Oscar Wilde — ‘Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.’
shamanic artist - pleiadian gabrielian - michaelian - having faith in G-d above all else - sovereign - ethical - refuse RFID chipping / Uniting 144000, peaceful bodhisattva-buddha (nirmanakaya) mahatma- defender of freedom - following my highest calling (Shamballah), ASHTAR “We all shape the world together, be wise and virtuous in your life loyal immortal legions visionary mystic Gabriel Sadhu tintegral & bhakti, raja, siddha, maha yogi 6th dimension Christos / Archangels
Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
maandag 31 augustus 2020
zondag 30 augustus 2020
Audiobook | The Law of Success | Paramahamsa Yogananda
[Aug 31 - Sep 6] Weekly Astrology Numerology Forecast
zaterdag 29 augustus 2020
Children who died of Covid-19 were already seriously ill, new study shows
Powerful Healing Meditation with Archangel Raphael's Emerald Green Flames ✨💫💚🌟
K. Gabriel
Archangel Michael: Do not Get Caught in the Drama of White Hats or Black Hats (transcending duality)
The Middle Way is the Path to Peace.
vrijdag 28 augustus 2020
PLEIADIAN PROPHECY The Great Changeover 2013 - 2027
Chapter 14 "Protection called Refuge of the Yakshas"
We are all in this together.
Mike Graham COMMON SENSE NEEDS TO PREVAIL - Freedom Platform tv
Mike Graham is a British journalist who was the editor of the Scottish Daily Mirror. He is now the Programme Director & mid-morning presenter of the Independent Republic Of Mike Graham on Talk 107.
Before his radio career, Graham was a Fleet Street journalist for the best part of twenty-five years. He covered the Bosnian War in 1992 as a reporter for the Daily Express.
Mike was based in New York City from 1984-1992. Whilst in New York, he ran his own news agency supplying news, features and pictures to international media.
He currently hosts the daily “Independent Republic of Mike Graham” show on talkRADIO, where he questions our leaders and holds the mainstream media to account, in a programme dubbed the “Home of Common Sense”.
Dalai Lama : The Need for Secular Ethics in Modern Education.
“For thousands of years, Indians have explored and trained the mind through calm abiding and analytical meditation. Modern education, which originated in the West, includes no understanding of how to tackle our emotions. Consequently, highly educated people have been involved in the design and manufacture of increasingly sophisticated weapons, including nuclear weapons. These inventions have required intelligence and technical ingenuity, but their production is completely devoid of moral scruples. The principles of compassion and non-harming are not involved.
“In such cases, instead of bringing about inner peace, the brilliant human mind has invoked the destructive emotions of anger, fear and anxiety. Today, just as everyone observes physical hygiene, there is a corresponding need for emotional hygiene, and we can find instructions about that in ancient Indian tradition. That’s why I believe India is especially well-placed to combine modern, materialistic education with non-violence and compassion.
“In the last century, Mahatma Gandhi sincerely pursued the path of non-violence and in due course many people across the world followed his example. In Africa, there was Nelson Mandela and in America, Martin Luther King. In fact, Martin Luther King’s wife told me he was so impressed by Mahatma Gandhi that he even wanted to dress like him.
“Here in the 21st century, we should try to promote ancient Indian knowledge of non-violence and compassion and combine it with modern education.”
His Holiness mentioned that he is bound by four commitments. As a human being, one of the seven billion alive today, he recognises that, whether we have a religious faith or not, we all need peace of mind. And that is the basis on which humanity can become happier, more peaceful, less fearful, which in turn is the basis for genuine world peace.
“In such cases, instead of bringing about inner peace, the brilliant human mind has invoked the destructive emotions of anger, fear and anxiety. Today, just as everyone observes physical hygiene, there is a corresponding need for emotional hygiene, and we can find instructions about that in ancient Indian tradition. That’s why I believe India is especially well-placed to combine modern, materialistic education with non-violence and compassion.
His Holiness observed that in a democracy faith is a matter of personal choice. “If you’re inclined to follow a theistic path like Christianity or Islam that’s personal decision. And if you feel more comfortable in a non-theistic Buddhist or Jain context, that’s up to you too. Whatever religious path you follow, it ought to help you transform your emotions and help you cultivate warm-heartedness.
