Kristof Gabriel Van Hooymissen - Jambers.doc.

"Complotdenken is geen geestesziekte." - Peter Vereecke 'A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what's going on. A psychotic is a guy who's just found out what's going on.' William S. Burroughs This psychiatric period started after reading the Gospel of John. A few years later my kundalini awakened and I entered the Spiritual Path. Many people in institutions have an awakened kundalini. I was under mind control believing that psychiatry was real, whilst psychiatry is the C.I.A. vehicle for MK-Ultra. You think there are no conspiracies? Read The Conspirators' hierarchy : the story of the Committee of 300 (The Conspirators Hierarchy, the Committee of 300) Book by John Coleman. Now we know. Expose them. The kundalini process or a slower form of awakening from the bubble can present many challenges and be very confusing as our perceptions begin to transform. Suddenly the world doesn't seem the same anymore and those around you may believe you have 'gone crazy'. Many people who end up under psychiatric treatment are only having a kundalini experience and they may have strange new perceptions or 'hear voices' as the activation connects them with other sources of information and influence beyond the five senses. This settles down eventually in most people, but by then many are prescribed drugs by clueless psychiatrists who don't know what is happening or even the very nature of the human being. Such drugging (suppression of awakening) can be encouraged by family members who also have no idea what is going on. Such are the consequences of 'educated' ignorance. David Icke, The answer The man who has been proved right again and again.

Wisdom of today.

A live Radio performance with a song about Cocaine Addiction called White Sweet Lady from 2009 is soon to be released on Spotify, You Tube and other platforms. I want to adress that I am clean for years now and that cocaine is the nectar of the devil. Young people don't realize this but I guess it was Tupac Shakur who realized this as well. Since I became a believer and Bhakti Yogi, I stopped all intoxication except coffee and a few times marihuana. Marihuana can be dangerous for developing brains in children according to Dr Gabriel Cousens so it is wise only to use it only for medical reasons or for a quick reminder of G-d when meditation is not possible. I left all drugs since 2019 except an experimental treatment for PTSD with MDMA which I hope will become legal for traumatized police men, firefights and veterans. I am only releasing my work online, it's my job and I have to keep on working. It doesn't pay off a lot (because I am not always in the mainstream media but more in the underground)  but it is my contribution to society. I never signed with a major label or did a contract with the devil so to say, as many artists do to became rich and famous, but I am not a parasite. I am volunteering under MacNabb Records from Charles Jarvis, an independent label for more than a decade. I don't drink alcohol after all. Madeleine Peyroux sings that a glass of wine is okay on her latest album Let's Walk, I listened to it again today. It's inspiring. Buy it if you can.

Stay clean folks and chant Hare Krisha or Yod Hey Vah Hey

Om Tat Sat

Kristo(f) Gabriel

Prayer of today.

I hope and have full faith and confidence that all GASLIGHTERS of the past and present (and future) will be exposed and face justice. Their time is coming to an end.


Kristo Gabriel

Wisdom of today.

The devotee should sing the name and glories of God. The path of karma is not the right one for the Kaliyuga. Bhakti Yoga is the right path. Do your duties in the world as long as you need them to reap the fruit of the actions of your past lives. #RamkrishnaParamahamsa

Krachtige YHVH Mantra Chant! YHVH Song 2 Hours Black Screen (Yod He Vav He) - Meditatiemuziek.


The holy name and spelling of God in ancient Hebrew. Alternately pronounced “Yaw-way” or “Yay-wah,” both pronunciations being equally correct and interchangeable. Both the spelling and sound bring God’s protection and frighten all agents and allies of The Dark Lodge into cowardly retreat. 

dinsdag 17 september 2024


“I warn you about him, and every prophet warned his followers about him; but I will tell you something about him which no prophet has told his followers: Dajjal is one-eyed whereas Allah is not.” (Bukhari)

Five Ways to Protect Ourselves from the Dajjal

Recite Surah al-Kahf

Prophet Muhammad (sa) instructed us to memorise and recite the first and last ten verses of Surah al-Kahf for protection against the Antichrist. He said:

“If anyone learns by heart the first ten verses of Surah al-Kahf, he will be protected from the Dajjal.” (Muslim)

In another hadith, he said:

“(Whoever commits to memory) the last ten verses of Surat al-Kahf will be protected from (the trial of) Dajjal (Antichrist).” (Muslim)

Moreover, while reciting the verses of Soorat al-Kahf, we must also keep in mind the life lessons contained within these verses. These lessons will help us enrich our faith.

