shamanic artist - pleiadian gabrielian - michaelian - having faith in G-d above all else - sovereign - ethical - refuse RFID chipping / Uniting 144000, peaceful bodhisattva-buddha (nirmanakaya) mahatma- defender of freedom - following my highest calling (Shamballah), ASHTAR “We all shape the world together, be wise and virtuous in your life loyal immortal legions visionary mystic Gabriel Sadhu tintegral & bhakti, raja, siddha, maha yogi 6th dimension Christos / Archangels
Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
woensdag 31 juli 2013
Robert Whitaker, author Anatomy of an Epidemic
dinsdag 30 juli 2013
zaterdag 27 juli 2013
Niburu and the Annunaki - by Mehal Rockefeller
As world events continue to unfold, more and more will witness the ugliness of the predominance of bullying behaviour. The rulers of the stronger nations are forcing their will upon the weaker nations and will become more demanding and unreasonable. Nation states are using an enormously oppressive power much like that of masters over slaves. History is repeating itself – again. There was once a super race of aliens known to the ancient people of the Earth as the Anunnaki. For many reasons, the Anunnaki have been reduced in power today. This race of beings thrives on conquest and enslavement of those who are under them. This is my account of the story of Nibiru and the Anunnaki: In recent years, there have been many speculative writings about Planet X, which is also known as Planet Nibiru. Most of these writings are based somewhat on Zecharia Sitchin’s book, The Twelfth Planet. Sitchin, like Velikovsky and Darwin, used his respective theories to support his claims.
A question arises: Is Nibiru real? The answer to that is a resounding "Yes". There are those who believe that the Anunnaki of Nibiru are coming back to Earth soon. They believe that Planet X is going to pass by Earth, in May or June of 2003, on its 3,600 year orbit around our sun. Such believers are terrified of the consequences that a close pass by Nibiru might bring. They fear this will cause earthquakes, tidal waves, severe flooding, food shortages due to climatic conditions, diseases, meteor fire storms, volcanic eruptions and the like. They are afraid that it will result in a great catastrophic infliction of loss of life on Earth. Planet Nibiru (Ne.Bi.Ru) is known by many names, such as: Planet X, The Twelfth Planet, Marduk, Paradise, "Heaven" and the "Kingdom of the Heavens" and etc. in various cultures. Although Nibiru has been called The Twelfth Planet, technically it is not a planet of our solar system. In fact, it is a planet from another solar system and the star that was the sun of its solar system has been extinguished. Nibiru was never visible from the Earth but the star which was the centre of Nibiru’s solar system was visible in the skies from Earth. The orbiting pattern of Nibiru gave the Anunnaki the advantage of having a mobile observatory from which they could observe and investigate many other planets near its orbit. The early people named Planet X as Nibiru in Sumerian, and Marduk in Babylonian. It has been said that the ancient Mesopotamians believed that Nibiru was the twelfth planet in our solar system and that it was "heaven" where their gods resided and came from. Nibirians, the people of Nibiru, are often referred to as Anunnaki, Nephilim, Elohim (plural for god), and Mardukians. I shall refer to them as Anunnaki as this is what the general population was known as by the Sumerians and by those at the present time. The word "Anunnaki" literally means "those who came from heaven to earth". In the Old Testament these "heavenly" visitors are called "Anakim". Nibiru was populated by a reptilian super race and governed by elite aristocracy known as the "Nefilim" in Hebrew, which means "they who have come down from the heavens to earth". The Anunnaki were one of the many technologically advanced alien races at the time. In fact, their civilization was advanced far beyond most others of their time. The Anunnaki called their home star (sun) "ZAOS". The Anunnaki are a belligerent and conquering race. They are fierce, evil, lustful, incestuous, bloodthirsty, deceitful, jealous and domineering.
They are also carnivorous and are often cannibalistic. They also demand human sacrifices of virgins from those they conquer and from their own kind whom they enslave. If you imagine the worst characteristics you can conceive in Satan, you have well concocted an impression of the Anunnaki. They specialize in mind control. They also nearly perfected economic control with the development of money and the usury system. They have conducted extensive genetic engineering and have genetically engineered among other things, a super reptilian race which the Anunnaki called the "Ducaz". The Ducaz are used for conquering and controlling the Nibirian population and those of other conquered races. Thus, the Ducaz are Reptilians.
There are different types of Reptilians amongst them. Their masters, the Anunnaki Elite, are not the Ducaz. Like anything associated with the Anunnaki, there is a rigid, inequitable and regimented class structure amongst the Ducaz. The Reptilians, or Ducaz were sent by their "masters", the Nephilim or Elohim to fight in wars with other alien races and to serve as their spies, bodyguards and police force. There are many factions amongst the Anunnaki. One of the most bitter enemies of the Ducaz call themselves the "Pers-sires", a group of aliens for which I coined the word "Vulturites" many years ago. They are called Vulturites not because they look like vultures, as some have claimed. In fact, they don’t look like that at all! There are very apt reasons why I have called them Vulturites which I will not go into in this discussion. Ironically, the Pers-sires are just a different faction of the Anunnaki race. However, the Ducaz (Reptilians) and the Pers-sires (Vulturites) have always been bitter enemies even to this day. The descendents of these two groups are now on Earth vying for supremacy of the world. Many of these are currently in political, financial, scientific, religious, legal, medical (especially in blood banks), entertainment, military, agrarian or commercial positions, and also in the sex industry. Most of these aliens are not consciously aware of their alien origins. The Anunnaki are flesh-and-blood, biological beings with abounding pride, arrogance, uncontrollable urges for adult and child sex partners (whether they be willing or forced participants), and they have a great appetite for conquest and control. This warlike race has an insatiable thirst for control of other beings and dominion over other races, and the less privileged classes of the Anunnaki. The Anunnaki developed and imposed complex, oppressive cast and gender systems. They are misogynists. That was why they eliminated the worship of the Divine Mother of the early people on Earth whom they conquered when they arrived. There was so much resistance to the elimination of the worship of the Divine Mother that the Anunnaki set up replacement "mothers" for various cultures such as the ‘earth mother’, ‘mother nature’ and thereafter further corrupted the Divine Mother’s image by falsely attributing Her with lustful, vengeful and jealous qualities. The interpretation of Kali is one of those false attributes. Due to a great collision, the Earth and the planets and moons of our solar system were severely affected. Nibiru too suffered great damage as a result of this celestial collision. This caused the Anunnaki to come to Earth in search of a permanent home. They did not come to search for physical gold, as Sitchin hypothesizes. Oddly, gold is not a native mineral to Earth, so the Anunnaki would not be expecting it on Earth. Nor did they come to Earth to mine for gold to make a shield to protect their ailing atmospheric conditions on Nibiru (If they did, they did not succeed in saving their planet, because their planet was destroyed). What appears in space is really the shadow of Nibiru, many light years away. However, the Anunnaki were delighted to find gold on earth because they used it for ornamentation. They also imported many slaves to mine the gold, and they used many of the Anunnaki lower classes to do the same. Since their home, Nibiru, was destroyed, the Anunnaki Elite and their cadre of attendants were forced to become transient, with the majority of them living in a huge spacecraft (like a city) that orbited the Earth. By then, the other Anunnaki races were already placed in different worlds that they had conquered, including Earth, Mars, and the rest of our solar system. They were also interspersed throughout the Orion and the Pleiades systems. Thus it can be seen that the Anunnaki are extraordinarily powerful and they were feared by many. The Anunnaki Elite and those who were permitted to travel moved from the orbiting spacecraft in smaller shuttlecrafts to visit Earth below. They also sent freighter class crafts to Earth for commercial and military purposes. Inter-planetary slave trade was prevalent and lucrative. It is no wonder that the ancient people feared their gods who they claimed lived in the sky. The majority of the earthlings now are genetically and symbolically part of the off-planet civilization of the Anunnaki. You will see why I say that as the story unfolds. The Anunnaki Elite of Nibiru are genetic manipulators who know how to create artificial life forms. In their arrogance they tried to play God.