In relation to the Covid-19 pandemic His Holiness expressed his appreciation of all those doctors and nurses who are caring for the sick, often at risk to themselves. While encouraging those who are conducting different kinds of research into remedies for the virus, he suggested that Ayurveda, Yunani, yoga, as well as the Tibetan and Chinese medical traditions, may have something to contribute too.
Naveen Sharma thanked His Holiness for talking with the group and expressed the hope that the educators had benefited from the interaction.
His Holiness’s concluding advice was that there is always room to learn more. Masters of the Nalanda Tradition never stopped investigating, analysing and extending their knowledge. He asserted that although it’s good to be contented with material things, there need be no such limit with regard to deepening your understanding.
Source : https://www.dalailama.com/news/2020/the-need-for-secular-ethics-in-modern-education
Re-post : In Thailand 1 milion children meditated for peace. An example for the world. Keeping the peace.
The purpose of Auroville (India) is to realise human unity.
Auroville wants to be a universal town where men and women of all countries are able to live in peace and progressive harmony above all creeds, all politics and all nationalities.
The purpose of Auroville is to realise human unity.The Nest Of Vipers At Corruption Inc – David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast – Please Share To Avoid Censorship
Golden Light Sutra Chapters 1 to 7 English Spoken Audio Recording
donderdag 27 augustus 2020
A Short Notice To The Surface Population
There will be two key moments where more massive participation in the Flower of Life meditation would be advised.
The first one is the moment of Mars Saturn square which occurs on Monday, August 24th at 6:19 pm GMT. Flower of Life meditation at that moment will help dissipating the violent energy in the planetary energy field which will reach its peak at that moment.
Fluoridation on Trial: RFK, Jr.’s Conversation with Attorney Michael Connett
woensdag 26 augustus 2020
I reject eugenics on the people.
Watch Now: The Most Censored Documentary Of All Time – It’s A Must Watch
dinsdag 25 augustus 2020
Fighting Censorship - Interview with Brian Rose
Let's keep our integrity intact
Dhammapada verse 84by lynnjkelly |
He is indeed virtuous, wise, and righteous who neither for his own sake nor for the sake of another (does any wrong), who does not crave for sons, wealth, or [power], and does not desire success by unjust means. (translated by Acariya Buddharakkhita)
Unlike many of the verses in the Dhammapada, this one seems to be addressed not to monastics but to laypeople. I've substituted the word "power" for "kingdoms", on advice from my in-house Pali scholar.
The first takeway could be that we cannot accomplish anything good if we are doing harm along the way. One example might be a teacher or parent acting unnecessarily harshly to "teach someone a lessson". In such cases, the only lesson learned is that bullying is the way of the world. Another example is trying to gain wealth by unethical means, even if we have a legitimate need for funds.
In ancient India, sons were considered a form of wealth, along with farms, cattle, and bonded servants. When one is in a position of power, the temptation may be present to preserve and increase one's assets through means that are not entirely fair to all parties.
It's interesting, too, that the case of doing wrong in order to benefit someone other than oneself is mentioned. So, making appeals on false grounds in order to help a person, or a cause one desires to advance, is explicitly condemned. In short, if the means are corrupt, the ends cannot be good; the means can't justify the ends.
There is also a clear reference to right livelihood in this verse, mostly by way of describing wrong livelihood. It invites us to consider whether we want something so badly that we start imagining or investigating ways to acquire it that might not otherwise occur to us -- cheating on an exam, for example, or getting a desired result through bribery.
It will always be wise to keep our integrity intact. We can only do this with continuous mindfulness of our motives and actions.
Bart De Wever wil burgemeesterssjerp niet afgeven, want “Antwerpen is dankzij dit stadsbestuur klaar voor een nieuwe Gouden Eeuw”
Manifesting Saint Germain's Golden Age (Spiritualising the World)
maandag 24 augustus 2020
Prayer for the children
The world cannot go on denying that this is really happening. The full truth of this is going to come out soon. The Franklin Cover Up, the pizza gate scandal and the Jeffrey Epstein scandal are just the tip of the iceberg.
In my books I talked about a man we called the Baron. Basically he was a smaller version of what Jeffery Epstein was. This all took place decades ago, long before the internet, and since then things have changed. It is now possible for the truth to come out.
