Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

maandag 13 mei 2024

Gayatri Mantra 432 hz

Shreyas Narasimhan

There are many benefits by chanting Gayathri Mantra:

  • It increases Learning Power.
  • It increases Concentration Power.
  • It brings Prosperity
  • It brings peace within
  • It helps in improving rhythmic pattern of breathing.
  • It protects one from unforeseen dangers and drives towards divine intuition.
  • It improves Family Life.

I have observed, closely the life of these people and I found that-1. They were very healthy all through their life. They seldom fell ill and never seriously ill.

2.These people were born poor, but due to their hard work,intelligence and diligence, they rose in their respective work field, and some of them to very high positions.

3.All these people, are of high character, never took bribe, inspite the fact that they could do it, due to their position in Govt. Service.

4.These people, became well off, financially, when they reached maturity of their job.

5.Gayatri Chant is itself complete. It can bestow all Purusharthas to a person depending on it. It can give him Dharma, Arth, Kam and ultimately the Param Purushartha I. e. Moksha.

6.Even if a person is at very low level in society, if he is a regular practicener of Gayatri Japa, he will ultimately be raised higher and higher.

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