shamanic artist - pleiadian gabrielian - michaelian - having faith in G-d above all else - sovereign - ethical - refuse RFID chipping / Uniting 144000, peaceful bodhisattva-buddha (nirmanakaya) mahatma- defender of freedom - following my highest calling (Shamballah), ASHTAR “We all shape the world together, be wise and virtuous in your life loyal immortal legions visionary mystic Gabriel Sadhu tintegral & bhakti, raja, siddha, maha yogi 6th dimension Christos / Archangels
Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
vrijdag 31 juli 2020
Golden Light Sutra: English Recitation Chapters 1 to 7
Nikola Tesla Documentary The Forgetten Inventor
Wisdom of today : Rise like Lions after slumber. In unvanquishable number.
PLEIADIAN PROPHECY The Great Changeover 2013-2027
donderdag 30 juli 2020
How Hierarchy Communicates with Humans - Manly P. Hall
How Hierarchy Communicates with Humans - Manly P. Hall
How Hierarchy Communicates with Humans Manly P. Hall talks about the Americas as the New Atlantis, the New World to create a better human communion based on ...
Wise advice from dr Gabriel Cousens
London Real : "We Are In The Midst of a High Stakes Information War Unlike Anything Ever Seen in Human History."
Natural News from Michael : Big Tech, Big Pharma and Big Media are now waging an all-out war to mass murder humanity
With Big Tech now completely censoring America's Frontline Doctors who are advocating for a low-cost treatment and cure for covid-19 that could end the lockdowns and make vaccines obsolete, it's abundantly clear that the tech giants are waging an all-out WAR against humanity.
All medical speech is now being controlled and dictated by evil, anti-human corporations run by liberal lunatics and funded by Big Pharma ad money. Their goal is the mass murder of literally billions of human beings through economic destruction, bioweapons, vaccines and engineered famine.
If we do not rise up against Big Tech, Big Pharma and Big Media right now, we will be destroyed by some of the most evil, malicious corporate entities in the history of human civilization.
Source :
David : Silenced Frontline Doctors Hold Capitol Hill Press Conference to Challenge Big Tech
woensdag 29 juli 2020
Wisdom of today
K. Gabriel & Kim Michaels
Jan Dries - Immuniteit (Dutch *recommended / aanbevolen)
Een sterke immuniteit zorgt voor een betere weerstand tegen aanvallen van virussen. Maar hoe versterk je je immuniteit? Jan Dries, expert in natuurgeneeskunde, geeft in dit boek talrijke tips en concrete adviezen om de immuniteit en de gezondheid in relatief korte tijd te versterken. Het biedt inspiratie en vooral veel hoop. We hebben veel zelf in de hand om ons te wapenen tegen ziekmakende virussen. Jan Dries is bekend auteur van gezondheidsboeken en heeft een rijke ervaring opgebouwd als voedingstherapeut en docent voedingsleer. Hij is auteur van het boek 'Genezen met kruiden'.
Wijsheid van de dag (Dutch)
Bron : Osho,
De Rebel
Physicians For Informed Consent Say Infection Fatality Rate of COVID-19 Is 0.2.6 Percent
My Dinner With Andre ("pockets of light") 1981
Wisdom of today
A true leader liberates through ideas, not force - must think outside the box
Rosaries invoking mental freedom for all
In the name I AM THAT I AM, Jesus Christ, I call to all ascended masters working on manifesting the Golden Age, especially Archangel Zadkiel, Elohim Arcturus, Saint German, Divine Director and Alpha to radiate into the collective consciousness a new awareness of the concept of mental freedom. Help people see that we can build a new future by working with the ascended masters and letting go the old way of looking at life, including psychiatry as a means to suppressing, controlling and poisoning people.
Saint Germain, radiate into the collective consciousness the awareness that we cannot attain freedom from the power elite through physical, material means. There is no way to bring the Golden Age through physical means.
Saint Germain, radiate into the collective consciousness the awareness that we need to find many different approaches, to mental illness, mental freedom. The real goal of a free society is mental freedom for all people.
