shamanic artist - pleiadian gabrielian - michaelian - having faith in G-d above all else - sovereign - ethical - refuse RFID chipping / Uniting 144000, peaceful bodhisattva-buddha (nirmanakaya) mahatma- defender of freedom - following my highest calling (Shamballah), ASHTAR “We all shape the world together, be wise and virtuous in your life loyal immortal legions visionary mystic Gabriel Sadhu tintegral & bhakti, raja, siddha, maha yogi 6th dimension Christos / Archangels
Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
vrijdag 30 november 2018
Message from David Suzuki - #ThankYou
Dear Kristof Gabriel,
Thank you for being a part of our community.
However you choose to give — whether you volunteer, sign a petition, attend an event or donate — your generosity powers our work. We couldn't do it without you.
This year, we were blown away by the more than 500 people who donated on #GivingTuesday. Your support is:
- Building a nationwide network of green energy champions
- Speaking up for bees, monarch butterflies, caribou, orcas and other threatened species
- Pushing decision-makers to recognize your legal right to safe air, water and food
… and much more!
Thank you for your partnership.
donderdag 29 november 2018
Angelic Defenders & Demonic Abusers: Memoirs of a Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor Paperback – November 9, 2014 by Kerth Barker (Author)
This is a personal memoir of my experiences of abuse in a secret Luciferian cult. Warning: this book contains graphic descriptions of sexual child abuse, perverse sex, Satanic Ritual Abuse, MK ULTRA mind control and torture. This book is only for adults and should be kept away from children. I felt that it was necessary to describe these experiences graphically to depict the wrongness of these child prostitution rings which are becoming so wide spread in our modern world. This book may be different than other books on SRA because of the unusual circumstances of my situation. Most people who get as close to the inner circle as I was don't live to tell the tale or they never escape the cult. My experiences may not be typical, but I do allow the reader to understand the emotional landscape of a child who is being brainwashed and sexually abused. I expose insider information about how child prostitution is involved with political and financial corruption. Persons who have read this story have told me that they have been moved by my honesty. This was a very difficult book to write. And threats have been made against me because I have published this. However it's my belief that ultimately the reader will find this to be a book that inspires hope rather than fear. I also talk about the courageous persons who helped me to escape the cult and become deprogrammed. And I talk some about the resistance movement that is working to undermine the satanic NWO. My intention in writing this book is that it be experienced as a story of spiritual redemption and liberation.
DAVID ICKE - Bankster Mafia Crimes - Just Say No..No..No
(Preview) Big Changes In The Works - Part 1
Barbara Marciniak - Anchoring a New Era (Part 3)
Barbara Marciniak - Anchoring a New Era (Part 2)
Barbara Marciniak - Anchoring a New Era (Part 1)
woensdag 28 november 2018
Chin Ban Chorn With Eng. Lyric - The Holy Buddhist Pray
dinsdag 27 november 2018
maandag 26 november 2018
Spoedig verkrijgbaar in de betere boekhandel. (Dutch).
zondag 25 november 2018
zaterdag 24 november 2018
Guided Meditation to Open Heart - Unconditional Love
Bodhisattva Cundi Mantra | Meditation Music
Illuminati are Frightened and Need Love - David Icke
vrijdag 23 november 2018
donderdag 22 november 2018
David Wilcock & Drake 2012-03-28 1-3 Mass Arrests
woensdag 21 november 2018
In the name
of the I AM THAT I AM, Jesus Christ, I call upon Mother Mary, Archangel
Michael, the Divine Director and the seven Archangels to judge and remove all
beings, in and out of embodiment, who promote war as a means to gain profit. Awaken
the people to the reality that we are spiritual beings and that we can
co-create a new future by working with the ascended masters.
1. Archangel Michael, I call forth the judgment of Christ upon the people who are committing or planning war or agression for material gain.
2. Archangel Michael, I call forth the judgment of Christ upon the demons and fallen beings in the astral plane who are behind warfare for physical plunder. I command you to remove these beings from earth.
3. Archangel Michael, I call forth for the judgment of Christ upon the military-industrial complex and the corporations who make money on war.
4. Archangel Michael, I call forth the judgment of Christ upon the defence industry. I call for the exposure of its political power through job creation, corruption and lobbying.
5. Archangel Michael, I call forth the judgment of Christ upon the fallen beings and demons in the three higher octaves who are behind the defence industry. I command you to remove these beings from earth.
Archangel Michael, I call forth the judgment of Christ upon the war industry
and its desire to increase its profits by making more war materials plus more
sophisticated and expansive weapons.
7. Archangel Michael, I call forth the judgment of Christ upon the fallen beings and demons in the three higher octaves who are behind the war industry and who induce the never-ending desire for greater profits. I command you to remove these beings from earth.
7. Archangel Michael, I call forth the judgment of Christ upon the fallen beings and demons in the three higher octaves who are behind the war industry and who induce the never-ending desire for greater profits. I command you to remove these beings from earth.
From the
book : Help the Ascended Masters STOP WAR, by Kim Michaels
Eisenhower warns us of the military industrial complex.
NESARA: Full Disclosure Coming Soon!!! (Full Interview)
Shattering the illusion of fear - by Kim Michaels
In the name
of the I AM THAT I AM, Jesus Christ, I call upon Mother Mary, Archangel Michael
and Shiva to shatter the fear-based illusions that have caused so many wars on
this planet. Awaken people to the reality that we are spiritual beings and that
we can co-create a new future by working with the ascended masters.
Archangel Michael, manifest your Presence in the Astral plane and consume the demons that control the people through fear of physically being attacked by others.
Michael, manifest your Presence in the Astral plane and consume the demons that
seek to get one group of people attack another group because they fear of being
Michael, manifest your Presence in the Astral plane and consume the demons that
cause two groups of people to both build up their armies out of fear of being
attacked by the other.
Michael, manifest your Presence in the Astral plane and consume the demons that
seek to get one group of people to go to war based on their perception that
they would be attacked by others.
