase in domestic violence, grooming and distribution of abuse material online.
Together, we can make a difference during these difficult times.
FOR ADULTS. Keep an extra eye on your own children and other children around you who might lack a stable family situation. Show them that you care. If you are worrried – trust your gut feeling and do not hesitate to contact the social services, school or police.
FOR CHILDREN. If you or your friends feel worried, try to talk to an adult you trust. If somebody´s hurting you, call that adult or the police straight away. And always remember: Adults are responsible for keeping children safe. Nobody is allowed to upset you and make you feel bad – at home, online or anywhere else. You are not alone and it´s never your fault.
Source :
Meditation against the engineered second wave lockdowns on September 21st at 10:08 PM UTC
Governments Will Impose New Lockdowns If They Think They Can Get Away with It
By Ryan McMaken,
This year’s stay-at-home orders and lockdowns imposed by governments on their populations represent a watershed moment in the history of the modern state.
Before March 2020, it is unlikely that many politicians—let alone many ordinary people—thought it would be feasible or likely for government officials to force hundreds of millions of human beings to “self-isolate.”
But it turns out governments were indeed able to force a sizable portion of the population to abandon jobs, religious practices, extended families, and community life in the name of “flattening the curve.”
Whether through fear manufactured by the news media or through outright threats of punishment, business owners shuttered their shops and offices, churches closed down, and schools abandoned their students.
Over time, most governments lessened their restrictions, largely out of fear that tax revenues would collapse and out of fear that the public would become unwilling to obey lockdown edicts indefinitely.
Those fears—not scientific objectivity—have been guiding the gradual loosening of lockdowns and lockdown-related restrictions in recent weeks. After all, in many jurisdictions—both in the USA and in Europe—cases and case growth are far above what they were back in March and April when we were told that high case totals absolutely required strict lockdowns. If case numbers are higher now than during the previous peak, why no new lockdowns?
Make no mistake, many politicians would love to impose lockdowns again, and indefinitely. After all, the power to micromanage the behavior of every business and household in the manner of covid lockdowns is a power undreamed of by even the most despotic emperor of old. It’s not a power a regime would abandon lightly.
But could they get away with it? This is a question every pro-lockdown politician is asking. For the extent to which lockdowns have been scaled back and lessened, we cannot thank any enlightenment or change of heart on the part of politicians. If lockdowns now seem to be receding, it’s because policymakers fear another round of lockdowns would be greeted with resistance rather than obedience. In short, the retreat of lockdowns is a result of an uneasy truce between the antilockdown public (which is by no means the whole public) and the prolockdown politicians. The politicians have conceded nothing in terms of their asserted authority, but they nonetheless fear greater resistance in the future.
Regimes Continue to Threaten More Lockdowns
Although they’re slowly backing off on full lockdowns for now, governments have been very careful to maintain that they retain the power to reimpose them—including full-on strict and ruthless lockdown—at any time. In some areas, this has already been done, such as in southern Australia and in New Zealand. In the state of Victoria in Australia, for instance, residents in recent weeks have been subject to strict curfews and even road closures preventing them from traveling more than a few miles form their homes. Those who dissent—such as a pregnant mother who was arrested for merely discussing an upcoming protest—are brutalized. Meanwhile, military personnel enforce martial law, dragging people from their cars and demanding they show their “papers.”
China continues to impose regional and partial lockdowns. Belgium, meanwhile, insists it may yet still impose “total lockdown.” Back in July, the UK’s Boris Johnson told the nation’s residents to follow the social distancing rules now or face harsher lockdowns in the future. Last week Johnson’s government announced strict new social distancing rules, prohibiting any gatherings of more than six people in most cases.
Nor have American politicians abandoned these newfound powers. In Utah, which did not impose a lockdown in March or April, the authorities are still threatening a possible future “complete shutdown.” Governors in states including Texas, Pennsylvania, Illinois, New York, and Michigan have all threatened new lockdowns if the residents don’t do as they’re told.
(Only two governors, to my knowledge, have said they will not impose future lockdowns. Earlier this month, Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida vowed “we will never do any of these lockdowns again,” and Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota, which has never imposed a lockdown at all, has also said lockdowns are not on the table.)
