Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

vrijdag 20 september 2024

Free advice.

Do you sometimes feel burdened by stress, physical discomfort, or emotional challenges that never seem to fade, no matter what you try?

Are you seeking a way to restore balance, find inner peace, and experience genuine, lasting healing?

Perhaps you’ve been dealing with chronic pain, fatigue, or anxiety… or maybe you're looking for holistic ways to support both your mental and physical health.

If any of this resonates with you, I’m excited to invite you to The Energy That Heals Summit, happening online from October 8-14. This event is brought to you by Wisdom for Life and the Consciousness and Healing Initiative (CHI).

Register now for FREE.

This Summit is designed to help you revitalize your body, mind, and spirit by harnessing the transformative power of energy healing...

Whether you’re coping with physical discomfort, emotional overwhelm, or simply feeling disconnected from your sense of purpose, you'll find the tools, practices, and support you need.

Join us for powerful sessions led by world-renowned healers, doctors, energy medicine practitioners, and spiritual leaders as they share insights that can help you:

  • Release Chronic Pain – Learn energy healing techniques to address the root causes of physical discomfort and improve your overall well-being
  • Manage Stress & Anxiety – Discover practices like sound therapy, Qigong, and biofield healing to bring calm and balance to your life

  • Heal Emotional Wounds – Understand how energy healing can release stored trauma, helping you build resilience and move forward

  • Restore Vitality – Overcome fatigue and burnout by realigning your body’s energy systems and renewing your spirit

  • Deepen Your Spiritual Connection – Reconnect with your higher self and discover a sense of peace and purpose in your daily life
  • Support Holistic Health – Experience the integration of modern medicine with ancient healing practices, creating a pathway to comprehensive health

You’ll also have the chance to explore the latest scientific research on mind-body and biofield science, including studies on how energy healing impacts the immune system, hormones, and the vagus nerve.

Healing practitioners will find inspiration and tools to expand their practice and bring these techniques to a broader audience.

Join 50+ speakers including Deepak Chopra MD, Bruce Lipton PhD, Sharon Salzberg, Dan Siegel MD, Stephen Porges PhD, Thomas Hübl PhD, Shamini Jain PhD, Sue Morter DC, Master Mingtong Gu, Dawson Church PhD and many more.

See full details and register here for FREE.

This is your opportunity to:

  • Revitalize your body and mind
  • Find tools for emotional healing

  • Explore energy healing practices that can transform your life

  • Discover new pathways for spiritual growth and fulfillment

Register here now for FREE.

If you're ready to embrace a life of balance, vitality, and peace, we invite you to join us for this powerful and transformative event.

Our mission with The Energy That Heals Summit is to provide you with practical, holistic tools to restore your well-being and help you live a life of purpose and wholeness.

Don’t miss this chance to unlock new possibilities — join us and explore the profound healing power of energy...

Register now for FREE.


Eric Forbis
Founder, Wisdom for Life

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