Michael, manifest your Presence in the Astral plane and consume the demons that
seek to use dictators to start war or genocide out of the extreme paranoia of
fearing another group of people.
dinsdag 20 november 2018
Awaken people to the potential to stop war - by Kim Michaels
I raise my
voice and take my stand
A stop to war I do command
No more shall warring scar the earth
A golden age is giving birth
A golden age is giving birth
awaken people to the reality that only the power of the ascended masters
can consume these vortexes. Only the ascended masters have that power.
awaken the people to the reality that we alone cannot remove war from
planet earth. Only by working with the ascended masters can war be removed.
Divine Director,
Divine Director,
awaken people to the need for us to give the ascended masters
the authority to act on earth. We only do this by understanding the dynamic of
why war was created and how it can continue.
Divine Director,
Divine Director,
awaken people from the illusion that they do not need to look
at anything dark or evil. Help them see how to look at darkness without giving
it power.
awaken people from the tendency that they are willing to look at
darkness but are then deceived into reacting with anger. Help them see that
wanting to defear the dark forces does give power to the darkness.
Divine Director,
Divine Director,
awaken people to the Middle Way where you look at darkness
with non-attachment. You look at darkness in order to make precise calls for
the ascended masters to remove it.
awaken people to the reality that we do not have to fight darkness.
We allow the ascended masters to do the work on your higher vision.
Psychology of the future
"If psychology wants to be a force for progress, it needs to stop labeling it as abnormal to express the full human potential. Instead, it needs to take its focus away from abnormal (meaning lower) psychology and put it on what can indeed be the "normal" psychology for a human being, namely a higher mastery of the faculties of the mind. In the Golden Age, such mastery of the mind will indeed be seen as normal human psychology and it will be the most common as well.
Thus, if the psychological profession is truly dedicated to helping people, it would do well to transform itself into a profession and institution that has as its main goal to pursue any effective philosophy or methodology for helping people explore and develop the full human potential. As it is today, psychology has a very narrow definition of what is normal human behavior, a definition that simply does not allow for the expression of the full human potential. As I said earlier, at this time many people are exhibiting unbalanced and extremist behavior. Yet at the same time many people are pushing the boundaries for the human potential, and even though this is precisely what can take society into the Golden Age, it is likely to be labeled as abnormal behavior by current psychologists. Thus, there are already examples of people who have been committed to mental institutions simply because psychologists and psychiatrists are using a far too narrow definition of normal and abnormal behavior. Some should be able to see the irony in the fact that psychology is now persecuting those who go beyond the current mental box, precisely as the Inquisition did in centuries past. " - Kim Michaels
zondag 18 november 2018
Urban Legends: Count of St. Germain, the immortal man
Wisdom book of today : Tao Te Ching - The Ancient Classic by Lao Tsu
with an introduction by Tom Butler-Bowdon.
What is Tao? Very simple, it is the timeless, changeless spirit that runs through all life and matter. God, or Universal Mind or Intelligence, are other ways to describe it, but it is beyond the categorisation of man. (...) Tao both creates everything in the universe, and keeps it all going. Tao is variously translated as "Way" or "Creative Principle,", the principle behind all reality. In concrete terms, Tao manifests as "Teh" which means virtue or moral action. By being in tune with Tao, we naturally know the best action to take in any situation. Yet Lao Tzu did not lay out a set of social rules to be obeyed as such, but rather pointed to a certain positive way of being and acting that upholds Tao's creative principle.
Before people can become effective leaders, they must first be able to control themselves. Such restraint means that, when we have to act, it is done out of pure objective justice rather than through any kind of emotional compulsion:
Yet by focusing on the spiritual realm, his physical world becomes well ordened. He can see through the world's appearances, separating truth from delusion.
"True goodness is like water", Lao Tzu says, "in that it benefits all and harms nothing".
Seek first the Tao always, and your life will tend to be free of dramas and troubles, because you will not get lost in the way things seem, but rest in how they are. In practical terms, the path to this kind of peace that Lao Tsu advocates is simple:
The Tao treasures three things in human beings : compassion, economy and humility. Only the person who is compassionate can be truly brave; one who is thrifty can be generous; and those who are humble can be a good servant to others. Compassionate action is the joy of life, and Lao Tsu notes the paradox that the person always working for others, and not trying to hoard things, usually ends up with security and plenty.
The others essential quality of Lao Tsu's leader is their self-control.
The wise person therefore recognizes :
"Peace and quietude are esteemed by the wise man, and even when victorious he does not rejoice, because rejoicing over a victory is the same as rejoicing over the killing of men. If he rejoices over killing men, do you think he will ever really master the Empire?"
Avoiding War
Even successful arms, among all implements, are unblessed. All men come to detest them.Therefore the one who follows Tao does not rely on them. Arms ae of all tools unblessed, they are not the implements of a wise man. Only as a last resort does he uses them.
Peace and quietude are esteemed by the wise man, and even when victorious he does not rejoice. (...)
In prospitious affairs the place of honor is the left, but in unpropitious affairs we honor the right.
The strong man while at home esteems the left as the place of honor, but when armed for war it is as though he esteems the right hand, the place of less honor.
Thus a funeral ceremony is so arranged. The place of a subordinae army officer is also on the left and the place of a superior officer is on the right. The killing of men fills multitudes with sorrow; we lament with tears bacause of it, and rightly honor the victor is if he was attending a funeral ceremony.
Follow the Tao ... Follow the Way yourselves,
Kristof Gabriel Carina van Hooymissen
"Elusive and obscure, indeed, but at its heart ... is all being. Unfathomable and obscure, indeed, but at its heart is all spirit, and spirit is reality. At its heart is truth."
What is Tao? Very simple, it is the timeless, changeless spirit that runs through all life and matter. God, or Universal Mind or Intelligence, are other ways to describe it, but it is beyond the categorisation of man. (...) Tao both creates everything in the universe, and keeps it all going. Tao is variously translated as "Way" or "Creative Principle,", the principle behind all reality. In concrete terms, Tao manifests as "Teh" which means virtue or moral action. By being in tune with Tao, we naturally know the best action to take in any situation. Yet Lao Tzu did not lay out a set of social rules to be obeyed as such, but rather pointed to a certain positive way of being and acting that upholds Tao's creative principle.
