Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

woensdag 17 januari 2024

Conclusion Zoom-session Dr Gabriel Cousens about European Enlightenment.

Let us not take sides in all the conflicts that happen but focus on G-d, said Doctor Cousens. This is how we help everyone. The peace meditations are the perfect way to help. It really is about everyone. As far as drugs are concerned, politicians and the police will not solve this if people's awareness does not increase. Drugs enslave people and are used by dark forces to enslave a community. There is good news: from the spring of 2025, the transition to the thousand-year peace will begin, which will become a complete reality in 2075 according to the Essenes and according to the predictions the Satanic forces will be defeated.

Vaccination causes an immune disease called VAIDS. 20% of people die within a year, 50% within 5 years and 75% within 20 years. Things that help are Ivermectin, Zinc for the heart and resveratrol for the heart. Vaccinated people suffer more from anxiety and depression and appear to have lost their connection with G-d. It also gives a mental fog in the head. Dr Cousens has a meditation to erase all injected materials.

To help addicts to come clean, Dr Cousens indicated the importance of fasting for 7 days. An awakening of consciousness is also necessary, they must realize that they enslave themselves. The awakening must also happen in the entire community.

He also emphasized again that kundalini or spiritual awakening is not the same as psychosis, although it may seem so. Contact Him personally if you need help.

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