  1. Hold fast to the Quran
  2. Know the reality of this world
  3. Remember Allah
  4. Sincerity
  5. Stay away from polytheism
  6. Hasten to perform good deeds

Martelen : Amnesty International stelt zich ten doel het martelen de wereld uit te helpen. Simon Vinkenoog in 1974. (Dutch)


Amnesty International stelt zich ten doel het martelen de wereld uit te helpen; deze sociale plaag moet volgens deze organisatie net zo wereldwijd aangevat worden als honderd jaar geleden de slavernij … Ik spreek niet van de andere idealistische ondernemingen, die de moord op trekvogels willen doen stoppen, of de mensonterende wijze waarop de bioindustrie pluimvee, varkens en kalveren vetmest, zoals de mens in het Westen zich nog steeds vetmest ten koste van bewoners in andere werelddelen …

Ik heb het over martelen, dat wil zeggen wat de ene mens de andere aandoet, door de eeuwen heen heeft kunnen aandoen. Moeten wij niet beginnen het idee van de mens op een hoger plan te stellen? Ons via opvoeding, psychologie, zelfkennis en stichtend optreden ontdoen van de angsten, agressies, schuldgevoelens en andere sado-masochistische kenmerken van het verleden? Voorlopig misschien in eigen omgeving?
Het is al een stuk genezing (en genezing is het, waar het altijd gaat) als je heel dicht bij huis begint : ik martel niet en wil niet gemarteld worden, ik pijnig niet en wil niet gepijnigd worden, ik kwets niet en wil niet gekwetst worden: langzamerhand, op de o zo moeilijke weg van de uiterste geweldloosheid kom je vanzelf wel tot de ontdekking dat er nog heen veel werk aan de winkel is, en dat je jezelf nog voortdurend kunt betrappen op onachtzaamheden.
Maar je bent niet alleen; niet alleen in de strijd om hoger bewustzijn. Je hebt de wetenschap aan je zijde, de religie en de kunst, die opperste uitingen van de menselijke vermetelheid, die nimmer genoegen nemen met de stand van zaken zoals die is, en altijd blijven zoeken naar verlichtender waarheden …

Zo ben ik er steeds meer van overtuigd geraakt, dat wij in ons leven als mensen niet alleen staan, maar voortdurend worden begeleid door onzichtbare helpers en in bijzondere gevallen ook Meesters, in mythen van verschillende origine 'schutsengelen', guardian angels of het 'Hogere Zelf' genaamd, die dan werkelijk optreden als wij zelf door ons doen en laten blijkgeven van een oppermachtige wil meer te weten van wat reilt en zeilt, dan van buitenaf te ervaren.

Simon Vinkenoog, Wereld in Beweging, 1974, Herem'ntijd

Kristo Gabriel : Maha Mantra (Chant and Be Happy).

[M]any in the crowd of about a hundred persons standing around the chanters found themselves swaying to or clapping hands in time to the hypnotic rhythmic music. “It brings a state of ecstasy,” said Allen Ginsberg the poet. “The ecstasy of the chant or mantra Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare / Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare has replaced LSD and other drugs for many of the Swami’s followers.”

At the same time, New York’s avant-garde newspaper The East Village Other ran a front-page story with a full-page photograph of Śrīla Prabhupāda standing and speaking to a large group of people in the park. The banner headline read “SAVE EARTH NOW!!” and in large type just below the picture, the mahā-mantra was printed: “HARE KRISHNA HARE KRISHNA KRISHNA KRISHNA HARE HARE HARE RAMA HARE RAMA RAMA RAMA HARE HARE.” The article admired the chanting and described how Śrīla Prabhupāda “had succeeded in convincing the world’s toughest audience – Bohemians, acidheads, potheads, and hippies – that he knew the way to God.”

Turn Off, Sing Out, and Fall In. This new brand of holy man, with all due deference to Dr. Leary, has come forth with a brand of “Consciousness Expansion” that’s sweeter than acid, cheaper than pot, and nonbustible by fuzz.

