Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

maandag 4 december 2023

Wisdom of today.

Although there is a worldwide trend of increasing violence, massacres, assassinations, and human atrocities, (in which the US is not even listed in the top 25 countries for murders from all causes), it is more useful to look at America to deepen our understanding of the increasing murderous violence throughout the US, highlighted by the Florida mass killing at Parkland School. Summarily, when a nation’s leaders act in homicidal, cruel and amoral ways; when society undermines the natural human inclination toward non-violence against other humans with pro-violent entertainment and first-person shooter games; when it ignores the increased homicidal and suicidal tendencies associated with anti-depressants and antipsychotics; and when it ignores the degenerative societal effects of fatherless homes on sons and daughters… it all adds up to a toxic synergy of increased tendencies towards murder. For example, the cities with extensive gun control have the highest murder rates – Chicago (25.1 murders per 100,000 people), New Orleans (41.68 murders per 100,000 people), Detroit (43.82 murders per 100,000 people), Baltimore (55.37 murders per 100,000 people), and Saint Louis (59.29 murders per 100,000 people). 16.74 murders per 100,000 people), South Bend (16.79 murders per 100,000 people), Indianapolis (17.12 murders per 100,000 people), and Miami (17.14 murders per 100,000 people).

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