shamanic artist - pleiadian gabrielian - michaelian - having faith in G-d above all else - sovereign - ethical - refuse RFID chipping / Uniting 144000, peaceful bodhisattva-buddha (nirmanakaya) mahatma- defender of freedom - following my highest calling (Shamballah), ASHTAR “We all shape the world together, be wise and virtuous in your life loyal immortal legions visionary mystic Gabriel Sadhu tintegral & bhakti, raja, siddha, maha yogi 6th dimension Christos / Archangels
Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
donderdag 30 april 2020
Rabbi Gabriel Cousens Free Info For Health and Holistic Liberation.
Dear Friends,
Yesterday, I released my 19-page update on COVID-19 (I like metaphors!). The reason I write so extensively, besides the way my brain is designed (I think in chapters not in soundbites), is to empower you with real support and information that you can share with your own circles in ways they can most hear.
For convenience, here’s a brief bullet point summary, as well, which is documented in-depth in the 19-page article.
- COVID-19 is a weaponized virus that came out of the Wuhan DSL-4, either accidentally or deliberately, as has now been stated by US intelligence and government.
- This virus is programmed for high infectivity and mild to moderate lethality. The lethality ranges from .05% to 1%, and, in my intuitive opinion in looking at the myriad overall (and questionable) data, at least 3-fold higher and as much as 10-fold higher. It remains less lethal than SARS and Ebola (for which we never had shutdowns or fear based PSYOPs).
- Fear weakens the immune system and spirit on every level. I write these articles to help people lower their fear.
- Research shows no significant statistical difference between areas, cities, states, and countries that are shutdown or not shutdown, in terms of COVID-19’s infectivity and lethality. This is highlighted by the two ER doctors from Bakersfield, CA, as well as other world-recognized leading virologists noted in my longer article.
- Scientific research notes that the bad outcomes of shutting down, including UN estimates of 30-130 million people starving to death (particularly in the third world), increased suicides (800,000 for every 12% of the recently unemployed population in the US), depression, anxiety, and increased child and spousal abuse. This collateral damage is far more devastating than the present 220,000 people who have died from COVID-19.
- Contrary to the mainstream media’s insistence that there is no cure for COVID-19, there seem to be cures involving hydroxychloroquine/chloroquine and azithromycin combinations (with recent research strongly validating effectiveness and safety for the last 70 years and currently), ozone therapy, variations of heat therapy, intravenous vitamin C therapy, and a pharmaceutical called remdesivir.
- My protocol, as listed in my newsletter, has a high level of preventative effectiveness and symptom amelioration for those infected.
- The epidemiological evidence shows that 99% of those who have died have 1 or more comorbidity factors – mainly high blood pressure, type-2 diabetes, obesity, cancer, and heart disease. Fifty percent of those who’ve died have 3 comorbidities.
- It is important understand that, at any age, if you’re healthy, your chances of contracting coronavirus or dying from COVID-19 are greatly minimized. I say this because the disease fear is a significant source of anxiety and fear for those over the age of 60. At any age, if you follow the lifestyle and protection protocol and maintain your general health, your chances of becoming infected or dying are significantly minimized.
- Vaccines, which have never worked better than 10-30% from any sort of influenza coronavirus infection, are not and never will be any sort of solution to this pandemic, and research shows, the more you flu vaccinations one has had, the greater the risk of infection (to be discussed in detail in my next newsletter). Last night at the Arizona state-recognized holistic medical board AHIMA meeting (Arizona Homeopathic and Integrative Medical Association, of which I’ve been a member since 1987 and am currently vice-president) all these medical doctors agreed about the potential dangers of a COVID-19 vaccine, including the commonsense awareness that you can’t create a vaccine for an ever-mutating virus of which we already have over 50 documented mutations.
- It is important to use this time for spiritual inspiration toward a higher octave of healthier lifestyle in general to protect against all disease and potentially further waves of biological pandemic.
- Finally, and perhaps most importantly, I’m encouraging more meditation to activate the non-causal love, peace, bliss, and oneness with God. We’re being given a unique gift to uplift our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual joy and connection with God… Let’s take advantage of it!
Blessings to your health, wellness, and spiritual growth,
From Gabriel to Michael with Raphael .. Heal Brother, Heal.
Gabriel for Michael with Raphael
Madeleine - Heaven Help Us All
K. Gabriel
Powered by Ickonic News (The News Behind The News)
Blessed is King David, always
Blessed is Queen Esther and Archangel Michael
Blessed are my parents and spiritual family of light (thx to Mozes)
Coca Cola saves lives.
(it was invented as a medicine)
David Icke : The Great Awakening Has Begun.
Activists launch petition to remove New York Academy of Art's board chairman who 'urged student to sell Jeffrey Epstein her rape-inspired painting - before she later was sexually assaulted by the pedophile'.
Madeleine Peyroux - Changing All Those Changes (The Resurrection Song) - Amen
Gabriel Rios - Swing Low (Music For Life 2015)
woensdag 29 april 2020
Manly P. Hall - From Knowledge to Wisdom
Shared by K. Gabriel
Buddha's Advice on intoxicants. (Pure Wisdom)
Words of the Buddha:
“Furthermore, abandoning the use of intoxicants, the disciple of the noble ones abstains from taking intoxicants. In doing so, he gives freedom from danger, freedom from animosity, freedom from oppression to limitless numbers of beings.” (AN 8.39, tr. Thanissaro Bhikkhu)
The fifth training rule, or precept, is “I undertake the training rule to abstain from intoxicants causing heedlessness”.
Spirit Science ~ The Hidden Truths of Covid-19
Someone says I'm 68 today. They must be kidding.
Toespraak van Zijne Majesteit de Koning naar aanleiding van de Corona-crisis
Source :
(Saint King Filip)
Fa Sirius Resistance Repost. (multiple languages)
COVID-19 - A Holistic Review and Most Effective Holistic Strategies.
COVID-19 - A Holistic Review and Most Effective Holistic Strategies
by Gabriel Cousens, MD, MD(H)
The COVID-19 coronavirus question, on one level, is getting more complicated, as a certain amount of disinformation, exaggeration, legitimate disagreements about the meaning of the various statistics, and contradictions in interpreting the basic data, continue to emerge and multiply. Perhaps this spreading of misinformation and the immune system lowering fear it creates in the uninformed is the real pandemic. The nearly 100% positive feedback on my efforts tells me that these newsletters are making a difference in my overall goal to both protect humanity and support the evolution of consciousness back to our Oneness with the Divine. I believe focusing on awakening to the Divine in our lives is the best way for us to approach what some would call a lethal reality paradoxical PSYOP (psychological operation).