Source :
Manly P. Hall - First Line of Defense Against Adversity
Mental Liberation in the Age of Thought Control: Deprogramming Satanic Ritual Abuse, MK Ultra, Monarch & Illuminati Mind Control
Wisdom of today
Rebel poet Lawrence Ferlinghetti - Pity the Nation
Chapter 14 "Protection called Refuge of the Yakshas"
Golden Light Sutra: English Recitation Chapters 1 to 7
dinsdag 28 juli 2020
maandag 27 juli 2020
Wijsheid van de dag (Dutch)
Jiddu Krishnamurti in het boek Vrijheid
Wisdom of today by Madeleine Peyroux (instagram)
Corona-healing meditation with Archangel Raphael
K. Gabriel's wisdom of today
humanity is at its best."
Important re-post by 2012 The Portal
David : Propaganda for kids: UK govt-backed ‘news’ site teaches children about ‘ruthless’ Putin & ‘shameless’ Russia.
The War Against Putin: What the Government-Media Complex Isn't Telling You About Russia 2nd Edition :
Mahalakshmi Laxmi Mantra & Shri Yantra Wealth Giving
Engel Gabriel moet brug slaan tussen Joodse en Moslimjongeren. (Dutch)
Boddhisatvic wisdom + Jewish wisdom and insight.
Love people and bring them closer to the Torah."
Wise advice by Dr Roy Michael Martina
zondag 26 juli 2020
David's updates
zaterdag 25 juli 2020
May the Archangel Michael, Shiva and Saint Germain deliver all of humanity from dark curses
Philip Lindsay (esoteric astrologer) : Leo 2020: Courage. Neptune. Sensitivity. The Solar Hero. Lion-Heart. Sirius. Mars-Saturn. Comet Neowise. Avatars.
Rosaries (4) (Kim Michaels & Saint Germain)
Saint Germain, help the top 10 percent see that the lower ten percent will pull the population down until the top 10 percent come into agreement and pull the population up.
Saint Germain, help the top 10 percent see that when we are in agreement, many among the population can now see what they could not see because they were blinded by the duality consciousness.
Saint Germain, help the top 10 percent see that there is great strenght in numbers. If two people in different parts of the world reach the same determination, then it will count. The whole is more than the sum of the parts.
Saint Germain, help the top ten percent see that the ascended masters are constantly releasing new ideas, but they will not have an effect in the physical until one or more people grasp that idea with outer awareness.
Saint Germain, help the top ten percent see that the ascended masters have the solutions to every problem on earth. Yet those solutions cannot be given unless people are willing to change their consciousness.
Saint Germain, help the top ten percent see that we cannot solve a problem with the same state of consciousness that created or precipated the problem. It is essential that the consciousness shifts so that the people can reach beyond the old way of looking at a particular problem and be open to receiving the solution.
Saint Germain, help the top ten percent see that the ascended masters want a situation where many people are open and attuned to you so that many people at the same time will tune in to that particular idea.
Saint Germain, help the top ten percent see that in the Aquarian Age, you need millions of people to be so attuned to the new ideas you are releasing that many people can catch an idea as soon as it is released and immediately start speaking about it.
Saint Germain, help the top ten percent see that you are nog looking at the Aquarian Age as an age in which there are a few remarkable leaders, but where millions of remarkable people dare to stand up and speak the truth that they know in their hearts.
Saint Germain, help the top ten percent see beyond the programming that change is brought by powerful people and that any change in society must come from the elite.
Saint Germain, help the top ten percent see that the true positive changes that have happened on this planet, have always happened because a number of so-called ordinary people embraced the idea.
Saint Germain, help the top ten percent see that no one person is more important than anyone else. We ALL have the potential to be part of the movement of the Ascended Masters, part of bringing the Golden Age.
Special thanks to author © 2016 Kim Michaels
Source :
Book of today : Help Saint Germain Stop Poverty
Source :
Clearing and Shielding with Archangel Michael with Doreen Virtue
Archangel Michael, I accept your total protection for myself and all people in my circle of influence from any backlash from the fallen beings in the form of physical accidents, mishaps or acts of violence.
