shamanic artist - pleiadian gabrielian - michaelian - having faith in G-d above all else - sovereign - ethical - refuse RFID chipping / Uniting 144000, peaceful bodhisattva-buddha (nirmanakaya) mahatma- defender of freedom - following my highest calling (Shamballah), ASHTAR “We all shape the world together, be wise and virtuous in your life loyal immortal legions visionary mystic Gabriel Sadhu tintegral & bhakti, raja, siddha, maha yogi 6th dimension Christos / Archangels
Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
woensdag 31 mei 2017
The Master Plan for The Event Will Not Change
The Fallen Angels!!! - David Icke - [MUST WATCH]
The Earth Is Flat????? - David Icke '2017 - [MUST WATCH]
Mark Lanegan - Judgement Time (Live on KEXP)
The Way to Peace : Middle Way
In his first discourse the Buddha calls the Noble Eightfold Path the middle way. He calls it the middle way because the eightfold path avoids all extremes in conduct and in views. In the discourse the Buddha points out that there are two extremes which a seeker of enlightenment has to steer clear off. These two extremes are, on the one side, indulgence in desire, on the other, self -mortification. Some hold the view that sensual indulgence, the grasping of luxury and comfort, is the greatest happiness. But the Buddha, from his own experience, calls this way a low, inferior ignoble course which does not lead to the realization of the highest goal. The other extreme is not so common but has always an attraction for religious seekers. This is the extreme of self-mortification. Those who follow this practice hold that the way to liberation is through strict and austere asceticism. The Buddha himself followed this path of asceticism before his enlightenment, but he found that it does not lead to the goal. Therefore he called the path of self-affliction, painful, ignoble and not conducive to the goal.
Keep the faith. - Yoga lesson (be careful)
As time elapses between the first and fourth Initiation, the threefold channel in the spine [Ida to the left, Pingala to the right, and Sushumna in the middle], and the entire etheric body is gradually cleansed and purified by the action of the fire till all "dross" (as the Christian expresses it) is burnt away, and naught remains to impede the progress of this flame.
dinsdag 30 mei 2017
CERN/Running at High Power/Earth's Shields Collapsing.
White House officials 'convinced they may be victims of deep state conspiracy'
‘Donald Trump has called the investigation into his campaign’s ties to Russia “the single greatest witch hunt of a politician in American history”.
But according to some in the White House, it’s something even worse: a conspiracy.
Top White House aides – including Mr Trump’s trusted adviser Steve Bannon – are increasingly worried that the so-called “deep state” is conspiring to bring the presidency down, sources tell Politico.
In the weeks after Mr Trump dismissed former FBI Director James Comey, the White House was hit with a series of damaging leaks, from Mr Trump alleged disclosure of highly classified intelligence to Russian officials, to his son-in-law’s reported attempt to set up back-channel communications with Russia.’
Mark Lanegan - Judgement Time (Live on KEXP)
Manchester : Question Everything.
‘Another day, another conspiratorial crime. In this case, the public was witness to yet another known wolf terror attack allegedly carried out by an ‘ISIS-inspired’ individual who, as with numerous other cases, was under the gaze of MI5. The man named in the Manchester attack, Salman Abedi, has also been tied to a terror group supported by NATO in Libya during the operation to oust Muammar el-Qaddafi in 2011.
QUESTION: Is the Manchester attack simply blowback from security operations gone awry – or is it more likely that this latest terror event provides further evidence of complicity on behalf of West in the ‘War On Terror’ era?
Though many are still unsettled in the wake of the Manchester arena bombing – key questions have emerged following this latest act of terror in the West.’
Psychic Predictions 2017 - The Year of Truth Revealed
En marche! (Forces of Light poetry)
Rusland en Amerika moeten Frankrijk en Duitsland
binnenvallen en al die satanistisch-zionistische bankiers buitenwerken.
Voor een vrij Frankrijk en Duitsland
Aartsengel Michael en Aartsengel Gabriel (de duif), laat jullie zwaarden maar neerdalen
op deze landen
Jahwe Jahwe Jahwe
Unslave Angel Emmanuel
Truth Vibrations - Kristo 2017
binnenvallen en al die satanistisch-zionistische bankiers buitenwerken.
