Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

woensdag 21 augustus 2024

The Maha Mantra as an andidote for Kali Yuga.

“Although Kali-yuga is an ocean of faults, there is still one good quality about this age: simply by chanting the names of Krishna, one can become free from material bondage and be promoted to the transcendental kingdom.”

In other yugas, the yuga-dharma (process of self-realization for the age) is much more difficult. For example, in the satya-yuga, the yuga-dharma is ashtanga-yoga. People would have to live alone in the forests and engage in severe austerities and meditation for thousands of years to come to the platform of self-realization. Such a process is difficult even in the exalted age of satya-yuga. In the kali-yuga the Lord gives us one very special benediction. Since we have lost all good qualities, and since we have no proper qualification, the Lord gives us the simplest and quickest method for self-realization – chanting His holy names.

harer nama harer nama
harer namaiva kevalam
kalau nastyeva nastyeva
nastyeva gatir anyatha

“In the age of Kali there is no other way to attain the supreme destination of life except the chanting of the names of Sri Hari. There is no other way, no other way, no other way.”

Thus despite all of the sinful qualities of this age, we have the greatest opportunity to advance spiritually. What the sages and rishis spent thousands of years meditating for, we can attain simply by mantra japam (chanting the Lord’s name):

hare krishna, hare krishna, krishna krishna, hare hare,
hare rama, hare rama, rama rama, hare hare

For this reason the great sage Narada Muni has actually glorified the age of kali as the best of all the yugas. The negative qualities are no comparison to the great spiritual opportunity we are given in this age. Please take advantage of this special mercy given by the Lord and chant His holy names daily.

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