Archangel Michael, I accept your total protection for myself and all people in my circle of influence from any backlash from the fallen beings in the form of disease or problems with the physical body
Archangel Michael, I accept your total protection for myself and all people in my circle of influence from any backlash from the fallen beings in the form of emotional projections causing erratic or insane behavior.
Archangel Michael, I accept your total protection for myself and all people in my circle of influence from any backlash from the fallen beings in the form of emotional projections causing depression or a sense of discouragement.
Archangel Michael, I accept your total protection for myself and all the people in my circle of influence from any backlash from the fallen beings in the form of mental projections causing confusion or mental instability.
Archangel Michael,
light you are
shining like the bluest star
You are a cosmic avatar
with you I will go very far
Archangel Michael,
you are here,
your light consumes all doubt and fear.
Your presence is forever near,
You are to me so very dear.
Sealing from lower energies
Source : &
Rosaries and invocations (3)
Gautama, I have no desire,
to nothing earthly I aspire,
in non-attachment I now rest
passing Mara's subtle test.
Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,
unruly thoughts do hereby cease.
we radiate from you and me
the peace to still Samsara's Sea
Gautama Buddha, remove space from the fallen beings in the mental realm who know they need to fool people in order to maintain control, and who keep coming up with ideas that can fool people.
Gautama, I melt into you
my mind is one, no longer two
immersed in your respendent glow
Nirvana is all that I know
Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,
unruly thoughts do hereby cease,
we radiate from you and me
the peace to still Samsara's Sea.
Gautama Buddha, remove space from the entities and demons in the mental realm and cut free the spiritual people and the general population from the lies and deceptions of the fallen beings.
Gautama Buddha, remove space from the fallen beings in the mental realm who control intellectual people. Remove space from those human beings in embodiment who are completely taken over by the fallen beings in the mental realm and will not let go of the sense of superiority it gives them
Gautama Buddha, remove space from the fallen beings and demons at the physical level, the emotional level, the mental level and the identity level who oppose the teachings of the ascended masters.
Gautama Buddha, remove space from the fallen beings in the mental realm who promote the idea that there must be a materialistic explanation for everything and society should only accept what can be proven through material means.
Gautama Buddha, remove space from the fallen beings in the mental realm who promote the idea that science does not need to seriously investigate the human mind or consciousness.
Gautama Buddha, remove space from the fallen beings in the mental realm who promote the very subtle ideas that prevent people from questioning the establishment in all areas of life.
Gautama Buddha, remove space from the fallen beings in the mental realm who promote the idea that consciousness can only be subjective and that only materialistic proof can be objective.
Gautama Buddha, remove space from the fallen beings in the mental realm who use the educational establishments of the world to promote the idea that there is a standard for what is valid knowledge and what is invalid knowledge and that this standard has to be defined in materialistic terms.
Gautama Buddha, by the Christ within me, I hereby give authority to the ascended masters to step and bind, consume and remove the energies, entities and the fallen beings in the mental realm so that this planet can be set free from the limitations of materialism.
From the book : Help the Ascended Masters STOP WAR by Kim Michaels
David : ‘US government has physical evidence of craft not made of this earth’ – but be cautious here with a fake ‘alien invasion’ plan exposed in documents decades ago.
Wisdom of today
vrijdag 24 juli 2020
Rosaries and invocations (2)
Master Lanto, radiate into the collective consciousness the awareness that much of higher education promotes a strictly materialistic view of life. This feeds certain demons or beings in the mental realm.
Master Lanto, radiate into the collective consciousness the awareness that education makes many intellectual people have a certain disdain or overbearing feelings to religious people, and thereby their emotional energies are drained.
Master Lanto, radiate into the collective consciousness the awareness that much education is not aimed at giving the students wisdom but is aimed at programming their minds to accept a worldview that is defined by the forces of anti-wisdom.
Wisdom of today
Rosaries and invocations.
Master Lanto, radiate into the collective consciousness the awareness that many sporting games have an effect of draining people's energy. Any kind of substance that alters our consciousness, such as drugs, alcohol or tobacco, also allows demons and entities to steal our energy.
