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Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
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dinsdag 21 mei 2024

Kim Michaels : In the golden age psychiatry and psychology will no longer be tools for the power elite.

TOPICS: The dualistic power struggle goes far back in history - leads to formation of power elite that wants to maintain its position - elite seeks to prevent emergence of a true leader - psychological suppression - a true leader liberates through ideas, not force - must think outside the box - power elite seeks to prevent a Christed leader - which institutions of society can do this? - suppression through religion - military suppression - how psychology can be used for suppression - mental health care professionals have a difficult job - people take epic mindset to extremes - open debate necessary - anyone who threatens the power elite is labelled abnormal - seeking a universal, timeless basis - psychology can become a force for helping develop the full human potential - many people exploring their full potential - the duality consciousness is seen as normal - in golden age, expressing full potential is normal - transcend materialistic basis - consciousness is the fundamental reality - creativity is always beyond normal - creativity is generally a threat to the elite - ascended masters never support status quo.

If psychology wants to be a force for progress, it needs to stop labeling it as abnormal to express the full human potential. Instead, it needs to take its focus away from abnormal (meaning lower) psychology and put it on what can indeed be the "normal" psychology for a human being, namely a higher mastery of the faculties of the mind. In the Golden Age, such mastery of the mind will indeed be seen as normal human psychology and it will be the most common as well. Of course, for this goal to be truly pursued, it will be necessary with a candid debate about the current materialistic basis for psychology—a philosophy that has been invalidated by physicists proving that the human mind can interact directly with the most fundamental level of matter. Thus, a philosophy based on a separation between matter and mind is hopelessly obsolete and can never serve to help people develop the full human potential— which is precisely for the mind to take dominion over the material world instead of being dominated by it.

In the Golden Age, psychology will be based on a world view that recognizes consciousness as the underlying reality. In other words, all material phenomena are the expressions of matrices in 48 consciousness, and thus the only way to truly change material conditions is to change consciousness. Psychology will therefore be dedicated to helping people develop and express their full human/spiritual potential, which among other things means that there can be no definition of what is normal and abnormal behavior. You see, in order to evaluate what is normal and abnormal, you must define a standard. And ANY standard you define will serve to counteract the development of the full human potential. Why is this so? It is so because creativity CANNOT BE PREDEFINED. There is NO standard for creativity. Creativity is that which is new, meaning that by definition it is beyond the status quo, beyond the norm, beyond the current standard, beyond the current mental box. Thus, the progress of humanity can be seen as a question of whether the collective consciousness is dominated by a creative mindset or by a non-creative mindset. Any power elite has a noncreative mindset, which is why an elite sees creativity as a threat and must seek to suppress it. If various power elites had been successful, humankind would still have been living at the level of feudal societies or the Roman empire. Do you see why? ANY new idea or invention that brought society forward has ALWAYS been a threat to the status quo. Power elites have always been seeking to define ideas and philosophies that prevent people from expressing their full potential and thereby becoming the open doors for new ideas that overthrow the current status quo and thus bring society one step closer to the potential for the Golden Age. Thus, the profession of psychology faces the inevitable question of whether it will transform itself into a creative activity or whether it will continue to 49 be an activity that can only limit the human potential. There really are no other options, as you must choose either life or death. In that connection, let me say that there are some among ascended master students who seem to think that we of the ascended masters always support a conservative political agenda, and in the United States that means supporting the Republican party. Yet is it not so that conservative political parties tend to want to maintain status quo and "traditional values?" So I ask you to question whether you think current society is indeed living up to the potential for a golden age society? If your answer is "Yes," then there is nothing further I can do for you. If the answer is "No," then let me ask you to consider how we can get from current conditions to a golden age society? Do you think we can bring positive change by maintaining the status quo? You see, my beloved, this simply cannot be done. Change cannot be brought by those who seek to maintain status quo. And thus, inasmuch as conservative political parties are focused on maintaing status quo – call it "law and order" if you will – then we of the ascended masters do not support such parties. We support those who are willing to question anything in order to open up for the true creativity that goes beyond all boundaries and thus is open to the creative ideas that will indeed bring the Golden Age. So to tie back to what my brother Jesus said about the individual perspective and balance, it should be clear that one does not help to "defeat" the power elite by fighting it in a dualistic battle. The existence of a power elite (or several) is a product of the dualistic consciousness, which maintains the dualistic struggle between opposites. And the ONLY way to truly "defeat" the power elite is for a critical mass of people to rise above the dualistic mindset, 50 whereby the power of God will remove the power elite from this planet. And – as I trust some will understand – rising above the dualistic mindset can only be done through balance. One does not become the Christ by going into this or that extreme but by transcending all extremes until one is able to express and demonstrate one's spiritual beliefs in a balanced manner. And once this is achieved, the psychological profession will not be a threat—at least not in societies that are moving towards becoming more tolerant and inclusive. You see – do you not – that even though this move may seem to be a threat to "traditional values," it is indeed necessary for society to move away from the standard of normal and abnormal that aborts the human potential. One cannot give people freedom to express Christhood without at the same time giving them freedom to express the consciousness of anti-christ in its extremes. And this is indeed in order, as the expression of dualistic extremes makes the extremes more visible and thus gives people a better opportunity for choosing an alternative— especially when they encounter someone who has transcended the dualistic mindset and can express non-dualistic ideas. Thus, the need for Christed beings who can give people and society a frame of reference beyond the dualistic illusions. Copyright

© 2010 by Kim Michaels

Keep in heart that the Muslim faith doesn’t believe in the Cruxifiction. Jesus was not killed but a body double was taken. They – so to speak – faked His death, according to the Muslims. And this is very important for the future : Thus, if the psychological profession is truly dedicated to helping people, it would do well to transform itself into a profession and institution that has as its main goal to pursue any effective philosophy or methodology for helping people explore and develop the full human potential. As it is today, psychology has a very narrow definition of what is normal human behavior, a definition that simply does not allow for the expression of the full human potential. As I said earlier, at this time many people are exhibiting unbalanced and extremist behavior. Yet at the same time many people are pushing the boundaries for the human potential, and even though this is precisely what can take society into the Golden Age, it is likely to be labeled as abnormal behavior by current psychologists. Thus, there are already examples of people who have been committed to mental institutions simply because psychologists and psychiatrists are using a far too narrow definition of normal and abnormal behavior. Some should be able to see the irony in the fact that psychology is now persecuting those who go beyond the current mental box, precisely as the Inquisition did in centuries past.

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