Some say it's an internet hoax; others say it’s not that serious; others are saying it needs to be taken seriously. Even though some are saying, "No problem - It's a minor threat", I consider it is a major and unnecessary mistake not to take the proper personal, social, 5G, and spiritual hygiene precautions and start the anti-viral nutritional protocol, and the immune system building protocol as outlined in my newly revised Coronavirus Protection Protocol. An old Sufi is saying, "Love everybody [hoax or not], but tie up your camel [follow the prevention protocol]." This means we must act holistically preventatively on all levels. In the big picture, the best protection from Covid-19 is to create a fully healthy lifestyle with optimal vegan live food nutrition and actually a full activation of all of nature’s natural healers. My position, as a former lieutenant commander in the Public Health Service, is to give advice that will at least make people healthier (if I'm wrong) and save lives (if I'm right).
Now that the COVID-19 issue has been with us since November 2019, as the newer data suggests, we have an opportunity to see how effective our various worldwide approaches have been. One of the more increasingly challenged strategies has been the worldwide lockdown policies based on the examination of the actual outcomes. Some key and significant points about this have been raised by Professor Johan Giesecke, who currently serves as an advisor to the Swedish Government. Professor Giesecke was the first Chief Scientist of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) and a former advisor to the director-general of the WHO. His major point is “The measures we should take against the pandemic should be evidence-based,” and “when you start looking around for the measures being taken now by different countries, you find that very few of them have a shred of evidence-base.” The only measure “we know” will work “is washing your hands is good for you and good for others when you’re in an epidemic, but the rest, like border closures, school closures, social distancing - there’s almost no science behind most of these,” states Giesecke. In the end, this world-renowned epidemiologist said, “most democratized nations will have similar outcomes concerning deaths, lockdown or not.” “Lockdowns,” he states, “are unsustainable and could have serious political consequences.” Regarding the judgment of how nations have handled COVID, the professor suggests, “We should have this discussion a year from now, on the 17th of April 2021. I think that the difference between countries would be quite small in the end.” Professor Giesecke estimated the fatality rate of the novel coronavirus to be somewhere around influenza levels of about .1%.
His main point is that the UK and other European countries’ policies on lockdown are not evidence-based and that the correct policy is to only protect the old, the frail, and those with the highest comorbidity potentials. He feels that the flattening of the curve is due to the most vulnerable dying first just as much as to the lockdown. He feels COVID-19 is a “mild disease” and similar to the flu, and it was the novelty of the disease that scared people.
His point is that the data on the effectiveness of national shutdowns, versus countries where there are no national shutdowns, generally suggests that there are no major differences in outcomes. Professor Giesecke, based on his experience, has pointed out, for example, in Sweden, where there was no shutdown, there was no explosion of mortality as compared to England. In Taiwan, there was not a national shutdown except for quarantines of newly arrived foreigners (such as foreigners from the Chinese mainland and people in Taiwan, who are considered infected), which was about 65,000 people out of millions. At this point, they have had relatively minimal infections and around four deaths. In the U.S., the states which have not had a shutdown including South Dakota, Utah, Iowa, Wyoming, and Arkansas all show no spike in cases, such as we see in states where there has been a shutdown. Their basic flu infections and death outcomes have been no different than previous years. The only exception to this is Wyoming, where they not only did not have a spike in cases but had a decrease in actual cases. These statistics I believe, have been corrected for the issue of rural density. In Florida, the projections were that if the beaches were kept open 465,000 people would be hospitalized by April 24, 2020. The actual results were that only 2000 were hospitalized. The dire predictions were wrong by a factor of 100. Florida flattened the curve by opening the beaches. In Los Angeles, based on the variety of data inputs, the mortality rate is around .16%. On the Diamond Princess, with 85% exposed, the mortality rate was around 1%, according to Stanford medical doctor researchers, as noted in a previous letter. This data is significant as it is not projected or hypothesized data, but real numbers with real people in a controlled situation with people whose average age was 60 and over.
A key message some highly esteemed virology researchers are sharing is that these shutdown policies have no scientific foundation and have not been validated by historical evidence. For this reason, these top virologists are now stating these non-scientifically supported shutdown policies should be considered irrational.
One of the most poignant analyses of the overall situation was recently made by two California emergency room medical doctors, one being the co-owner of Accelerated Urgent Care, both highly trained in microbiology and immunology, working in and administering emergency rooms from Fresno to San Diego. They are sharing their actual frontline emergency room experience of the situation, rather than analysis based on statistical, highly speculative, and highly questionable data. As a physician, I am less skeptical of their reports, as they seem to be coming from a scientific, compassionate, non-political, and frontline experiential reality and holistic perspective in their assessment of the situation. For example, we hear reports of hospitals all over the country being overwhelmed with equipment shortages to care for the hordes of people coming for help, yet, outside of New York City, the on-the-ground reality, based on their direct experience and discussions with other ER physicians and other hospital administrators around the country, is something extremely different. Hospitals and clinics are at best mostly empty, some are closing from lack of patients, and medical doctors and other hospital staff are being laid off around the US. They report that, in their emergency room clinics, few patients, including COVID-19 patients, are coming in, and the medical system, in general, is beginning to shut down like other sectors of the economy. This is not only information countering the media disinformation but is also a serious message about our healthcare system beginning to disintegrate, and, like the rest of the economy, it may not be able to repair itself after the shut-down ends. Their conclusion, based on actual scientific patient experience, is that, after months of examining the situation, there is no statistical difference between overall outcome and deaths in areas where there has been a lockdown and where there has been no lockdown. This lack of significant statistical difference also appears to be the case throughout the US and also even comparing Sweden to Norway.