"Therefore the wise man, embracing unity as he does, will become the world's model. Not pushing himself forward he will become enlightened; not asserting himself he will become distinguished; not boasting of himself he will acquire merit; not approving himself he will endure. Forasmuch as he will not quarrel, the world will not quarrel with him."
Before people can become effective leaders, they must first be able to control themselves. Such restraint means that, when we have to act, it is done out of pure objective justice rather than through any kind of emotional compulsion:
"By patience the animal spirits can de disciplined. By self-control one can unify character. By close attention to the will, compelling gentleness, one can become like a little child. By purifying the subconscious desires one may be without fault."
"The wise man", Lao Tzu notes, "attends to the inner significance of things, and does not concern himself with outward appearances."
Yet by focusing on the spiritual realm, his physical world becomes well ordened. He can see through the world's appearances, separating truth from delusion.
"True goodness is like water", Lao Tzu says, "in that it benefits all and harms nothing".
"Tao is Eternal. The decay of the body is not to be feared."
Seek first the Tao always, and your life will tend to be free of dramas and troubles, because you will not get lost in the way things seem, but rest in how they are. In practical terms, the path to this kind of peace that Lao Tsu advocates is simple:
"... let all men hold to that which is reliable, namely, recognise simplicity, cherish purity, reduce one's possessions, diminish one's desires."
The Tao treasures three things in human beings : compassion, economy and humility. Only the person who is compassionate can be truly brave; one who is thrifty can be generous; and those who are humble can be a good servant to others. Compassionate action is the joy of life, and Lao Tsu notes the paradox that the person always working for others, and not trying to hoard things, usually ends up with security and plenty.
The others essential quality of Lao Tsu's leader is their self-control.
The wise person therefore recognizes :
"If a ruler practices wu wei the people will reform themselves. If I love quietude the people will of themselves become righteous. If I avoid profit-making the people will of themselves become prosperous. If I limit my desires the people will of themselves become simple."
"Peace and quietude are esteemed by the wise man, and even when victorious he does not rejoice, because rejoicing over a victory is the same as rejoicing over the killing of men. If he rejoices over killing men, do you think he will ever really master the Empire?"
"He who identifies himself with Tao, Tao rejoices to guide. He who identifies himself with teh, teh rejoices to reward. And he who identifies himself with loss, loss rejoices to ruin."
Avoiding War
Even successful arms, among all implements, are unblessed. All men come to detest them.Therefore the one who follows Tao does not rely on them. Arms ae of all tools unblessed, they are not the implements of a wise man. Only as a last resort does he uses them.
Peace and quietude are esteemed by the wise man, and even when victorious he does not rejoice. (...)
In prospitious affairs the place of honor is the left, but in unpropitious affairs we honor the right.
The strong man while at home esteems the left as the place of honor, but when armed for war it is as though he esteems the right hand, the place of less honor.
Thus a funeral ceremony is so arranged. The place of a subordinae army officer is also on the left and the place of a superior officer is on the right. The killing of men fills multitudes with sorrow; we lament with tears bacause of it, and rightly honor the victor is if he was attending a funeral ceremony.
Follow the Tao ... Follow the Way yourselves,
Kristof Gabriel Carina van Hooymissen
zaterdag 17 november 2018
vrijdag 16 november 2018
Veritas Radio - Mike King - 1 of 2 - Planet Rothschild
donderdag 15 november 2018
woensdag 14 november 2018
Terrorism Isn't What You Think It Is - David Icke
Donald Trump & The Mid Term Elections - David Icke
Jordan Maxwell ☯ Religion and The Truth About Trump
We will defend our alternative media, it's not "fake news" as some might call it. It is INFORMATION, which is EQUAL to LIGHT.
"World domination by the Archontic networks either through acquiescence or world war three is the plan unfolding before our eyes, but fortunately times are changing and more people are becoming streetwise to the game and selling tyranny is not as easy as it once was. The El-lite know this and hence the efforts to silence the genuine alternative media. Everyone who believes in freedom has a duty to defend it." - David Icke
dinsdag 13 november 2018
(Official Movie) THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take?
Dolores Cannon: Volunteer Souls and DNA Upgrades.
Trump's Final Warning for The Illuminati Dark Forces
illuminati song - Anonymous (Lyrics on screen)
maandag 12 november 2018
Cancer the Forbidden Cures - Full Documentary
Unplug from your television-matrix. Wake up, humans!
Modern technology is one of the biggest weapons of frequency control. You have been sold devices for entertainment and convenience, and they are all involved with frequency control. We recommend strongly that you get rid of your television sets. They are the primary tool used to manipulate your consciousness on a day-to-day basis.
This experiment is so finely tuned that you respond subliminally to disease via the television. So there is an entire generation that is killing itself by watching television - and supporting the medical society while they are doing it.
Sometimes liberating information is broadcast - perhaps even a New Age show. However, you may watch such a television show about how uplifted and unlimited you can be, while subliminally you are being hit with a frequency that keeps you from original thinking. This subliminal keeps you immobilized and holds you in a "survive, arrive, be-on-time, be-silent, go-to-work" society.
Television also promotes inactivity and a sedentary, obese life. Look around you.
Wake up, humans!
Most of the subliminals on television are done through technology that was developed in conjunction with off-planetary beings. The use of subliminals to upset human consciousness has become a worldwide program.
If you think about the houses that have two, three, and four televisions in them, you must agree that this has been a very successful marketing program. Some people who know about the subliminals on television feel that they are immune to them. However, the effects of television are so permeating that no matter how clear you say you are going to be, you cannot counterbalance what the technology is presently doing to your vibrational frequency.
We have said that there are entities who feed off your emotional bodies. Think about what a clever tool television is for them. All over the world, billions of humans are emitting emotional juices into the atmosphere based upon what they are watching on the tube.
They don't have to have too many wars anymore to get you all riled up - they can simply make movies!
People who need to watch television are not tapping into the wealth of information within their minds and immediately accessible all around them. As a matter of fact, if you really want to evolve, do not read your newspapers, do not listen to the radio, and do not watch television.
If you are able to be media free for periods of time, and you disengage yourself from the frequency of chaos and anxiety and stress and hustle - bustle and temptations of all kinds that you don't need, you begin to get clear. You begin to listen to what is going on inside of yourself and to live in the world and not necessarily be lost in it. You become clear. We cannot emphasize this enough!