Master Lanto, radiate into the collective consciousness the awareness that the majority of movies are direct energy drains, especially violent movies, horror movies or movies that make us feel sampathy.
Master Lanto, radiate into the collective consciousness the awareness that there is a need to increase our sensitivity. Even more benign activities can drain our energy, but if we are sufficiently aware, we can engage in an activity without having our energy stolen.
Master Lanto, radiate into the collective consciousness the awareness that we cannot understand a person like Adolf Hitler without seeing that he had such an ambition about having power on earth that he was willing to sell is soul to the dark forces beyond the physical octave.
Master Lanto, radiate into the collective consciousness the awareness that the dark forces could give Hitler power to manipulate people's emotions, mental and identity bodies by making them feel that they were the super humans, belonging to the super race. Therefore, it seemed perfectly rational to them that they had the absolute right to suppress and eradicate other people.
Master Lanto, radiate into the collective consciousness the awareness that the teachers are seeking to program the students to conform to the overall worldview upon which that educational institution is based, or even the view upon which most educational institutions are based.
Source : Manifesting Saint Germain's Golden Age, Kim Michaels
Barbara Marciniak - Anchoring a New Era (Part 3)
Barbara Marciniak - Anchoring a New Era (Part 2)
Barbara Marciniak - Anchoring a New Era (Part 1)
The Culture of life and Liberation by Dr. Gabriel Cousens
The Sphere of the Bodhisattvas By Rudolf Steiner
Philip Lindsay : The hidden history of Humanity.
donderdag 23 juli 2020
Natural News : INTERVIEW: Former CIA officer Kevin Shipp sounds off on the shadow government, exotic space weapons and covert budgets
Philip Lindsay : The Three Shamballa's
Astral Headquarters of The Great White Lodge on Earth. Accessed through a secret astral doorway in The Gobi Desert. Over the centuries countless seekers, priests, monks, adepts, lamas, occultists, scholars, military spies, authors, adventurers, and curiosity seekers alike have tried to find the hidden astral doorway which leads to Shamballa. Those whose light quotient and motives were sufficiently high enough were spiritually guided to the astral doorway by the Knights of Shamballa. Those whose light quotient and motives were low, evil, or materialistic were mislead and misdirected from finding the astral doorway by the Knights of Shamballa in the same manner. To give you some idea just how difficult it is to find and enter the astral doorway which leads to Shamballa, Lord Maitreya has stated, “For every two thousand souls who seek Shamballa, only one finds it.”
Source :
The Courage to be You / Gabriel Gonsalves
Many people don’t know that the great American Poet, E. E. Cummings, self-published most of his work. His poetry went against the conventional thinking of the culture of his time. As a result, he struggled to find a publisher who believed in him and the message he wanted to share with the world.
Despite receiving countless rejection letters from publishers from all over the U.S., each night E.E. kept on pouring his soul onto each poem he wrote. He published his work because he knew it takes courage to become the person you know in your heart you’re destined to become.
It takes courage to quit your current job after finally admitting to yourself your heart is not in it, and there’s a higher calling you’d like to pursue.
It takes courage to end a relationship with someone you’ve grown comfortable with after finally admitting to yourself you’re not in love or that this person is a good fit for you.
It takes courage to sell the home you’ve lived in during the past 35 years and get a fresh start by moving to another country, city, or town.
It takes courage to carry on when someone you love profoundly dies or leaves, and you feel so broken that you have lost all desire to live.
It takes courage to stand on a stage of life and share your story vulnerably only to have others attack, criticize, or bully you and tell you are full of bull**it.
It takes courage to continue to care for someone after your love was rejected by them even when you know there’s no chance you will ever be with them.
It takes courage to pick yourself up time and time again after each fall, disappointment, or failure and remaining true to you or the vision you have for your life.
It takes great courage to say, “No,” “I don’t want this,” “This is not okay with me,” “I don’t love you,” “I want something different,” or “I can’t be what you want me to be.”
It takes courage to be you, the real you.
From my heart to yours,
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Gabriel Gonsalves
Heart Intelligence Coach, Trainer, and Speaker