Voor een vrij Frankrijk en Duitsland
Aartsengel Michael en Aartsengel Gabriel (de duif), laat jullie zwaarden maar neerdalen
op deze landen
Jahwe Jahwe Jahwe
Unslave Angel Emmanuel
Truth Vibrations - Kristo 2017
maandag 29 mei 2017
Anonymous We Must Save Our Children (For What Has Come)
Michael Jackson - Heal The World (Official Video)
Anchoring the Light in several World Locations
Gnosis - Edgar Cayce on The Essenes | Documentary
Gabriel Rios - Swing Low (live @Bimhuis Amsterdam)
Swing zapper 2016 / 2007 This movie shows how beautiful the Swing Zapper...
The cancer healing device.
Een nummer schrijven is niet zomaar een nummer schrijven, er gaat wat research aan vooraf vooraleer 'Close encounters of the ninth kind' klaar zal zijn. En daarna oefenen op de Meir. Volk genoeg daar. All the best, I love humanity. En focus op goede tijden gedurende deze periode in de wereld wereld van oorlog en terrorisme. God is toch sterker, maar om God zou geen oorlog gevoerd mogen worden.
"God moet in deze oorlog zijn, aan beide kanten" schreef Simon Vinkenoog ooit.
Fingers crossed.
"God moet in deze oorlog zijn, aan beide kanten" schreef Simon Vinkenoog ooit.
Fingers crossed.
zondag 28 mei 2017
The Master Plan for The Event Will Not Change
Psychic Predictions 2017 - The Year of Truth Revealed
How singing helps people cope with trauma in the modern world.
The Manchester Report!!! - David Icke '2017 [MUST WATCH]
Anchoring the Light in several World Locations
Mark Lanegan Band - Jugdement Time (Phantom Radio 2014)
Benjamin Fulford March 4th, 2016 World War III update
zaterdag 27 mei 2017
The Pleiadians on WW3 World War 3, Prophecy, Anunnaki
Uit het evangelie van Filippus.
Christus kwam om sommigen los te kopen, om anderen te redden en weer anderen te
verlossen. De vreemdelingen kocht hij los en maakte hij tot de zijnen. En de zijnen
plaatste hij apart, zij voor wie hij vrijwillig de losprijs had betaald. Niet pas toen hij
verscheen, schonk hij uit vrije wil zijn leven, maar al zolang de wereld bestaat heeft hij
zijn leven beschikbaar gesteld. Nadat hij eerst het leven op zich genomen had stond hij
zichzelf af als onderpand. Hij viel in handen van rovers en werd gevangen genomen.
Maar hij redde zijn leven en verloste de goeden in de wereld evenals de slechten.
Evangelie van Filippus, vers 8.
Evangelie van Filippus, vers 8.
Meditation Builds Brain Cells, Harvard Study Shows Proof.
Research has now demonstrated that meditation builds brain cells and increases gray matter in the brain. Using magnetic imaging (MRI), Harvard researchers found that meditation produced physiological changes in the brain’s gray matter. Some areas in the brains of the study participants thickened after only eight weeks of mindfulness practice.
The research was published in 2011 and represented the first time that physical changes to the brain caused by mediation were documented. The research was conducted at Massachusetts General Hospital by researchers from Harvard University. The research was funded by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine of the NIH. Research subjects spend eight weeks doing a mindfulness meditation program.
For an average of 27 minutes a day, the study participants listened to audio recordings of guided meditation during the eight-week trial. The group met weekly as well. Magnetic resonance imaging scans (MRI) were taken of the participants’ brains two weeks before the trial started and at the end of the eight-week program. A control group also had brain imaging (MRI) but did not listen to the audio-recorded meditation guides.
The research findings
Study participants reported feeling less stressed after the eight-week period. MRI scans revealed decreased gray matter in the amygdalae and increased gray matter in the hippocampus. The amygdalae are the parts of the brain that help the body deal with anxiety and stress and controls the “fight or flight” mechanism. The hippocampus, which showed an increase in gray-matter density, is the area of the brain that controls memory, learning, self-awareness, introspection and compassion.
Conclusion and implications
The study concluded that meditation builds brain cells. The shrinking of the amygdalae indicated a reduction in the body’s stress response, which was expressed as the feelings of relaxation and stress reduction that were reported by the study participants. With the shrinking of the amygdalae, the pre-frontal cortex around them can then thicken. The pre-frontal cortex is the decision making part of the brain and is also in charge of concentration and awareness. It has been concluded that meditation builds brain cells, increases gray matter and allows the brain to slow responses to stress, providing better concentration, learning and memory.
