Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

donderdag 22 februari 2024

Vitamine B3 for good mental health. #nonprofit #holisticmedicine #orthomolecularmedicine

Niacin (vitamin B3) is a small molecule made of only 14 atoms, smaller even than the simplest sugar. But this one molecule has profound effects on health: it plays a role in more than 500 reactions in the body. Many illnesses are caused by too little niacin, and many illnesses can be cured with high doses of niacin. The authors of Niacin: The Real Story are advocates of orthomolecular (nutrition-based) medicine, supporting an approach to wellness that involves substances that naturally occur in the human body. This book makes the case for the widespread use of niacin for the prevention and treatment of health problems. In Niacin: The Real Story listeners will discover how to take niacin, with detailed recommendations on forms and therapeutic doses. There is plentiful, accurate information on niacin side effects and safety. Niacin can be used for arthritis, children's learning and behavioral disorders, mental illness, cardiovascular disease, and other conditions. Niacin: The Real Story is for people who want to learn more about niacin and its wonderful healing properties.

Special thanks to Mike and Dr Richard Sacks from the Planetary Healing Club.

What is Planetary Healing Club?

I needed a private place online, in the form of an ongoing weekly "webinar" for members only, where I could share with you the results of more than 50 years experimental research into forbidden health information, as well as the forgotten consciousness tools needed to actually make the health information work, and to transform your life for the better in more ways than you can imagine right now. Starting in January 2018, that place online was established and Planetary Healing Club was launched. 

Why is Doing This So Controversial?

Real health information has been hidden from us for a long time. Yet it has been known to real teachers in every age since the beginning of humanity on this planet. Pythagorus, Hippocrates, Paracelsus and countless others, most of whom we have never heard of, were aware of parts of the picture. Jesus and some of the others were most likely conversant with all of it, and taught how to use fasting and lifestyle changes for health, life transformation and opening consciousness, to the Essenes who were alive during his lifetime on Earth. 

Why is Consciousness Involved in Regaining Health?

Jesus taught the Essenes how to use the body's built in detox system to remove deposits of poisons, to remove the basic causes of disease and what is called "aging," and to maximize natural immunity. He also taught them how to rebuild the body after cleaning it at the cellular level. You can see some of the details in the Essene Gospel of Peace, book 1, now out of print, but fortunately still available to you free of charge, in PDF ( Needless to say, this important part of Jesus' work never made it into our official scriptures of today. Along with how to live in harmony with physical laws of nature to regain health, he also taught that a change in consciousness was required in order to make the best use of the detox and rebuilding processes. It's about much more than physical health. In fact, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health are all intimately connected. In the long run, we need them all. So the consciousness tools that are part of regaining health on all levels are essential.

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