From a holistic risk-benefit scientific analysis, unfortunately, we have some very disastrous based outcomes from the lockdown. As a medical doctor with over 100 programs in 26 third world countries, and as a holistic physician and psychiatrist, I have explicit compassion for this situation. These scientific-based negative outcomes from the worldwide shutdown, which are already being seen in emergency rooms and the general public, include a variety of scientifically based projected negative outcomes. From a holistic public health approach, we always look at risk-benefit ratios. These unscientific, political, news media-pressured approaches, rather than scientifically and socially based approaches, have very serious projected negative long-term consequences. As a person who has diabetes prevention and plant-based agricultural food production projects all over the third world, it is concerning that there will be an increase in death by starvation, according to the UN, from 10 million up to 30 million. With a projected 130 million put on the brink of starvation and famine. The US and most of the world will be or is entering the worst financial collapse in history. Studies show that these politician-mandated shutdowns will result in thirteen times the amount of death from suicide than the deaths caused by the virus. For example, a 12% rise in unemployment is projected to result in 831,600 additional suicides related to job loss. According to some statistics, the US unemployment rate is closer to 17-18% or even higher. The emergency room doctors are also noting a great increase in child and spouse abuse as well, as in alcoholism. Along with this is a noted increase in rates of depression and anxiety. Many of these problems have long term, lifelong negative effects. The risk-benefit ratio, based on the use of the present epidemiologically proven, unsuccessful shutdown strategies, having no historical or scientific justification, have been, and will continue to be, a humanitarian disaster beyond imagination. Unfortunately, this has been amplified by the worldwide evidence, as pointed out in my last newsletter, that there is highly suggestive epidemiological evidence that high 5G infrastructures in areas such as Wuhan, Northern Italy’s cities such as Milan, and New York City have higher rates of COVID-19-associated deaths.
These physicians non-politically pointed out that the physicians are being pressured around the country to make a diagnosis of COVID-19 as a cause of death, even if it’s an 80-year-old person with a death from a heart attack, who may have a positive test for COVID-19. (There is a difference between dying with COVID-19 and dying from COVID-19.) They point out that the hospitals are given close to $40,000 for ICU admission and use of a respirator for a diagnosis of COVID-19 versus an admission and use of a respirator without a COVID-19 diagnosis of $4,000. These are close estimates from what they are saying and what I have heard from other physician sources as well. In the US, they have calculated that the infectivity rate is approximately 19.6% with 4 million tests, which incidentally is the most tests done by any country in the world. Their epidemiological estimate is that the morbidity rate is about the same as the influenza rate. Although they could be accurate, coming from their frontline experience, based on the overall data I’ve read, I estimate that it could be as much as 3 to 10 times higher, and others project it will be 60 to 100 times more lethal. My main point here is that we should be very respectful of COVID-19 as a lethal disease and take full precautions to build our terrain, which is the key to optimal health anyway.
These physicians also make the point, based on their data, that the incidence of COVID-19 infection is approximately 12% in California, with a .03% chance of dying from it, and approximately 96% of Californians have a healthy recovery from the infection. The main point here is that we shouldn’t be in fear of this, but rather focus on being healthy to minimize any negative outcomes. In Italy, 99% who died had at least one comorbidity factor, and 50% had three comorbidity factors. They find that 90% who die from it have some level of comorbidity (such as pre-existing type-2 diabetes, cancer, liver disease, and/or lung disease), and it is rare that those who are completely healthy, at any age, with no comorbidities, will die from it. I have very healthy patients in their 70s and 80s whom I counsel not to worry about getting ill because of the high quality and strength of their health. It is the quality and power of health, at any age, that protects one from getting COVID-19 or any disease, and, one caveat to that, is that with age, one must put more emphasis on building and maintaining one’s immune system, which is easy to do with herbs that I am recommending. This applies to young people as well. Fifty percent of teenagers, as I point out in my book, Conscious Parenting, already have some form of chronic disease, which is why we see so many young people in this country becoming infected with COVID-19. The two doctors point out that In the state of New York, the infectivity rate is currently 39%, with .1% mortality, with 92% having a complete recovery. New York State ordered 30,000 respirators but only needed 5,000 of them. In Spain, the infectivity rate is 22% with a mortality rate of .05%, and 90% have had a complete healthy recovery. In general, the initial projections were that 2-3 million people would die by July and now these results are closer to 60,000 to 80,000 deaths. As pointed out in an earlier newsletter, the deaths from influenza in the past years have been close to 63,000 with around 60,000 of these deaths from pneumonia complications.
These sophisticated emergency room doctors also point out that there is no historical evidence or scientific evidence to support that shutting down the economy has ever been tried or ever worked. In essence, they are saying that the “emperor has no clothes”. There is no historical or scientific evidence to support that such an action would work now and should be continued at this point. In other words, shutting down the economy with its horrific known negative results has no past or present justification. They make the point that the best way to build the immune system is by exposure to the world and that the lockdown weakens the immune system. If the lockdown continues for too much longer, there may be a spike in infections as we come out of the lockdown because our immune systems will have been compromised from the lockdown.
The “newer” and more scientific approach which we have known for hundreds of years is that nature's seven healers, which in this case includes and emphasizes sunlight, fresh air, exercise, meditation and prayer, organic, veganic live foods, love and social connections, good hydration with clean fresh water are the best protectors and doctors of our health from all causes including from virus, bacteria, fungi, and other levels of contagion such as radiation and 5G. At a recent president's conference, some basic factors that protect from and kill the virus are sunlight, increased temperatures, and increased humidity. Scientists reported sunlight exposure has been shown to decrease the half-life of the virus from 6 hours to 2 minutes. Research shows that viruses grow best indoors and in dry conditions. The optimal worse conditions for being infected by the virus are to be in a close and contained environment and being directly exposed to someone who is infected with the virus for 15 or more minutes. Yet, even in these worst-case conditions, 95% of the people exposed to these conditions did not get the virus infection. Such contained environments include subways, movie theaters, airplanes, buses, and enclosed restaurants. Open-air restaurants do not fall into this category. The obvious conclusion is to spend as much time outdoors in the sun, exercising, and playing as much as possible. To emphasize this point, an epidemiological study of 318 outbreaks of how the viral spread happened showed that 80% of the infectivity occurred in confined areas; approximately 15% plus in confined transportation settings, and less than 2% infectivity in outdoor settings. The most obvious of questions is; if shutdowns do not make any difference in rates of infections and morbidity and overall outcome as the current research shows and also weaken the immune system, why would we even consider continuing them? The political question is: Who is pushing these approaches, which do not have any scientific basis for promoting them? Who is saying it is okay to have bars open but not letting people attend church or temples even if they are attending in their isolated cars? Why is the media creating a PSYOP situation that is creating fear and forcing people to get used to “lockdowns* (a prison term) when there is no scientific justification for this or proof that a lockdown has ever worked? Fortunately, the public in the US and around the world is beginning to ask these important questions.
Another question that must be addressed in successfully solving this threat to humanity is “Is COVID-19 a Weaponized Virus?”
Although initially, based on key research data, there was a strong consideration yet only educated speculation that the virus could be a bioweapon. At this point, it appears that this is indeed a weaponized virus. It is far more likely that this is the reality than the initial speculation that it came from the Wuhan marketplace. Even some major Chinese researchers reported in new research that the transmission of the new coronavirus had started since last December outside this market. There is growing consensus that somehow, by accident or by choice, this virus emerged from the Wuhan DSL.
