Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

woensdag 18 september 2024

Wisdom of today.

A live Radio performance with a song about Cocaine Addiction called White Sweet Lady from 2009 is soon to be released on Spotify, You Tube and other platforms. I want to adress that I am clean for years now and that cocaine is the nectar of the devil. Young people don't realize this but I guess it was Tupac Shakur who realized this as well. Since I became a believer and Bhakti Yogi, I stopped all intoxication except coffee and a few times marihuana. Marihuana can be dangerous for developing brains in children according to Dr Gabriel Cousens so it is wise only to use it only for medical reasons or for a quick reminder of G-d when meditation is not possible. I left all drugs since 2019 except an experimental treatment for PTSD with MDMA which I hope will become legal for traumatized police men, firefighters and veterans. I am only releasing my work online, it's my job and I have to keep on working. It doesn't pay off a lot (because I am not always in the mainstream media but more in the underground)  but it is my contribution to society. I never signed with a major label or did a contract with the devil so to say, as many artists do to become rich and famous, but I am not a parasite. I am volunteering under MacNabb Records from Charles Jarvis, an independent label for more than a decade. I don't drink alcohol after all. Madeleine Peyroux sings that a glass of wine is okay on her latest album Let's Walk, I listened to it again today. It's inspiring. Buy it if you can.

Stay clean folks and chant Hare Krisha or Yod Hey Vah Hey

Om Tat Sat

Kristo(f) Gabriel

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