You cannot stop a bomb once it explodes, and what I see now is a TRUTH BOMB that is exploding in the world. This TRUTH BOMB is exposing these organized child prostitution groups. This TRUTH BOMB is showing the public how child prostitution is used to blackmail influential persons so that the blackmailers can achieve greater wealth and political power.
So this is a problem that all caring people in the world must be prepared to deal with now. And the first step to solving any problem is to pray about it. If you pray to God first, everything that follows will be according to God’s loving guidance. So I am now going to say a prayer for the children. And I ask that when you are finished watching this video, please say a prayer for the children, in whatever way is right for you. And then tell others to pray.
God Almighty, thank you for the many blessings that you have given to all humanity. Thank you for hearing our prayers. We are now aware that thousands of children in every country around the world are being abused by organized child prostitution rings. But we have faith that your divine power is greater than any power on Earth. Thank you for sending the power of the Holy Spirit to help us in so many ways. Thank you for the army of your angels who guide and defend us. When possible, may the hearts of these child abusers be turned away from evil, back to decency. May the hearts and minds of those in authority be guided by your divine righteousness so that they liberate and help these abducted children. Thank you for having sent your angels to comfort the souls of the hundreds of thousands of children who have already been lost to these evil practices. May you open the eyes of those who refuse to see this problem. May you open the hearts of those who fail to care about these children. May you open the minds of those who refuse to believe in the truth. We pray for all this in the holy name of your son, our Savior, Lord Jesus Christ. Truly.
Please share with your friends. Thank you for reading and remember to pray for the children, in your own way.
Audiobook | The Law of Success | Paramahamsa Yogananda
Show them your peace
Dear humanity,
on this critical time in history I am asking you to openly debate questions and recommendations with an open heart of peace, embracing all of the human race and dear mother Earth. We will succeed, we are only being tested. G'd wants to see you succeed. Just keep going. You will all be fine, Muslims, Jews and Christians alike (and all the others).
Kristo(f) Gabriel
PCR test that is producing the ‘virus cases’ triggering the new lockdowns worldwide is testing for genetic codes that every human has and NOT THE ‘VIRUS’
BIG STORY – PLEASE SHARE: PCR test that is producing the ‘virus cases’ triggering the new lockdowns worldwide is testing for genetic codes that every human has and NOT THE ‘VIRUS’ – David Icke talks with Dr Andrew Kaufman about the astonishing hoax transforming human society https://davidicke.com/2020/08/24/big-story-please-share-pcr-test-that-is-producing-the-virus-cases-triggering-the-new-lockdowns-worldwide-is-testing-for-genetic-codes-that-every-human-has-and-not-the-virus-david-icke-tal/ |
Mass Consciousness Gridwork, Free World Peace Meditations
No lockdown, no masks, no hysteria… NO PROBLEM: Sweden didn’t go into a corona coma – and it’s living in glorious normality. Now DOMINIC SANDBROOK asks: Is this proof we got it all terribly wrong?
Creating Peace by being Peace.
zondag 23 augustus 2020
Where lightworkers agree upon:
1. Stop child trafficking by january 2021
2. Building a world that works for everyone by 2023.
David Icke on Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center.
K. Gabriel
zaterdag 22 augustus 2020
vrijdag 21 augustus 2020
David Icke talks to Alex Jones.
David Icke : The Power of NO!
David Icke : Two Years From Now, August 2022.
Book of today : Swami Rama, living with the Himalayan Masters.
In this inspirational collection of stories, Swami Rama relates his experiences with the great teachers who guided his life, including Tagore, Mahatma Gandhi, Sri Aurobindo, and Ramana Maharshi. This book documents Swami Rama's spiritual quest, which showed him that direct experience is the source of real knowledge.
Source : https://www.bol.com/nl/f/living-with-the-himalayan-masters/9200000050034461/
Fighting the satanic death-cult with David Icke
Dit heeft de Veiligheidsraad beslist. (Dutch)
The Truth about the COLD WAR.