The newspaper story described how a visit to the temple at 26 Second Avenue would bring “living, visible, tangible proof” that God is alive and well. The story quoted one of Śrīla Prabhupāda’s new disciples:

I started chanting to myself, like the Swami said, when I was walking down the street – Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare / Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare – over and over, and suddenly everything started looking so beautiful, the kids, the old men and women ... even the creeps looked beautiful ... to say nothing of the trees and flowers.

Finding it superior to the euphoria from any kind of drug, he said,

There’s no coming down from this. I can always do this any time, anywhere. It is always with you.

To San Francisco and Beyond

Early in 1967, several of Śrīla Prabhupāda’s disciples left New York and opened a temple in the heart of San Francisco’s Haight-Ashbury district, home for thousands of hippies and “flower children” from all over the country. Within a short time, Śrīla Prabhupāda’s temple there had become a spiritual haven for troubled, searching, and sometimes desperate young people. Drug overdoses were common, and hundreds of confused, dazed, and disenchanted young Americans roamed the streets.

Haridāsa, the first president of the San Francisco temple, remembers what it was like.

Haridāsa: The hippies needed all the help they could get, and they knew it. And the Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa temple was certainly a kind of spiritual haven. Kids sensed it. They were running, living on the streets, no place where they could go, where they could rest, where people weren’t going to hurt them.

I think it saved a lot of lives; there might have been a lot more casualties if it hadn’t been for Hare Kṛṣṇa. It was like opening a temple in a battlefield. It was the hardest place to do it, but it was the place where it was most needed. Although the Swami had no precedents for dealing with any of this, he applied the chanting with miraculous results. The chanting was wonderful. It worked.

Michael Bowen, an artist and one of the leading figures of the Haight-Ashbury scene, recalled that Śrīla Prabhupāda had “an amazing ability to get people off drugs, especially speed, heroin, burnt-out LSD cases – all of that.”

Every day at the temple devotees cooked and served to over two hundred young people a free, sumptuous multi-course lunch of vegetarian food offered to Kṛṣṇa. Many local merchants helped to make this possible by donating to the cause. An early San Francisco devotee recalls those days.

Harṣarāṇī: People who were plain lost or needed comforting ... sort of wandered or staggered into the temple. Some of them stayed and became devotees, and some just took prasāda [spiritual food] and left. Just from a medical standpoint, doctors didn’t know what to do with people on LSD. The police and the free clinics in the area couldn’t handle the overload of people taking LSD. The police saw Swamiji [Śrīla Prabhupāda] as a certain refuge.

Much: Our Last Time w/ Kurt Cobain (1993).

Het geheime genootschap (De Illuminati) was van plan om Kurt Cobain te gebruiken als instrument voor hersenspoeling, maar de frontman van Nirvana was erg terughoudend om hieraan mee te werken.

The 90s was a time period that the media was really powerful. People still use the same tactics the mainstream has used on the public. It's time to. Break out of that system of thought

Prayer to G-d, the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Ascended Host of Masters to awaken the human population to the fact that the powers that were want to drug everyone into slavery and it has to stop. NOW.

"There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution." Aldous Huxley, Tavistock Group, California Medical School, 1961 This is where we are going and it has to stop.

U2, A. R. Rahman - Ahimsa (Lyric Video).

Ahimsa (non-violence) - important in yoga.
Sutra 2.35: ahimsā-pratiṣthāyām tat-sannidhau vaira-tyāgaḥ · In the presence of one who is firmly established in nonviolence, hostility recedes.
Thanks to Dr Gabriel Cousens for the inspiration.

Strategic Vision: America and the Crisis of Global Power.

Even Brzezinski knew that for the first time in human history,
humanity has become politically awakened.

K. Gabriel

Wisdom of today : Nostradamus and Dolores Cannon.

Nostradamus V-24

The kingdom and law raised under Venus, Saturn will dominate Jupiter. Law and empire raised by the Sun, will endure the worst through those of Saturn.

He (Nostradamus) says this refers to the organization run by the one he has referred to as "Ogmios". This organization will survive through the worst of the troubled times and serve as a basis of future governments after the Anti-Christ has been put down. He says the glory and the positive nature of the sun will be behind Ogmios and help him go through the worst. Ogmios is a man of great stature. He will be a gruff kind of very direct person. This man makes a good friend but he says you wouldn't want him as your enemy. That's why he makes such a good adversary for the Anti-Christ. He will be an upstanding man of strong principles and morals. The principles are his own and not influenced by ecclesiastica. That's why he's the one to bring about the downfall of the Anti-Christ, for this man is a leader and will have an organization under him to help with his quest. But he says he won't want to have a ring in in his nose.