Electronics also jam your frequency. Even when they are not specifically designed to jam your frequency, sometimes there is incompatibility between the electronic frequency of something and yourself. Plus, as we said, many of them are designed to create static so that you will always stay at a certain vibratory rate, turning you into safe, harmless, inactive, productive cattle.
What about computers?
The second most predominant piece of hardware in the United States is the computer. How many of you go to work on computers and end up getting headaches, particularly when you work for large corporations and are hooked up to their mainframe? Large companies are into aspects of mind control; they use your minds to generate energy to achieve something for themselves. Personal computers are not as potent and powerful.
Some new inventions are going to surface in the nineties very underground inventions, because they will never be given patents to be promoted in the marketplace. There will be a whole underground economy based upon barter, in which certain inventions will be traded between people. There will be technologies that can counteract much of the frequency control: these technologies can change the quality of your air and water, and they can eliminate and seal off your home so that you are an integral of energy and nothing can bombard you.
There are technologies that do phenomenal things. Do you understand how technology has been used against you? It has not been used for you.Television is not necessarily bad in itself, but it has been put to ill purpose. There is nothing wrong with technology.
It is how technology is being used that is the bottom line. That is the difference.
The education system is another area where you are controlled. Most of what you are taught is malarkey. You work hard, take loans out, and pay money to learn something that is antiquated before you even set foot in the door, particularly in the realms of scientific, mathematical, psychological, and medical exploration.
What do you do when you live in a society that rewards you for degrees? You begin by saying, "I believe that I formulate my world. I believe that I do not need these credentials to define my existence. I can be unique unto myself, sovereign unto myself." Come up with a method or way to explore the world without degrees.
Education is actually the pursuit of knowledge, and knowledge can come from a walk in the desert. It does not have to come from flipping pages in a book. It is not harmful to explore a little bit of schooling, but don't buy into the idea that what you are being taught is correct.
You are controlled and separated by issues that strike at the core of your emotions. The abortion/pro-life issue is not a global issue, it is a national issue. Sometimes it does look as if innocent victims are trampled or stampeded by events that seemingly have nothing to do with them. Of course, that is what you have been taught - that you are powerless and can only be saved by the mood of the gods, which has never been the case. Those who find their lives taken by accident or violence select it.
The pro-life/abortion issue has been purposely orchestrated in the United States by different factions within the government to create a lack of harmony. Divide and conquer, and you own the people. Allow the people choice, freedom, and the ability to continuously improve their lives, and you cannot own them. Whenever people oppose people, those in control benefit, even down to the issue over abortion.
How do they benefit? They keep women from uniting with each other and men from uniting with each other here in the United States. They keep people in fear. They convince you, by continuously putting these issues before you, that a woman has no control over the birthing process in her body.
You don't need abortion: you never need to get pregnant in the first place if you don't desire it. How? By will.
A woman can say to herself,
Or, alternately,
When you own yourself, you will not need permission from the government about what you can do with your own body.
Violence on the streets of major cities is another subtle means of control. The big cities in the United States - Los Angeles, New York City, Washington, D.C., and so on - are energy buckets, or holes, where energy comes into the North American continent - or has up until now.
There has been an increase in violence in these cities because it is known that if unrest can be kept brewing and reported, it can be a likely vehicle for manipulating the entire nation. These things are purposely set into motion on the physical level and assisted on the etheric level because the more fear that is generated the more those in charge can feed on it.
When a woman goes out with her family and is assaulted, and her young son, a seemingly innocent victim, fights the assailants and goes down by knife and dies totally unexpectedly on his vacation, the fear that is promoted throughout multitudes of people feeds many. The fear that the war in the Middle East brought about was phenomenal.
You have been raped of your life force. If there is anything that you as members of the human species have in common it is that you have been raped for your emotions. Others have played your emotions as though they were instruments, and they have never let you know the power you have with your emotions.
Always this whole story comes back to emotions. Emotions are like tickets that can get you places and plug you in. You are incredibly rich. If you would only realize how wealthy you are with your emotions. The lower vibratory beings, if we may be so bold as to call them that, exist off emotions in a very small range of frequency - emotions that are based on fear, chaos, and violence.
The ability to use the human will over the human mind is your ultimate resource. This ability to master the body according to your will is exactly what the people in charge of the planet do not want you to figure out.
As more of you become sovereign and in charge of your own frequency, those who do not want the new frequency here will bring an opposite frequency to create chaos, confusion, and polarity. Always, whenever a society is on the verge of a huge leap or change, there are diametrically opposed activities.
Always look at an issue from the perspective of the bigger picture so that you have neutrality with it, for the picture gets bigger and bigger all the time. The planet is headed for a major confrontation with certain entities. We are simply pointing this out; we are not here to promote fear. Fear is what the other team wants you to feel. We want you to understand that you can change anything you want to change. This is going to be a game of numbers in the future, because you will work together to bring yourselves to a place of empowerment.
We are asking humans to come into full function as members of the Family of Light by imaging and energizing the pillar of light and pulling it inside the body. Command it. Make it your intention every day to operate with a cordon of light, for light frequency connects you and fills you with protection and information.
Feel it move into the base of your spine, down your body, and into the Earth, as well as coming out of your solar - plexus area like a fountain and forming a golden shield of light around you. As you use the solar-plexus area to determine what is going on, you will learn discernment through feeling.
Earth's owners have not wanted humans to understand that their feelings and emotions are like a crop, such as wheat, that can be harvested. If you are in charge of your own harvest, then others cannot take advantage of you and use you unless you decree it. When you operate with a certain frequency and sovereignity, those who wish to control you are not interested in you.
They want a fearful, chaotic frequency, which is what nourishes them. Fear and chaos have predominated on this planet because these entities have stirred them up. They have divided and conquered everywhere to create that frequency.
When you operate in peace and love and with information, you alter the structure of this place drastically: you bring choice of frequency back to this planet.
Barbara Marciniak, Bringers of the dawn. Teachings from the Pleiadians.