Dr. Luc Montagnier, the man who discovered HIV back in 1983 has clearly stated that the virus was man-made. According to Professor Luc Montagnier, winner of the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2008 for “discovering” HIV as the cause of the AIDS epidemic. About COVID-19 he states, “With my colleague, bio-mathematician Jean-Claude Perez, we carefully analyzed the description of the genome of this RNA virus,” and he concludes together with Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, the SARS-CoV-2 is a virus that was manipulated and accidentally released from a laboratory in Wuhan, China, in the last quarter of 2019. Fox News’ Bret Baier and the Associated Press said, “multiple sources” told them that “there is increasing confidence that the COVID-19 outbreak likely originated in a Wuhan laboratory.” “It is now clear that HIV DNA fragments have been found in the SARS-CoV-2 genome. He states that this is completely unnatural. In a challenging question Dr. Jean-François Lemoine who interviewed him inferred that the coronavirus under investigation may have come from a patient who is otherwise infected with HIV. “No,” says Luc Montagnier, “to insert an HIV sequence into this genome, molecular tools are needed, and that can only be done in a laboratory.” In any case, this thesis, defended by Professor Luc Montagnier, has a possible positive turn. According to him, the altered elements of this virus are eliminated as it spreads: “Nature does not accept any molecular tinkering, it will eliminate these unnatural changes and even if nothing is done, things will get better, but unfortunately after many deaths.”
This is contrary to the narrative that is being pushed by the mainstream that the COVID-19 virus is a natural mutation and that it was transmitted to humans from bats via pangolins. Others, of course, feel it was deliberately released. The main point, however, is that emerging research strongly affirms it is a man-made weaponized virus.
Professor Francis Boyle, who for decades has advocated against the development and use of bioweapons, also feels strongly COVID-19 is a weaponized pathogen that escaped from Wuhan City’s Biosafety Level 4 facility. According to Boyle, the COVID-19 virus is a chimera. It includes SARS, an already weaponized coronavirus, along with HIV genetic material, and possibly flu virus. It also has “gain of function” properties that allow it to spread a greater distance than normal. Other researchers have suggested it may have up to four or five other non-naturally occurring gene sequences from viruses in it. The main point is that there are at least two foreign gene sequences added that needed a laboratory setting to be added. This all makes the point independent researchers have concluded which is that it is a laboratory man-made weaponized virus.
For decades, Dr. Francis Boyle has advocated against the development and use of bioweapons, which he strongly suspects COVID-19 is. Boyle was the one who called for biowarfare legislation at the Biological Weapons Convention of 1972, and the one who drafted the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, which was passed unanimously by both houses of Congress and signed into law by George Bush, Sr. He also strongly successfully pushed that the U. N to pass laws against bioweapon laboratories.
The first reported case of COVID-19 infection was December 1, 2019, in Wuhan. Depending on the incubation period, which is still unknown, the initial lead, provided there was one, might have occurred anywhere in November. The official estimate is a 14-day incubation period, but a British health expert believes it's 24 days, and North Korean biological warfare experts believe it's 30 days. When asked about rumors the COVID-19 virus might have been stolen from a high-security laboratory in Winnipeg, Canada, Boyle says: "It could have been. I want to make it clear that, in my opinion, they were already working on that at the Wuhan BSL-4 facility. They were working on a biological warfare weapon involving SARS, which is a coronavirus, to begin with…. They had already developed SARS. SARS had leaked out two to three times before this, and it seems they were turbocharging SARS, which is what COVID-19 looks to be. This is a brand-new generation of biowarfare weapons we haven't seen before…. Its infectivity is 83%. It can infect maybe three to four people for every person infected. It has gain-of-function properties, which means it travels through air at least 6 or 7 feet, and there are reports that even contaminated human feces radiate off the virus for maybe 6 or 7 feet. So, we've never seen anything like this before in the history of biological warfare, at least in the public record. Dr. Francis Boyle also points out that 4 French scientists recently published an article in the journal, Science Direct, on antiviral research on February 10, 2020. These scientists did a genetic analysis of the COVID-19, and their analysis showed a form of bio-weaponization that "may provide a gain of function to the COVID-19 for efficient spreading in the human population as compared to other coronaviruses”. The phrase "gain of function" means "manmade and weaponized". This analysis included the observation of a spiked protein shell on the virus for better penetration into human cells. He explains that the phrase, "gain of function", directly implies that DNA genetic engineering was done. In other words, their research showed the COVID-19 virus was weaponized. This conclusion is also in alignment with the findings in India at Kusuma School of Biological Sciences showing that there was a genetic sequence taken from HIV and implanted into the COVID-19 to improve infectivity. Their research was published in the Lancet, but, later, it was "pulled out" of the publication. Dr. Boyle also points out in a 2010 journal, Archive of Virology, from Australia that there has been active work in the use of SARS and HIV to create weaponized chimeric viruses.
The most serious research that he communicates is a study reported at the DSL-3 laboratory in North Carolina in 2015 that shows that MERS (another weaponized coronavirus) was developed with the technology that makes "gain of function". The research was published in December 2015 in the prestigious British journal, Nature Medicine (volume 21, pages 1508–1513). The paper by Vineet D. Menachery et al., “A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence” is available here as a PDF as well as on-line. He also documents that a leading bio-warfare scientist from Wuhan was trained in "gain of function" technology from the DSL-3 laboratory in North Carolina. In this paper, they admit being paid by China to train the Chinese scientist from the Wuhan DSL-4 laboratory. It's specifically designed to infect human respiratory airways. It is thought-provoking to realize that the National Institute of Health, according to this 2015 North Carolina paper, okayed this training of the Chinese scientist. In other words, this technology was not stolen by the Chinese, but, rather, sold to them. They also used an HIV cell wall attack virus DNA section that helps it penetrate cells. This 2015 training done by the North Carolina DSL-3 laboratory was also approved by the National Institute of Health, as cited in their 2015 paper. It has also now come out that Dr. Fauci, with approval from President Obama, gave the Wuhan bioweapons facility 3.7 million dollars to continue their bioweapons research and the weaponized coronavirus. Why did this happen? The MERS research showed a 36% fatality. Generally, at this point, with the current virus, we have a gain in what they call “pathogenesis” from 2% to 15-18%. The point is, this top Chinese researcher was trained at the North Carolina DSL-3 laboratory to develop "gain of function" bio-weapon technology. In another very recently released paper, two Chinese professors at the South China University of Technology also concluded that the virus leaked out of the Wuhan laboratory.