Their highly advanced technology and their overbearing size and strength made them nearly invincible in the eyes of the early people. Thus, the Anunnaki Elite were seen and worshiped as gods by them. The Anunnaki Elite have sometimes been referred to as the Nordics or Blondes. They are tall, robust, full of vigour, athletic and usually of fair complexion. Their symbol of status and power is the winged disc that represents their home star ZAOS. These Anunnaki Elite were later known as Elohim and Nephilim. These evil Elohim must not be confused with the Divine Elohim of the True Creation. The Anunnaki Elite (the Nephilim) created many religions so they could be worshiped as gods; this gives them great satisfaction. The Anunnaki developed religions by corrupting any spirituality they observed in the indigenous people of the Earth. They employed religions as a powerful means of controlling the indigenous people. Different religions were set up with doctrines in direct opposition to one another in order to breed disharmony, distrust, confusion, war and arrogance. The Anunnaki planted hybrids from other worlds on Earth when they came. Not long after their arrival, they began to spread themselves as far and as wide as they could and took control of sections of the planet by genetic engineering. They forced the indigenous people out of their own establishments and forced them into total submission. They used the indigenous people for controlled experimentation of biological breeding.
Today, there are aliens who abduct earthlings for cloning and they also mutilate animals. Most of these abductions and assaults are carried out by Anunnaki Remnants (a term I use to indicate those Anunnaki who were stranded on Earth). As mentioned earlier the Anunnaki Elite conquered and enslaved the primitive people who were already residing on Earth. Some claim that Jesus was a hybrid from Nibiru, which maliciously implies that He was an Anunnaki. This is patently false. Jesus is in fact, an Avatar of the Light who "incarnated" here to remind and to re-awaken the "sleeping" Divine beings of their true Divine origin. In Genesis 6:2-4 it is recorded by the Anunnaki (who wrote most of the Old Testament) that "the sons of God" (the Anunnaki males) "saw the daughters of men that they were fair". In developing this doctrine, the Anunnaki were trying to show that the "sons of God" were lured to Earth and corrupted by the indigenous women of Earth. In fact, the women of Earth at that time were purer than the males and they were revered by the males because earthlings’ spirituality still retained closeness to the Divine Mother. The Anunnaki had to twist this to make it appear that women were a gender that could not be trusted and that they must be oppressed by the males. The "sons of God" abused and horribly mistreated the indigenous women of the Earth to set the example of a misogynistic model for the indigenous men of the Earth to follow. It was very critical to the plans of the Anunnaki to switch the gender of God from Mother to Father. Anunnaki chauvinism has caused women to be subjugated to men and treated as their "footstools" in many cultures including the Arab, Asian, Jewish and Western societies. In Isaiah 66:1 is found the saying "Thus saith the Lord, The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool . . .".
In Ephesians 5:22-24 Paul, who was an incarnated Anunnaki, wrote: Wives submit yourselves onto your husbands, as onto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. Therefore, as the church is subject onto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing. Therefore according to the teaching of Paul, the wives are the footstools and the husbands are the thrones. In one usurping stroke, Paul, on behalf of the Anunnaki, subordinated all Christian women to an inferior status. Many churches equate the teaching of Paul to the teachings of Christ. This is blasphemy! As evidence that the Anunnaki authored much of the Old Testament and also corrupted it, let us consider how they have manipulated the writings of Moses, who was one of the incarnated Attas of Light. In Exodus 24:7 is found a passage telling the people that they must "be obedient" to the blood sacrifice. Further, in Numbers 27:20, Moses was supposed to have said that the people must "be obedient" to Joshua. Again in Deuteronomy 4:30 Moses supposedly commanded his people to "be obedient" to God’s voice in the tribulations and the latter days. Yet again, the Anunnaki purposely corrupted the sayings of Moses in Deuteronomy 8:20, where one is told that one must "be obedient" to God or: As the nations which the Lord destroyth before your face, so shall ye perish; because ye would not be obedient unto the voice of the Lord your God. These cannot be the words of the true God of Love. These are the words of the Demiurge’s chief agents – the Anunnaki. The true God does not punish people or nations or any thing. The only other time that the words "be obedient" appear in the Old Testament is in 2 Samuel 22:25 where it is found that "Strangers shall submit themselves unto me: as soon as they hear, they shall be obedient unto me". Clearly, these are the words of the slave masters, the Anunnaki. There are only three other occasions where the words "be obedient" appear in the Bible, and all these are attributed to Paul, the Anunnaki. In 2 Corinthians 2:9 Paul directs his (Paul’s NOT Jesus’) followers to be obedient in all things. Ephesians 6:5 reads: "Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling and singleness of your heart, as unto Christ". Is not this awful? The last time the words "be obedient" appear in the Christian Bible is in Titus 2:9 where Paul says, "Exhort servants to be obedient unto their own masters, and to please them well in all things…" Clearly, Paul was a representative for a god of terror and a slave master’s henchman. As can be seen by the examples of the quote "be obedient" it can be seen that Jesus tried to undo the teachings of the Anunnaki in the Old Testament but Paul corrupted Jesus’ teachings and in so doing, returned the "god" of fear and terror to power. The creation myths throughout the world are similar in their major thrusts. Why is this so? This is because the various creation myths were spread by the Anunnaki as they migrated around the world. The religions set up by the Anunnaki to control and manipulate the populations incorporated the various creation myths. These religions are not based upon love, they are based upon fear. Wherever the Anunnaki went and conquered, they consolidated the people into densely populated communities so they could better force the people to work for them and to control them – physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and economically – as slaves. They control by instilling fear and keeping the people ignorant. These patterns still exist today. However, they are more subtle and often appear more attractive today than they did in the past. Thus in this sense, humans were slaves to the Anunnaki before, and they remain so today. The Anunnaki introduced the adornment of the body with jewellery. They also promoted very expensive tastes that would force people into economic slavery. They introduced polygamy, incest and paedophilia, which are hallmarks of the Anunnaki. Such traits are noted in various cultures, including the ancient Egyptian royalty and the patriarchs of the Old Testament who followed the precepts ordered by the Anunnaki. In many senses, we in this technologically advanced age, are slaves to the modern commodities, governments, economic systems, cultures, religions, customs, mores and etc. But most importantly we are slaves to this Virtual Reality, blinded by its subtleties and falsehoods and its simulation of the Divine Realms. The Anunnaki first visited the Earth about 500,000 years ago. By then, they had already conquered the Pleiades and Mars and many other worlds. After some trials, the first wave of successful genetic engineering occurred on Earth about 300,000 years ago. The Anunnaki introduced many alien races that they had conquered and implanted them on Earth. They also kidnapped a special race called the Race of Women and brought them to Earth. This race of women suffered greatly under the suppression and abuse of the Anunnaki. Various alien races from other worlds were brought to Earth to be used as slaves by the Anunnaki Elite. They also kidnapped aliens from other worlds and brought them here as slaves. Some were sold for hard labour, some for sex, some for soldiering and etc. Through genetic engineering, women were made physically inferior to men in stature, strength and speed. Even in occupations where strength and speed are irrelevant, such as in the clergy, law, medicine, politics, commerce, science, etc., women are greatly disadvantaged and obstructed from participating even up to this day. This shows the extent of the chauvinistic influence of the Anunnaki. Apart from genetic engineering on humans, there was also similar work carried out on various species including the birds, reptiles, fish, beasts and plants. The Anunnaki also practise bestiality. They created monstrosities, some of which are legendary, some were half-animal, half-human, others were half-bird or half-fish and half-human. The Genesis story was created and recorded by the civilization that was re-started by the Anunnaki. The Sumerians were amongst the earliest ones to possess recordings on tablets describing the history of the Anunnaki on Earth which was in accordance to what the Anunnaki dictated.