In many cases politicians have substituted face masks and targeted lockdowns (of bars and nightclubs, etc.) in lieu of full stay-at-home orders. This limits public dissent by limiting the number of businesses and industries where people are thrown out of work and business owners are effectively robbed of their property. Fewer destitute or jobless voters likely translates into less active dissent.
This permanent embrace of emergency power is to be expected. Governments have long used crises as an excuse to expand government power, often with the glowing approval of the electorate. After the end of World War II, for example, the party platform of the British Labour Party explicitly sought to extend wartime economic planning indefinitely. The idea was that central planning had won the war and now it would “win the peace.” This meant a host of boards and commissions that would control everything from farming to housing.
But that’s just one example. As Robert Higgs has shown in his book Crisis and Leviathan, using wars and other crises to permanently expand state power is just standard operating procedure for countless regimes. It’s what governments do.
Governments Are Limited Only by the Public’s Resistance
On the other hand, governments are limited by how much the public is willing to tolerate. As Étienne de La Boétie has shown, all regimes—even authoritarian ones—are ultimately limited by public approval and obedience. Without public opinion on their side, regimes become constrained, even in a police state.
Ludwig von Mises built on this notion when he noted in his book Liberalism:
there has never been a political power that voluntarily desisted from impeding the free development and operation of the institution of private ownership of the means of production. Governments tolerate private property when they are compelled to do so, but they do not acknowledge it voluntarily in recognition of its necessity. Even liberal politicians, on gaining power, have usually relegated their liberal principles more or less to the background. The tendency to impose oppressive restraints on private property, to abuse political power, and to refuse to respect or recognize any free sphere outside or beyond the dominion of the state is too deeply ingrained in the mentality of those who control the governmental apparatus of compulsion and coercion for them ever to be able to resist it voluntarily. A liberal government is a contradictio in adjecto. Governments must be forced into adopting liberalism by the power of the unanimous opinion of the people; that they could voluntarily become liberal is not to be expected.
In other words, governments don’t refrain from exercising ever more power unless they are prevented from doing so. But what did he mean by a government being “forced into adopting liberalism by the power of the unanimous opinion of the people”? Mises was very much a man who understood how states work in the real world. So it’s a safe bet that he didn’t think the public’s “unanimous opinion” was somehow magically transformed into a government limiting itself.
Rather, Mises understood that governments are limited by pressures applied by groups external to the state apparatus itself. These could take the form of widespread noncompliance, peaceful protests, or even armed resistance. But to think that governments will limit themselves without at least the fear of some form of resistance would be fanciful, to say the least.
And this is likely what is limiting governments in their dreams of ever-harsher lockdowns right now. We’ve already seen this dynamic in action in Serbia, for example, where the regime attempted to reimpose a nationwide lockdown. This proposal was greeted with both peaceful and violent protests. The state partially retreated and opted instead for much weaker regional lockdowns. Protests also continue to grow in Germany, and have even cropped up in London.
In the US, of course, protests of various types have appeared since April, and given the volume of anger over lockdowns and business closures expressed across a wide variety of media, it’s easy to see why state and local governments should expect trouble if they try another full-scale lockdown. One need only step out one’s front door in many areas to see countless examples of passive noncompliance and resistance to mask orders and social distancing decrees.
Complicating matters is the low state of public approval of police forces. It’s true that police tend to receive public support when they are seen battling rioters and thugs. But public support would likely wither quickly were the police unleashed on middle-class suburbanites who fail to follow stay-at-home orders.
If American governors and mayors try a new set of lockdowns, just how far will they willing to go to enforce them? Will they call in the national guard and open fire on middle-class dissenters? If police attempt to break into homes in the manner we have witnessed in Australia, things might turn out quite differently here. In situations like that, at least some residents will defend themselves with firearms.
Ensuring compliance will also become especially difficult as lockdowns empty the public purse. As the economy weakens, so will tax revenues, and public welfare programs can’t subsist on newly printed money forever. As local, state, and federal amenities and free money programs come up short of funds, it will become harder to buy off the voters with yet another government check.
Admittedly, governments can always double down on enforcement by imposing strict police states. This can work in the short term. But then what? Outside of places like China and Australia, it appears many regimes aren’t yet prepared to find out. But they’re not willing to concede defeat, either. The lockdown state will press the issue as far as the voters and taxpayers are willing to let it go.