Multiple virology laboratories around the world have confirmed that the fingerprints of genetic modification vectors are unmistakably present in this coronavirus gene sequence. In other words, the remnants of gene-engineering tools for genetic insertion are still present in virus samples. One of the first laboratories to discover this was a top research institute in India called the Kusuma School of Biological Sciences. Their analysis of the RNA sequence revealed that part of HIV was inserted into this coronavirus. This is completely unnatural. Notably, the appearance of any aspect of HIV in another coronavirus has never occurred before. This strongly confirms that this laboratory man made a virus. Such a discovery is analogous to finding a jackalope. This particular HIV segment allows it to better plug into the mucus membranes of the human system, giving it a rare entry mechanism not found in any other coronavirus. Scientists in other laboratories worldwide, including a well-known virologist in Beijing, China, point out that this coronavirus has been unmistakably human-engineered. He mentions a SARS binding protein sequence that also allows it entry into human cells. The same scientist points out that at this time of the year no bats are sold or found at the Wuhan seafood market. Forty-five percent of the initial people who came down with the virus had not visited the Wuhan seafood market, clearly showing that the speculation that the virus spread through the Wuhan seafood market is completely bogus.
Historically, there may be close to 10 virus research laboratories in the US, alone, where leaks have happened. The question that humanity must answer is, As noted by Dr. Boyle, the Wuhan lab is a designated WHO research lab, which may sound odd, considering these facilities specialize in developing and researching dangerous pathogens that can easily be turned into bioweapons. Given this political reality, a key political question is…"Why are we manufacturing human lethal bioweapons in the level 3 and 4 research centers around the world?" Why do we have evidence that although the UN has passed laws against bioweapon labs, has it been publicly documented they have supported the function of the Wuhan DSL-3 laboratory? Despite laws, biowarfare experimentation is alive and well not only have we demonstrated our inability to handle them in ways that don't prevent accidental releases, but the very idea of creating these lethal bioweapons is antithetical to the great, moral, and ethical wisdom and Biblical teachings. Going against the divine purpose of life is going against God. At some point, we need to stop this insane immoral anti-human behavior from continuing.
Although some may believe COVID-19 isn’t a virus, the overall preponderance of evidence demonstrates that not only is it a virus, but a weaponized virus programmed more for enhanced function of infectivity rather than lethality. In other words, although the COVID-19 coronavirus is highly contagious, it doesn’t seem to be programmed to be highly lethal. The Economist Magazine cited a study that stated, “the coronavirus has spread faster but is less deadly than the official data imply”. The researchers interviewed by the Economist said that the mortality rate for COVID-19 could be as low as 1%. In examining these deaths, another Nobel Prize laureate professor, Dr. John PA Ioannidis, co-director and professor of medicine, from Stanford University, has stated that the coronavirus pandemic is “a fiasco in the making”. His position is that his data indicates we are severely overreacting to the coronavirus. It’s important to bring this into the discussion because we have so many different opinions, and this professor’s opinion seems significantly relevant. As he says, “We have woefully inadequate data. Due to the extremely limited testing, we are likely missing the vast majority of infections from COVID-19, thus making the reported fatality rates from the WHO meaningless.” He also points out that patients who’ve been tested for SARS COV are disproportionately those with severe symptoms and bad outcomes. As previously mentioned, Professor Ioannidis, MD focuses on one situation where there was, in a sense, a controlled environment – the Diamond Princess with an entirely closed population of mostly people 60 and older. He notes that the fatality rate was .1% for an at-risk population. He projected statistically that, given the age structure of the US population, the death rate would be 0.125% with a range of .025% - .625%. That’s an important statement. He points out that the real death rate could stretch from 5 times lower (.025%) to 5 times higher (.625%). His important point, however, is that there is a great deal of uncertainty about what’s happening. He states that reasonable estimates for the case fatality ratio in the general US population vary from 0.05% to 1%. That’s another perspective on this confusing situation, but one in which even the worst case projected outcomes helps to alleviate the fear factor with a reality factor.
Regarding age considerations, currently, 6% of those infected are under over 85 years old. Twenty-five percent of those infected are between 65-84. Eighteen percent of those infected are between 55-64 years old, and 18% are between 45-54. People of all ages are affected; however, only 1% of those infected are under the age of 19, but especially hitting children ages 0-4. Adults 18-49 years old were a higher risk group. At the moment, regarding location considerations, 56% of all cases in the US are coming out of NYC. Sixty percent of all new cases are occurring in NYC. New York City has the highest infection rates in the US.
Although geographical locations such as Milan and NYC with high 5G exposure play a role in incidence age with its general higher co- are perhaps the most important susceptibility considerations. The data also shows that younger people are also getting this disease. For example, in New York, 54% of COVID-19 cases are under the age of 50. Ninety-nine percent of active cases are mild and don’t require specific medical treatment. The 1% requiring treatment is indeed concentrated above the age of 60. Above the age of 70, the mortality rate is 3 times greater than age 60, and above the age of 80, the mortality risk is twice as much as those aged 70-79. Of those infected, 81% have a mild infection, 14% have a moderate infection, and 5% become critical and need hospitalization. In Italy, 50% of those admitted were younger than 60 years old, and 25% of the cases were amongst those ages 19-50 years old. In Spain, one-third were under 44 years of age. In general, two-thirds of those who have died are men, but in Italy 58% of those infected were men. 80% are older than 60 years, and 75% have underlying chronic diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and high blood pressure.
Compared to other lethal viruses, COVID-19 has a lower mortality rate at this stage of the pandemic. For example, according to WHO, the mortality rate for SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) was approximately 10% and for MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) it was 30%. COVID-19’s mortality rate may be as low as 0.1% as pointed out by the California physicians. As you can see, relatively speaking, on a global level, COVID-19 has a lower mortality rate than these other major viral infection threats we have survived without such fear and panic. But it is generally a higher infectivity rate than all but the H1N1 epidemic of 2009/2010 for which there was no shutdown. In general, it seems, at this point, that the COVID-19 virus is less deadly than MERS or SARS, but neither has captured the headline attention that COVID-19 has received. A key question to be asked is …why is this the case? Does it have anything to do with the TED talk in 2015 when Bill Gates predicted a viral plague coming in the next few years or with Dr. Fauci stating that a viral plague would hit during Trump’s first four years? Why has this COVID-19 epidemic been over-sensationalized by the media as compared to the more lethal SARS, MERS, and Ebola epidemics with much higher mortality rates? The excessive fear (this is the PSYOP) that has been created that has further terrorized, intimidated, and thus weakened people’s immune systems? These are key questions the public is now beginning to ask. And of course, with the research of the two California doctors that there is no statistically significant difference in outcome and mortality between different areas, states, and countries where there is shut down and not a shutdown. This most important perspective is also supported by Professor Johan Giesecke, who as I pointed out earlier said, “most democratized nations will have similar outcomes concerning deaths, lockdown or not.