The advanced civilization of Sumeria did not evolve over many, many thousands of years. Instead it was dressed up almost instantly by the introduction of many facets of civilization by the Anunnaki, including – legal system, social order, economic models, religions, science, mathematics, weights and measures, writing, literature, music, the performing arts, cosmology, painting, sculpture, astronomy, astrology, medicine, animal husbandry, domestication of plants, homeopathy, culinary skills, art, entertainment and etc. Sumeria became a civilization that other backward societies envied and feared.
About 35,000 years ago, the Cro-Magnon man took over the Earth from the Neanderthal man. The Anunnaki Elite murdered the entire Neanderthal population after they had finished using the Neanderthals as specimens for genetic experiments. Homo sapiens were the result of the second wave of genetic engineering. This second wave allowed the Homo sapiens to procreate with the civilian Anunnaki. As time went by things got out of control, with monstrosities abounding and many half-human half-beasts were running amok. In the heyday of Atlantis, there was space travel for the privileged classes. Teleportation was also common in those days for the privileged classes. As the Atlantean "slaves" became more and more advanced, they began to disobey their "gods", the Anunnaki Elite. This concerned their masters. Thus a decision was made by them to destroy Atlantis. Some of the Anunnaki Elite and their chosen attendants fled the Earth in huge spacecrafts and went to other planets, such as Mars, and even to other systems. Most of the Anunnaki were left behind. Upon fleeing the Earth, the Anunnaki Elite blew up Atlantis and destroyed it, hoping to kill all of the remaining Anunnaki and the rest of the inhabitants. However, some of the Anunnaki slaves discovered the plans of the Anunnaki Elite to destroy Atlantis. Some of these slaves were able to escape before the destruction, taking with them some of the knowledge, artifacts, technology, writings, weapons and culture of Atlantis to various parts of the Earth. Another reason the Anunnaki Elite decided to blow up Atlantis was because they were under extreme pressure from the investigation of the Attas (the Amoebic Rescuers of the Light who are like space-patrol). The Anunnaki Remnants who escaped Atlantis began constructing cultures which we now know as Aztecan, Inca, Mayan, and most importantly the ancient Egyptian. There are many Anunnaki on planet Earth today. Some are the descendents of the survivors from Atlantis who escaped before it was blown up. After the destruction of Atlantis, the third wave of genetic engineering performed by the higher classed Anunnaki Remnants took place about 20,000 years ago. One group of Anunnaki Remnants built the pyramids by employing massive amounts of forced human labour and advanced technology. These sites were used as launching pads for spacecrafts for the privileged classes of the Anunnaki Remnants. The early Egyptians who built the great pyramids and the Sphinx were also Anunnaki Remnants from Atlantis whom the Anunnaki Elite had intended to annihilate when they destroyed Atlantis. When they returned to Earth after destroying Atlantis, they saw Anunnaki Remnants’ cultures.
The rulers and kings of various cultures were usually appointed by the Anunnaki Elite. When the Anunnaki Elite fled and the Anunnaki Remnants took over, the Remnants adopted this pattern of appointing kingships. This is why many cultures, including the Chinese, Japanese, Egyptian and Western European followed the order of the divine right of kings. Thousands of years ago, when the Anunnaki Elite returned to Earth planning to re-start their dominion on Earth, they were surprised to find the Anunnaki Remnant cultures blossoming. This concerned them greatly as they thought they were losing control of the Earth to their former slaves. In desperation, the Anunnaki Elite set upon re-taking control of the Earth. They did this by causing a deluge which catastrophically destroyed almost all evidence of the former cultures. Only the huge monuments such as the Sphinx, the pyramids, the Ziggurats, etc survived the flood.
Nearly all the huge monuments around the world were created at the behest of the Anunnaki Elite or later, the Anunnaki Remnants. Fearful that there would be Anunnaki Remnants left after the deluge who could rapidly re-construct the culture, especially in Egypt, the Anunnaki Elite took the tremendous risk of selecting an area of the Earth onto which they could instantaneously deposit a culture that would be far superior to that of any tribe on Earth. This emergency plan was executed in Sumeria. Sumeria developed almost instantaneously because of an extremely urgent situation. The Anunnaki Elite were losing influence over the Earth to the Anunnaki Remnants of Atlantis who had escaped, amongst other places, to Egypt and to the Americas. These Anunnaki Remnants were developing the Egyptian, Aztecan, Mayan and Inca cultures and could attain dominance if left to their own devices. Therefore the Anunnaki Elite took the extreme risky decision to create a super culture complete with written language and records in Sumeria. At this point, the most powerful of the Attas of the Light interceded and captured a great number of the Anunnaki Elite. Many of the Anunnaki Elite fled the Earth yet again in their spacecrafts and returned to Orion and the Pleiades systems. These once proud and "mighty" Anunnaki Elite are now nothing but fugitives cowering in hiding. The Genesis story was used to control the people and to force them to worship the Anunnaki Elite as gods from the sky. The story of Genesis is not the story of the True Divine Creation. The story of Genesis is in fact, very recent when compared to the scheme of things, so how can it be a creation story? There were already various groups of races of aliens and earthlings on Earth when the Anunnaki Elite first took control of a portion of the Earth.
There were battles among the various groups for supremacy, but the Anunnaki Elite were too powerful for them. The Sumerian tablets record events of so-called origins of man and creation that were really events of the beginning of the Anunnaki Elite’s latest colonization of the Earth.