About the author:
Talya Dagan is a health advocate and health coach, trained in nutrition and gourmet health food cuisine, writing about natural remedies for disease and nutrition and herbal medicine. You can follow her blog at
Talya Dagan is a health advocate and health coach, trained in nutrition and gourmet health food cuisine, writing about natural remedies for disease and nutrition and herbal medicine. You can follow her blog at
Manly P. Hall - Secret Societies In The Modern World
Lonely Are The Starseeds~Pleiadian Starseeds
Awakening The Human Angels: The Holy Grails
vrijdag 26 mei 2017
Archangel Michael Disclosure God's Way March-29-2016
Anchoring the Light in several World Locations
donderdag 25 mei 2017
Barbara Marciniak - Best President Of All Time
David Icke Warns ABout "New Age Reptilians" 5/25/2017
Men in black, the agents of the black lodge.
Solfeggio Master Frequency 1122 Hz HD Meditation
Gemini, Your God Is A Messenger
The Messenger God
The Mutable Air sign Gemini is ruled by Mercury, messenger of the gods. Mercury’s nickname was Quicksilver, which is what we sometimes call the metal mercury. If you’ve ever broken a thermometer and held a ball of mercury in your palm, you have experienced the mutability of Gemini—mercury is the only metal that is liquid at room temperature. It is as impossible to grasp, hold and contain as Geminis themselves. If you’ve ever dated a Gemini and become frustrated at their sheer evasiveness, believe me, it’s nothing to the frustration Geminis experience at their own selves.
The Mutable Air sign Gemini is ruled by Mercury, messenger of the gods. Mercury’s nickname was Quicksilver, which is what we sometimes call the metal mercury. If you’ve ever broken a thermometer and held a ball of mercury in your palm, you have experienced the mutability of Gemini—mercury is the only metal that is liquid at room temperature. It is as impossible to grasp, hold and contain as Geminis themselves. If you’ve ever dated a Gemini and become frustrated at their sheer evasiveness, believe me, it’s nothing to the frustration Geminis experience at their own selves.
The mythological Mercury had wings on his shoes and his hat, and carried a winged staff called a caduceus, which was wrapped with two serpents. The caduceus has been adopted by the medical profession as a symbol (Mercury has historically been associated with medicine), and you can see a stylized version of it in the logo of the American Medical Association.
Mercury needed all the wings he could get because, as Olympian messenger, he was able to go to all 3 realms: heaven, earth and the underworld. He could hang out on Olympus with the other gods, roam the earth disguised as a mortal, and he was the only being (besides Pluto himself) who could travel freely to and from the underworld.
Mercury As Psychopompos Or Guide To The Underworld
The underworld was the domain belonging to Pluto (Hades to the Greeks) and was a realm forbidden to all other beings, both earthly and divine. To go there, you had to die, but not so for Mercury. He often served as an official escort, assisting mortals and gods to return from the underworld once they had entered the land of the dead. Examples of this include Orpheus’ attempted rescue of his beloved wife Eurydice and the descent of Inanna, the Mesopotamian Venus, to restore her dead love, both situations involving the messenger god in a critical role as helper/escort. This role of Mercury as psychopompos (or as the OED puts it, “guide of the soul”) symbolizes the ability of the human mind to mediate between the physical world of our bodies and senses and the inner worlds of emotions and the collective unconscious. I think individuals with Mercury retrograde in their natal charts have a special gift for guiding others on their inner journeys, perhaps from having so much familiarity with their own inner journeys.
The underworld was the domain belonging to Pluto (Hades to the Greeks) and was a realm forbidden to all other beings, both earthly and divine. To go there, you had to die, but not so for Mercury. He often served as an official escort, assisting mortals and gods to return from the underworld once they had entered the land of the dead. Examples of this include Orpheus’ attempted rescue of his beloved wife Eurydice and the descent of Inanna, the Mesopotamian Venus, to restore her dead love, both situations involving the messenger god in a critical role as helper/escort. This role of Mercury as psychopompos (or as the OED puts it, “guide of the soul”) symbolizes the ability of the human mind to mediate between the physical world of our bodies and senses and the inner worlds of emotions and the collective unconscious. I think individuals with Mercury retrograde in their natal charts have a special gift for guiding others on their inner journeys, perhaps from having so much familiarity with their own inner journeys.