Additional medical doctor perspectives give more support to this overall message:
For example, Dr. John Oxford is an English virologist and Professor at Queen Mary, University of London. He is a leading expert on influenza, including bird flu and the 1918 Spanish Influenza, and HIV/AIDS. Oxford says: “I would say the best advice is to spend less time watching TV news which is sensational and not very good. I view this COVID outbreak as akin to a bad winter influenza epidemic. In this case, we have had 8000 deaths this last year in the ‘at risk’ groups viz over 65% of people with heart disease, etc. I do not feel this current COVID will exceed this number. We are suffering from a media epidemic!”
Dr. Klaus Püschel is a German forensic pathologist and former professor of forensics at Essen University and current director of the Institute of Forensic Medicine at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf. He has worked on many noteworthy autopsies, as well as high-profile forensic archaeological studies. He states, “This virus influences our lives in a completely excessive way. This is disproportionate to the danger posed by the virus. And the astronomical economic damage now being caused is not commensurate with the danger posed by the virus. I am convinced that the Corona mortality rate will not even show up as a peak in annual mortality. All those we have examined so far had cancer, a chronic lung disease, were heavy smokers or severely obese, suffered from diabetes, or had cardiovascular disease. The virus was the last straw that broke the camel’s back, so to speak. COVID-19 is a fatal disease only in exceptional cases, but in most cases, it is a predominantly harmless viral infection.
In quite a few cases, we have also found that the current corona infection has nothing whatsoever to do with the fatal outcome because other causes of death are present, for example, a brain hemorrhage or a heart attack. [Covid19 is] not particularly dangerous viral disease All speculations about individual deaths that have not been expertly examined only fuel anxiety.
Dr. Claus Köhnlein is a German Internist based in Kiel and co-author of the book Virus Mania
He says: [The coronavirus test] is a PCA-based test, where false positives are programmed in.
Half of [the positive tests] could be wrong. PCA tests often show false positives. You can ask professor Gigerenzer in Berlin about this problem area. The tests are very sensitive. If you have only one molecule of something, the test can show positive. That doesn’t mean the patient is sick, or that he has the coronavirus; it doesn’t get isolated, but one relies wholly on these tests…. But the spreading panic is in large parts founded on news from Italy. And nowadays one doesn’t know how much of it is fake news. I have seen Italian doctors online, where I have compelling suspicions something isn’t right with what they say.
Dr. Gérard Krause is head the Department for Epidemiology at the Helmholtz Centre for Infection in Braunschweig, director of the Institute for Infectious Disease Epidemiology at TWINCORE in Hannover and Chair of the Ph.D. Program Epidemiology at the Hannover Medical School cautiously advises that … “We have to keep these serious social measures as short and as low as possible because they could potentially cause more illnesses and deaths than the coronavirus itself. Although my focus is on infectious diseases, I believe that we must consider the impact on other areas of health and society. We as a society must not focus solely on the victims of the coronavirus.” It is not so easy to calculate such consequences directly, but they still happen, and they can be more serious than the consequences of the infections themselves.
Dr. Gerd Gigerenzer is a German psychologist, professor of psychology and director of the Harding Center for Risk Literacy at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin.
comments that…” The 2009 swine flu epidemic killed hundreds of thousands, mostly in Africa and Southeast Asia. But in Europe, where the threat was comparatively small, the media updated the death toll and the number of suspected cases daily. In the United Kingdom, the government predicted that as many as 65,000 citizens might die from the disease. In the end, fewer than 500 died. Similarly, millions of people, particularly in developing countries, die from malaria and tuberculosis each year. And in the United States alone, hospital-acquired infections kill some 99,000 patients annually. Yet, these unlucky people get next to no attention. Why are we more scared of what is less likely to kill us?”
comments that…” The 2009 swine flu epidemic killed hundreds of thousands, mostly in Africa and Southeast Asia. But in Europe, where the threat was comparatively small, the media updated the death toll and the number of suspected cases daily. In the United Kingdom, the government predicted that as many as 65,000 citizens might die from the disease. In the end, fewer than 500 died. Similarly, millions of people, particularly in developing countries, die from malaria and tuberculosis each year. And in the United States alone, hospital-acquired infections kill some 99,000 patients annually. Yet, these unlucky people get next to no attention. Why are we more scared of what is less likely to kill us?”
Some Potential Good News About Treatments
Preliminary research in three areas of the world suggests there may be a cure or treatment available. One of the most exciting trends is that in three different areas of the world, where they are treating COVID-19 with a mix of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin or are using anti-HIV medications along with the hydroxychloroquine, there is a suggestion of treatment success.
One of the most exciting studies is one recently done in France, which they describe as an “open-label non-randomized clinical trial”. The research reported by Gautret et al (2020) - Hydroxychloroquine & Azithromycin as a Treatment for COVID-19 was accepted to the Journal of Antimicrobial Agents on March 17th, 2020. A team of international researchers puts together this program. Their protocol was 200 mg of hydroxychloroquine sulfate orally three times daily. Twenty received hydroxychloroquine treatment, and 16 were controls. The proportion of asymptomatic patients was 16.7%. Those with upper respiratory symptoms were 61.1%, and those with lower respiratory symptoms were 22.2%. All those with lower respiratory symptoms had confirmed pneumonia. The average age of people being treated was 51.2 years old, and the average age of those in the control group was 37.3 years old. Six of the people received 500 mg of azithromycin on day one, followed by 250 mg of azithromycin per day for the next 4 days. On day 6, 70% of the hydroxychloroquine-only patients were virus-free compared with 12.5% in the control group. With the treatment of hydroxychloroquine plus the azithromycin, 100% of the patients given this combination were virus-free at 6 days, compared to 57.1% of those treated with the hydroxychloroquine alone and 12.5% in the control group.
A second study, reported in the Daily Wire, was done by an Australian team at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia. “The University of Queensland Centre for Clinical Research director Professor David Paterson told they have seen two drugs used to treat other conditions wipe out the virus in test tubes,” reported Monday. The two medications Paterson referred to are chloroquine, an anti-malarial drug, and HIV-suppressing combination lopinavir/ritonavir. Paterson told the outlet that it seemed reasonable to call the drugs “treatment or a cure … It’s a potentially effective treatment. Patients would end up with no viable coronavirus in their system at all after the end of therapy.”