The conquerors themselves wrote the tablets. Thus, what was recorded on the tablets by the Sumerians dictated by their so-called gods, was self-serving. Through past experience, the Anunnaki had seen how religions could control the populations of various worlds. This is an important tool that they use for control. The Old Testament is dedicated to Yahweh. It is very male orientated because the Anunnaki were extremely upset with Mother Goddess worship and wanted to eliminate any mention of Her. The Old Testament acknowledges the presence of many Anunnaki "gods" on Earth in early times. The Genesis story is about the spread of humankind through generations following Adam and Eve and the story of the "divine’s" disenchantment with humankind that preceded the deluge. In the Sumerian texts there was mention of the people of the Shem (meaning spaceship). The Anunnaki were the people of the Shem, and they came down to Earth and copulated with primitive earthlings. This is recorded in the Genesis story. The Anunnaki Elite also started a new, highly advanced culture in Babylon. As always, they destroy cultures and murder the populations whenever they get out of hand, then they re-start elsewhere. Today the Anunnaki Remnants are planning to re-establish the "majesty" of bygone days when the Anunnaki Elite had a complete tyranny over the Earth. They plan to re-start the world again. The Anunnaki Remnants, with the help of humans as well as the incarnated Anunnaki in human bodies, have built massive underground bunkers and railway lines that are a part of their structure for allowing them and their cadre of attendants to survive the catastrophes that they believe the fugitive Anunnaki Elite are planning for the Earth. They cannot leave the planet in spacecrafts because they were left with limited resources after the Anunnaki Elite escaped with all of the technologically advanced spacecrafts. The Anunnaki Remnants think that they can select their own chosen ones (like their masters did) and take refuge with them in underground bunkers during the period of catastrophes. They plan to take a whole garrison of "slaves" underground. These will include soldiers, police, fire fighters, cooks, entertainers, beauticians, doctors, scientists, etc. In the aftermath, they will use them on the surface, as before. Most importantly, they will use their own new breed of clones to populate the Earth. The Earth population is being programmed to accept this underground scenario as can be seen in movies like Deep Impact. These Anunnaki think that their masters, the Anunnaki Elite, will be returning as before, and they also think that they will have pleased them with the way that they have influenced the Earth. But the Anunnaki Remnants’ plan has been thwarted. Their evil desire to destroy much of the life and the culture on the surface of the Earth will fail. In the aftermath, they expect to find the Earth inhabited with only a relatively few survivors whom they would easily subdue with the weapons, technology and military forces that they secured underground during the catastrophes. They hope their masters will restart all cultures with themselves deified and served by the people they plan to enslave. The ones chosen to continue in their new civilization are humans and clones who have specially chosen characteristics for blind obedience. They think their masters will once again be the literal gods of the world. The Anunnaki Remnants are now amongst us. They are our current puppet masters who manipulate and control the world. At present, the cloning of humans, animals and plants are common activities with these aliens in our midst. This diabolical scheme is not known to the general public and it will be vehemently denied by the world leaders and their minions. Thus, for a long, long time the Earth has been a planet run by slavers! The Anunnaki on Earth are awaiting reinforcements from their masters, the Anunnaki Elite who escaped temporarily to other solar systems when the Attas were after them. However, the reinforcements will not be coming to Earth this time because the Attas have restricted their reinforcements, so the existing Anunnaki on Earth are stuck. The Sun Cruisers that have been detected recently are part of The Rescue Team from the Light. They are not of Eridanean origin as has been speculated by some. The Sun Cruisers are on standby because the Light anticipates that the Anunnaki Elite will attempt to return to the Earth to cause all manner of catastrophes, and to re-supply the Anunnaki Remnants. However, should any Anunnaki Elite attempt to come to Earth, they will encounter invincible forces from the Light. The Anunnaki Remnants are confused by the clearing of the planet by such means as global warming, volcanoes, fires, wars and etc. They thought that these are the signs of the return of the Anunnaki Elite to Earth. However, they are now beginning to suspect their masters cannot get through the Light’s security and so the Anunnaki Remnants are becoming terrified to the point that world leaders are now irrational. Already there are those who are so deluded by the programming of the Anunnaki Remnants that they are saying things like "this Earth is a prison but it can be turned into a paradise". The Anunnaki have incarnated in human forms. Some are also in the astral. The Anunnaki have great influence over the astral world also. Many messages channelled today are deceitful messages from the Anunnaki. The Light has waited for this very time to perform Its Final Rescue of all the Viable beings of Light from all levels and from all types of consciousness who are trapped in this evil dimension.
All Rights Reserved 2013 - His Imperial Highness Grand Prince Mehal Rockefeller
vrijdag 26 juli 2013
The Manufacture of Madness: A Comparative Study of the Inquisition and the Mental Health Movement [Paperback]
In this seminal work, Dr. Szasz examines the similarities between the Inquisition and institutional psychiatry. His purpose is to show "that the belief in mental illness and the social actions to which it leads have the same moral implications and political consequences as had the belief in witchcraft and the social actions to which it led."
Available at
MK Ultra
MK Ultra: CIA Admits Behavioral Engineering On Humans
This may be old information, but many people have yet to hear about project MK Ultra. It was the name for a previously classified research program through the CIA’s scientific intelligence division. It was the CIA’s program of research in behavioral modification on human beings that’s now declassified. The United States government even issued a national apology for the program while Bill Clinton was in office. We often hear stories about mind control and human experimentation without really considering the reality behind the phenomenon. Is it really that hard to believe? Scientific experimentation is not only limited to animals. It can be hard to fathom that there are organisations on the planet that would actually subject human beings to experimentation, torture and more in order to manipulate people’s individual mental states as well as alter brain functions. If you step outside of yourself and look at the planet from an external perspective, we have an energy industry that thrives off of oil and suppression of clean, zero point energy. We have a health industry that thrives off of genetically engineering our food. Big pharmaceutical companies and the suppression of cures. And we have a small group of multinational corporations that own the media and all industries mentioned above. What is even more revealing is that all of the money that goes into the department of defense and intelligence agencies is connected to all other industries that govern our planet. It is evidently clear that the ones we give our power over to so easily do not have our best interests at hand, and are searching for information and methods in order to control and manipulate the population. In my opinion, TV, mass media and other forms of ‘pop culture’ are branches of the MK Ultra program.
The reappearance of reports of the abuses of the drug testing program and reports of other previously unknown drug programs and projects for behavioral control underline the necessity for effective oversight procedures both in the executive branch and in the congress (Source)
Most programs within the military industrial complex have zero oversight by congress. Although the program began in the 1950′s, it was not until the late 1970′s when The Freedom of Information Act uncovered thousands of documents that shed light on MK ultra. I don’t think it’s logical to assume that human experimentation has stopped, I wonder what is happening in those deep underground military bases, don’t you? The ones who control the government, and thus the intelligence agencies as well as the military do not really care for human beings. Human experimentation and genetic experiments continue to this day, in deep underground military bases.
The medical trials at Nuremberg in 1947 revealed experimentation with human subjects unknowingly is morally and legally unacceptable. Nuremberg was used to persuade the population that human experimentation was over, but it still goes on today. Bill Clinton’s apology to the nation was also used for the same purpose, to make the population think that human experimentation is a thing of the past. You can view his apology in the list of sources at the bottom of the article. The United States Military Tribunal established the Nuremberg Code, it was a standard to judge German scientists who experimented with human subjects. It’s funny how the United States NASA program was created by German Scientists.
There is also project paperclip, this was a program developed by the United States in order to recruit German scientists to work in the United States after World War II. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were heavily involved with MK Ultra. It isn’t hard to link these projects with the depopulation of the North American Natives.
What were MK Ultra Test Subjects Put Through?
MK Ultra test subjects were put through sleep deprivation, they were made to eat their own feces and drink their own urine. A child was put in a box, another outside of it, and the one outside of it was told the other was going to jump out and kill them. One child was given a sword and forced to kill the other. Drug testing and more were also involved. Based on all my research, today, I think the Mk Ultra program was expanded into military abductions, which some mistakenly take for alien abductions. They may be just military, or they may be joint alien as well as military. I do think there are extraterrestrial beings that are of service to themselves, but I do believe many are around with their heart intent on service to others.
The agencies we give our power over to were responsible for MK Ultra, this is now publicly made information. We continue to let these same agencies govern us, and assume that all reality that is known is presented to us on our television. MK Ultra is an old program, scientific experimentation on human beings continue to this day and we are the test subjects. This can be a lot to take in, but it is necessary to expose the truth about the ones we let govern our planet. The same ones govern all other industries on our planet, yet we continue to participate and even promote them proudly. TV, mass media, and education are extensions of this program. Why wouldn’t they be? They are all funded by the same people that funded MK Ultra! If you want to dive in further, I suggest you give this interview a listen. Our world is subject to many different experiences for many different people. It can be hard to take in “dark” realities of this human experience, but it’s important to shed light on them so we can transform and change it. We are living in the age of transparency, change, love and light.
Youtube Video:
Posted by: The Observer
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zondag 21 juli 2013
vrijdag 19 juli 2013
Mail by the Kundalini Research Foundation
Dear Kristof,
Does it really matter whether its psychosis or Kundalini? The
psychiatrists do not recognize the existence of Kundalini. As for
psychosis, they don't know what to do about it, either, except prescribe
medication of in actuality merely deadens the brain.
You say, "It was liyeath through my body." That does not happen
to one who is dealing with psychosis. You might as well stick with
Kundalini, which is the majority of cases is the underlying cause of
Now, what to do? If you are still meditating, then you must cease,
stop, quit meditating. Swamis are very rarely knowledgeable about
Kundalini, even though it is supposedly very well known throughout
India. When the British exerted their rule over the Indian subcontinent
more than two hundred and fifty years ago, they tried their best to
stamp out the religion of Hinduism. So that included Kundalini and
in all the intervening years, very little was learned about this "mysterious"
Please do not meditate any more no matter what your "teacher" or your
"guru" or your friends might advise. You must regulate your life, and that
requires a great deal of self-discipline. Anything that requires you to concentrate
your mind, such as studying a subject in school, or reading for more than
a few minutes at a time, or even watching television, should be avoided
Mental concentration is like turning a fan on a heap of glowing charcoal.