The Cold War The Cold War between the United States and the former Soviet Union was an elaborate hoax orchestrated by The Illuminati who secretly own and control both countries. In reality, both countries were secretly operating as one entity throughout “The Cold War.” The truth of this was known only to a handful of “insiders” at the time. The Illuminati secretly own and operate the Military Industrial Complex, and the purpose of the hoaxed “Cold War” was to extort trillions and trillions of dollars from taxpayers on both sides via the mass production of nuclear warheads and intercontinental ballistic missiles for a “Cold War” that was not even real!
Edgar Cayce + Jeff Rense - Russia The Hope Of The World
David Icke interview - conspiracy theories
donderdag 20 augustus 2020
Manly P. Hall - Armageddon - War Ends in Peace #KeepThePeace
since the year 1931. And the fallen angels were thrown out of heaven ever since. (Maybe it's time to work for peace NOW and don't back down!)
Agni Yoga, Armageddon teaches this http://agniyoga.helloyou.ch/ar/ayarmageddon.html
The Christ (Western name) = Maitreya (Eastern name).
Vermoeden van onschuld, artikel 48, Europese wetgeving. (Dutch)
Artikel 48 - Vermoeden van onschuld en rechten van de verdediging
1. Eenieder tegen wie een vervolging is ingesteld, wordt voor onschuldig gehouden totdat zijn schuld in rechte is komen vast te staan. 2. Aan eenieder tegen wie een vervolging is ingesteld, wordt de eerbiediging van de rechten van de verdediging gegarandeerd.
Bron : https://fra.europa.eu/nl/eu-charter/article/48-vermoeden-van-onschuld-en-rechten-van-de-verdediging
Book of today - The Resistance Manifesto by Mark Dice
The Resistance Manifesto by Mark Dice contains 450 pages of extensively researched and documented information drawing from declassified documents, mainstream news articles, religious texts, and personal interviews. A dark web of evil is exposed like never before, making Bible Prophecy and the New World Order crystal clear.
Learn the most powerful information about the Illuminati, plans for the rise of the Antichrist, the institutions, people, and powers involved, and how you can fight them.
"Powerful and compelling. A must read." - Alex Jones from Infowars.com
"Mark takes you beyond 9/11 into a world of secret societies, mystics, and madmen." - Jason Bermas, Producer of Loose Change
"Mark Dice is not a conspiracy theorist, he is a conspiracy realist. This book tells it like it is. I urge every American to read it and pass it on to your friends and relatives. Wake up America!" - Ted Gunderson, Senior Special Agent in Charge (retired) FBI Los Angeles
"A must read for all Patriots. Mark has the guts most of us wish we had." - Mike Hanson, author of Bohemian Grove: Cult of Conspiracy (infiltrated Bohemian Grove with Alex Jones in the year 2000)
"Every patriotic American needs the valuable information in this outstanding book. Its insights are vital to our overcoming the sinister forces now confronting us on every side." - Texe Marrs - Author of Codex Magica
"Mark Dice has assumed leadership of The Resistance. Forewarned is forearmed and we all have a role to play in the future. Or as Mark puts it, "The Resistance lives within each of us." - Jim Marrs, author of Rule by Secrecy
A detailed analysis of the September 11th attacks and evidence they were aided by elements within U.S. and foreign intelligence agencies to be used as a reason to jump-start the "War on Terror" and the erosion of privacy and personal liberties outlined in the constitution.
Excerpts from the original writings of the Illuminati founders and how the organization drew up plans over 200 years ago to take over every major institution of power and influence in the world through deception and criminal activity.
An exposé on the Bohemian Grove including quotes from President Richard Nixon, senator John DeCamp, and information from Chris Jones who worked at the club and became an informant revealing the activities within.
The history and meaning of the mysterious Georgia Guidestones monument and why the elite want to reduce world population to 500 million by killing billions of people through wars and plagues.
The Skull and Bones society at Yale University, their direct connection to the Illuminati, and the true meaning of their mantra, "The hangman equals death, the Devil equals death, and death equals death."
Sophisticated NSA government spy systems such as Echelon and Carnivore and their true capabilities.
Department of Defense plans to create cybernetic organisms and implant humans with neural interfaces by wiring computers directly into the brain and billions of dollars pouring into robotic soldier programs.
Secret FEMA prison camps and detention centers which are already constructed and ready to be filled with those who resist the tyranny of the New World Order.