The third validation of this highly successful treatment approach, released in March of 2020 by a New York medical doctor, Vladimir Zelenko, who has by now a total number of 700 people (as of April 23rd, 2020), which he treated with 200 mg of hydroxychloroquine 2 times daily for 5 days, 500 mg of azithromycin once daily for 5 days, and 220 milligrams of zinc sulfate once daily for 5 days. This clinical experimental coronavirus treatment program being run by a Hasidic doctor who claimed he had kept more than 700 Covid-19 symptomatic patients out of the hospital was temporarily shut down after he announced his clinical findings, but by the afternoon the next day, after intervention from the White House, it was up and running again.
Vladimir Zelenko, M.D., is directing perhaps the world’s most extensive, unsanctioned medical experiment related to coronavirus — the use of the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine to treat Covid-19. It is important to know that the drug chloroquine has been used very safely since at least the 1970s when I and my family took it for over a year in India as a preventative to malaria. I recommended it to many mediation students and observed no side effects. It is shocking and notable in the larger picture that a drug that has been used safely for over 70 years for some chronic inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis is suddenly being suggested as dangerous although it’s saving lives. Zelenko reports no deaths and no hospitalizations as of April 23rd, 2020. As a fellow physician whose main concern is protecting the lives of people in this emergency, Dr. Zelenko’s clinical approach and position are both natural and straightforward. Many people are even asking the obvious question, with a drug with over seventy years of proven safety, why would we even consider blocking people’s access to the hydroxychloroquine? Dr. Zelenko pointed out that there were no deaths and no hospitalizations in all the 700 hundred patients he gave his treatment protocol to.
In the balance of risk/benefit considerations, it took 30 years to prove smoking causes lung cancer, but more than 40 years ago I was recommending that my patients stop smoking cigarettes rather than wait for 30 years for all the studies needed to make a definitive statement. In such a national emergency as we now have, it is unreasonable to wait until hydroxychloroquine’s clinical effectiveness as a treatment for Covid-19 is fully proven.
Additional good news is that other potential treatments are also emerging. One of these is the use of ozone, which a holistic physician from California used in Liberia, during the highly lethal Ebola epidemic, which had 100% success with intravenous ozone with 5 patients. A third potential treatment is with intravenous vitamin C daily being used in China with some success. A fourth potential treatment is another IV treatment mentioned by Dr. Joseph Mercola where intravenous vitamin C and vitamin B1 were used with success in treating coronavirus. This work was done by Dr. Paul Marik, in which he used intravenous vitamin C – 1500 mg of ascorbic acid every 6 hours – and 1500 mg of hydrocortisone every 6 hours, and 200 mg of thiamine every 12 hours. With this treatment, he reduced mortality from 40% to 8.5%. A fourth prevention/treatment for COVID-19 is the use of heat. As most people know, a fever is the main mechanism used by our bodies to fight infection, and, therefore, by creating an artificial fever, by raising core temperature, as in a sauna or steam bath, we can kill these coronaviruses. One study involving 50 sauna users showed half the rate of common cold compared to non-users. Research also shows that using a sauna 2-3 times weekly reduces the risk of pneumonia. Sauna has been shown to kill viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites, and to boost the immune function by increasing white blood cell, lymphocyte, neutrophil, and basophil counts. By elevating your core temperature your body also releases heat shock proteins that help block the replication of influenza viruses. Like the influenza virus, coronaviruses (as a general group) incubate in your sinuses for about three days before moving down into your lungs. They appear to be destroyed by temperatures around 133 degrees F (56 degrees Celsius), which is easily achieved in a sauna. As reported by the World Health Organization during the 2003 SARS epidemic, "Heat at 56°C or 133 F kills the SARS coronavirus in about 15 minutes." Chances are COVID-19 may be equally susceptible at this temperature. Sauna bathing may reduce viral illness by increasing heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) and prostaglandins A1 (PGA1). A 2004 study in the Journal of Virology explains how Hsp70 and PGA1 block the replication of influenza viruses. Viral nucleoproteins are synthesized in the nucleus, forming a special complex that enables their export from the nucleus and allows them to form complete virions (i.e., active, infective viral forms) on the surface of the cell membrane. In the nucleus, Hsp70 interferes with the formation of that export complex, thereby trapping the viral nucleoproteins inside the nucleus. Since the viral nucleoprotein is trapped inside the nucleus, it doesn't have the chance to become active and infective. Sauna bathing has also been shown to improve respiratory function in those with asthma, bronchitis, and obstructive pulmonary disease. It is estimated that 20 minutes in a sauna at 133 F will kill up to 90%. If one does not have a sauna, a hairdryer can be very helpful in prevention. Turn it on and hold it about ten inches from one’s nose and take slow deep breaths for five minutes. Then repeat in one hour for another five minutes. For prevention one can do it two times per day and if infected do it five times per day. The COVID-19 grows in the nose and sinuses and is most vulnerable in these areas to the heat.
The point I’m making in citing these preliminary studies which have shown cures and general amelioration of the negative potentially serious clinical outcomes, is to create a potential mental space for reasonable hope and relative peace of mind, which is distinctly different and less fear-filled and panic producing than the message the CDC and media has given us for the coronavirus, which is that there is no cure for it and we just need to stay in lockdown and wait for a “miracle vaccine” to save us.
In the next newsletter, I will discuss the consistent failure of vaccines to be of help with coronavirus infections and influenza in general. It’s significant that even Bill Gates, a vaccine advocate, has stated that as many as 700,000 may die from the vaccine itself. One study in 2015 published in the Journal called Corona Viruses suggested that any live attenuated vaccine for COVID 19 had the high possibility to introduce more COVID 19 viruses into the body. They already tried a vaccine with the Swine Flu with severe side effects. These attenuated live viruses also have been shown to combine with the human hosts and create novel coronaviruses that may create more outbreaks. Several vaccines were developed against SARS but none were approved because of their serious side effects risks. In general, it has been shown that the influenza vaccines may have a 10-30% effectiveness, but actually weaken the immune system; and increase the rate of infection directly proportionately to the number of flu vaccinations one has taken. I have eighty pages in my book Conscious Parenting which discusses the ineffectiveness and dangers of vaccines in detail.
One of the concerns is that the US is leading the world in the number of Covid-19 infections. However, to ease one’s mind a little bit it is helpful to look at the charts below to get a less fear-filled perspective. In cases per million people, the US is #6.
