Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

vrijdag 27 september 2024

Family of brainwashing victim speaks out.

Medicinal Cannabis as a Deprogramming Aid

Medicinal cannabis can be used to aid deprogramming and in some cases can make or break the deprogramming process. Medicinal cannabis can aid with learning new things in the internal worlds and also receiving relief from the issues surrounding anxiety, stress and depression that may arise from the deprogramming process.

The best preparation for cannabis as a medicine is in tincture form as an extract or oil. Simply smoking it as a dry herb will slightly weaken the trauma walls which can gain access to memories easier. There are healthier ways to use it for deprogramming. There are also other cannabinoids that aren’t THC which can be used to help deprogramming.

THC is the part of marijuana that does get you high, however it does play a role to aid undoing the mind control. Alters at times will request THC as they say it weakens the trauma walls in the brain which shows in the Internal Worlds. This allows information to seep through more easily. A higher dose of THC can achieve this, however the experience will be more intense when deprogramming. Smoking has a more profound intense effect, as this may activate more system defences from the memory leaks or programming to try prevent cannabis use.

A lower dose of THC along with the CBD on a daily basis will help with the anxiety, and personally one author finds this combination helps with the PTSD symptoms and lessens shaking hands from nervous system damage. Medicinal cannabis can potentially be created and used in the internal worlds also.

Note: I believe as of January 2017 – CBD has become Schedule 1 drug in the USA, making it illegal. This means it has no medicinal benefit also, so the reclassification is strange. Although still legal on some state levels, CBD should now be considered federally illegal.


CBD is the secondary cannabinoid in marijuana (depending on the plant strain). CBD will not get you high, however it has amazing medicinal benefits. It’s a natural anxiolytic (antianxiety), antipsychotic and more. It’s impossible to overdose on, and has very little side effects, if any at all.The first notable effect when having CBD is all the alters in the system instantly feel more calm and relaxed, and get along better in general! CBD also helps speed the healing process, if the survivor is recovering.

One vendor who is very excellent and provides quality CBD oil that contains other cannabinoids is Lars. His website is

More info for survivors :

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