How private organizations such as the Federal Reserve Bank and the Council on Foreign Relations hold tremendous power and influence over domestic and international affairs, while giving the appearance that they are a part of the United States government.
The final plans for the global government, one world currency, unified Luciferian religion, and the rise of the Antichrist.
What it means to be a part of The Resistance, our mission, and how you can get involved.
woensdag 19 augustus 2020
The Georgia Guidestones - The plan for a New World Order
Michael Sealy : Hypnosis for Finding Your Life's Purpose (Higher Self Guided Meditation Spirit Guide).
Stay updated on the Truth
Planetary Initiation is happening :
NaturalNews.com Plandemic II film outtakes reveal shocking truths about Bill Gates, NIH, CDC
The bombshell new film, "Plandemic II" has just been released and you can watch it in today's article. This is a must-see film that exposes absolutely shocking, horrifying truths about the NIH, CDC, WHO and people like Bill Gates.
It also reveals how Big Tech and the media are conspiring to silence all whistleblowers and independent voices that are warning humanity about the staged plandemic.
See the full film and special outtakes here.
Also today: The Goodyear tire company hates America and has denounced people who support law enforcement or MAGA. Instead, the company endorses LGBT child mutilations and BLM terrorist groups that are burning down this nation.
Goodyear is just the latest pathetic, wicked corporation to turn against America and side with treason rather than reason.
See the full story here.
P.S. The upcoming speaker event, "Final Warning: Brace for Impact" is just 58 days away. It's widely believed this will be our last broadcast for humanity as the collapse accelerates. Multiple speakers issue their final warnings. Get details and register for the event at GenSix.com
Humanity must awaken to these vaccine criminals and bioweapons engineers who are literally destroying human civilization for power and profit.
If we don’t wake up now, we will be exterminated en masse.
More info : https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-08-19-plandemic-ii-indoctornation-film-released-covid-19.html
You Can Do This: Why Meditation Is for Everyone
18.08.2020 21:51 Meditation | Health
Possibly the most persistent myths regarding meditation are that it’s difficult, it involves struggle or laser-like focus, or that it is reserved for a privileged few who possess the mental or genetic makeup necessary to settle the mind. However, none of these beliefs are true. Popular culture has done meditation practice somewhat of a disservice by often making it appear unreachable, other-worldly, loaded with philosophical or mystical trappings, or veiled in secrecy. Fortunately, the deeper understandings of mind-body wellness and the demystification of the world’s wisdom traditions have helped to blow the dust off the outdated views of meditation that kept it out of reach of the general public.
Put simply, meditation is for everyone. It’s a process and a practice that is a natural and inherent birthright we all carry within us. When the first sages and seers of remote antiquity discovered the ability to settle their minds, they heralded a new era in humanity—the activation of our mind-body’s restful awareness response. Not unlike Roger Bannister, running the first four-minute mile in 1954, who unlocked the door to what was physically and physiologically possible, the first meditators unlocked the door to higher states of awareness that we can all experience and benefit from today.
To further illustrate meditation’s universal applicability, consider the following.
The Mind’s Urge for Stillness Is Built In
While the body is geared for activity, the mind, if given the opportunity, will naturally be drawn to settling down. The simple act of sitting comfortably with closed eyes activates the parasympathetic (rest and digest) nervous system and the mind’s tendency to go within. Whenever the input from the senses is withdrawn, the mind begins to go inward. Like a tortoise drawing in its limbs, unplugging our senses allows the mind to be calm while simultaneously expanding into higher states of awareness.
Meditation Is Universal in Value
In other words, meditation works for all people, everywhere. As we all share common traits that are part of the human experience, the methodical practices of meditation affect all human beings similarly across time and space. Meditation’s universal effectiveness, therefore, is a byproduct of the laws of nature that apply equally to us all. In the same way that gravity applies uniformly to all humans, regardless of gender, age, or national origin, the practice of meditation is valuable for everyone on earth.