The Immortal Count of Saint Germain Documentary
zondag 11 november 2018
Gabriel Rios - Swing Low (live @Bimhuis Amsterdam)
Robert David Steele - Trump is A Force of Nature
zaterdag 10 november 2018
Mark Lanegan - Judgement Time (Live on KEXP)
Vaccines Aren't What You Think They Are - David Icke
vrijdag 9 november 2018
donderdag 8 november 2018
On Gun Control. Supporting the 2nd Amendment.
Gun Control
The Dark Lodge/Illuminati/Secret Government/New World Order alliance is the hidden driving force behind the global
Gun Control Movement. For obvious reasons, a world of defenseless unarmed citizens is exactly what The Dark
Lodge/Illuminati/Secret Government/New World Order want!
Dr Gabriel Cousens' advice to combat shootings in America.
My suggestion is to develop a holistic, community-based, mental health approach addressing all these contributing factors. Violence and murder in the US and the world is a social and moral problem, rather than a gun/knife/bomb/truck-ramming problem. A moral, ethical, spiritual dilemma requires a moral, ethical, spiritual solution. This moral and ethical upgrade needs to start at the very top leadership of our nation and expand to every level of our society and its institutions. There is not a politically expedient, feel-good band-aid that is going to work. It is a moral, ethical, and spiritual self-examination and upgrading on every level of our society that is needed to address and correct this national and international problem, one of whose symptoms are indeed school shootings, stabbings, and attempted bombings.
Rabbi Gabriel Cousens, MD
Holistic Physician
Community Psychiatrist
Holistic Psychiatrist
Family Therapist
Author of Conscious Parenting: The Holistic Guide to Raising and Nourishing Healthy, Happy Children
Holistic Physician
Community Psychiatrist
Holistic Psychiatrist
Family Therapist
Author of Conscious Parenting: The Holistic Guide to Raising and Nourishing Healthy, Happy Children
Roy Martina Engelen Meditatie | Official Release
PLEIADIAN PROPHECY The Great Changeover 2013 2027
~Gnostic Archon Parasite~ Removal And Prevention ~
woensdag 7 november 2018
Trump: 'Deep state' is a threat to democracy
Buddha Maitreya Initiation by The Dalai Lama
Avatar, Star Wars & The Matrix : The Truth Hidden in Plain Sight.
A Shaman's View of "Mental Illness".
Dr. Somé proposes that what we call depression, bi-polar, psychosis and schizophrenia may perhaps be a remarkable transformation in consciousness and an inevitable step towards human development.
Dr. Somé and the Dagara people support the shamanic view that signals mental illness as “the birth of a healer.” They believe that this person has been selected as a medium for a message to the community. What Westerners view as “mental illness”, the Dagara people view as “good news from the other world.”
Kristo - Magdalene Song (Rehearsal Extended Version)
Een Andere Joods Stem : Kritiek op Israël is géén antisemitisme. (Dutch)
Joods-Europese organisaties: "Kritiek op Israël is géén antisemitisme"
Joods-Europese organisaties sluiten zich aan bij een oproep van Joods-Amerikaanse organisaties. In een open brief verklaren zij hun oppositie tegen de pogingen van de Israëlische regering om tijdens een tweedaagse conferentie in Brussel de definitie van antisemitisme uit te breiden tot elke vorm van kritiek tegen bezetting en kolonisatie van Palestina en tegen apartheid in Israël.
dinsdag 6 november 2018
~Gnostic Archon Parasite~ Removal And Prevention ~
How to Exit the Matrix : Starseed and Royalty Survival : How to recognise implants and tags.
David Wilcock & Drake 2012-03-28 1-3 Mass Arrests
Gabriel Rios - Swing Low (live @Bimhuis Amsterdam)
Barbara Marciniak Best President Of All Time
maandag 5 november 2018
Dikke merci (Dutch)
Bij deze een dikke merci aan Simon Vinkenoog, Barbara B, Philip van Beek en de politie van Antwerpen om mij bewust te maken van de Engel in mij. Binnen enkele weken heb ik een nieuwe identiteitskaart : Kristof Gabriel Carina Van Hooymissen <3
zondag 4 november 2018
I withdraw space from the consciousness of anger against women. - by Kim Michaels.
How the Buddha holds space for the earth - Understanding space - The Buddha can withdraw space - Mind projections - Not being willing to call a spade a spade - How will the meek inherit the earth? - Feeling the energy of anger against women - Anger and the Peter consciousness - Why the female gives rise to anger in the male - Withdrawing space from the anger against women - Those who see the least are trapped the most - Where does creativity come from? - Why the Roman Church survived the Roman Empire - The Catholic Church’s anger against women - Men and women in the Golden Age - Transcend anger if you will be part of the Golden Age -
Teachings about the Mystical Path from Jesus to Today's Spiritual Seekers.
Jesus was and is an example to follow, and it is a tragedy that mainstream Christianity has turned him into an idol to worship.
Jesus came to give us an example of the higher state of consciousness that all of us can achieve. This reality has been deliberately hidden from people, and ironically this has been done by the very religion that claims to represent Jesus on earth.
Jesus, both back then and today, wants all of us to follow his example and attain the Christ consciousness, so we can do the works that he did.
If this resonates with you, it is because you volunteered to take embodiment at this time in order to give Jesus the victory of seeing a critical mass of people follow his example and take this planet into a golden age.
When the student is ready, the teacher appears. You have found this website because you are ready at inner levels. The question is whether you are willing to recognize this with your conscious mind and make the necessary changes in your life? Only you can answer that question.
Jesus came to give us an example of the higher state of consciousness that all of us can achieve. This reality has been deliberately hidden from people, and ironically this has been done by the very religion that claims to represent Jesus on earth.
Jesus, both back then and today, wants all of us to follow his example and attain the Christ consciousness, so we can do the works that he did.
Right now, there are 10,000 people in embodiment who have the potential to attain full Christhood in this lifetime. There are millions more who can attain a high degree of Christhood in this lifetime.This website is dedicated to helping you fulfill your potential and claim your Christhood. You will find profound teachings and practical tools to help you achieve this goal.
If this resonates with you, it is because you volunteered to take embodiment at this time in order to give Jesus the victory of seeing a critical mass of people follow his example and take this planet into a golden age.