The mind thus bridges three realms, transporting both the unknown mysteries of our darkest psychic corners and also the divine inspirations and aspirations of the ideal (Mt. Olympus) to earth, and making them relevant in the world of the everyday and mundane. Did Mercury have a realm of his own? Not that I know of. It seems to me he just belonged wherever he was.
The Flexible Mind, a Mass of Messages
Mythology is deeply symbolic and the stories that have taken shape around Mercury symbolize the human experience of our own brain. The ancients knew through their stories about Mercury that the human mind is nothing but a messenger service for carrying communications inside our bodies. They also understood that the human mind has a marvelous capacity to deal with life on 3 levels: heavenly, earthly and underworldly. Without the benefit of science or proof, their understanding was metaphorical but it served to give them all they needed to know about the mind, how it works and what it is capable of, allowing them to generate knowledge we still value today.
Mythology is deeply symbolic and the stories that have taken shape around Mercury symbolize the human experience of our own brain. The ancients knew through their stories about Mercury that the human mind is nothing but a messenger service for carrying communications inside our bodies. They also understood that the human mind has a marvelous capacity to deal with life on 3 levels: heavenly, earthly and underworldly. Without the benefit of science or proof, their understanding was metaphorical but it served to give them all they needed to know about the mind, how it works and what it is capable of, allowing them to generate knowledge we still value today.
What Does This Mean About Gemini?
Geminis are pulled in many directions at once. They need to keep moving. They are mentally agile and quick. Their minds go with equal facility from higher thought to lower thought. They enjoy this duality and use polarity to understand a thing by contrasting it with its opposite. This flexibility, this mutability and the need to keep the message moving is the heart of Gemini’s nature. When a Gemini learns new information and passes it on to someone else, a winged god flying swiftly somewhere pauses to smile.
Geminis are pulled in many directions at once. They need to keep moving. They are mentally agile and quick. Their minds go with equal facility from higher thought to lower thought. They enjoy this duality and use polarity to understand a thing by contrasting it with its opposite. This flexibility, this mutability and the need to keep the message moving is the heart of Gemini’s nature. When a Gemini learns new information and passes it on to someone else, a winged god flying swiftly somewhere pauses to smile.
CM-topman: "Regering zet zieken en werklozen te snel weg als profiteurs".
"Onze neoliberale samenleving is op het gevaarlijke punt beland dat ze kwetsbaren en profiteurs op één hoop gooit. Maar niemand is perfect, niemand kan een leven lang op topniveau presteren." Dat heeft CM-voorzitter Luc Van Gorp gisteravond gezegd in zijn speech voor Rerum Novarum, het feest van de christelijke werknemersbeweging.
"Er is nochtans een fundamenteel verschil tussen een kwetsbare en een profiteur. Een profiteur pakt iets waar hij geen recht op heeft, een kwetsbare krijgt iets niet waar hij wel recht op heeft", aldus Van Gorp.
In de huidige samenleving moeten mensen volgens de CM-voorzitter "perfect" zijn. "Alles moet beter, sneller, efficiënter. Op sociale media moet het vooral leuk zijn. En als we vragen hoe het met iemand gaat, dan is 'goed' het enige acceptabele antwoord. Kwetsbaarheid is uitgegroeid tot een 'onwaarde' die moet verdwijnen."
"Neoliberale politici en economen hebben ons doen geloven dat we als individu alles autonoom kunnen beslissen en dat we daar ook recht op hebben. Dat we de andere niet nodig hebben. Wie in de problemen komt, moet zelf zijn plan maar trekken. Beleidsmakers die zich daaraan bezondigen, plegen in mijn ogen schuldig verzuim."
In de huidige samenleving moeten mensen volgens de CM-voorzitter "perfect" zijn. "Alles moet beter, sneller, efficiënter. Op sociale media moet het vooral leuk zijn. En als we vragen hoe het met iemand gaat, dan is 'goed' het enige acceptabele antwoord. Kwetsbaarheid is uitgegroeid tot een 'onwaarde' die moet verdwijnen."
"Neoliberale politici en economen hebben ons doen geloven dat we als individu alles autonoom kunnen beslissen en dat we daar ook recht op hebben. Dat we de andere niet nodig hebben. Wie in de problemen komt, moet zelf zijn plan maar trekken. Beleidsmakers die zich daaraan bezondigen, plegen in mijn ogen schuldig verzuim."