It will flare up. Let the charcoal cool down and become extinguished. Take
long walks in pleasant surroundings, such as the countryside, or a large park,
with trees and ponds, etc. Do not practice any form of Yoga, such as deep
breathing, chanting a mantra, etc.
I do not believe you gave us your age, your occupation or any other
detail about your life or about your parents. grandparents, siblings, aunts,
uncles, etc. Generally speaking, Kundalini can be found in one's family history
or family tree, if one has awakened it. In other words, it is like talent, or genius.
It generally shows up in one's ancestry.
Regardless, you should regulate your life. This means retire at night (bedtime)
at the same time every night. Get up in the morning ate the same time every
morning. Have your meals at the same times every day. etc. In other words,
you have to live a very regulated life. This allows your entire system to become
regulated. You must have a very healthy diet, with strong emphasis on protein.
Either eat meat, poultry, fish, lamb, etc. or, if you are a vegetarian, then eat
nuts, dal, chick peas, beans and other sources of protein. This is essential
in order to repair and strengthen damaged nerves, nerve cells, etc.
We have been told nothing about your symptoms. Nothing. How can you
expect a doctor to treat you if you cannot describe your illness or symptoms?
You cannot just say, "Treat me, because I am ill." We need to know the details
of your symptoms, and your age, and what may have triggered the "awakening."
What is your I.Q.??
All best wishes,
Gene Kieffer, President, the K.R.F., Ltd.
donderdag 18 juli 2013
The future of spirituality in mental health
Continuation of main points of the satsang of Swami Nardanand on July 17 in Brussels
....'We need to go deep inside to find the Secret, to discover our true Nature. The problem is that attention always goes outwards, attention is always extroverted. So this makes it difficult to turn inside and find our True Nature. With Shaktipat, the process becomes much easier. With the awakening of Shakti, the person becomes naturally introverted. When Shakti awakens it automatically moves in the direction of the Absolute Truth. For this, Shakti has to battle against our samskaras, our impurities. But if you give this process enough time, and with profound aspiration, it becomes much easier.
It is a very natural process, the mind and the intellect are not involved in it. It may appear difficult in the beginning, but gradually our consciousness becomes deeper and then the process becomes much easier.
In other paths like the path of wisdom or the path of devotion, the main blockage is the ego. There is always the risk that the jnana yogi develops the ego of knowledge, that the bhakti yogi develops the ego of devotion, that the tantrika develops the ego of gaining powers. So, in other paths, ego can be a great obstacle. Another great obstacle can be the lack of proper guidance. In the non-shaktipat systems, one needs the correct guidance at every step.
In Shaktipat, both of these obstacles are not there. One allows the Shakti to work inside so the ego is not there to 'do' anything. In Shaktipat one also doesn't need an outer guide. Shakti will guide every step from within.
One more important thing: in Shaktipat, Shakti is looked upon as a Mother. She is our Divine Mother. When a child likes to go to India and her mum consents, does the child have to apply for its own visum, does it have to buy its own tickets, does it have to plan the itinerary, the book the hotels etc? None of this! The mother takes care of everything. Likewise, Mother Shakti will take care of our evolution. So, with deep love and surrender, hold on to the hand of Shakti. She will take you to your goal. You do not need to doubt that you would lack the qualities and capacities for them. Mother Shakti provides everything provided we turn to Her with love and devotion.'
Dear Kristof,
We received your email (below) and are would be
happy to exchange information with you via email should
have any specific questions. Our Foundation, founded at
the request of Gopi Krishna, has been advising and
counseling Kundalini-awakened individuals for forty (40)
years. Unfortunately the medical industry has not bothered
to look into the matter of Kundalini, so it is customary for
psychiatrists to prescribe various drugs.
Please let us know your specific problems, if any, and
your current state of health. If you are having problems,
please tell us what they are.
With all best wishes,
Gene Kieffer
The Kundalini Research Foundation, Ltd.
woensdag 17 juli 2013
Second message from Swami Nardanand
Swami Nardanand : ...Here, there are no 'senior' and 'junior' initiates, dependent on the date one is initiated. Look at a mother: are there any differences in love and treatment based on the fact when her child was born? No, a mother loves all children equally. We should always try to be free from these differences. The more we are free of them, the faster we will progress.
Organisers of a programme should also not think: 'We are the boss, the others should work for me. But people attending a programme should not think that the organisers have to do everything. They should also help. Here, there are no politics. We are NOT a business company, there is no competition.
This is actual spirituality. Spirituality should make a person free and give him or her enlightenment.
A religion that wants you to bind cannot be a true religion. Religion should take you to ultimate freedom , to enlightenment.
We should do our sadhana with lots of compassion and generosity, we should help each other. If this attitude develops among us, there is no obstacle to the progress in our sadhana.'
maandag 15 juli 2013
Message from Swami Nardanand
The retreat in Belgium ended tonight in harmony and bliss, laughter and joy, a deep sense of unity and profound gratefulness for the divine blessings bestowed on us by Guruji, the lineage and Swami Satyadevanand.
In the morning Swamiji had an important message that should be shared with all sadhaks. Swami Satyadevanand was translating.
Swami Nardanand: 'Most of the people here have been initiated some time ago. Now they understand the methodology better.
Swamji wants to say things that are very important to aspirants. After initiation, it is the effort of the Shakti to purify the samskaras by creating manifestations from the innermost level. These impurities are from many lives. They are permanent guests in us. They have no intention to go away anymore. Now Shakti is trying to push them out of you but if you continue to have attachment for them, then it is difficult. When Shakti is working to purify us from anger, jealousy, fear, etc., try not to get attached to these negative qualities. If you continue to cultivate them, if you go on being attached to them, they will come again and Shakti has to expel them again and again. They just play hide and seek and there will be not much spiritual progress. What do we need for this? We need to cultivate a high level of the power of discrimination, of viveka. If there is not much viveka which makes us see that we cultivate the negative qualities over and over again, there cannot be a high level of vairagya or detachment. Vairagya is very necessary. But what is Vairagya? Some people think that vairagya is getting rid of the objects and comforts of the world. No, vairagya is getting rid of attachement to objects, not of the objects themselves. Swamiji remembers a gurubrother of his who came from an affluent family. One day he said that he had left everything and that he now lives in vairagya. Swami Ji said: 'No ,everything outside, you have left, but you still carry all of these objects inside'. So vairagya is not leaving the world, in fact this is not possible, one cannot leave the world, one still needs food, shelter, etc.Before you slept in a house, now you sleep and eat in an ashram, what is difference? So detachment is an inner thing.
Here there are sitting many people who have been initiated some years ago and who have been doing sadhana for many years. All those aspirants should observe themselves and compare the amount of ego, attachment and negative emotions we had before and how much they have now. If there is no difference, where is the progress?
Shakti will give bliss but we should be careful. Otherwise the bliss will come and go but will never be permanent.
Together with our sadhana(meditation-practise) we should be careful that anger, attachment and other negative qualities do not touch us.If the same amount of them remains as before we started our sadhana, then our sadhana has no meaning!
But Swamiji has also seen many people who , after Shaktipat really tried to change their life for the better. They tried to reduce their impurities. Swamji saw a big change in the direction of discipline and simplicity happen. (In the afternoon he added: if the student does 5% effort in the right direction, Shakti will do the other 95%.)