When the student is ready, the teacher appears. You have found this website because you are ready at inner levels. The question is whether you are willing to recognize this with your conscious mind and make the necessary changes in your life? Only you can answer that question.
The Event Timeline Change, Illusion Exposed
The Truth behind the war on North-Korea.
"War against a foreign country only happens when the moneyed classes think they are going to profit from it." - George Orwell
The only countries left in 2011 without a Central Bank owned or controlled by the Rothschild Family are:
- Cuba
- North Korea
- Iran
After the instigated protests and riots in the Arab countries the Rothschild finally paved their way into establishing Central Banks, and getting rid of many leaders, which put them into more power.
zaterdag 3 november 2018
Sri Aurobindo on hostile forces and how to deal with them. - Lettres on yoga.
The hostile Forces are Powers of Darkness who are in revolt against the Light and the Truth and want to keep this world under their rule in darkness and ignorance. Whenever anyone wants to reach the Truth, to realise the Divine, they stand in the way as much as possible. But what they are specially against is the work the Mother and myself are doing, to bring down the Light here into the earth and establish the Truth—that would mean their own expulsion. So they always try to destroy the work as a whole and to spoil the sadhana of each sadhak. It is not only you who are attacked: all are attacked more or less—especially when there is a great progress, these forces try to interfere.
The only way to avoid it is to be entirely turned towards the Mother and to refuse any opportunity to these Forces.
Sometimes they possess men in order to act through them, sometimes they take birth in a human body. When their use in the play is over, they will either change or disappear or no longer seek to intervene in the earth-play.
These things [such as temptation by Apsaras] are possible but they do not usually happen—because it is difficult for beings of the subtle worlds to materialise to such an extent or for a long time. They prefer to act by influencing human beings, using them as instruments or taking possession of a human mind and body.
There are two kinds of Asuras—one kind were divine in their origin but have fallen from their divinity by self-will and opposition to the intention of the Divine: they are spoken of in the Hindu scriptures as the former or earlier gods; these can be converted and their conversion is indeed necessary for the ultimate purposes of the universe. But the ordinary Asura is not of this character, is not an evolutionary but a typal being and represents a fixed principle of the creation which does not evolve or change and is not intended to do so.
These Asuras, as also the other hostile beings, Rakshasas, Pisachas and others resemble the devils of the Christian tradition and oppose the divine intention and the evolutionary purpose in the human being; they don’t change the purpose in them for which they exist which is evil, but have to be destroyed like the evil. The Asura has no soul, no psychic being which has to evolve to a higher state; he has only an ego and usually a very powerful ego; he has a mind, sometimes even a highly intellectualised mind; but the basis of his thinking and feeling is vital and not mental, at the service of his desire and not of truth. He is a formation assumed by the life-principle for a particular kind of work and not a divine formation or a soul.
Yes. Some kinds of Asuras are very religious, very fanatical about their religion, very strict about rules of ethical conduct. Others of course are just the opposite. There are others who use spiritual ideas without believing in them to give them a perverted twist and delude the sadhaka. It is what Shakespeare described as the Devil quoting Scripture for his own purpose. At present what they are most doing is to try to raise up the obscurity and weakness of the most physical mind, vital, material parts to prevent the progress or fulfilment of the sadhana.
The Asuras are really the dark side of the mental, ormore strictly, of the vital mind plane. This mind is the very field of the Asuras. Their main characteristic is egoistic strength and struggle, which refuse the higher law. The Asura has self-control, tapas and intelligence, but all that for the sake of his ego. On the lower vital plane the corresponding forces we call the Rakshasas which represent violent passions and influences. There are also other kinds of beings on the vital plane which are called the Pisachas and Pramathas. They manifest more or less in the physico-vital. On the physical plane the corresponding forces are obscure beings, more forces than beings, what the Theosophists call the elementals. They are not strongly individualised beings like the Rakshasas and Asuras, but ignorant and obscure forces working in the subtle physical plane. What we in Sanskrit call the Bhutas mostly come under this class. But there are two kinds of elementals, the one mischievous and the other not. There are no Asuras on the higher planes where the Truth prevails, except in the Vedic sense—“the Divine in its strength”. The mental and vital Asuras are only a deviation of that power.
The Gandharvas are of the vital plane but they are vital Gods, not Asuras. Many Asuras are beautiful in appearance and can carry even a splendour or light with them. It is the Rakshasas, Pisachas, etc. who are ugly or evil in appearance.
Some of the vital beings are very intelligent—but they do not make friends with the Light—they only try to avoid destruction and wait their time.
The hostile forces exist and have been known to Yogic experience ever since the days of the Veda and Zoroaster in Asia (and the mysteries of Egypt and Chaldea and the Cabbala) and in Europe also from old times. These things of course cannot be felt or known so long as one lives in the ordinary mind and its ideas and perceptions—for there there are only two categories of influences recognisable, the ideas and feelings and actions of oneself and others and the play of environment and physical forces. But once one begins to get the inner view of things, it is different. One begins to experience that all is an action of forces, forces of Prakriti psychological as well as physical which play upon our nature—and these are conscious forces or are supported by a consciousness or consciousnesses behind. One is in the midst of a big universal working and it is impossible any longer to explain everything as the result of one’s own sole and independent personality.
You yourself have at one time written that your crises of despair etc. came upon you as if thrown on you and worked themselves out without your being able to determine or put an end to them. That means an action of universal forces and not merely an independent action of your own personality, though it is something in your nature of which they make use. But you are not conscious, and others also, of this intervention and pressure at its source for the reason I state. Those in the Asram who have developed the inner view of things on the vital plane have plenty of experience of the hostile forces. However, you need not personally concern yourself with them so long as they remain incognito.
It is true that all comes from the Divine and it is true also that a Divine Presence and a Divine Will is behind all that happens and leads the world towards a divine goal.
At the same time it is also taught in the Gita that this world is a world of obscurity and ignorance and to attain to the Divine one must overcome certain forces of Nature, such as Desire, which the Gita calls the enemy difficult to overcome. It is in this sense that we speak of hostile forces—those which stand in the way of coming out of the Ignorance and attaining to the consciousness of the Divine.
