Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

zondag 7 juli 2024

Artistic work update

Dear friends,

I have remastered two tracks from 2010. One is Mercy which has been written in 2010 and is available on You Tube under Kristo Aurobino and the other track is Have You Ever Seen My Soul feat. Charles John Jarvis which was released on the Street Soul album produced by Eddy Weyns, a producer from Turnhout (only 500 copies have been distributed). The album was sold in FNAC Antwerpen, Belgium FNAC Antwerpen, Belgium and distributed through our network of friends. I don't do this work for financial reasons (in fact it costs me money to keep it online, and lots of volunteering in the past to keep Charles' website running -
It has always been my passion to make art, I started with music at a very early age. At age 6 or so I was already running around my grandmother's kitchen with a microphone :-) I avoid fame and fortune, because, as a devotee of G-d, no matter what spiritual path or religion you choose, it all is related with following your heart's purpose and become a treasure for the human race, fame can really lead to loneliness and depression if you are not guided by higher principles, and according to Swami Nardanand, get attached to it. I have an educational background with Helena Blavatsky's Theosophical Society where I studied in my twenties in the Lodge and choose the Bodhisattva Path and the Path of the Buddhas of Compassion. Currently I'm involved in Bhakti Yoga. I won't go into the details because my Spiritual Master Swami Nardanand adviced not to do so.

When the songs are available soon on Spotify, I will put the link on this website on the right. I payed also for a remastering of Have You Ever Seen My Soul? This song is about judgments we sometimes face in life when we meet ignorant people who judge us on appearances or with prejudice, whilst they have no clue about what is really going on in our lives.

Bhakti Yoga

(Sanskrit) A word derived from the verbal root bhaj. In connection with yoga and as being one of the recognized forms of it, the general signification of bhakti yoga is devotion, affectionate attachment. (See also Yoga)


(Sanskrit) A compound word: literally "he whose essence (sattva) has become intelligence (bodhi)." As explained exoterically, a bodhisattva means one who in another incarnation or in a few more incarnations will become a buddha. A bodhisattva from the standpoint of the occult teachings is more than that. When a man, a human being, has reached the state where his ego becomes conscious, fully so, of its inner divinity, becomes clothed with the buddhic ray — where, so to say, the personal man has put on the garments of inner immortality in actuality, on this earth, here and now — that man is a bodhisattva. His higher principles have nearly reached nirvana. When they do so finally, such a man is a buddha, a human buddha, a manushya-buddha. Obviously, if such a bodhisattva were to reincarnate, in the next incarnation or in a very few future incarnations thereafter, he would be a manushya-buddha. A buddha, in the esoteric teaching, is one whose higher principles can learn nothing more. They have reached nirvana and remain there; but the spiritually awakened personal man, the bodhisattva, the person made semi-divine to use popular language, instead of choosing his reward in the nirvana of a less degree, remains on earth out of pity and compassion for inferior beings, and becomes what is called a nirmanakaya. In a very mystical part of the esoteric philosophy, a bodhisattva is the representative on earth of a dhyani-buddha or celestial buddha — in other words, one who has become an incarnation or expression of his own divine monad.

Buddha(s) of Compassion

One who, having won all, gained all — gained the right to kosmic peace and bliss — renounces it so that he may return as a Son of Light in order to help humanity, and indeed all that is.

The Buddhas of Compassion are the noblest flowers of the human race. They are men who have raised themselves from humanity into quasi-divinity; and this is done by letting the light imprisoned within, the light of the inner god, pour forth and manifest itself through the humanity of the man, through the human soul of the man. Through sacrifice and abandoning of all that is mean and wrong, ignoble and paltry and selfish; through opening up the inner nature so that the god within may shine forth; in other words, through self-directed evolution, they have raised themselves from mere manhood into becoming god-men, man-gods — human divinities.

They are called Buddhas of Compassion because they feel their unity with all that is, and therefore feel intimate magnetic sympathy with all that is, and this is more and more the case as they evolve, until finally their consciousness blends with that of the universe and lives eternally and immortally, because it is at one with the universe. "The dewdrop slips into the shining sea" — its origin.

Feeling the urge of almighty love in their hearts, the Buddhas of Compassion advance forever steadily towards still greater heights of spiritual achievement; and the reason is that they have become the vehicles of universal love and universal wisdom. As impersonal love is universal, their whole nature expands consequently with the universal powers that are working through them. The Buddhas of Compassion, existing in their various degrees of evolution, form a sublime hierarchy extending from the Silent Watcher on our planet downwards through these various degrees unto themselves, and even beyond themselves to their chelas or disciples. Spiritually and mystically they contrast strongly with what Asiatic occultism, through the medium of Buddhism, has called the Pratyeka Buddhas.

Source :

TEXT 41:
The unsuccessful yogī, after many, many years of enjoyment on the planets of the pious living entities, is born into a family of righteous people, or into a family of rich aristocracy.
TEXT 42:
Or [if unsuccessful after long practice of yoga] he takes his birth in a family of transcendentalists who are surely great in wisdom. Certainly, such a birth is rare in this world.
TEXT 43:
On taking such a birth, he revives the divine consciousness of his previous life, and he again tries to make further progress in order to achieve complete success, O son of Kuru.

Source :

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