Sadly there are other persons initiated into Shaktipat who still show much ego, jealousy,etc. If they experience good manifestations of Shakti, they boast that they have good manifestations. They feel superior to others, ego grows, but there is no place for ego in sadhana! Sadhakas should not have jealousy among themselves. Everything is a play of Shakti, noone is inferior or superior. God has created everybody equal. Maharaji (Swami Shivom Tirth) used to say:'samskaras are nothing, they are just like smoke before the sun.' So if someone , based on his perception of having less or different samskaras claims:' I am superior', this is very wrong.
In this Shaktipat lineage, all sadhakas (aspirants) are treated equally. Irrespective of colour, background, being newly initiate or not, all receive the same respect. Here everybody is equal. Here,everybody should respect and love each other. Here, everybody should cooperate with each other. In our Shaktipat family, we should try to develop a very good, divine atmosphere and ambience. If you get an atmosphere where everybody tries to help one another, this will create a very nice place and environment for spiritual practises.
Here, there should not have any kind of politics. There are persons who have made their own group saying to the people attending: you should not go to other groups.Such attitude is very bad for our spiritual practise. Even some good sadhaks are not attending this retreat because the suggestion was made not to attend! Swamiji feels very unhappy for them .
We are all gurubrothers and gurusisters, we are all equal, this is the notion we should all have.' (End of part ONE, part two will follow tomorrow)
vrijdag 12 juli 2013
donderdag 11 juli 2013
Psychiatry: An Industry of Death (FULL VERSION)
‘Door hun krankzinnigengestichten zo ruim open te stellen voor hun veronderstelde krankzinnigen, proberen de mensen elkaar slechts te verzekeren dat zij niet zelf gek zijn.’ - Montesquieu
Uit: De Geheime Leer, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
woensdag 10 juli 2013
Ken Wilber - On Living at the Leading Edge of Evolution
maandag 8 juli 2013
Swami Nardanand en integrale yoga
Ik ga donderdag naar Schiplaken, naar De Lotus bij Rosemarijn waar Swami Nardanand aanwezig zal zijn om mensen op het spirituele pad te begeleiden. Hij is over heel de wereld bekend voor zijn shaktipath inwijding. Mijn ontwaken van mijn kundalini gebeurde al jaren geleden, heel ontregeld met talloze psychosen onderweg. Na mijn laatste opstoot werd me zware medicatie gegeven waar ik veel last van heb en ik hoop deze zo snel mogelijk te kunnen afbouwen. Ik ben benieuwd hoe de Swami me raad zal geven voor mijn verdere pad. Ik volg eigenlijk de integrale yoga van Sri Aurobindo, maar zit daar even in vast in een soort van lethargie waarbij ik met moeite schijn verder te komen. Het supramentale mag van mij naar beneden komen, maar het blijft weg. Ik zit in een overgangsfase volgens het boek van Satprem over Aurobindo, en moet nu gewoon geduldig afwachten tot de volgende stap. Ik lig nog regelmatig volledig plat te bed voor enkele dagen als mijn zenuwstelsel het dreigt te begeven, en dan ziek ik dat gewoon uit. In september moet ik er staan voor de vervolgopleiding rechtspraktijk, dus ik heb nog gedurende de zomer om veel te groeien en te rusten. Mijn vorige crisis was een spirituele, waarbij ik iets teveel in de Bhagavad Gita was opgegaan en de grond onder mijn voeten was verloren. In de instelling waar ik op krachten kwam deden ze het af als pure schizofrenie, wat zo jammer is aan de zorg tegenwoordig. De pre-trans-fallacy is nog heel gangbaar binnen de zorg. Ik heb wel degelijk een spirituele crisis gehad dus de Swami komt als geroepen. Eindelijk iemand waarmee ik op hetzelfde level kan praten want mijn weg is al heftig en eenzaam geweest tot nu toe. Ik zet de integrale yoga van Aurobindo verder en probeer het zo goed mogelijk in mijn dagelijks leven te integreren. Het uiteindelijke doel is voortdurend in het supramentale Waarheidsbewustzijn verankerd te zitten. Ik ben benieuwd wat de Swami van deze weg vindt. Hier vind je een degelijke uitleg over supermind
Hier heeft de psychologie en zeker de psychiatrie nog maar weinig kaas van gegeten, dus er is nog werk aan de winkel om deze dingen aan te bieden op universiteiten wat integrale psychologie betreft!
Hier heeft de psychologie en zeker de psychiatrie nog maar weinig kaas van gegeten, dus er is nog werk aan de winkel om deze dingen aan te bieden op universiteiten wat integrale psychologie betreft!
zondag 7 juli 2013
donderdag 4 juli 2013
Esoteric Psychology
It is among the thinkers of the race that the first assured recognition of the soul will come, and this event will be the result of the study and analysis, by the psychologists of the world, of the nature of genius and the significance of creative work.
Some men and women in the world tower above their fellow men, and produce that which is superlative in its own field; their work has in it the element of divinity and of immortality. The work of creative artists, the intuitive perception of great scientific investigators, the inspired imagination of the poets of the world and the vision of the illumined idealists, have all to be accounted for and explained, for the laws under which such men and women work have yet to be discovered. The close study, by the psychologist, of the abnormal and the subnormal, of warped and distorted minds and of defective equipments, has been over-emphasized, and due attention has not been given to the divinely abnormal, and to those types of consciousness which transcend the ordinary human state of intelligent awareness. These latter supernormal states find expression through the medium of the great artists, musicians, dramatists, writers, and the many other types of creative workers who have been the glory of the human kingdom down the ages, and who will flame forth during the coming century with greater glory still.
Some men and women in the world tower above their fellow men, and produce that which is superlative in its own field; their work has in it the element of divinity and of immortality. The work of creative artists, the intuitive perception of great scientific investigators, the inspired imagination of the poets of the world and the vision of the illumined idealists, have all to be accounted for and explained, for the laws under which such men and women work have yet to be discovered. The close study, by the psychologist, of the abnormal and the subnormal, of warped and distorted minds and of defective equipments, has been over-emphasized, and due attention has not been given to the divinely abnormal, and to those types of consciousness which transcend the ordinary human state of intelligent awareness. These latter supernormal states find expression through the medium of the great artists, musicians, dramatists, writers, and the many other types of creative workers who have been the glory of the human kingdom down the ages, and who will flame forth during the coming century with greater glory still.
Esoteric Healing
It might also be pointed out [...] that the soul pours its consciously directed energy into the dense physical body through the medium of the etheric or vital body. This instrument is composed of:
1. Seven major centers of force and forty-nine minor centers. The major centers are found in the head and up the spinal column. The minor centers are to be found scattered all over the body.
2. The etheric network which is composed of streams of energy, connects all the centers into two systems - one major and one minor - and radiates out from these centers all over the entire body.
3. The nadis are infinitesimally small threads of energy or force fibers which radiate out from every part of the network and underlie every part of the triple nervous system. They are found in their millions, and produce the sensitive response apparatus through which we work and of which the mechanism of the five senses is one of the externalizations.
The controlling power station will be found to vary according to the point in evolution reached:
1. Low-grade humanity uses the solar plexus as the point where the basic energy is localized temporarily. There will also be found a slight activity in the ajna center.
2. Average humanity works partly through the solar plexus center but largely through the ajna center and the throat center.
3. High-grade human beings, the intelligentsia and world aspirants use the head center, plus the ajna center, the throat, heart, and solar plexus.
Finally it might be said that the physical apparatus which is the direct result of the inner activity of the centers, network and nadis, is the heart, the endocrine system and the brain. Into this general plan, very sketchily outlined above, all ancient medicine (particularly the Tibetan, the Chinese, and the Hindu), with our modern western science, fits. The correlation of the western and eastern techniques still remains to be made, and much will be gained thereby. Further than this I cannot here enlarge, but the above will suffice to show that the methods which you may discover in your reading (and their name is Legion) can all be brought into relation to this general scheme of energy processes in the human body.