There Are No Bad Meditators
Meditation is natural and has no biases. It can be done by anyone, regardless of background or experience. As Krishna reminds Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita:
On this path effort never goes to waste, and there is no failure. Even a little effort towards spiritual awareness will protect you from the greatest fear. 2:40
No one who does good work will ever come to a bad end, either here or in the world to come. 6:40
While these passages may seem somewhat esoteric and mystical, they still reflect the important truth that you really can’t fail at meditation. Take comfort in Krishna’s words of encouragement and recognize that you can do this. There are no bad meditators, only less effective ways to learn. Since meditation is a unique skill, it stands to reason that thoroughly learning both the theory and experience, taking the time to learn a practice from a high-quality source such as a book, an online program like Chopra Global’s Primordial Sound Meditation Master Course, or a meditation app will help you reap meditation’s many rewards and feel successful in your practice.
It’s important to remember that if whatever source of instruction you follow isn’t working for you: Don’t give up on meditation and don’t give up on yourself. Recognize what didn’t work, try another practice, and keep exploring until you find what suits you best.
Expectations Lead to Failure
This is a good time to mention that the illusion of failure in meditation practice is almost always the result of attachment to expectations or a specific outcome. Meditation is always healing and your mind-body takes exactly what it needs from your practice. The quickest way to frustrate yourself in meditation is to have expectations of a practice that, by its very nature, is meant to embrace uncertainty, unpredictability, and the unknown.
As long as you hold on to a particular idea of what’s “supposed” to happen during meditation, you’ll constantly think of yourself as failing whenever your experiences don’t match your expectations. Set yourself free from the burden of evaluation and self-judgment and you’ll recognize that every meditation is unique and just the way it’s meant to be.
Meditation Adapts to You
When I learned meditation from Chopra Global’s chief meditation officer Roger Gabriel, he mentioned that in the beginning, practicing meditation was like breaking in a pair of slippers—they initially feel somewhat stiff and tight, but after a little time, they become comfortable and fit your feet perfectly. In this way, meditation adapts to you—to your lifestyle, needs, karma, and dharma. Ultimately, your meditation practice should be as unique as your fingerprint. Yes, there are guidelines you can follow for when, where, how long to meditate, how to sit, how to breathe, and supplementary practices, but in the end, no one knows your life and routine better than you.
Don’t try to force yourself into a meditation mold that doesn’t fit your life. Doing so will only make you uncomfortable and you’ll end up quitting. Like asana practice in yoga, don’t force yourself into the pose; modify it to fit your body and the pose will support your health and well-being for years to come.
Still unconvinced that you can meditate? Let’s see just how simple it can be. Take a moment to read through these steps and then commit to giving meditation a five-minute test drive.
- Find a place where you won’t be disturbed for the next five to seven minutes. Silence your phone, close the door, and dim the lights if you like.
- Sit comfortably in whatever position allows your neck and back to remain relatively upright. Try to have both feet resting flat on the floor with your legs uncrossed. Close your eyes softly. Relax your body into the chair.
- Take three full, slow, deep breaths.
- On your next inhalation, silently repeat to yourself the word, I.
- As you exhale, silently repeat the word am.
- Inhale: I; exhale: am.
- Continue this process for the next several minutes or as long as comfortable. When thoughts in your mind, sensations in your body, or sounds in the environment occur, effortlessly bring your awareness back to I am. Just repeat the words gently without force, effort, or struggle to concentrate.
- When you choose to end the practice, stop repeating I am, and sit comfortably with your eyes closed for a few more moments.
- When you’re ready, softly open your eyes.
Congratulations! You just meditated. While this first experience may have felt slightly strange, know that with practice it will become increasingly normal. Thoughts, sounds in the environment, and bodily sensations are all part of the practice. In the end, all you need to do is innocently notice when your attention drifts away from I am, and then gently bring it back. Simple, comfortable, effortless. This is meditation.
See? You can do this.
Next Steps
An ideal way to take the next step in your meditation journey is Chopra Global’s 21 Day Meditation Experience with Deepak Chopra and international music icon J Balvin. In just 21 days you’ll learn to focus your mind and develop habits that put you in control of your own health and well-being.
Additionally, if you’d like to explore the theory and practice of meditation in greater detail, perhaps you’d enjoy The Path To Stillness, A Meditator's Guide. This book was written as a manual for both the new and experienced meditator alike, a tool to lead you through the ins and outs of becoming a lifelong meditator and reaping all the rewards the practice has to offer.