Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

dinsdag 14 mei 2024

The "Beast" computer in Belgium / Pay Cash if you can.

This Awareness indicates that today in Brussels, Belgium, there is a computer. This computer is called by its employees "The BEAST", this computer, three stories high, is tied in with 270 banks on the European continent. This computer also tied into certain banks in the United States and in Russia. This computer known as the BEAST is self programming and does have the capacity for housing a number for every entity upon this Earth. These numbers are prefixed by the three numbers: 666. This Awareness indicates that the banking system as prepared to shift their economic banking system into a computerized system wherein all entities would use a card and a number rather than cash, checks or credit.

C.A.C. Ed's note to the members: Members are reminded that those who use money for power, control and manipulation were programmed by occult forces back in Atlantis to bring about the One World slave state. These entities behind the scenes today, and many wealthy and powerful entities who support them are, according to Awareness, totally unaware of this programming and are themselves, victims of this occult programming.)

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