~ Esoteric Healing
1. Seven major centers of force and forty-nine minor centers. The major centers are found in the head and up the spinal column. The minor centers are to be found scattered all over the body.
2. The etheric network which is composed of streams of energy, connects all the centers into two systems - one major and one minor - and radiates out from these centers all over the entire body.
3. The nadis are infinitesimally small threads of energy or force fibers which radiate out from every part of the network and underlie every part of the triple nervous system. They are found in their millions, and produce the sensitive response apparatus through which we work and of which the mechanism of the five senses is one of the externalizations.
The controlling power station will be found to vary according to the point in evolution reached:
1. Low-grade humanity uses the solar plexus as the point where the basic energy is localized temporarily. There will also be found a slight activity in the ajna center.
2. Average humanity works partly through the solar plexus center but largely through the ajna center and the throat center.
3. High-grade human beings, the intelligentsia and world aspirants use the head center, plus the ajna center, the throat, heart, and solar plexus.
Finally it might be said that the physical apparatus which is the direct result of the inner activity of the centers, network and nadis, is the heart, the endocrine system and the brain. Into this general plan, very sketchily outlined above, all ancient medicine (particularly the Tibetan, the Chinese, and the Hindu), with our modern western science, fits. The correlation of the western and eastern techniques still remains to be made, and much will be gained thereby. Further than this I cannot here enlarge, but the above will suffice to show that the methods which you may discover in your reading (and their name is Legion) can all be brought into relation to this general scheme of energy processes in the human body.
~ Esoteric Healing
woensdag 3 juli 2013
Sri Aurobindo And the Descent of Supermind upon Earth
dinsdag 2 juli 2013
Aurobindo’s leer: mentale niveaus doorkruisen om het supramentale te bereiken en een vernieuwd transformerend bewustzijn te verkrijgen.
IIn de filosofie en in het werk van Sri Aurobindo staat het supramentale centraal. Aurobindo is van mening dat de mens de opdracht heeft om zich met het supramentale te verbinden en daaruit te gaan leven. Als ik het goed begrijp is dat supramentale niet een niveau hoger dan het mentale, maar een bewustzijns- en ontwikkelingsveld dat van een totaal andere orde is dan de ons bekende dimensies, en dat in andere tradities wordt aangeduid als het koninkrijk van de hemelen (christendom), Tao (taoïsme) en het pleroma (gnostieken). Voordat de zoekende het supramentale kan ervaren, zal hij of zij volgens Aurobindo vijf verschillende mentale lagen of werelden moeten doorkruisen. Die vijf gebieden of niveaus corresponderen met ervaringsfeiten die duidelijk onderscheiden en toetsbaar zijn voor degenen die de capaciteiten hebben dit opstijgen bewust te ondernemen.
Aurobindo noemde deze ervaringsgebieden achtereenvolgens in stijgende lijn (voor wat betreft toenemende vibratie en verlichting) :
- het gewone mentale
- het hogere mentale
- het verlichte mentale
- het intuïtieve mentale
- het bovenmentale (niet te verwarren met het Supramentale).
In dit artikel bespreek ik die vijf niveaus aan de hand van het boek ‘Sri Aurobindo of het Avontuur van het Bewustzijn’ van Satprem.
1. Het eerste niveau, het gewone mentale, kennen we allemaal. Hierin zien we de dingen stuk voor stuk, op elkaar volgend en lineair. Het bewustzijn in dit gebied kan geen gedachtesprongen maken, want dan klopt de logica niet meer. Er is dan geen herkenning meer, waardoor bepaalde zaken onsamenhangend, irrationeel en wazig zijn. De mens in dit gebied kan geen waarheid of feit in zijn bewustzijnsveld toelaten, zonder automatisch alles wat niet die waarheid of dat feit is te verwerpen. Alles wat niet klopt met het huidige wereldmodel wordt gerekend tot het gebied van de dwaling, de leugen en de nacht. In dit gebied wordt alles ervaren en begrepen in termen van onverzoenlijke tegenstellingen: wit-zwart, goed-fout, waarheid-dwaling, God-satan enzovoort.
Het gewone mentale wordt vanuit hogere bewustzijnstoestanten ervaren als een grauwe sluier die is samengesteld uit donkere puntjes. Van tijd tot tijd komt er een lichtvonkje van boven, een kleine vreugde, een vlammetje van liefde, dat danst in die grauwheid. Sri Aurobindo zegt dat deze neutrale basis zo dik en kleverig is, dat deze alles absorbeert, alles van zijn kleur ontdoet, alles naar beneden trekt met zijn duistere zwaartekracht. In dit gebied zijn we niet in staat vreugde of lijden lang te verdragen. De weinige lichtvonkjes zijn heel klein en doven snel uit.
2. Het tweede niveau, het hogere mentale, komt veel voor bij filosofen en denkers. Daar is het al heel wat minder donker en vrijer. De basis is niet helemaal grijs, maar neigt naar het blauwe. De lichtuitbarstinkjes die van boven komen zijn minder snel verzwolgen. Ook zijn ze intenser, rijker en frequenter. De vreugde heeft de neiging langer te duren, de liefde om wijdser te zijn, en beide zijn minder onderworpen aan de talloze omstandigheden van de diepere lagen.
3. Het derde niveau, het verlichte mentale, is anders van aard. Wanneer het hogere mentale de stilte aanvaardt, stijgt het tot dit domein. De substantie wordt helderder en wat druppelsgewijs kwam in het hogere mentale, komt nu in stromen. De basis is niet langer een algemene neutraliteit, maar een zuiver spiritueel gemak en geluk, waartegen de speciale tinten van het esthetisch bewustzijn zich aftekenen of van waaruit ze zijn ontstaan. Het bewustzijn vult zich met een stroom van vaak gouden licht, doorweven met verschillende kleuren, al naar gelang de innerlijke toestand. Het is een invasie van licht en tegelijkertijd ontstaat er een toestand van enthousiasme. In het algemeen gaat de toegang tot dit nieuwe gebied gepaard met een spontaan opbloeien van scheppende vermogens, vooral op het gebied van de poëzie.
4. Het vierde niveau, het intuïtieve mentale, verschilt van het verlichte mentale door zijn heldere doorzichtigheid. Het is rap en springt als het ware op blote voeten van rots naar rots. Het bewustzijn in dit gebied is niet langer gekluisterd aan het denken dat ons aan de aarde bindt, zoals dat nog wel het geval is bij het hogere mentale. De kennis die op dit niveau wordt verworven is een bliksemschicht die uit de stilte ontspringt. Alles is er, niet echt hoger en dieper, maar hier, in ons en om ons, en het wacht er alleen maar op dat we een beetje helder zijn. Op dit niveau staan we niet zozeer voor de opdracht om ons te verheffen, maar om blokkades weg te nemen.
Met de intuïtie doet ook een bijzondere vreugde haar intree, die ogenschijnlijk anders is dan de verlichte vreugde. Het is niet meer de golf die van buitenaf lijkt binnen te dringen, maar een soort herkennen. Sri Aurobindo placht te zeggen dat de intuïtie de herinnering van de waarheid is. In de intuïtieve flits ervaren we duidelijk dat kennis geen ontdekking van het onbekende is, maar dat we onszelf ontdekken. In de taal van de intuïtie wordt alles kort en bondig geformuleerd, zonder een woord teveel. Dit staat in contrast met de overdadige taal van het verlichte mentale.