COVID-19 Wuhan Coronavirus Prevention Protocol
Building the Terrain
Let's use this situation to improve our overall health habits and wellbeing:
2) Meditation and Prayer.
3) Get enough sleep. (At least 7-8 hours each night.)
4) Minimize stress.
6) Associate with loving people.
7) Exercise moderately which raises one’s SOD, a powerful antioxidant
10) Utilize my Wuhan Coronavirus Protection Protocol, including the Protection Protocol against the generalized immune system-weakening effects of 5G.
In the big picture, the healthier you are and the more proactive steps you take, the more you minimize your chances of catching and/or dying from the coronavirus.
To protect and enhance our natural immunity, here is my current Wuhan COVID-19 Protection Supplement Protocol:
Most Important Supplements & 5G Protection Protocol
Illumodine – work up to 20 drops in a glass of water 3 times daily (15 minutes or more away from food) (Iodine has been shown to destroy SARS and MRSA viruses and, in its atomic form [Illumodine] is probably the most powerful antiviral on the planet.)
Nano Silver - 1 teaspoon twice daily (Nano Silver has been shown to destroy SARS and MRSA viruses.)
Red Algae - 2 capsules twice daily such as on waking and bedtime (away from food). Red algae is extremely anti-viral.
Zinc – is important as it has been shown through hundreds of studies that it supports, rebuilds, and maintains many levels of the immune system. It blocks viral replication. Zinc protects the cell wall from viral invasion and also protects the mitochondria from being invaded by the virus and being used for replicating the virus.
*Illumodine, Nano Silver, Zinc, and Red Algae are the top 4 antiviral protectors. *
Mega Defense - 4 capsules twice daily (for building and protecting the immune system
Antioxidant Extreme - 2 capsules twice daily
Licorice Root - take as tea or tincture once daily (for lung protection)
Vitamin D - 2,000 IU daily (for building the immune system) has been shown to decrease respiratory infections by 40%-50%.
Vitamin A - 25,000 IU daily (for protecting our upper respiratory mucus membranes and lining)
Vitamin C complex - as much as you can take before developing diarrhea
Tachyon Essential Virus & Coronavirus Protection Kit which includes:
Tachyonized Melatonin + CBD,
Tachyonized Vitamin C,
Tachyonized DHA,
Tachyonized Cold & Flu (OS-10),
Tachyonized Immune-Boosting System (OS-20)
I have added a whole new section on how to protect oneself individually, your home, and car from the Covid-19 aggravating and increased mortality effects of 5G. For this information please See website demo for how to protect self, home, and car from 5G’s undermining effects
Aside from everyday use as a portable hand sanitizer, when flying or traveling I recommend 2 essential oil blends:
Immortal Immune – to put on the tops of your feet before bed and upon waking. (Available only at
Germs-Be-Gone – to spray on surfaces (such as airplane seats and tables) (Available only at
Recommended Potential Homeopathics (during the 1918 influenza homeopathics were far more effective than any allopathic treatments.)
(These need to be individualized if one is infected):
Influenzinum 200c to 1M
Tuberculinum 200c to 1M
Include the following herbs and foods in your diet to protect you from COVID-19:
The virus enters the cell via a vesicle called an endosome. Once inside, it releases its RNA into the cell cytoplasm and hijacks the cell machinery to produce more viral proteins and thus virus. It also releases an enzyme called 3CL (3-chymotrypsin-like protease). This enzyme attacks and weakens the cell’s defense mechanism against these coronavirus attack molecules.
The following herbal remedies that are suggested destroy the coronavirus 3CL enzyme and thus protect the cell’s ability to protect itself against the coronavirus. The best nutraceuticals for destroying the 3CL enzyme are quercetin and epigallocatechin gallate, which is found in green tea and green tea extract, which we carry (to add to other beverages). These anti-3CL substances are also found in:
flax seed
citrus peel
tick berry leaves
orange peel
Essential Oils to protect you from COVID-19:
The most important essential oils, which were key for prevention and healing during the bubonic plague and perhaps for now, according to Shanti are:
tea tree
Immortal Immune – rub on tops of feet twice daily
Germs-Be-Gone – spray on all surfaces you may touch and also on any face mask you wear. Also, spray on hands and rub on whenever you have to touch potentially contaminated surfaces like cash or on public transportation
Add these into your overall prevention system. The key concept is prevention. Rub on top of feet, wrists, and chest.
In summary:
Whatever level things are happening on, the world has already changed in a major way. If we approach this crisis with love, compassion, and thoughtfulness, rather than fear, we have the opportunity to expand the global consciousness to a new level of positive awareness. We could be in the birth pangs of the creation of a New Heaven and New Earth This is an opportunity to go within to find one's meaning and life purpose, and in this waking up process, return to God.
No matter what, the best defense is a good offense which is to build and strengthen every level of one’s Terrain with a full holistic lifestyle upgrade. We now have an excuse to do this. The key is to maintain an intense level of this protocol consisting of antiviral and immunity-building supplements and nutrients and maintain good personal antiviral hygiene. Given what has been released into the environment, it would also be a good prevention and protection idea to maintain a certain level of this protocol on an ongoing basis. By following this approach there's no need to go into fear, as fear undermines the immune system. Being at peace and in a state of love builds the immune system.
We have choices, and may we be blessed to make the choices that protect ourselves, our families, the ethical, moral, and spiritual health of our local and world society and Global Brain. And in this process may we be blessed to be able to uplift the planetary consciousness and love of humanity.
As I implied by some of my questions, and what many people already understand, there may be considered that there are some worldwide dark forces behind some of the strange PSYOP-type things that are happening that have been around since the Garden of Eden. Approaching this at the highest octave is a holistic liberation challenge on every level. Although in the big non-dual picture all is One, it is our spiritual responsibility to transform this darkness in the dual reality into light by our group firepower of light meditations we are doing every Thursday at 5 pm West Coast time. This meditation led by me will be translated into both Portuguese and Spanish each Thursday. Living in both dual and non-dual realities simultaneously is an important part of the path of holistic liberation. It involves seeing the One in the many and the many in the One. Getting clear how to play one’s appropriate role or dharma in that paradoxical complexity is a profound elevating spiritual challenge. We have the power to uplift the global mind and transform the darkness into the light… Let us use this God-given power and elevate the whole living planet.
Blessings to your health, wellbeing, and spirit.
Rabbi Gabriel Cousens, MD, MD(H), ND(hc), DD,
Dip. American Board of Holistic Integrative Medicine, Dip. Ayurveda
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