It is again true that those who have a complete and living faith in the Divine and a perfect sincerity in their vision of the Divine everywhere and a pure sattwic nature need not trouble themselves about the hostile forces—for from them the forces of the Ignorance fall back and cannot take possession of their nature.
The teaching about the hostile forces (Asuri Rakshasi forces) is necessary for those who have a divided consciousness or a more rajasic temperament—for if they are not on their guard they may fall into the control of undesirable forces of Desire and Ego.
The psychic being, if allowed to manifest from the first in Life and lead the evolution instead of being relegated behind the veil, would have been the principle of a harmonious outflowering; everyone who has felt the psychic at work within him, freed from the vital intervention, can at once see that this would be its effect because of its unerring perception, true choice, harmonic action. If it has not been so, it is because the dark Powers have made Life a claimant instead of an instrument. The reality of the Hostiles and the nature of their role and trend of their endeavour cannot be doubted by anyone who has had his inner vision unsealed and made their unpleasant acquaintance.
It is likely that as the supramental principle evolved itself the evolution would more and more take on another aspect—the Daivic nature would predominate, the Asuro-Rakshaso-Pishachic prakriti which now holds so large a place would more and more recede and lose its power. A principle of greater unity, harmony and light would emerge everywhere. It is not that the creation in the Ignorance would be altogether abolished, but it would begin to lose much of its elements of pain and falsehood and would be more a progression from lesser to higher Truth, from a lesser to a higher harmony, from a lesser to a higher Light, than the reign of chaos and struggle, of darkness and error that we now perceive.
For according to all occult teaching the evolutionary creation could have been such but for the intervention of the Powers of Darkness—all traditions including that of the Veda and Upanishads point under different figures to the same thing. In the Upanishads it is the Daityas that smite with evil all that the gods create, in the Zoroastrian tradition it is Ahriman coming across the work of Ahura Mazda, the Chaldean tradition uses a different figure. But the significance is the same; it is the perception of something that has struck across the harmonious development of creation and brought in the principle of darkness and disorder. The occult tradition also foresees the elimination of this disturbing element by the descent of a divine Principle or Power on earth, but gives to it usually a sudden and dramatic form. I conceive that the supramental descent would effect the same event by a progressive elimination of the darkness and evolution of the Light, but with what rate of rapidity it would be rash to try to forecast or prefigure.
When there is a pressure on the vital world due to the preparing Descent from above, that world usually precipitates something of itself into the human. The vital world is very large and far exceeds the human in extent. But usually it dominates by influence not by descent. Of course the effort of this part of the vital world is always to maintain humanity under its sway and prevent the higher Light.
The vital descent cannot prevent the supramental—still less can the possessed nations do it by their material power, since the supramental descent is primarily a spiritual fact which will bear its necessary outward consequences. What previous vital descents have done is to falsify the Light that came down as in the history of Christianity where it took possession of the teaching and distorted it and deprived it of any widespread fulfilment. But the supermind is by definition a Light that cannot be distorted if it acts in its own right and by its own presence. It is only when it holds itself back and allows inferior Powers of consciousness to use a diminished and already deflected Truth that the knowledge can be seized by the vital Forces and made to serve their own purpose.
Ignorance means Avidya, the separative consciousness and the egoistic mind and life that flows from it and all that is natural to the separative consciousness and the egoistic mind and life. This Ignorance is the result of a movement by which the cosmic Intelligence separated itself from the light of Supermind (the divine Gnosis) and lost the Truth,—truth of being, truth of divine consciousness, truth of force and action, truth of Ananda. As a result instead of a world of integral truth and divine harmony created in the light of the divine Gnosis, we have a world founded on the part truths of an inferior cosmic Intelligence in which all is half truth, half error.
It is this that some of the ancient thinkers like Shankara, not perceiving the greater Truth-Force behind, stigmatised as Maya and thought to be the highest creative power of the Divine. All in the consciousness of this creation is either limited or else perverted by separation from the integral Light; even the Truth it perceives is only a half knowledge. Therefore it is called the Ignorance.
Falsehood, on the other hand, is not this Avidya, but an extreme result of it. It is created by an Asuric power which intervenes in this creation and is not only separated from the Truth and therefore limited in knowledge and open to error, but in revolt against the Truth or in the habit of seizing the Truth only to pervert it. This Power, the dark Asuric Shakti or Rakshasic Maya, puts forward its own perverted consciousness as true knowledge and its wilful distortions or reversals of the Truth as the verity of things. It is the powers and personalities of this perverted and perverting consciousness that we call hostile beings, hostile forces. Whenever these perversions created by them out of the stuff of the Ignorance are put forward as the truth of things, that is the Falsehood.
These are the forces and beings that are interested in maintaining the falsehoods they have created in the world of the Ignorance and in putting them forward as the Truth which men must follow. In India they are termed Asuras, Rakshasas, Pisachas (beings respectively of the mentalised vital, middle vital and lower vital planes)who are in opposition to the Gods, the Powers of Light. These too are Powers, for they too have their cosmic field in which they exercise their function and authority and some of them were once divine Powers who have fallen towards the Darkness by revolt against the divine Will behind the cosmos. The word “Appearances” refers to the forms they take in order to rule the world, forms often false and always incarnating falsehood, sometimes pseudo-divine.
Yes, they [the hostile forces] have their own world and, if they kept to it, there could be no objection to their existence. There is a world that is natural to them and has its own rhythm, its own dharma—just as the lesser gods have theirs. But, they want to dominate the evolution and for that purpose they have taken their station in the vital worlds which influence the earth nature and give it its materials for life.
They were created or rather manifested like other orders of being as a type or several types expressing some cosmic stress, some possibility in the Infinite, the expression of a certain kind of consciousness and force. When the work that they are permitted to do on earth, the work of negation, perversion, miscreation is finished they will be destroyed here, but there is no reason to suppose that they may not exist in their own universe, as it were, outside the system here. For here their presence is an Adharma, a disturbance of the true harmony and natural evolution there should be on the earth plane; it is an intrusion and not a natural presence.
How did the Ignorance come into being out of Sachchidananda? Or ego? The Hostile Forces in their own world embody ego self-fulfilled and having its own free play—ego on earth is not self-fulfilled and not meant to be, it is in conflict with a cosmic Force greater than itself and is only a temporary expedient for bringing forth individuality out of the indeterminateness of just conscient life and inconscient Matter.