De intuïtie ziet de dingen in flitsen, punt voor punt, en niet als een geheel. De ruimte die door de flits wordt onthuld is aangrijpend en onweerlegbaar, maar het is slechts een ruimte van waarheid. Het mentale heeft de neiging beslag te leggen op de intuïtie. Sri Aurobindo zegt dat het maakt er tegelijkertijd teveel en te weinig van van maakt. Teveel om het zijn intuïtie ten onrechte generaliseert door zijn ontdekking door de hele ruimte te willen uitbreiden. Te weinig omdat het, in plaats van de flits rustig zijn werk van verlichting en verheldering van onze substantie te laten doen, er zich onmiddellijk meester van maakt, het overdekt met een laagje denken (of met een schilderachtig, dichterlijk, wiskundig of religieus laagje) en zijn flits alleen nog maar begrijpt via de intellectuele, artistieke of godsdienstige vorm die het daaraan heeft opgelegd.
Het is moeilijk het mentale te doen begrijpen dat een openbaring heel machtig en zelfs geweldig kan zijn zonder dat men er iets van begrijpt, en vooral dat deze alleen heel machtig is zolang men haar niet een paar treden naar beneden heeft gehaald, verdund en verbrokkeld, om haar zogenaamd te begrijpen. Als men rustig zou kunnen blijven met die reddende flits, alsof men zweeft in zijn licht, zonder zich erop te werpen om hem in kleine intellectuele mootjes te hakken, zou men na enige tijd merken dat het hele wezen van hoogte is veranderd, en dat men een nieuwe zienswijze heeft in plaats van een kleine dode formule. Wanneer men gaat verklaren en uitleggen verdwijnt het transformerende vermogen.
Als de zoekende, in plaats van zich naar zijn pen of penseel te haasten of zich in een stortvloed van woorden te bewegen om het teveel aan ontvangen licht te lozen, er zorg voor draagt zijn stilte en transparantie te bewaren, als hij geduldig is, zal hij de lichtflitsen geleidelijk in zich zien vermenigvuldigen en op de een of andere manier compacter zien worden. Er vormt zich een ander bewustzijn in hem of haar dat zowel de voltooiing als de bron is van het verlichte ementale en het intuïtieve mentale, en van alle menselijke mentale vormen. We spreken nu over het Bovenmentale.
5. Het vijfde niveau, het bovenmentale, is de zelden bereikte top van het menselijk bewustzijn. Het is een kosmisch bewustzijn, maar zonder verlies van het individu. In plaats van alles te verwerpen wat niet binnen zijn huidige wereldmodel past, heeft de zoekenden geduldig alle treden van zijn wezen beklommen, in de zin dat ‘onder’ verbonden blijft met ‘boven’, zonder breuk in de continuïteit.
Het bovenmentale is de wereld van de goden en de inspiratiebron van de grote godsdienststichters. Daar zijn alle ons bekende godsdiensten geboren, ze zijn ontsproten aan een hoge mentale ervaring in één van haar duizenden facetten. Want religie, openbaring of spirituele ervaring behoort tot een bepaald gebied. Zij ontspingt niet uit de bliksemschichten van God. Zij die de openbaring belichamen hebben deze niet uit het niets gehaald: het bovenbewuste is het gebied van hun oorsprong. Ook is het de bakermat van de grote artistieke scheppingen. Maar laten we goed onderstrepen dat het nog een mentaal gebied is, ook al is het de top.
Wanneer het bewustzijn zich tot dit plan verheft, ziet het niet langer ‘stukje voor stukje’, maar kalm, in grote massa’s. Het is niet langer het diffuse licht van het verlichte mentale, noch de geïsoleerde flitsen van het intuïtieve mentale, maar, om die prachtige vedische uitdrukking aan te halen: ‘een oceaan van stabiele lichtflitsen.’ Het bewustzijn is niet langer beperkt door het korte moment van nu en de beperkte ruimte van het gezichtsveld .Het wordt ontsloten, het ziet in een enkele blik de grote uitgestrektheden van ruimte en tijd.
Het verschil met de andere gebieden ligt in de egale kwaliteit en de bijna volledige uniformiteit van het licht: in een verlicht mentaal dat bijzonder ontvankelijk is, zou men bijvoorbeeld een uitgestrektheid of blauwige achtergrond kunnen zien, plotselinge lichtstralen, intuïtieve flitsen, een lichtend ontluiken dat zich verplaatst, soms zelfs hele mentale watervallen, maar dit is een spel van intermitterend licht, niet iets wat stabiel is. Het is de algemene toestand van de grootste dichters die we kennen. Ze hebben een bepaald niveau of ritme bereikt.
Maar voor een bewustzijn dat volledig en blijvend bovenmentaal is, zoals bijvoorbeeld de Vedische Rishi’ ‘s dat hebben kunnen realiseren, bestaat er geen intermitterend licht meer. Het bewustzijn is dan een massa stabiel licht. Het resultaat daarvan is een ononderbroken universeel zien. Men kent de universele schoonheid, de universele liefde, want alle tegenstrijdigheden van de lagere regionen waren het gevolg van onvoldoende licht of een vernauwing van het licht. Een mens kan langs diverse wegen toegang krijgen tot het bovenmentale bewustzijn: via een religieuze, poëtische, intellectuele, artistieke of heroïsche intensiteit.
Sri Aurobindo was op zoek naar een waar leven hier op aarde. Hij kwam tot de conclusie dat de toppen van het mentale bewustzijn niet voldoende zijn om van het leven een waar leven te maken. Ook als we het bovenmentale bereiken, en de vreugde en de zingende onmetelijkheid daarvan ervaren, blijft er iets knagen. Werkelijke verandering van het menselijke leven is pas mogelijk als de menselijke natuur transformeert. Dat is mogelijk op basis van wat Sri Aurbindo het supramentale heeft genoemd. Dat is niet een niveau hoger dan het bovenmentale. Het is geen super-mentaal gebied en het heeft niet te maken met super-opstijgen. Als mens hebben we volgens Aurobindo niet primair een omvangrijker bewustzijn nodig, maar een ander, vernieuwd bewustzijn.
Mystical Experiences as a type of DSM IV-TR Religious or Spritual Problem
As Kabbalah educates :
After all, kosmic consciousness is not pathology.
maandag 1 juli 2013
Transpersoonlijke psychologie
De laatste dagen ben ik veel aan het lezen over het Esalen-instituut, en meerbepaald over de figuur van Dick Price. De manier waarop Price zijn crises bekijkt (als groeiprocessen) is heel boeiend. Indien ik het geld zou hebben zou ik een gelijkaardig project voor België op poten zetten. Soteria tracht in Nederland al iets gelijkaardigs te doen, maar ik zie het nog veel ruimer. De wereld van de isoleercellen is anno 2013 toch echt wel uit den boze, vind ik. Wat Esalen gedaan heeft is prachtig te noemen. De transpersoonlijke psychologie krijgt nog veel te weinig aandacht en er zijn weinig psychologen echt in geschoold en van op de hoogte. Daarom blijf ik geboeid Stanislav Grof en Ken Wilber lezen. Ik hoop dat het spoedig doorstroomt naar heel het domein van de psychologie, maar daarop zullen we nog wel vijf jaar moeten wachten tot het ‘tipping point’ van integraal denken bereikt is (10% van de mensheid) waarvan ontwikkelingspsychologen weten dat het op komst is. De supramentale mens van Sri Aurobindo komt dichterbij. Ooit zullen depressies en psychosen gezien worden als groeipijnen van het bewustzijn, ze kunnen zeker een inwijding van het bewustzijn teweeg brengen. Voor mij alvast, ik ben als een waanzinnige Ken Wilber boeken beginnen lezen na mijn crises uit het verleden, en ben erdoor gegroeid en heb me kunnen verrijken.
Hier nog een interessant interview met Dick Price :
Hier nog een interessant interview met Dick Price :
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