Van Gorp wil op Rerum Novarum een krachtig pleidooi houden voor de kwetsbare mens. "Ik wil de kwetsbaarheid net omarmen. Wie een samenleving wil bouwen, moet een verhaal schrijven met alle mensen, ook en vooral met zij die het moeilijk hebben."
"Want ironisch genoeg maakt juist het verbergen van kwetsbaarheid radicaal kwetsbaar. We doen zo hard ons best om perfect te zijn, dat we er aan ten onder gaan. Het intensieve onderhoud van een harde buitenkant gaat uiteindelijk ten koste van onze binnenkant. (...) Nog nooit kampten zoveel mensen met een depressie of een burn-out. De lat kan op een bepaald ogenblik zo hoog liggen dat we er niet meer onderdoor kunnen."
Ook CD&V-boegbeeld Crevits waarschuwt tegen een kille aanpak. Volgens haar blijft een zorgzame samenleving uiteindelijk het beste middel tegen onveiligheid en terreur.
"Want ironisch genoeg maakt juist het verbergen van kwetsbaarheid radicaal kwetsbaar. We doen zo hard ons best om perfect te zijn, dat we er aan ten onder gaan. Het intensieve onderhoud van een harde buitenkant gaat uiteindelijk ten koste van onze binnenkant. (...) Nog nooit kampten zoveel mensen met een depressie of een burn-out. De lat kan op een bepaald ogenblik zo hoog liggen dat we er niet meer onderdoor kunnen."
Ook CD&V-boegbeeld Crevits waarschuwt tegen een kille aanpak. Volgens haar blijft een zorgzame samenleving uiteindelijk het beste middel tegen onveiligheid en terreur.
Past month ‘deadliest on record’ for Syrian civilians killed in US-led air strikes
Total of 225 people, including 36 women and 44 children, killed by friendly fire in the last four-week period, monitor says
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The Independent Online
The Independent Online
Air strikes carried out by the US and its coalition partners in Syriahave killed the highest number of civilians on record since the bombing campaign began, a war monitor has said.
A total of 225 civilians, including 36 women and 44 children, were killed in the period between 23 April to 23 May, the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.
The toll is the highest number of recorded deaths since the international air campaign against Isis began in September 2014.
“The past month of operations is the highest civilian toll since the coalition began bombing Syria,” Observatory head Rami Abdel Rahman told AFP news agency.
“There has been a very big escalation.”
At least 122 Isis fighters and eight members of militias loyal to the Syrian government were also killed in the same period, the Observatory said.
The strikes are conducted without the consent of the Syrian government, with which the US does not have official diplomatic ties, and have long been criticised by Damascus and Syria’s allies in Moscow and Tehran for causing unnecessary loss of life.
One incident in 2016 a strike designed to take out Isis weapons depots and other positions near Deir Ez Zour in the north of the country accidentally targeted Syrian army positions instead, killing 62 soldiers.
In Pictures: The crisis unfolding in Syria
However, since US President Donald Trump entered office in January this year there has been a marked uptick in civilian deaths in bombing operations against Isis across both Syria and neighbouring Iraq.
In March, the US was accused of killing around 300 civilians alone after one strike which hit a mosque in Aleppo province and two incidents in the fight for Isis-controlled neighbourhoods of the Iraqi city of Mosul.
Earlier this month, the US military said that coalition air strikes in Iraq and Syria had ”unintentionally“ killed 352 civilians since the campaign began, but rights groups have blasted the estimate as too low, saying the US is guilty of not taking “sufficient precautions” to avoid civilian deaths.
SOHR’s own estimate is that 1,481 people, among them 319 children, have been killed by US-led air operations since 2014.
US investigations into the three March incidents are still underway.
The Pentagon has denied there has been any significant change in US-led bombing strategy since former President Barack Obama left office.
On Friday, however, US Defence Secretary Jim Mattis said Mr Trump has “directed a tactical shift from shoving Isis out of safe locations in an attrition fight to surrounding the enemy in their strongholds so we can annihilate [them].
”The intent is to prevent the return home of escaped foreign fighters,“ he added.
Isis now holds onto just a fraction of the territory under its control at the height of the group’s powers in 2014.
Twin US-backed campaigns to oust fighters from their last urban strongholds - Raqqa in Syria and Mosul in Iraq - are underway, led by local forces on the ground assisted by 5,000 US military advisors.
The complex Syrian civil war has killed almost 500,000 people, the UN says, and is now in its seventh year.
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