Source :

Wijsheid van de dag / Wisdom of today by Simon Vinkenoog.

Hoe komt een kunstenaar aan zijn bestaansmiddelen? Door altijd aan het werk te blijven, productief, enthousiast, energiek, met zijn hart verpand aan wat hij het liefste doet.

Comment un artiste gagne-t-il sa vie ? En restant toujours au travail, productif, enthousiaste, énergique, avec son cœur dévoué à ce qu'il aime le plus.

How does an artist make a living? By always working, productive, enthusiastic, energetic, with his heart devoted to what he loves most.

Source :

Wisdom of today.

"The Christian of the future will be a mystic." - Ken Wilber

Sad for the Catholic Church but the karma of the persecution of those with free thought like the Cathars and the Gnostics and the Templars and the Freemasons is now turning unto them. That's karma folks. And it's good.

Every institution wether it is religious or scientific like psychiatry that suppresses and drugs people who don't want this, are destroying themselves.

Thomas Szasz was the wisest.

Kristo Gabriel

Gabriel Cousens : [UPDATE] Protection & Prevention Protocol.

 Part 1

'The 4-Must Have'

Recommended daily dosage: 

1 . Illumodine, Iodine

    - 25 drops X 2-3 times a day - start gradually 5, 10, 15... increase after a few days, must be 15 minutes before any other supplement/food 

2 . MegaDefense, immune support

    - 3 capsules X 2 a day


3 . Rad Neutral, removes radiation

    - 10 drops x once a day. must be away from any other supplement/food


4 . Quercetin

    - 500mg X 2 a day

Part 2

'The Second Layer'

1 . NATTOXYM Anti-clotting Systemic Enzyme (Nattokinase)

    - 1 capsule x 2 a day - should be taken at least half an hour away from other supplements/ food.


2 . Radiance C, natural vitamin C

    -  2-4 capsules x 2 a day


3 . Raw B Code, B vitamins complex

   - 2 capsules x 2 a day


4 . Zinc

   - 1 teaspoon of Angstrom Zinc / 30-60mg x once a day


5 . Vitamin D3

   - 5-10 drops X 1 / 5,000 - 10,000 IU  x 1 a day


6 . 'Chin Up' Homeopathic remedy

   -  7 drops once a month

Part 3 - 'Additional Support'

1 . RMA (Red Marine Algae)

- 1 capsule once a day

2 . NAC (n-acetyl-l-cysteine)

- 1 capsule/ 900mg once a day

3 . Liquid Vitamin A Palmitate

- up to 25,000 IU once a day

4 . SR-CoQ10 with PQQ (CoQ10)

- 1 capsule x 2 a day

5 . Dandelion extract

- 1 dropper a day Tachyonized Spirulina - 3 tablets x 2 a day

6 . OS-BRA Tachyonized Brain & Cerebral Tonic 

- 1 dropper x 1 a day

7 . Goji and Schizandra drops, Dragon Herbs

- 1 dropper x 2 a day

8 . Selenium Solution

-  1 teaspoon once a day

9A . Colloidal Silver -  Argentyn23 / ACS

- 1 tablespoon once a day


9B . Coated Silver by David Wolfe

4 months ago : Kristo Gabriel : Shaktipat, Path of Love, Music, Meditation.

My scabies was very well treated with Ivermectine.

zondag 15 september 2024

Nostradamus, was He right?

Nostradamus prophecy: Quatrain 7, 14

Faux esposer viendra topographie,

Seront les cruches des monuments ouvertes:

Pulluler secte saincte philosophie,

Pour blanches, noirs, & pour antiques verts.

He will come to expose the false topography,

the urns of the tombs will be opened.

Sect and holy philosophy to thrive,

black for white and the new for the old.

Source :

More info :

Prabhupada 0872 - It is Essential that the Human Society must be Divided into Four Divisions.