If there were no hostile forces and there were still the evolutionary world, there could be ignorance still but not perversity in the ignorance. All would be a partial truth acting through imperfect instruments but for the best purposes of this or that stage in a progressive manifestation.
The mere intensity of the force does not show that it is a bad power; the Divine Force often works with a great intensity. Everything depends on the nature of the force and its working; what does it do, what seems to be its purpose? If it works to purify or open the system, or brings with it light or peace or prepares the change of the thought, ideas, feelings, character in the sense of a turning towards a higher consciousness, then it is the right force. If it is dark or obscure or perturbs the being with rajasic or egoistic suggestions or excites the lower nature, then it is an adverse Force.
The hostiles have themselves bodies though not of a gross physical kind—they see, but with a subtle seeing that includes not only bodies, but movements of forces, thoughts, feelings.
Very great [are the occult powers of the hostile beings]—it is their occult powers and knowledge of occult processes that make them so strong and effective.
The lesser forces of Light are usually too much insistent on seeking for Truth to make effectivity their logic or their rule—the hostiles are too pragmatic to care for Truth, they want only success. As for the greater Forces (e.g. Overmind) they are dynamic and try always to make consciousness effective, but they insist on consciousness, while the hostiles care nothing for that—the more unconscious you are and their automatic tool, the better they are pleased—for it is unconsciousness that gives them their chance.
The universe is certainly or has been up to now in appearance a rough and wasteful game with the dice of chance loaded in favour of the Powers of darkness, the Lords of obscurity, falsehood, death and suffering. But we have to take it as it is and find out—if we reject the way out of the old sages—the way to conquer. Spiritual experience shows that there is behind it all a wide terrain of equality, peace, calm, freedom, and it is only by getting into it that we can have the eye that sees and hope to gain the power that conquers.
It [the adverse force] is the Power that keeps up ignorance and darkness in the world—it can only be destroyed when mankind is no longer in love with ignorance and darkness. Each sadhak has to push it out of contact with his being. When it has gone from him, then there will be no longer any serious difficulties in his sadhana.
The evil forces are perversions of the Truth by the Ignorance—in any complete transformation they must disappear and the Truth behind them be delivered. In this way they can be said to be transformed by destruction.
The Gods are Personalities or Powers put forth by the Divine—they are therefore in front limited Emanations, although the full Divine is behind each of them.
Of course, the gods exist—that is to say, there are Powers that stand above the world and transmit the divine workings. It is the physical mind which believes only in what is physical that denies them. There are also beings of other worlds—gods and Asuras etc.
There are Gods everywhere on all the planes.
While the Gods cannot be transformed, for they are typal and not evolutionary beings, they can come for conversion—that is to say, to give up their own ideas and outlook on things and conform themselves to the higher Will and supramental Truth of the Divine.
The higher beings are not likely to be in disharmony with each other as they are not subject to the lower ignorance.
The Gods have their own enjoyments, though they may not be of a material character.
The natives of the Overmind are Gods. Naturally the Gods rule the cosmos.
The Overmind is the world of the Gods and the Gods are not merely Powers, but have Forms also.
In the Overmind the Gods are still separated existences.
The Formateurs of the Overmind have shaped nothing evil—it is the lower forces that receive from the Overmind and distort its forces.
As far as I can see, once the supramental is established in Matter, the transformation will be possible undermuch less troublesome conditions than now are there. These bad conditions are due to the fact that the Ignorance is in possession and the hostile Powers an established authority, as it were, who do not care to give up their hold and there is no full force of Light established in the earth consciousness which would not only meet but outweigh their full force of darkness.
It is the darkest nights that prepare the greatest dawns—and it is so because it is into the deep inconscience of material life that we have to bring, not an intermediate glimmer, but the full glory of the divine Light.
This aim suggested to you seems to be part of a seeking for occult powers; such a seeking is looked on with disfavour for the most part by spiritual teachers in India because it belongs to the inferior planes and usually pushes the seeker on a path which may lead him very far from the Divine. Especially, a contact with the forces and beings of the astral (or, as we term it, the vital) plane is attended with great dangers.
The beings of this plane are often hostile to the true aim of spiritual life and establish contact with the seeker and offer him powers and occult experiences only in order that they may lead him away from the spiritual path or else that they may establish their own control over him or take possession of him for their own purpose. Often, representing themselves as divine powers, they mislead, give erring suggestions and impulsions and pervert the inner life.
Many are those who, attracted by these powers and beings of the vital plane, have ended in a definitive spiritual fall or in mental and physical perversion and disorder. One comes inevitably into contact with the vital plane and enters into it in the expansion of consciousness which results from an inner opening, but one ought never to put oneself into the hands of these beings and forces or allow oneself to be led by their suggestions and impulsions. This is one of the chief dangers of the spiritual life and to be on one’s guard against it is a necessity for the seeker if he wishes to arrive at his goal.
Ordinarily, all the more inward and all the abnormal psychological experiences are called psychic. I use the word psychic for the soul as distinguished from the mind and vital. All movements and experiences of the soul would in that sense be called psychic, those which rise from or directly touch the psychic being; where mind and vital predominate, the experience would be called psychological (surface or occult). “Spiritual” has nothing to do with the Absolute, except that the experience of the Absolute is spiritual. All contacts with self, the higher consciousness, the Divine above are spiritual. There are others that could not be so sharply classified and set off against each other.
The spiritual realisation is of primary importance and indispensable. I would consider it best to have the spiritual and psychic development first and have it with the same fullness before entering the occult regions. Those who enter the latter first may find their spiritual realisation much delayed—others fall into the mazy traps of the occult and do not come out in this life. Some no doubt can carry on both together, the occult and the spiritual, and make them help each other; but the process I suggest is the safer.
The governing factors for us must be the spirit and the psychic being united with the Divine—the occult laws and phenomena have to be known but only as an instrumentation, not as the governing principles. The occult is a vast field and complicated and not without its dangers. It need not be abandoned but it should not be given the first place.
A sincere heart is worth all the extraordinary powers in the world.
Sri Aurobindo
Source: Letters on Yoga
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