Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

dinsdag 14 mei 2024

Kris Lotlikar, Executive Director @ MAPS.

Kris Lotlikar serves as the Executive Director of MAPS, overseeing financing and strategic direction of MAPS’ organizations globally. Since joining the MAPS, Kris helped shepherd Lykos Therapeutics into the leading psychedelic drug development company, raising over $100 million for MAPS and Lykos Therapeutics. Kris’s passion and expertise is in building high-performing organizations in nascent and innovative markets: climate solutions, cannabis, and psychedelics.  

In 2002, Kris co-founded Renewable Choice, which was instrumental in creating modern renewable markets. During his 15-year tenure as President, Renewable Choice executed industry-defining financial transactions for Whole Food Market (2006), Steelcase (2010), Amazon (2015), and Walmart (2018) leading to over 10,000 MW of new generation capacity. Renewable Choice was awarded Green Power Supplier of the Year four times between 2011 and 2016 by the EPA. Renewable Choice was acquired by Schneider Electric in 2017 and continues to be a global leader with a dominant market share. Schneider Electric was ranked the World’s Most Sustainable Company in the 2021 by Corporate Knights Global 100 Index. 

Kris was also active in defining the early cannabis industry as founder of Arcview Market Research. He produced the first cannabis market reports in 2011 and 2013, correctly predicting the five-year market size of $10 billion in retail sales by 2018. He served on the Board of Directors of the Arcview Group which facilitated over $1B of early capital into the industry. 

Kris maintains a life-long commitment to changing drug and criminal justice laws. Kris founded Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP) in 1998, which has grown to be a UN-recognized NGO with a presence on 300 campuses in 32 countries. Kris has served on the Board of Directors for SSDP, the League of Young Votes, the Flex Your Rights Foundation. Kris believes confronting stigmas around mental health and drug users is key to unlocking the human potential for healing and happiness.

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