 750519 - Lecture SB - Melbourne

So at the present moment, practically there is no brāhmaṇa, no kṣatriya, no vaiśya, only śūdras, fourth-class men. So you cannot expect any happiness guided by the fourth-class men. That is not possible. Therefore throughout the whole world there is chaotic condition. Nobody is happy. So this is essential that the human society must be divided into four divisions. The brāhmaṇa class means the first-class ideal men, so that by the seeing their character, their behavior, others will try to follow. Yad yad ācarati śreṣṭhaḥ (BG 3.21). So this Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement means we are trying to create some first-class men. This is Kṛṣṇa consciousness, this movement. So therefore we have got these rules and regulation: no illicit sex, no meat-eating, no intoxication, no gambling. This is the preliminary qualification of a first-class man. So we are trying our bit to make some men ideal first-class men. But formerly it was there. Catur...

Still there is. You don't think that all men are of the same intelligence or same category. No. Still there is intelligent class of men. Just like those who are scientists or philosophers, religionist, they are supposed to be first-class men. But unfortunately, now nobody can recognize who is first class and last class. So for proper management of the whole society the first-class, second-class, third-class men must be there. Just like in your body there are different parts of the body: the head, the arm, the belly and the leg. This is natural. So without head, if we have simply the arms and belly and legs, it is a dead body. So unless you are guided, the human society, by the first-class men, the whole society is dead society. There must be division according to cātur-varṇyaṁ mayā sṛṣṭaṁ guṇa-karma... (BG 4.13). Not by birth, but by quality. So anyone can be trained up first class, second class, as he likes. That is called civilization.

Some men should be trained up as first-class men, some men should be trained up as second-class men, and some men should be trained up as third-class men, and balance, who cannot be trained up, they can assist the other three higher class. That is called śūdra. So...

(break) ...that is not possible. A human being, if he is properly trained up, if he is willing to take the instruction, he can be made first class. Never mind. By birth one may be born in a low class, it doesn't matter. But by training, he can become first class. That is the injunction of the Bhagavad-gītā.

māṁ hi pārtha vyapāśritya
ye 'pi syuḥ pāpa-yonayaḥ
striyaḥ śūdrāḥ tathā vaiśyā
te 'pi yānti parāṁ gatim
(BG 9.32)

Parāṁ gatim. Parāṁ gatim means to go back to home, back to Godhead—that is our real home, the spiritual world—and live there eternally, blissfully, with full knowledge. That is our real position. So here we have come in this material world for material enjoyment. And the more we are making plan for material enjoyment, the more we are becoming entangled. That we do not know. They are thinking that material sense enjoyment is the aim of life. No, that is not the aim of life. That is the way to become more and more entangled.

Source :

Wijsheid van de dag (Dutch)

"Het supramentale bewustzijn is het zonnebewustzijn. Het is bolvormig."

Parafrase van Sri Aurobindo

Door de eeuwen heen echter hebben kunstenaars, visionairen en dichters uitstapjes gemaakt in regionen waarin mentale activiteit verstomde en waardoor zij toegang kregen tot intuïtieve beelden en informatie. Ook Aurobindo en Moeder hebben al deze regionen geëxploreerd. Op een bepaald moment kwamen zij in gigantische werelden van licht, liefde en absolute vreugde en geluk.

Er zijn duizend-en-één tegenstrijdige opinies over alles en nog wat. Vandaag hebben mensen en gemeenschappen het zo moeilijk om elkaar nog te begrijpen. In onze informatiemaatschappij weet niemand echt meer wat ‘waar’ en wat ‘verkeerd’ is. Post-moderne filosofen redeneren dan ook dat elke waarheid relatief is en context gebonden. Eigenlijk zouden ze zich allen kunnen aansluiten bij Aurobindo die 100 jaar geleden al stelde: “Het denken is een instrument van Onwetendheid.”

Voor een diepere benadering verwijs ik graag naar de 2 waarheden doctrine van heer Gautama Buddha.

Volgens Sri Aurobindo is een zwarte kat een symbool van zwarte magie. Laat dit nu aub geen reden zijn om een heksenjacht te organiseren op iedereen die een zwarte kat heeft. Zwarte magie raakt op lange termijn toch degene die ze toepast, ze is dus zelf-destructief.,en%20omega%20van%20ons%20bestaan.&text=In%20het%20begin%20van%20de,verzet%20tegen%20de%20Britse%20overheersing.